This morning Governor Gregoire signed SHB 1398 which expands the UW and WSU’s ability to issue debt backed by locally controlled revenues. This expanded statutory authority is key to the long-term financing of the UW Tower and future University capital projects.
This evening, the state Senate passed SHB 2164 which would help to curtail unwelcome development projects within the boundaries of the UW Tacoma campus. The vote was 46-3 and since the bill was not amended in the Senate, it can be delivered directly to the Governor for her action.
Not much new news today on the budget negotiations. Conferees continue to trade offers and it appears that at least conceptual agreement has been reached on the overall spending levels in the operating budget and the size of the ending reserve. Still no word of a formal agreement on the rainy day fund proposal. Capital budget negotiators have indicated that they are getting close to a working agreement.
Lobbyists for the Seattle Supersonics new facility continued to work both chambers today as a new, and somewhat smaller public financing proposal is being worked on. The Senate Ways and Means Committee has announced a Friday committee meeting to discuss and take action on the new proposal.