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President Ana Mari Cauce visits Olympia – January 24

Yesterday, President Ana Mari Cauce visited Olympia to advocate for the University’s 2017 legislative priorities.

She kicked off the morning at the Senate Higher Education committee for a joint presentation with Dr. Suzanne Allen, vice dean for academic, rural and regional affairs at the UW School of Medicine, Ian Goodhew, director of government relations for UW Medicine, and Dr. Courtney Law, director of the Regional Health Partnership with Gonzaga University, to talk about the importance of increasing the number of Washington students in the WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, Idaho) program in Spokane and the university’s leadership in community-based medical education.

President Cauce speaking to the Senate Higher Education Committee
President Cauce with staff from the UW Medical School speaking to the Senate Higher Education committee

Following the presentation, President Cauce met with a bi-partisan group of House and Senate members. She also sat down with student legislative representatives from ASUW, ASUW Bothell, ASUW Tacoma and the Graduate and Professional Student Senate.

AMC with Student Reps 1-24-17
President Cauce with student reps from UW campuses

President Cauce wrapped up the afternoon with a second presentation to the Senate Ways and Means committee, along with presidents from Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions, to provide an update on higher education.

President Cauce speaking to the Senate Ways and Means committee
President Cauce speaking to the Senate Ways and Means committee

The day ended with an evening reception hosted by the Council of Presidents where President Cauce connected with other university and community college leaders, legislators and champions for higher education.

President Cauce and Sen. Fain at the COP reception
President Cauce and Sen. Fain at the COP reception
President Cauce at COP Reception with UW staff and Paul Francis, executive director of the COP

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