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More on budget proposals

We’ve had a chance to review the Senate and House budget proposals in more detail — here are some basics:

The House cut the UW budget $261 million, compared to $189 million for the Senate and $116 for the Governor’s proposal.  The House allows tuition increases up to 10% (compared to 7% for the Senate and Governor), but it allows less flexibility in how to cut and requires that enrollments be maintained and that graduation rates be maintained in high demand fields.   Raises for all state employees and teachers were put on hold.

Community colleges were cut less than four year school.  Of the four-year schools, the UW received the largest cut (31% from its maintenance level — that’s the level that would have been needed to carry forward all programs at the same level as last biennium).

Here is a link to a statement posted by President Emmert on his blog.

Also, here is a sampling of this mornings budget coverage from the Seattle Times, Tacoma News Tribune, Olympian, and Everett Herald.

The Seattle Times also has an editorial this morning calling for increased tuition to mitigate higher education cuts.

The capital budget proposal will be released later today and we will have an update as it becomes available.

Also, remember that tomorrow from 10 am to 11 am I will be here for a live chat on the budget — what it means and where the process goes from here.  I hope you will join us.