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Other bills of interest

During the session we follow dozens of bills besides our own request legislation.  After cutoff there are a number of key bills that remain alive which are worth noting.

HB 2254 would allow the use of “certificates of participation” to fund some capital projects.  The result would be that some projects could move forward which might not be funded in a tight capital budget environment.  The bill is awaiting floor action in the House.

HB 1119 has already passed the House and is in Senate Judiciary.  It would make important changes to uniform laws governing non-profit funds, such as our endowment.

SB 5925 would allow universities to require health insurance for students in study abroad programs.  It would protect students (and families) from potentially catastrophic expenses when a student is injured or becomes ill abroad.  It is in Senate Rules, awaiting floor action.

And floor action is something there will be no shortage of as lawmakers work toward the next cutoff, which is March 12.