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Washington state’s 2022 midterm election results

The 2022 General Election was held yesterday with initial vote counts posted on the Secretary of State’s website at 8 p.m. Washington state has voted entirely by mail since 2011 so additional time is required to tabulate votes. Ballots dropped in official drop boxes or postmarked by Nov. 8 will continue to be tallied until final election results are certified by the Secretary of State on or before Dec. 8.

Washington state is divided into 49 legislative districts, with one state Senator and two state Representatives elected in each district. This election cycle, all 98 House seats and 25 Senate seats were up for election. Representatives are elected in even-numbered years and serve two-year terms, while Senators are elected every four years with half of the Senate up for election every two years.

Democrats currently control the state House and Senate by clear majorities and early election results indicate they will maintain control. However, some races remain too close to call with an estimated 721,000 ballots on hand to be processed. To date, almost 1.9 million ballots have been counted.

The Secretary of State position was also on the ballot with incumbent Steve Hobbs (D) narrowly leading challenger Julie Anderson (nonpartisan).

To view Washington’s election results, click here.

Legislators tour the Power Plant and learn about the UW’s decarbonization strategy

This week, Reps. Davina Duerr and Alex Ramel and Anna Lising, Senior Climate Advisor to Gov. Jay Inslee, visited the UW Seattle campus and took a behind-the-scenes tour of the Power Plant. The tour showcased the Seattle campus’ existing energy infrastructure and unveiled the University’s innovative clean energy transformation strategy.

The UW Seattle energy system has served the campus for well over 100 years, but its age makes it costly to maintain and its dependence on steam and fossil fuels no longer aligns with the University’s sustainability values. To address these challenges, the University has put together a five-part strategy that prioritizes energy efficiency, transforms heating and cooling, and finds alternatives to steam for medical and research equipment sterilization. The plan also focuses on innovative opportunities such as sewer heat recovery, deep lake cooling and heating, and thermal energy storage.

To learn more about the team leading the University’s efforts to being 100 percent carbon neutral and the strategy, see this article.

Thank you, Reps. Duerr and Ramel and Anna, for touring the Power Plant and learning about the University’s decarbonization strategy!

Grand opening ceremony held for UW Health Sciences Education Building

The grand opening of the UW’s new Health Sciences Education Building (HSEB) took place yesterday with legislators and community supporters in attendance. The HSEB serves the University’s six health science schools (Dentistry, Nursing, Medicine, Pharmacy, Public Health, and Social Work), which are ranked among the top in the nation and are widely recognized as leaders in professional education, research innovation, and public service.

Local communities across Washington state desperately need qualified healthcare professionals and the HSEB will improve pathways to healthcare degrees and jobs for local students, as well as support continuing education for current providers. The 4-story building fosters multidisciplinary learning with its innovative learning environments and state-of-the-art equipment. It also better supports the University’s important research mission, which will ultimately lead to discoveries that will benefit the state and world.

The HSEB would not have come to fruition without generous support from the state. In attendance at the grand opening were Senators David Frockt, Mark Mullet, and Jamie Pedersen and Representatives My-Linh Thai and Gerry Pollet. Sens. Frockt and Mullet, Senate capital budget leads and legislative champions of the HSEB, spoke about the important public service missions of the UW’s six health science schools and highlighted the critical role they have played throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. They also emphasized how the building will support local communities with qualified healthcare professionals and through advances in research and technology.

As an alumna of the UW School of Pharmacy, Rep. Thai also spoke–fondly reflecting on her time as a student at the UW and highlighting how the HSEB will better prepare today’s students for the healthcare jobs of the future through its cutting-edge technology and focus on interdisciplinary learning. She also underscored the essential role of UW’s health science educators in producing qualified, successful healthcare workers.

Thank you to the legislators who attended the celebration and for your support of the UW!

Capital budget leaders and staff briefed on the UW’s 2023 capital priorities

House and Senate capital budget leaders and staff visited UW Seattle last week for a briefing on the University’s 2023 capital budget priorities and a tour of facilities. During the briefing, they learned about the UW’s long-term capital plan, energy modernization initiative, and space management strategies. They also received updates on the recently completed Health Sciences Education Building (Seattle) and Milgard Hall (Tacoma), as well as current capital projects: Interdisciplinary Engineering Building (Seattle), STEM 4 (Bothell), and the Behavioral Health Teaching Facility at UW Medical Center–Northwest.

The presentation then dove into the University’s 2023 capital budget agenda, which includes:

  • $58M for phase 2 of the Magnuson Health Sciences Center (T-Wing) renovation and replacement. This is the primary teaching space for the UW’s six health sciences schools (Dentistry, Nursing, Medicine, Pharmacy, Public Health, Social Work). Current facilities were constructed in the 1970s and have mostly original infrastructure with an inflexible environment that does not promote innovative, multidisciplinary learning.
  • $28.9M to design and renovate Anderson Hall in Seattle. Constructed in 1925, Anderson Hall has antiquated learning environment that lacks adequate classroom and collaborative learning spaces for the UW School of Environmental and Forestry Sciences, which has seen undergraduate enrollment double in the last decade.
  • $9M to design and construct phase 2 of the design of wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ (Intellectual House). wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ offers a meeting place for UW Native American students, faculty, and staff and shares in the knowledge of Northwest Indigenous people. The building will bring additional support to Native American students through greater connection to their culture and community, as well as further access and retention.
  • $5M to design the modernization of Chemical Sciences in Seattle. Built in 1937 and 1957, current facilities for Chemistry, Material Science, and Chemical Engineering are overwhelmed by student demand and program constraints and do not meet the requirements for interdisciplinary, modern science education and research.
  • $7.7M for land acquisition at UW Tacoma. The UW Tacoma seeks funding to acquire strategic real estate parcels within the 46-acre campus footprint as they become available for purchase to use them to the benefit of the campus community.
  • $13M for the behavioral health renovation of UW Medical Center-Northwest. This project creates a voluntary adult behavioral health facility that will be part of the behavioral health training program for multidisciplinary care teams.

For detailed information about the UW’s 2023 capital budget requests, see our decision packages on the Washington State Office of Financial Management website. The UW Office of State Relations will also release a summary of the University’s capital and operating budget priorities prior to legislative session.

After the briefing, legislators and staff toured the UW’s new Health Sciences Education Building, the T-Wing, and Anderson Hall. They also walked by the proposed site of the future Chemical Sciences facility.

A huge thank you to Senator Mark Mullet and Representatives Steve Tharinger and David Hackney, as well as Michael Bezanson, Kristen Fraser, John Wilson-Tepeli, and Alec Osenbach, for visiting the UW and for your support!

Legislators join groundbreaking celebration for the UW’s Interdisciplinary Engineering Building

Last week, legislators and local business leaders joined the UW community for the groundbreaking of the Interdisciplinary Engineering Building (IEB). Opening in mid-2024, the 70,000-square-foot building will promote project-based learning and provide a direct link to industry to the 7,000 students it will serve. It will also house student support services and organizations, creating a one-stop-shop for UW engineering students.

Designed with student input, the IEB will prioritize collaboration, inclusivity, and adaptability. It will also help further the College of Engineering’s mission to develop and support a diverse student body and faculty where all members thrive. Joining the celebration, House College & Workforce Development Chair Vandana Slatter emphasized that students from every walk of life will have a home at the IEB where they will prepare for tomorrow’s engineering careers. She also praised the College of Engineering’s world-class educators and spoke about how the new building will better support their important teaching and research missions.

The IEB was funded by public and private dollars to improve pathways to engineering degrees and jobs for Washington residents, further cutting-edge research, and fuel economic growth. Instrumental in securing public funds for the building, House and Senate Capital Budget Chairs Steve Tharinger and David Frockt, were also in attendance and spoke about the vital role the IEB will play in helping the state develop much-needed local engineering talent.

Thank you, Sen. Frockt and Reps. Tharinger and Slatter, for attending the groundbreaking and for your support of the IEB!

Chehalis legislators engage with students at UW-hosted STEM camp

In partnership with the Chehalis School District, the UW hosted a STEM camp at W.F. West High School this week for local high school students focused on engineering and medical science. Senate Minority Leader John Braun and Representatives Peter Abbarno and Ed Orcutt visited the camp to engage with the students and learn from medical doctors and scientists from the Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine. 

The students and legislators explored the physiology and disease of human organs, as well as powerful approaches to health using cutting-edge technology. They participated in hands-on learning activities, including examining a human brain and lungs, inflating pig lungs to simulate breathing, and stimulating nerve activity using a device that allows a person to move another person’s arm.

Earlier in the week, students also learned about the engineering design process with experts from the UW College of Engineering. They worked together in small groups to design and build a lander that protected a raw egg dropped from the bleachers. 

The summer camp aims to give Chehalis-area students unique educational experiences and to showcase STEM degree and career pathways. The Chronicle wrote a great article about the camp and the lawmakers visit.

Thank you, Sen. Braun and Reps. Abbarno and Orcutt, for joining your local students for a packed day of learning. We appreciate your continued support of the UW!

Legislators connect with UW faculty during the Faculty Field Tour

Last week, more than 30 faculty members new to the University and state participated in the Faculty Field Tour, a five-day immersive tour of the state of Washington. The tour highlights the state’s diverse geography, economy, history, and cultures and allows the faculty to see the places their students call home to help them be even better teachers and mentors. It also allows them to meet other new faculty from various disciplines and campuses and to talk one-on-one with University and state leaders.

Throughout the tour, the faculty had the opportunity to meet and engage with members of Washington’s state government. On the first day, the tour stopped at Olympia where faculty met with Deputy Secretary of State Randy Bolerjack to learn more about the state’s legislative process. They also took a tour of the capitol building to learn of its history and to see where state legislators convene to debate and pass policy and the state’s budgets.

In Vancouver, Reps. Paul Harris and Sharon Wylie had dinner with the faculty members and participated in an after-dinner lecture by Assistant Professor Miranda Belarde-Lewis, an expert on Indigenous systems of knowledge, Native American art and artifacts, and tribal museums and Indigenous curation.

Across the mountains, Sen. Mark Schoesler hosted the faculty at his fifth-generation dryland wheat farm in Ritzville. While at the farm, Sen. Schoesler shared the history of his family farm and the region and talked about farming practices and economics. He also brought out and demonstrated some of the equipment used on the farm.

The tour covered roughly 1,000 miles of Washington state and connected UW’s new faculty members with the local communities and people that the University serves.

Thank you to Deputy Bolerjack, Sen. Schoesler, and Reps. Harris and Wylie for participating and for your continued support of the UW.

College & Workforce Development Committee Chair meets with UW engineering leaders

Rep. Vandana Slatter, Chair of the College & Workforce Development Committee, met with leaders in the College of Engineering (CoE) last week to discuss growth opportunities to help meet the demand for engineering degrees, cutting-edge research and technology, and the importance of equity in STEM fields.

Rep. Slatter first met with CoE Dean Nancy Allbritton to learn more about the College’s strategic vision and priorities, the students served, and the partnerships the College has with industry, such as the Industry Capstone Project. Dean Allbritton also highlighted the overwhelming demand for engineering degrees from Washington students and employers and encouraged the state to further invest in engineering enrollments, financial aid, and student support services.

Karen Thomas-Brown, Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, then provided an overview of CoE’s Pathways for Inclusive Excellence programs: Dean’s Scholars, Washington State Academic RedShirt (STARS), and Allen School Startup. These programs provide underserved students in Washington with opportunities to access and pursue engineering and computer science in a supportive environment that is committed to their success. Rep. Slatter took a deep dive into the workings of these impactful programs and learned more about the resources needed to ensure student success now and in the future.

After, Rep. Slatter connected with women leaders in diverse disciplines across CoE to hear about their impactful research and programs, including how they benefit Washingtonians and the state. They also had the opportunity to share what support is needed from the legislature for UW employees and students and learned how they can best engage in the legislative process (helpful hint: contact the Office of State Relations).

Rep. Slatter’s final stop of the day was at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering where she learned how the state’s recent investments in expanding computer science enrollments at the UW are being utilized to improve student access and success.

Thank you, Rep. Slatter, for visiting the UW to connect with our College of Engineering leaders.

Governor and higher education leaders celebrate session successes at UW Tacoma

Governor Jay Inslee, legislators, students, and higher education advocates gathered at UW Tacoma yesterday for Bridge to the Future, an event celebrating the post-secondary successes of the 2022 legislative session. In recent years, the state has made considerable investments in higher education, including student financial aid and increased funding for faculty and staff compensation.

UW Tacoma Chancellor Sheila Edwards Lange kicked off the celebration by welcoming the attendees and highlighting how the state’s recent investments have benefitted UW Tacoma and students, especially those that are first-generation and low-income. She also emphasized the importance of continuing to invest in faculty and staff, who are vital to the excellence of higher education institutions and student success.

Gov. Inslee and the House and Senate higher education committee chairs, Rep. Vandana Slatter and Sen. Emily Randall, celebrated the recent legislative achievements that have helped make post-secondary education more accessible and affordable for all Washingtonians. Additionally, they focused on the future and stressed the importance of continuing to invest in higher education to improve prosperity for our residents, local communities, and the state.

Speakers also included student leaders who have directly benefited from the state’s recent investments, including Reanne Chilton, WSU Graduate student; Andre Jiminez, UW Tacoma Student Body President; Marco Montoya, South Bates Technical College Ironworker Apprentice, and; Evans Kaame, Washington Student Association President. They shared their unique journeys to post-secondary education and spoke of the profound impact it has had on their lives and futures. They highlighted the broad swath of investments that were critical to their success, such as financial aid, mental health and student support services, and opportunity pathways, and encouraged the state to expand investments so more Washingtonians will pursue higher education and students will receive the support needed to attain a degree or credential.

Thank you to all the higher education leaders in attendance, including Speaker Laurie Jinkins, Representatives Mari Leavitt, Drew Hansen, and Gerry Pollet, and Senator David Frockt.

Rep. Kloba attends UW cannabis forum with world renowned researchers

Yesterday, Rep. Shelley Kloba attended a retreat held by the UW Center for Cannabis Research (UW-CCR) to learn from world renowned researchers at the University of Washington, Washington State University, and University of California at Irvine about their cutting-edge research on the impacts of cannabis use.

Rep. Kloba is a champion in the Washington State Legislature of cannabis research efforts to better understand the short- and long-term impacts of cannabis use to improve public safety and inform policy.

The forum featured seven lectures focused on THC and new technologies, behavior, and impairment from experts in diverse fields of cannabis research, including basic and clinical sciences. Post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduates also had the opportunity to showcase their cannabis-related research to the more than 50 attendees during a poster reception.

The UW-CCR was founded in 2017 to coordinate and centralize cannabis research across key disciplines. Their mission is to foster innovation in cannabis research and technology and to solidify science to address pressing cannabis-related questions, such as the public health, social, and economic impacts of high potency THC cannabis use. As part of their public service mission, the Center holds retreats and webinars to provide participants with the opportunity to learn and exchange ideas and contacts for future research and policy collaboration. For more information about UW-CCR’s upcoming and past events, visit their events page.

Thank you, Rep. Kloba, for participating in the retreat and for championing cannabis research in Washington state.