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Reps. Ryu & Shavers meet with UW experts on artificial intelligence

Today, Reps. Cindy Ryu and Clyde Shavers connected with leaders, faculty, and graduate students in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering to have a technical discussion about artificial intelligence.

Rep. Ryu chairs and Rep. Shavers is a member of the House Innovation, Community & Economic Development & Veterans Committee, which considers issues relating to technology innovation industries and business, economic development and resiliency, and underrepresented communities. Rep. Shavers also sits on the state’s newly created Artificial Intelligence (AI) Task Force in the Attorney General’s Office. Dr. Magdalena Balazinska, Director of the Allen School, has also been appointed to the task force. AI technology is rapidly developing so the Task Force has been charged with discussing the benefits and challenges of AI and issuing findings, guiding principles, and submitting reports with policy recommendations.

During their visit, Reps. Ryu and Shavers learned about explainable AI in healthcare and for AI auditing, AI security and privacy, and large language models and responsible AI. They examined research, took a deep dive into the significance of AI, as well as the promises and concerns, and asked questions to the UW experts present.

Thank you, Reps. Ryu and Shavers, for taking the time to engage with UW leaders, faculty, and students on this important topic.