- After only a few weeks as a candidate, State Senator Rodney Tom (D-Medina) announced today that he is giving up his campaign for the 8th congressional district and throwing his support to former Microsoft employee Darcy Burner who unsuccessfully challenged incumbant Rep. Dave Reichert last November. Tom, a former Republican House member who switched parties last year, defeated former Senator Luke Esser in the 48th district Senate contest last year.
- Senate Democratic Caucus Chair Harriet Spanel (D-Bellingham), announced last week that she is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. The Bellingham lawmaker has represented the 40th district since 1986 and in the Senate since 1992. She has indicated that her prognosis for recovery is excellent. Rep. Ross Hunter (D-Bellevue) and Rep. Mary Skinner (R-Yakima) are other legislators who are also currently battling cancer.
- Rep. Jamie Pederson (D-Seattle) is a new dad. The 43rd district legislator and his partner Eric welcomed their first child Trygve Pederson on August 27. The baby was born in San Diego to a surrogate mother and the entire family should be back to their home on Capitol Hill later this week.
News & Updates
British Columbia Tackles Higher Education Reform
Tell me if these higher education issues sound familiar?
- Lowest production of baccalaureate degrees in the nation at the same time it has the highest post-secondary education credentials in the country.
- Insufficient public funding for research.
- Mission creep among comprehensive institutions and two year schools.
- Lack of consistent accountability measures to assess higher education performance.
- Tuition that is either too high (student perspective) or too low (institutional perspective) and not enough financial aid.
While you might recognize these as challenges currently facing the state of Washington, they are actually drawn from a recent comprehensive study of British Columbia’s higher education system. Known in the province as Campus 2020, the report which was released this past April represents the first comprehensive look at B.C. higher education in 45 years.
Similar to Washington Learns (although it focuses only on the higher education system), Campus 2020 makes more than 50 separate recommendations for improving post secondary education and establishes several ambitious targets for the year 2020 including having B.C. achieve the highest level of participation in higher education per capita in Canada.
So far, reaction from the higher education and political communities has been mostly positive. As you might expect, success will eventually come down to how much additional funding the province can commit to the effort.
Jim McIntire to Run for State Treasurer
State Rep. Jim McIntire (D-Seattle) who represents the 46th district in Seattle and also teaches part-time at the University of Washington announced Tuesday that he will give up his seat to make a run for State Treasurer in 2008. Three-term incumbant Mike Murphy has decided to retire when his term ends next year and McIntire is the first Democrat to announce his candidacy for the office. McIntire has served in the House since 1998 and most recently was chairman of the House Finance Committee. He lost his chairmanship of that panel last session.
McIntire has already received endorsements from Speaker Frank Chopp, Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown and former Governor Booth Gardner. Treasurer Mike Murphy, a Democrat, has endorsed his Deputy Allan Martin who is running as a Republican.
Here’s a story from Wednesday’s Olympian newspaper titled “Professor Begins Race for State Treasurer.”
Erik Poulsen to Leave State Senate
Sen. Erik Poulsen (D-Seattle), the chairman of the Senate Water, Energy and Telecommunications Committee announced this afternoon that he will be resigning his seat in the Senate effective October 1st to become the government affairs director for the Washington Public Utility Districts Association.
Poulsen, who’s district encompasses West Seattle, Burien and Vashon Island was first elected to the state House of Representatives in 1994 where he served three terms. He has been in the Senate since 2002 and was just re-elected last November. There is no indication yet of who would be appointed to fill his unexpired term, although his two House seatmates, Rep. Eileen Cody and Rep. Joe McDermott are potential candidates.
It’s August and the Postings are Light
The “dog days” of summer are upon us and the postings are indeed light. I’ve been in B.C. the past couple of days meeting with some higher education officials from our neighbor to the north (more about that in the next posting), but I hope most of you saw the announcement this week about the more recent developments in the UW North Puget Sound site selection process.
As reported in Thursday’s Everett Herald, the UW and OFM (working with NBBJ consultants) has reduced the original list of potential UW North campus sites from 73 to nine. Six of these sites are in Marysville, two in Everett and one in Arlington. What they have in common, though, is proximity to Interstate 5 and other forms of transportation and they are all relatively close to work opportunities, particularly for future students of the new campus who will be expected to include at least one experiential learning opportunity outside the university as part of their academic experience.
The UW’s academic planning group has concluded that such experiential learning opportunities are critical to preparing student’s to be successful in the 21st century competitive marketplace and UW campuses in Seattle, Bothell and Tacoma are already implementing these changes within their own respective campus environments. In addition, research gathered as part of the academic planning effort has found that a significant majority of these future students will be working at least part-time, so proximity to other retail and service sector job opportunities are also important in siting the new campus.
The next site selection phase will focus in more detail on these nine sites as well as requesting additional site submittals from the communities between Arlington and Everett within five miles of I-5.
UW North Puget Sound Update
Been back from vacation for less than a week an already it seems like a distant memory. Have been on the road much of this week visiting elected officials and other stakeholders in the Snohomish, Island and Skagit county areas discussing progress on planning for the new UW campus called for in the 2007-09 capital budget.
As you may know, the UW has formed an academic planning group headed by Lee Huntsman and Ana Mari Cauce to develop a preliminary academic master plan for the new campus. That group has met several times and is well underway to putting together a campus design that is intended to offer a range of interdisciplinary arts and sciences degrees as well as a concentration of some offerings in the science, technology, engineering and math — the so-called “STEM” disciplines. Also under active consideration is the notion of developing a strong “experiential learning” component for the campus that would have students working directly with local businesses, non-profit agencies and the like to provide real world experiences as part of a student’s academic requirements.
The general outline of this “working vision” of the UW North Puget Sound campus has been very well received in the Snohomish, Island and Skagit communities. As you can imagine, though, most of the interest has been on the site selection process being managed by our consultants NBBJ. A total of 73 campus sites were submitted to NBBJ in July ranging from less than one acre to more than 1,000 and covering the breadth of the three county region. Shortly, that list will get paired down to a smaller working group of sites based on criteria related to the requirements of the preliminary academic plan, transportation access and other site accessibility factors.
The goal is to continue to evaluate and refine the list of sites in order to meet a November 15 reporting deadline to the Governor and Legislature that must include a draft academic master plan as well as three site recommendations for placement of the campus.
Blog Down, But Not Out
I’m off for vacation so the blog is on hiatus. I’ll be back in about ten days to resume posting.
Higher Ed Research Plays Critical Role in NW Favorite Fluid
Sometimes, the value of higher education research isn’t always apparent to the average legislator or their constituents. A lot of research is hard to explain and potential benefits are speculative or often years away. So, when I read this story yesterday in the Eugene Register-Guard, I thought it deserved a mention on the blog. This week, scientists and master brewers from 13 countries will gather at Oregon State University for an international symposium focusing on the crucial role of “hops” in the beer-making process.
As any lover of a Northwest microbrew will attest, hops are the crucial ingredient and Washington and Oregon are the largest hops-producing states in the nation. The conference which began yesterday will focus on how the flavor, stability and bitterness of hops varieties influence the taste of beers.
So, how about a hops symposium as the new standard bearer for the benefits of higher education research? Interestingly, my own application to attend the conference seems to have been lost. Oh well, I was only going for the free samples.
California Budget Stalemate Enters Sixth Week
While most state legislatures have long since adjourned for 2007 and new fiscal year budgets are quietly chugging along, the California state legislature is still wrangling over the 2007-08 state budget which was supposed to have been enacted by June 30th.
Although Democrats have sizeable majorities in the legislature and agreed on a budget deal with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger several weeks ago, the Sacramento budget stalemate has persisted into the month of August. Most of the reason for the hold-up is because California is one of three states in the nation that require a two-thirds majority of both chambers to pass a budget. This means that enactment of the budget requires the support of some Republican members in each chamber. While Assembly Democrats and Republicans passed a bi-partisan $103 billion budget on July 20, Senate Republicans have refused to go along with that spending plan, claiming it doesn’t go far enough to prevent future budget deficits.
The lack of a legal basis for spending state money in the Golden State is starting to become a serious problem. The Sacramento Bee reported today that state hospitals, clinics and nursing homes will not receive more than $200 million in Medicaid payments this week and state vendors have not been paid since July 1. If the stalemate continues, it is expected that K-12 and higher education institutions could be affected.
In case you were wondering, the longest budget stalemate in California occurred five years ago when then Governor Gray Davis signed the budget on September 5, 2002 — 67 days after the start of the new fiscal year.
Rep. Bill Eickmeyer Decides Not to Run in 2008
Although the next legislative election is 15 months away, at least one House of Representatives incumbant will not be around to serve during the 2009 session. Rep. William “Ike” Eickmeyer (D-Belfair), a ten-year veteran of the House of Representatives announced yesterday he will retire at the end of his current term. Eickmeyer was originally appointed to his 35th district seat (Shelton, Belfair, parts of Bremerton), replacing Sen. Tim Sheldon (D-Potlatch) and has won re-election five times.
Eickmeyer has suffered from a number of health issues and last year was embroiled in an ethics investigations and given a caution letter by the Legislative Ethics Board in February 2007 for improperly directing his legislative aide to write letters and make phone calls on behalf of a non-profit agency that he runs.
Eickmeyer has endorsed local businessman and former Griffin School district board member Fred Finn to succeed him on the Democratic side. Randy Neatherlin, a Republican who ran unsuccesfully against Eickmeyer in 2006 has not decided whether to run again in 2008.