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Spring Resources & Opportunities (Volume 4) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life

Hello Huskies,

It’s almost time for one of my favorite events of the year … Commencement! I’m looking forward to congratulating students and celebrating their accomplishments alongside loved ones, faculty and staff.

If you’re planning to graduate, register for Commencement by May 19 and I’ll see you on June 8 at Husky Stadium!



Husky Experience

husky 100 preview

Husky 100

Congratulations to 2024’s Husky 100 — 100 undergraduate, graduate and professional students from the UW Bothell, Seattle and Tacoma campuses in all areas of study who are making the most of their time at the UW. Thank you for your passion, leadership and commitment.

dawg daze leader, applications due june 1

Apply to be a Dawg Daze Leader

Now recruiting Dawg Daze Leaders (DDL) to help make Dawg Daze a fun and exciting experience for all undergraduate students. As a DDL, you’ll have the opportunity to meet a ton of new people while practicing leadership skills and supporting new students in their transition to the UW. Learn more and apply to be a DDL by June 1.


undergrad research symposium crowdUndergraduate Research Symposium

Join us for the Undergraduate Research Symposium on May 17 from 11 a.m.5 p.m. This event will showcase research and scholarship from over 1,200 undergraduates, highlighting cutting-edge work across all academic disciplines. Guests will have the opportunity to attend poster sessions, performances, a visual arts and design showcase, and oral presentations.

canoes on the water at the WACCanoe & kayak rentals

Recreation’s Waterfront Activities Center on the shore of Lake Union offers canoe and kayak rentals. UW Seattle students receive a 25% rental discount (Husky Card required). Rentals are also open to the public so bring your friends and family along!

makers fair crowdHUB Makers Fair

Stop by the HUB for the spring Makers Fair from 11 a.m.3 p.m. on May 1516 for uniquely made products created by over 160 vendors. Check out different vendors each day and attendees can enter to win amazing giveaways from some of our students, faculty, staff, alumni and community makers and artists.

Health and Well-Being

mental health awareness month

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental health is …

  • Taking a break and setting boundaries
  • Seeking support when you need it
  • Contacting friends or family to check in
  • Spending time to be in nature
  • Making a bedtime routine
  • Being compassionate toward yourself
  • Remembering what you are doing is enough
  • Remembering it is ok to not be ok all the time
  • Remembering we are here for you

Career and Internships

jobscan. optimize your resume to get more interviews with jobscan!

Optimize your resume with Jobscan

The UW has partnered with Jobscan to help fine-tune your resume. Jobscan highlights crucial keywords, skills and qualifications to tailor your resume to each job posting and catch recruiters’ attention. Let Jobscan be your guide to unlocking more interview opportunities and landing your ideal job.

Navigating the UW

claim your free digital membership !Free one-year digital UWAA membership

The UW Alumni Association is celebrating the class of ‘24 with a FREE one-year digital UWAA membership. Activate it now to enjoy benefits and discounts available to you as a member. Upgrade your membership (at a special grad price!) and get your class of ‘24 UWAA member kit with your official UW alumni license plate frame and much more!

CELE Center CELEbrationspring celebration... a showcase of student service and leadership.... may 23, 2024, 4-7:30PM HUB

Come to the Spring CELEbration event on May 23 from 47:30 p.m. The event features 200 Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) Center and Mary Gates Endowment Leadership Scholars showcasing their service, leadership and activist work that was conducted in partnership with the greater community.

Support the future and honor the class of ‘24 by giving backwhich fund will you champion?

Campus Sustainability, Husky Hunger Relief, and Counseling Center Support funds were student-selected as recipients for the 2024 Class Gift (formerly Senior Class Gift). The first 1,000 who donate are not only making an impact on the lives of current and future Huskies, but they’ll also receive a special, commemorative gift!

Spring Resources & Opportunities (Volume 3) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life

Hello Huskies,

Spring quarter is in full swing and we are here to support you and celebrate with you as you near the completion of an academic year an exciting milestone in your college career! A reminder to all of the academic support resources available to you, including departmental advising,  test prep, group workshops and homework assistance. A reminder to students nearing graduation to take that next step on your graduation checklist



Husky Experience

UW Student Wellness Week

The ASUW Office of Student Health Relations (OSHR) is hosting the first-ever UW Student Wellness Week from April 30–May 3. Join us for in-person and virtual activities — stop by the HUB and the event website to get to know UW wellness resources, explore fun programs, or attend a class such as yoga, dance or weight training.


Service day in the U District

Join the UWAA, BECU and the U District Partnership for a volunteer service day in the U District on May 5 from 8:15–11:30 a.m. Now part of the fastest-growing neighborhood in Seattle, “The Ave” holds many fond Husky memories. This is a great opportunity to have fun while making a positive impact. Wear your Purple and Gold to add a dash of Husky pride to the day!

Join the global conversation on AI by taking a campus-wide survey

Provost Serio’s Task Force on Artificial Intelligence needs your insights and ideas about the challenges AI can help solve. Join the conversation by completing this short survey about how the UW can leverage AI to advance research, student success, teaching and learning, and change lives and communities. The survey closes April 26.

Win big at the Football Spring Game

You could win Kid Cudi concert tickets, Seattle Mariners tickets, adidas gift cards, UW Bluetooth speakers, Husky gear and more at the Dawgs After Dark Spring Game on May 3 at 6:30 p.m.! Claim your FREE tickets today.

Health and Well-Being

Tarot for Intuition

This workshop at Schmitz Hall will explore how we can connect more deeply with our own intuition through exploring the symbolism and archetypes found in the Tarot. Join the workshop May 1 from 11 a.m.1 p.m.; advance registration for Tarot for Intuition is encouraged.

Career and Internships

alumni in social sciences career networking event with kathryn kammin, alva he, kara bonilla, and regina moyer

Alumni in Social Sciences: Career Networking Event

Grow your network by engaging with UW alumni that have graduated with a degree in the social sciences as they share their experiences and advice on navigating post-grad and career successes. Register to attend this career networking event on May 1 from 3:305:00 p.m. in HUB 250. 

Navigating the UW

uw arboretumFirst Thursdays free Arboretum walking tours

Meet in community on May 2 or June 6 for a 1st Thursday free public walking tour through the Washington Park Arboretum. Walks feature seasonal themes, collections plants, explorations of botany and Arboretum history.

Massage clinic at UW Rec

Relax and unwind with a massage at UW Recreation with a licensed massage therapist. The student price is $35 for a single session. Book your massage now.uw ima

UW Libraries — all the things

More than 15 FREE events, workshops and drop-in sessions all during the first week of May!

uw libraries

 Lunchtime concert on May 1, digital content creation skill-building, “Choose Privacy Week”, We Are Not Strangers author talk with Josh Tuininga, BIPOC graduate student artifact showcase and Fellowship Reception on May 9 and more.

Spring Resources & Opportunities (Volume 2) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life


Hello Huskies,

Have a voice in who represents you on campus — vote for the next ASUW Board of Directors. ASUW is your association of students; there is a record number of candidates running this year and your voice is critical. Get to know your candidates and vote online between April 15–17.

Thank you to our outstanding student leaders for their service to our campus. If you’re interested in making an impact in your campus community, there are many ways you can participate such as the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) and Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS).


P.S. Student Life is hiring a Social Media Coordinator Intern! Are you interested in social media, marketing and communications-related work? Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to apply by April 21.

Husky Experience

collage of Homecoming Scholar students

UWAA Homecoming Scholars

The UWAA is looking for extraordinary Huskies who represent the impact of a UW education. If you think that sounds like you, apply to be a UWAA Homecoming Scholar! Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply for one of six $4,000 scholarships. Applications close April 30.


Earth Day 2024Earth Month events

The UW has participated in Earth Day celebrations since the very first observance in 1970. This year there are events, volunteer opportunities and other ways to recognize Earth Day happening throughout April. Check out events such as The Earth Day Fair at the Ethnic Cultural Center and a LiveWell-hosted Planetarium Show, both on April 23.

Text "college" to (206)837-GOAL. $19.74. Discounted student tickets to sounders FC home matchesDiscounted Sounders tickets

UW students now have the chance to purchase tickets to all Sounders regular season home matches at a discounted rate of $19.74 per match, while supplies last. Text “college” to 206-837-GOAL and be placed on a Sounders “college ticket” list. You’ll receive a text back with a link to complete your purchase (4 ticket limit). Go Sounders!

Lifeguard chairAdaptive Recreation Series

In collaboration with the 50th Anniversary of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, UW Recreation is co-hosting accessible events throughout spring quarter such as adaptive climbing, archery, aquatics, sitting volleyball, yoga and kayaking. Register today!

Health and Well-Being

Improve your relationship with your body

The Body Project is a free, 4-week evidence-based program designed to increase body satisfaction. It is run as a small group where we confront, discuss, and fight against appearance ideals pressed upon us by society and social media. Sign up for a group here; they start April 19 or later and are facilitated by LiveWell Peer Health Educators and UW Counseling Center staff.

Career and Internships

2024 Spring Job & Internship Graphic

2024 Virtual Spring Job and Internship Fair

Meet employers via video/chat who are looking to share their job and internship opportunities with Huskies. This fair is open to all majors and school years as well as alumni. Check out our tips on how to prepare for a virtual fair

When: April 25 from 11:30 a.m.3:00 p.m. 

Where: Virtual via Handshake 


  1. Activate your Handshake account.
  2. After registration opens April 15, register for the fair.
  3. Sign up for one-on-one or group sessions with specific employers.

Navigating the UW

scholarship receivers for the Harry Bridges CenterLabor Studies scholarships

Apply by May 6 for scholarships and fellowships from the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies for the 20242025 academic year. There are awards for undergraduate and graduate students; eligibility varies by award.

microsoft teams logoMS Teams chats changes

Do you use Microsoft Teams with your UW NetID? Starting May 1, MS Teams chat messages will expire after 30 days. An automatic deletion process will start to apply to MS Teams chat messages older than 30 days — not Teams channel posts — as part of data security and privacy for the UW community.

UW license plateUW license plates

Show your Husky Pride! UW license plate sales directly support the UW General Scholarship Fund and have raised more than $3 million so far. You don’t need to wait until your tab renewal — you can upgrade your ride with purple pride anytime!


Spring Resources & Opportunities (Volume 1) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life


Hello Huskies,

I hope your spring quarter is off to a good start! As we head into the last few months of the academic year, I encourage you to take time to explore our beautiful campus. Visit the cherry blossoms in the Quad, stop by the UW Botanic Gardens, rent a canoe at the Waterfront Activities Center or enjoy some of the UW’s other hidden gems such as the Biology Greenhouse, Jacobsen Observatory or Medicinal Herb Garden.


Husky Experience

Big hearts, bigger impact. Students in UW gear

Husky Giving Day is April 4!

Be part of something BIG. Celebrate Husky Giving Day on April 4 in Red Square from 10 a.m.–1 p.m. with giveaways, donuts and live music. Look for Dubs around 12:30 p.m.!


houseplant on tableHouseplant workshop and plant potting activity

The UW Alumni Association is hosting houseplant workshops for students at the Center for Urban Horticulture. Classes cost $10 and include an instructional talk, Q&A, plant potting activity and take-home new succulent or foliage plant. Make your plan(t)s for Houseplants 101 on April 13 at 1 p.m. or 2 p.m. or Houseplants 201 on April 16 at 6 p.m. or 7 p.m.

collage of smiling student and alum facesFind your career path through Huskies@Work

Huskies@Work connects current UW students with alumni for short, one-time conversations about careers. Whether you’re curious about a new career field or already have a dream job in mind, sign up by April 21 to get the inside info you need.

cherry blossom tree with light behind itLiveWell Student Needs Navigator

The LiveWell Student Needs Navigator serves as a bridge between students and resources (both on and off campus) to address basic needs insecurities impacting low-income students. They work closely with on-campus partners like Financial Aid, Student Fiscal Services, Hall Health, the UW Food Pantry, HFS and others.

Health and Well-Being

mental health workshops and groups scheduleMental health workshops and groups

Join us for our upcoming mental health workshops and groups designed to support your well-being. Whether you’re navigating academic stress, adjusting to college life or seeking strategies for self-care, these workshops offer invaluable tools and insights. Together, let’s prioritize self-care and create a campus culture that values mental wellness.

Career and Internships

Spring job and internship fair in person at HUB

In-Person Spring Job & Internship Fair

Register to attend the Spring Job & Internship Fair on April 10 from 11:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m. at the HUB. This fair is open to all majors and years of study and you can expect to see employers representing all industries.

Navigating the UW

UW Libraries Awards. Win up to $1500!New student award and contest deadlines

Big rewards await for those who apply to UW Libraries’ student awards! First, the Libraries’ annual 1-minute video contest has extended its deadline to April 30! Second, applications are now open for the Undergraduate Research Award — group projects, posters, papers and more accepted; deadline May 1. Prizes range from $500–$1,500!

front door of the DRS officeAcademic accommodations

Disability Resources for Students (DRS) works with UW students to ensure equal access to UW academic programs and services. Students should engage DRS as soon as possible once they have identified a barrier and/or need. It can take between 1-5 weeks, sometimes longer, to receive and implement accommodations. Accommodations are determined through an interactive process between both student and DRS staff.

bike tire and lockBike locks and safe storage

In the time it takes for you to attend a class or grab a cup of coffee, a bike thief could be pedaling away. Even if you’re making a brief stop, lock up your bike. Learn more about the best locks to use and safe storage options.

Winter Resources & Opportunities (Volume 5) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life


Hello Huskies,

Do you have an innovative idea that would enhance the UW student experience? Created by students for students, the Husky Seed Fund provides up to $5,000 for you, or a small team, to pursue your passions and bring your projects to life.

The 2023 awardees were:

  • Pathways for All Huskies: illuminating campus pathways everyone can navigate.
  • Huskies’ Precious Plastics: transforming waste plastics into usable items.
  • Eat Together: connecting students through meals together.

I encourage you to consider applying to the Husky Seed Fund (applications are due by Mar. 26).



Husky Experience

Collage of different perks of being a UW student, such as Indigenous Walking Tour, planetarium and Burke Museum.

Some perks of being a UW student

From museums to world-class performances to the great outdoors, check out these free or discounted opportunities for students on campus and in the community.


The Great Husky Race. Cartoon huskies running.The Great Husky Race — team contest of movement

Register as an individual or team — teams of 4 will compete in a contest of movement in LiveWell’s The Great Husky Race. The competition runs throughout the month of April and will include exclusive community building and educational events (with prizes and snacks).

exterior of 5th Avenue Theatre building.5th Avenue Theatre tickets

Did you know that 5th Avenue Theatre offers Huskies a 25% discount on tickets? Purchase tickets from the UW page or enter code “DAWGS” in the calendar section of the general website. Check out the show line-up — next up is the musical mystery spoof Something’s Afoot showing from Mar. 1–24.

two student talking on the track at IMABuy your plus one a Rec membership

Don’t want to work out alone? We’ve got you covered! Maximize your plus one’s quarterly Rec membership by buying it early in spring quarter. All students with a valid Rec membership qualify to sponsor a member, allowing them to join in awesome Rec activities.

Health and Well-Being

Map of Hall Health on UW's campus and exterior of Hall Health building.

Hall Health Center

Hall Health Center is your home for all of your general health needs while you are a student at the UW. Treating everything from sore throats to sports injuries, they are your convenient and centrally-located resource for primary care, physical therapy, free nurse advice, OB/GYN, immunizations, travel medicine, lab work, x-rays and more.

Career and Internships

Cartoon person sitting in private space for virtual interviews.

Private space for virtual interviews

In need of a quiet space for a virtual interview? Students can reserve space at the Career & Internship Center.

Navigating the UW

Dawgs protect the pack. Hazing has no place at UWNew hazing prevention website

The UW is excited to launch our new hazing prevention website. Learn more and explore available resources.

student sitting with laptop on bench outside on campus.Outdoor Wi-Fi

Spring sunshine is coming soon and outdoor Wi-Fi service is available across campus. Check out the current UW Wi-Fi zones on the interactive map.

exterior of Lander HallBlack Affinity Housing

Black Affinity Housing provides a unique living experience for students seeking connection through celebrating Black culture and scholarship. Black Affinity Housing will be offered in Lander Hall starting in autumn 2024 and is open to all incoming and returning students.

Winter Resources & Opportunities (Volume 4) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life


Hello Huskies,

Make your plans to stop by for free snacks at our Fuel for Finals event on Mar. 7 from 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Say hi to folks from some of your campus support teams — we’ll be at four locations. Make sure to bring your Husky card! Follow us on Instagram @uwstudentlife and @uw_parents for location and event updates closer to finals week.

Wishing you a successful end to winter quarter!


Husky Experience

Dubs holding his paw up to high five a personMid-quarter check in

We see you Huskies. You’ve got this.

Psychologists studying the concept of “grit” found that the capacity to stick with a task — particularly when faced with difficulties — is a crucial factor in explaining success. Consider these strategies to help you persevere as you work to achieve your goals.


A night among the stars. LiveWell planetarium event Feb. 23.Planetarium event with LiveWell on Feb. 23

Join UW LiveWell and your Peer Health Educators for a Night Under the Stars on Feb. 23! Learn skills to build healthy relationships and manage conflict effectively, paired with a themed planetarium show set to a curated playlist of today’s top tracks about love. Snag your free spot now — snacks and mocktails are provided and space is limited.

fountain and Mt. Rainier during summerSummer sessions at the UW

Check out the summer session time schedule before priority registration opens on Apr. 8. Summer sessions have 1,000+ online and in-person courses covering more than 100 different areas of study. Learn something new, knock out a pre-req, enjoy a smaller class size or take that class you couldn’t get into earlier this year.

crowd of UW fans cheeringMake memories with UW Athletics

Current UW students get FREE admission with their valid Husky card to any regular season event for Women’s Basketball, Gymnastics, Baseball, Softball, Men’s Soccer, Women’s Soccer and Volleyball. Cheer on your fellow Huskies at upcoming UW Athletics events.

Health and Well-Being

Group therapy. Cartoon faces facing each other

Support in community

Improve your well-being with the support of group therapy facilitated by the UW Counseling Center. Group options focus on a variety of mental wellness topics and occur throughout the week. Learn more about group therapy options and how they could benefit you.

Career and Internships

virtual winter job and internship fair

Virtual Winter Job & Internship Fair

Meet employers via video/chat who are looking to share their job and internship opportunities with Huskies. This fair is open to all majors and school years as well as alumni. Check out our tips on how to prepare for a virtual fair.

When: Feb. 28. 11:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Where: Virtual via Handshake

  1. Activate your Handshake account.
  2. Register for the fair.
  3. Sign up for one-on-one or group sessions with specific employers.

Navigating the UW

new experience for Duo verificationNew look for 2-factor authentication

Soon, 2-factor authentication will look and behave a little different, but the verifying of your identity for UW systems isn’t changing. If you notice the new ‘duosecurity’ web address, know it’s part of enhanced security — not a scammer. Get familiar with the new look.

west campus residence hall lobbySummer intern housing at the UW

College and university students pursuing summer internship opportunities in the Seattle area can apply now for summer intern housing at our Seattle campus.

student looking at computerFree software

Did you know you can download Microsoft Office and Tableau for free? Check out the software programs that are available for students.



Winter Resources & Opportunities (Volume 3) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life


Hello Huskies,

UW Libraries are full of great spots to study or take a break between classes — did you know that they also have fun events, free learning workshops and drop-in help sessions?

From the 2024 Student Video Contest to Odegaard’s new board game collection, a Valentine’s Day tarot reading event, Tateuchi East Asia Library’s grand re-opening celebration on Feb. 21, and Karaoke Fridays, there are boundless opportunities to relax, learn and explore at UW Libraries.



Husky Experience

students looking at jewelry at Makers Fair

HUB Makers Fair

Stop by the HUB for the Winter Makers Fair from 11 a.m.–3 p.m. on Feb. 14–15 for uniquely made products created by over 160 vendors. Check out different vendors each day and attendees can enter to win amazing giveaways from some of our students, faculty, staff, alumni and community makers and artists.



photo from Hank Willis Thomas collectionNew art at the Henry

The Henry presents a new show by prolific interdisciplinary artist Hank Willis Thomas. Join us for the public opening on Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. Through photography, sculpture and installation, Thomas examines American culture and the role of art in civic life. RSVPs are encouraged but UW students always receive free admission to the Henry. More about the event.


person playing guitar at HUB Listening LoungeLive music at the HUB

Stop by the HUB’s main lounge 11:30 a.m.–2 p.m. on Feb. 21 to enjoy live music by student performers at the HUB Listening Lounge.


person holding a mask (book cover of Unmasking AI: My Mission to Protect What is Human in a World of Machines)The Big Read: Keynote Conversation

Join the College of Arts & Sciences and UW Professor Dr. Emily M. Bender for a conversation with Dr. Joy Buolamwini, author of Unmasking AI: My Mission to Protect What is Human in a World of Machines. The event is on Feb. 20 at 1 p.m. at the HUB; registration is required. A limited supply of free copies of the book will be available at the event.


Health and Well-Being

Paws for a Break schedule for dogs Luke, Tara, Willie, and Ivy

Welcome Willie to Paws for a Break

Willie joins the pack! Drop by Schmitz Hall for some furry therapy and destress time. Open to all UW students and no pre-registration required. Paws for a Break schedule.


Career and Internships

virtual Health Sciences Alumni panel on Feb. 21 at 4 p.m.

Careers in Health Sciences Alumni Panel

Register to attend a virtual conversation with UW alumni on Feb. 21 from 4–5 p.m. Hear from alumni who have walked the path before you and are now working in a variety of roles in the health and life sciences fields.


Navigating the UW


UW alert message on cell phoneCheck your UW Alert phone number

Don’t miss an important emergency alert. Check your UW Alert account to make sure the phone number listed for text messages is correct.


campus in winter next to campus in springComplete the hazing prevention course

The UW’s one-hour interactive hazing prevention course will help give you the tools to feel empowered to recognize, prevent and report hazing. It takes all of us to build an anti-hazing environment at the UW. Complete the course by Mar. 1 and be entered into a raffle for the chance to win a fantastic prize!


Smirk UW logoFollow Smirk for UW news

Smirk UW is a student-run media organization dedicated to sharing UW-related news, opportunities and resources for students.

Winter Resources & Opportunities (Volume 2) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life


Hello Huskies,

As the winter quarter settles in, I want to remind you that there are many people at the UW that are here to support your health, well-being and academic experience.

Part of being at the UW involves navigating a big place and asking for help when you need it. Your support team includes —


Husky Experience

Husky-Lunch-Network with cartoon fork and spoon

Husky Lunch Network with alumni

Join alumni for lunch and conversation and explore how embracing your personal identities impacts, influences and informs your professional journey. Connect with Huskies who share some of your experiences and build your network. Space is limited.

Feb. 1: Women of Color in STEM
Feb. 8: Men of Color in Entrepreneurship
Feb. 15: Navigating Life as Student Parent
Feb. 22: Trans and Out at Work
Feb. 29: First-Generation in Corporate America



mary gates hall interior with people at a research symposiumUndergraduate Research Symposium

Each year, students from all three UW campuses and other local institutions present their research spanning over 100 disciplines. Apply to present at the Undergraduate Research Symposium by Feb. 8.

Dawg Path signs with arrows pointing in different directionsExplore majors and courses with DawgPath

Manage your course load and discover interesting courses and majors with data. DawgPath can help you determine how competitive you are for a major with limited capacity and better navigate their path to a degree.

indoor pool Pool and swim lessons

Come explore the 14-lane pool at the IMA, featuring a zero-point entry access and state-of-the-art universal locker rooms. Learn more about group and private swim lessons and additional pool activities.

Health and Well-Being

let’s talk schedule at ECC, Q Center, and CIRCLE

Drop-in Counseling Center support

Need someone to talk to? Concerned about a friend? Let’s Talk connects UW students with experienced counselors for confidential, one-on-one support during drop-in hours. Talking with a counselor can help provide insight, solutions, and information about other resources.


Career and Internships

In-Person Winter Job & Internship Fair on Feb. 13 at HUB

In-Person Winter Job & Internship Fair

Register to join us at the 2024 Winter Job & Internship Fair at the HUB on Feb. 13 from 11 a.m.–2:30 p.m. This fair is open to all majors and years of study and you can expect to see employers representing all industries.

Navigating the UW

students standing next to stairs at libraryUW Libraries news

Check out what’s new at UW Libraries: from The Boys in the Boat artifacts to the launch of a new and improved Libraries Search experience, an Open House with Special Collections and tons of free workshops and new exhibits.

brass W on a tableScholarships

The Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards can help students find and apply for the scholarships that fit their skills and experiences. Check out the winter quarter workshops or search their database.

students next to computer and student worker survey chance to win a $250 gift cardStudent worker survey

Are you an undergrad student worker? UW’s Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies seeks to better understand how work influences a student’s undergraduate experience. Share your thoughts by the end of winter quarter for a chance to win a $250 gift card.

Winter Resources & Opportunities (Volume 1) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life


Hello Huskies,

I hope your winter quarter is off to a good start! Thank you to our Pac-12 Champion Huskies and Husky Nation for a football season to remember.

I encourage you to make the most of your Husky Experience by trying something new this quarter — take a class at the IMA, meet with a Peer Wellness Coach or join a Registered Student Organization. It’s a great way to begin 2024!


Husky Experience

Husky 100 applications are now open

The search is on for the next Husky 100 — UW juniors, seniors and graduate students on all three campuses who are making the most of their Husky Experience. Nominate a fellow student by Jan. 24 and apply for yourself by Feb. 6. Learn more about Husky 100.


Student Impact Council

All UW students are invited to join the Student Impact Council (formerly Class Gift Council) by Jan. 31. As a volunteer you will help build a more inclusive campus community, shape Husky Giving Day and choose the area that will benefit from funds raised.

Students enjoy a fitness class.Rec Class Pass

The Recreation Class Pass is back. Winter quarter classes run until Mar. 8. Purchase your class pass and enjoy unlimited access to dozens of fitness and mindfulness classes. Don’t forget to register ahead of time for classes!

Study Abroad Fair

Students seeking to enrich their academic journey and embrace diverse cultures from around the globe can attend the Study Abroad Fair on Jan. 18 from 10 a.m. –2 p.m. at the HUB. Register and learn more about study abroad options.

Campus Community Safety

UW Alert to add student phone numbers for emergency texts

When an emergency occurs on or near UW’s campus, you need to know as quickly as possible, but only 8% of students have signed up for UW Alert text messages.

To make it easier for students to receive UW Alert texts, UW will be adding the phone number from your UW student profile to the UW Alert system. If the number is for a cell phone, UW will send you UW Alerts via text.

Students who don’t want to receive texts can reply STOP to any UW Alert text message (except for students living on campus in Seattle, who must contact Housing & Food Services for account changes). You can also add your cell phone number to your UW Alert account yourself.

UW will start adding student phone numbers to UW Alert at the end of January 2024.

Career and Internships

Careers in International Development & Diplomacy

Register to attend a panel discussion about public service and international development on Jan. 18 from 3:30–5:00 p.m. in HUB 332. Panelists include representatives from the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the US State Department and the Peace Corps.

Navigating the UW

Where to use your Husky Card

From shopping at District Market to buying a snack from a UW vending machine, to printing and copying services, you can use your Husky Card in lots of places.

Husky Huddle Up Podcast

Tune in to Husky Huddle Up Podcast for helpful information from campus partners such as the Counseling Center, U District Partnership, UW Housing, Campus Community Safety, UW Accessibility and more.

Find your perfect study spot with Scout

Scout helps you find places to study, get food on campus and tech items to rent. You can filter on specific criteria: lighting, noise, proximity to food and coffee and availability of amenities such as printers, whiteboards and outlets.

Autumn Resources & Opportunities (Volume 5) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life


Hello Huskies,

I hope you had a wonderful holiday break for Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day. As you begin thinking about your finals, I encourage you to check out UW Libraries 10 Tips for Success. Use these time-saving resources to help you succeed and stress less during finals! Check out Odegaard Library’s extended hours during finals and the winter break schedule for all libraries.


Husky ExperienceFIG/OL Application Now Open. Due 1/29

Apply to be a First Year Programs leader

Undergraduate UW Seattle students can apply now to join the 2024 Orientation Leader (OL) or First-year Interest Group (FIG) Leader teams. Make your mark at the UW — applications close Jan. 29.


HUB Fun after Finals. Monday to Friday of finals week.

Fun After Finals

During Finals week HUB Games hosts Fun After Finals. UW students, staff and faculty receive 30% off all gaming activities.

Unite UW. Apply by 12/31

Join Unite UW for Winter 2024

Make lifelong friends through cultural exchange, story sharing and fun bonding activities! Applications are due Dec. 31 — apply now for Unite UW Winter 2024 and check out @unite.uw on Instagram.


student sitting on chair in dorm room

Undergraduate housing applications now open

Be a part of our UW on-campus community and join fellow undergraduates currently living on campus. Agreements are available through June or August. Whether you choose to live in a residence hall or an apartment-style building, both options provide students with shared kitchens, study rooms, furniture and meal plans.

Health & Well-Being

map that shows UW Club next to Hall Health Center

Hall Health Center hosts vaccine clinic

In partnership with Albertsons and Moderna, Hall Health Center is hosting a vaccine clinic from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. on Dec. 11–12 at UW Club (next to Hall Health). Available immunizations include COVID-19; flu; Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR); Meningitis ACWY; and more. Most types of insurance are accepted and discounted out-of-pocket rates are available. Make a vaccine appointment here.

Career and Internships

Career Launch Readiness Assessment. Uncover your career readiness

Career Launch Readiness Assessment

Uncover your level of career readiness in these areas: 1) relationship-building skills, 2) professional communication, 3) career planning and exploration, 4) career and self-development, and 5) internship/job search and interview preparedness.

Navigating the UW

W sculpture on campus in the snow

Reporting bias incidents

We must unite to combat all forms of bias and discrimination. If you experience or learn of any incidents of harassment, discrimination or bias, we have resources available such as SafeCampus and our bias reporting tool.

Academic Support Programs Director Ryan Burt

Academic Support Programs

Watch Academic Support Programs (ASP) Director Ryan Burt take on the challenge of explaining ASP in less than 15 seconds at a time. ASP offers connections to academic support resources and peer-to-peer tutoring and coaching.

exterior of HUB building

RSO benefits and resources

Did you know that Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) benefit from many campus resources by registering with the Student Activities Office? Learn more about RSO benefits and resources such as advertising, event funds and planning, fundraising and facilities.