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Autumn Resources & Opportunities (Volume 4) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life


Hello Huskies,

In 1936, the UW varsity crew overcame adversity and pulled together, rowing as one to win Olympic gold and carve out their place in history. Today, you, your fellow Huskies and I are part of another exciting time in UW history. We can be a part of the support team that brings UW’s Pull Together campaign across its finish line.

The UW Alumni Association (UWAA) is part of this team and will match any sized gift up to $500 from current UW students, employees and retirees. You’re invited to show your support by sharing your stories — how have you united as Huskies, as Huskies before you have, to overcome adversity, achieve greatness and support those in need? Use #PullTogetherWA to share your story on social media.

Join us as we show the world what we can do when we pull together.


Husky Experience

Red Square at night

Up early or out late?

Up early or out late and need transportation, food, or health and well-being supplies or support? Check out these resources:

Have other tips for Huskies? Let know and we’ll help spread the word.


person shopping at Food Pantry

No Husky goes hungry

The UW Food Pantry provides food to students, staff and faculty who may be experiencing short-term food insecurity. Food insecurity is a household economic or social condition of limited or uncertain access to food. Want to help us in our mission to ensure that no Husky goes hungry? Learn more about the Pantry, volunteering and donating. There’s a campus-wide food drive happening now in the residence halls! Drop off shelf-stable goods on North Campus until Nov. 16 (The Mill and McMahon 8) and on West Campus until Nov. 17 (Fitness Center West and Area 01).

people in front of a table at Makers Fair

Makers Fair is Nov. 29-30

The quarterly Makers Fair showcases the creative talents and uniquely made crafts and creations of UW students, faculty, staff and community members. Come check it out Nov. 29–30 from 11 a.m.–3 p.m. at the HUB Street/Lyceum.

cartoons showing a person before and after working with a peer wellness coach

Peer Wellness Coaching

LiveWell’s Peer Wellness Coaches (PWC) are a great option for students who are looking to strengthen and enhance their personal well-being, solve problems effectively, and work toward intentional change in their lives and self by learning new skills. Common topics are loneliness, anxiety, stress management, relationship conflicts, and communication skills. PWC is a free service for all UW students; virtual or in-person one-on-one appointments are available.

Health & Well-Being

Pet therapy dogs Luke, Tara and Ivy

Pet therapy

Pet therapy is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on floor 4 at Schmitz Hall for those who would like to enjoy time with furry friends and de-stress. Attendance is complimentary, no pre-registration is needed and everyone is welcome. Stop by and give Luke, Tara and Ivy some pets and belly rubs!

Career and Internships

Be you. Be proud. Get Hired. Identity Communities

Identity Communities

Explore career resources related to identity through our community pages. The Career & Internship Center hosts eight identity pages with tailored resources including blog posts, alumni advice, featured videos, RSO connections and additional support. Find your community here!

Navigating the UW

baskets with Fentanyl test strips and Narcan kits

Fentanyl test strips and Narcan access

Did you know that Fentanyl test strips and Narcan are available for free to current UW students in the following locations? Hall Health’s front office (room 187) and Odegaard floor 1 vending machine. The UW Food Pantry also has Narcan kits. Supplies are self-serve; please take only what you will use as supplies are limited. Learn more about Fentanyl strips & Narcan access and how to use them.

people sitting at table at UW campus dining

Dining on campus is about choices

Did you know that we have a Dining on Campus website with helpful details about our campus eateries such as hours, location, payment options and quick summaries of the food type/selections? We also have a nutritionist available if you have any challenges navigating our menu offerings. Additionally, you can skip the line with Dub Grub, UW Dining’s food-ordering platform. View menus, place orders and prepay through Dub Grub. Free and easy to access for the entire UW community.

camping stove equipment and bicycle in background

Rent equipment at Gear Garage

Gear Garage is open Thursday to Monday at the Waterfront Activities Center and has rentable backpacking, biking and rock climbing items along with rentable items for events, parties and tailgates. Check out the full list of equipment, prices and policies. Enrolled students can receive the student rate with a valid Husky Card.

Autumn Resources & Opportunities (Volume 3) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life


Hello Huskies,

Did you know that more than 30% of UW undergrads are first-generation students? We also have many faculty and staff who are proud to be the first in their families to earn their degree. I am one of them.The UW is participating in the National First-Generation College Celebration on Nov. 8, a date that honors the anniversary of the signing of the Higher Education Act of 1965. I encourage you to join us by attending one of the upcoming activities over the next week, sharing your story, supporting our first-gen community on social media and learning from and celebrating our first-gen community through their stories.Sincerely,Denzil


Husky Experience

Applications now open for the Husky Leadership Certificate Cohort

Husky Leadership Certificate

Are you interested in learning and reflecting on the ways you have and can continue to contribute to your communities? The Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) Center is seeking Huskies who practice leadership in a variety of ways. Through the Husky Leadership Certificate (HLC), students work with a faculty/staff or alumni mentor to identify, reflect on and demonstrate their leadership growth and accomplishments and create a leadership e-portfolio. Students must be a senior or fifth-year student to be considered. Apply for the HLC cohort by Nov. 13.



Veterans Appreciation Week is Nov. 3-11members of military service next to flags

The UW is honoring veteran students, faculty, staff and alumni with a series of events for Veterans Appreciation Week. At the UW Seattle campus, support for veterans is available through the Office of Student Veteran Life and the Veterans Education Benefits Office.


New 14-lane pool at the IMAcartoon dubs in pool

Huskies, it’s pool time! The new 14-lane pool will be open for use on Nov. 6. The pool has numerous access points, a shallow entryway into the pool, direct access to locker rooms and a large bench on the pool deck with floor-to-ceiling windows. Students can access the pool using their Husky Card. While you’re at the IMA don’t forget to check out the Crags Climbing Center and daily activities with the Rec Class Pass such as Pilates, Electro Cycle and Core Conditioning.


Visit the Burke Museum for free

Burke Museum

Use your Husky Card for free admission to the Burke Museum. Check out the special exhibit, We Are Puget Sound, which runs until Dec. 31. Experience the wonder of Puget Sound through the unique wildlife and living cultures that call the Salish Sea home.


Health & Well-Being

card that says Thank You for Existing

Husky Gratitude Challenge on Nov. 13

Pausing to write a note of appreciation, love and gratitude to those who have made a positive impact on our lives improves our mental health and well-being.

Join your LiveWell Peer Health Educators in the Husky Gratitude Challenge on Nov. 13 from 12-4 p.m. at the HUB. Write as many gratitude postcards as you can to people you appreciate and soak up the warm, positive feels that are fostered by expressing gratitude. The postcard designs are different every year and designed by UW students. We mail them anywhere in the world for you for free!


Career and Internships

Health and Life Sciences Mentorship program, learn about non-clinical roles

Health & Life Sciences Mentorship Program

The Career & Internship Center offers Industry Mentorship Programs. Students can learn about an industry and explore professional development topics through small group mentoring. Apply by Nov. 10 for the Health & Life Sciences program.


Navigating the UW

CIRCLE success & well-being coaching

CIRCLE Success and Well Being Coaching

The Center for International Relations & Cultural Leadership Exchange (CIRCLE) offers international students one-on-one appointments with a Student Success and Well-Being Coordinator. They will work with you to discover your strengths, values and cultural background to supercharge your journey at the UW and beyond. Online and in-person appointments are available.


Drop-in help with digital projects from UW Libraries

exterior of Suzzallo library

Get ahead of your finals and learn how to enhance your paper or project by creating digital content like an online exhibit, interactive map, stellar data graphics and more. The Libraries’ Open Scholarship Commons hosts drop-in help sessions. Find the right tools, resources and instruction whether you’re just getting started or are working on an on-going project. Drop by the new Suzzallo Library Open Scholarship Commons Group Work Space B during office hours.


Careers in Social Media Alumni Panel on Nov. 15

Social Media Alumni Career Panel, virtual via Handshake

Come for a virtual conversation with UW alum working in social media in a variety of fields. This moderated panel will start with set questions and open up for audience Q&A, so have your questions ready. Register to attend the Nov. 15 session and look forward to more alum-led sessions on different topics each quarter as part of the Alumni Panel Series.

Autumn Resources & Opportunities (Volume 2) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life

Hello Huskies,

Autumn quarter is officially underway at the UW. There is no question that your academic pursuits need to remain your number one priority, but your Husky Experience will be incomplete if all you do is go to class, go home and study.

Years of experience and research has shown us that students who participate in groups and activities, attend events on campus and who hold leadership positions will have better grades, graduate at higher rates and be more satisfied with their college experience.

Your Husky Experience encompasses the transformative educational experiences — inside and outside the classroom — that help you discover your passions in life and work, become independent thinkers and citizens, and gain the skills that lead to meaningful and rewarding lives and careers. I recommend that you check out the Husky Experience Toolkit, a collection of articles designed to help you challenge yourself, explore your options and integrate all that you are learning.

Which groups, activities and leadership opportunities will you get involved in this year?


Husky Experience

Husky Seed Fund: your ideas, our funds

Apply to join the Husky Experience Student Advisory Council

Apply by Nov. 7 to join the Husky Experience Student Advisory Council (HESAC). The Council helps advance the Husky Seed Fund, an award that brings to life innovative ideas by students for students. Gain valuable experience advancing and managing a program that will impact thousands of students at the UW.

Each year around ten students are selected to serve as HESAC members. Currently enrolled undergraduate, graduate and professional students are eligible to apply.


DRS door

DRS turns 45

Disability Resources for Students (DRS) is celebrating 45 years of ensuring access and inclusion for students with disabilities on the Seattle campus. DRS serves students with temporary and permanent physical, health, learning, sensory or psychological disabilities and conditions. DRS’ Academic Skills website has tips to help students with psychological or learning disorders succeed in an academic setting.


Sharing pronouns at the UW

Today is International Pronouns Day

At the UW, diversity is integral to excellence. We are committed to providing a welcoming and respectful environment for students, faculty and staff to express themselves. We invite you to read more about sharing pronouns at the UW and to share your pronouns within the UW community as you feel comfortable.


Celebrate W Day on Oct. 20

band and Airy the blow up Husky in front of Suzzallo

It’s the UW’s birthday, and we’re celebrating YOU. On Oct. 20 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. sport your Husky gear and come together in Red Square for an epic pep rally with the Husky Band, a live DJ and tons of purple-and-gold giveaways. Show the world your Purple Pride and kick off Homecoming and Family Weekend Husky-style.


Health & Well-Being

I need to talk to someone message and Let's Talk logo

Let’s Talk has resumed and is back with in-person (ECC, Q Center and CIRCLE) and virtual options. Drop in for a quick consult with a mental health counselor from the Counseling Center. New this year is Let’s Talk for survivors.

The Counseling Center is offering a virtual Let’s Talk session on Oct. 19 from 3-5 p.m. especially for students impacted by the devastating news from in and around Israel and Gaza. Once on Zoom, students will enter a waiting room and be connected to a counselor for next steps.

Career and Internships

Virtual job and internship fair October 26 from 11:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Virtual Autumn Job & Internship Fair

Join us for this virtual event to “meet” employers via video/chat who are looking to share their open job and internship opportunities with Huskies. This fair is open to all majors and school years at UW Seattle, as well as alumni. Here’s how to prepare for a virtual fair.

When: Thursday, Oct. 26, 11:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Where: Virtual via Handshake
How: Three critical steps:

  1. Activate your Handshake account.
  2. Register for the fair.
  3. Sign up for one-on-one or group sessions with specific employers.

Navigating the UW

Make a Title IX Report message on top of photo of Mt. RainierNew online Title IX Reporting Form

UW students are encouraged to share concerns related to sex- and gender-based violence, harassment and discrimination through the new online Title IX reporting form. Reports or consultations that previously would have been directed to SafeCampus will instead be directed to the Office of the Title IX Coordinator. If desired, students can choose to remain anonymous.


cell phone with UW Alert messageAdd your cell number to UW Alert

Only 8% of UW students have added their cell phone number to UW Alert to get a text message during an emergency or change in campus operations. Get the alerts sent directly to your phone. You’ll automatically receive a UW Alert via email, but you need to add your cell number to get texts. When you sign up, make sure to select a campus for messages (look for Groups in the top right corner).


Huskies help the pack with cartoon DubsAcademic Integrity Week is Oct. 16-20

Join us this Academic Integrity Week in promoting academic integrity, honesty and respect within the UW community. Academic integrity is at the heart of what makes us Huskies; it’s not just a set of rules, but a way of life that we carry with us as we journey through our academic pursuits. Visit our table at Odegaard on Oct. 20 from 12:30-4:00 p.m.

AI tools and academic integrity

Dear UW Student,

I hope that you are having a successful start to the academic year.

Amid ongoing national conversations across higher education regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based tools, I am writing to share resources and the University’s expectations regarding AI tools and academic integrity.

At the UW, we view academic integrity as a commitment to the values of honesty, trust and responsibility. Academic integrity is at the heart of what makes us Huskies — it’s not just a set of rules, but a way of life that we carry with us as we journey through our academic pursuits. UW students are expected to practice high standards of academic and professional integrity.

It is important to know and understand the expectations of the University and your instructors regarding academic standards. This is especially relevant to the use of technology and online resources available today.

AI content generators, such as ChatGPT, present opportunities that can contribute to your learning and academic work. However, using these technologies without your instructor’s permission may violate academic standards of the University. Under the Student Conduct Code, cheating includes the unauthorized use of assistance, including technology, in completing assignments or exams. While some instructors may encourage you to utilize technology to enhance your learning experience, other instructors may require that you do your own work without seeking outside help.

We ask that you take these steps:

  • Read the syllabus for each course you take so that you understand the particular expectations of each of your instructors.
  • If you are unsure of expectations, ask for clarification before you use specific resources in completing assignments or exams.
  • Review the Student Conduct Code and the two companion policies, Student Governance policies Chapter 209 and Chapter 210. If you have questions, please contact Community Standards & Student Conduct.

The UW is committed to helping students realize their potential at the University and beyond. If you need support, we have many academic support programs and UW Libraries services available such as writing tools and services, citation resources, digital scholarship tools and support and 24/7 chat with a librarian.

At the UW, we promote access to excellence and strive to inspire through education that emphasizes the power of discovery and the foundation of critical and analytic thinking.

You are part of a community of students, researchers, faculty and staff who bring their unique ideas and perspectives to learning, discovering and building solutions to tomorrow’s challenges.

Be a part of the impact of innovation and academic integrity at the UW.


Denzil J. Suite
Vice President for Student Life

Autumn Resources & Opportunities (Volume 1) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life

Hello Huskies,

I couldn’t be more excited to welcome you to a new academic year. For those of you who are new to campus, I’m Denzil Suite, your Vice President for Student Life.

We in the Division of Student Life are all here to be your support team as you learn, explore and grow during your time at the UW. The HUBUW RecreationHousing and Food ServicesDisability ResourcesHall Health Center and others are all part of that team.

In conjunction with our partners across campus, Student Life supports your health, safety, and well-being; builds supportive communities; and cultivates opportunities for you to build your own pathway to success at the UW.

Part of being at the UW involves navigating a big, complicated place and asking for help when you need it. Asking for help is normal — and necessary. Here’s where to go and how to ask.

I will send messages like this to you throughout the academic year. My goal with these messages (Pawket Guide — get it? Anyone?) is to equip you with need-to-know info and tips to help you maximize your Husky Experience, in a format that’s quick to read and easy to digest.

Ok, let’s get started …

Husky Experience

Dubs and Harry Husky

Safer together

Huskies watch out for each other. Who will you contact if you have safety or well-being concerns for yourself or others? Help build a stronger community by learning about the UW’s many safety resources, including UW Alert, SafeCampus, the UW Police Department, Husky NightWalk and more.


Study Abroad 101 & Let’s Talk Money — information sessionscoins and travel accessories

Are you considering studying abroad? Register for Study Abroad 101 and Let’s Talk Money (Financial Aid & Scholarships) info sessions happening between Oct. 11 and Nov. 15. Learn about the diverse range of available programs, the application process, deadlines, scholarships and how financial aid and study abroad work together to lower out-of-pocket costs.

Career conversations between UW students and alumni
collage of smiling students and alumni

With Huskies@Work, students and alumni join together for a unique job shadowing/career conversation program. You can connect with alumni for short, one-time conversations about careers. Whether you’re curious about a new career field or already have a dream job in mind, sign up for Huskies@Work by Oct. 22.

Live reading of the US Constitution on Oct. 6
Readers wanted for live US Constitution reading at Suzzallo Library October 6

Join us for the annual UW Libraries’ live reading of the U.S. Constitution on Oct. 6. It’s open to the public and a great group activity for your class, RSO, team, affinity organization and friend group. Stop by to meet other students, build community, enjoy snacks and listen to the reading. You can also sign up to read a section.

Health & Well-Being

students on grass in front of Allen Library

Your health & well-being support teams

Hall Health CenterLiveWellUW Counseling CenterUW Recreation and others are here to support your health and well-being so you can make the most out of your Husky Experience.

Did you know?

The Husky Health & Well-Being website is your go-to spot to see all UW health services for Seattle students in one place.

Career and Internships

Business career fair on October 11 in HUB Ballrooms

In-Person Autumn Business Career Fair, Oct. 11

Meet employers representing all industries looking to recruit UW students and alumni for job and internship opportunities. This fair is open to all majors and years of study!

When: Wednesday, Oct. 11, 11 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
Where: In person, Husky Union Building
HowRegistration in Handshake is requested.
BonusWebinar on how to prepare for an in-person fair.

Navigating the UW

Find the tech you need to succeedtwo students using computers

Check out UW-IT’s resource guide for all things tech you may need to help power your education: chart your academic path, study smarter with teaching and learning tech, get key software and navigate all the UW has to offer.

Welcoming new UW Provost Tricia R. SerioProvost Serio

Pop quiz: What is a provost, and what do they do? (Hint: A provost is not cheese that you put on a sandwich.)
Answer: As the University’s academic and budget officer, the provost leads the faculty, allocates resources and promotes student success through academic services such as admissions, financial aid and advising. In fact, we have a new provost, Tricia R. Serio, who joined the UW in August. Learn how excited she is to be here.

UW Libraries Student GuideLibraries student guide banner in Suzzallo with cartoon husky in Barbie car

Start your year out with tips and tools that will help ease your journey and propel you to success. Bookmark the UW Libraries Student Guide for quick links and a comprehensive summary of all the resources and services provided to you by UW Libraries.

Leaders of the Pack

GPSS President AJ Balatico

Name / Leadership Position: A.J. Balatico, Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) President
Pronouns: he/him/his
Academic Year: Year 6 of Ph.D. program
Major / Studies: Learning Sciences and Human Development Ph.D.
Hometown: New Orleans, LA


What does your position entail?
I represent the 16,000 graduate and professional students of the Seattle campus to UW administration, the Graduate School, our Board of Regents, community partners such as the Alumni Association and the University Book Store, and local, state and federal governments. GPSS directly funds Travel Grants for academic conferences and professional development. We also support departmental and Registered Student Organization activities.

Why did you get involved in student leadership?
Before graduate school, I was a high school science teacher. Part of my decision to go into a doctoral program in education was the realization that I’ve played an integral role in creating our future. As the years went by, a lot of my former students reached out after finishing college to say they were continuing on as grad and professional students themselves.

What do you wish you’d known about the UW sooner?
Our alumni network is huge and pushing the frontiers of knowledge and innovation across so many different fields. Someone out there probably has similar interests and goals and would be more than happy to get connected.

How can the UW community contact you or learn more?
Visit the GPSS website, email me at or stop by my office in HUB 314.

Spring Resources & Opportunities (Volume 5) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life

Hi Huskies,

Tomorrow is the first day of Pride Month, a celebration of the history, progress and power of the LGBTQIA+ community. As we recognize the remarkable improvements since the 1969 Stonewall Uprising, this month also offers us an opportunity to learn about and challenge the wave of anti-trans legislation that has been introduced across the country that seeks to block trans people from receiving basic healthcare, education, legal recognition and the right to publicly exist.

In Washington state, where discrimination based on gender identity is prohibited and insurers are required to provide gender-affirming medical care, it may be easy to think the LGBTQIA+ community is safe and free from bias. Sadly, we know that’s not true. The UW values and honors diverse experiences and perspectives, strives to create welcoming and respectful learning environments and promotes access and opportunity.

I also encourage all students to visit the UW’s Q Center, which facilitates a brave, affirming, liberatory and celebratory environment for students, faculty, staff, and alumni of all sexual and gender orientations, identities and expressions.

As President Cauce recently stated, “I believe in our community’s strength, dedication and ability to move us forward, and I look forward to continuing this vital work together.”


Husky Experience

Top 10 Tips for Finals with a photo of the Suzallo Library reading room ceiling and globe.

UW Libraries has tips to help you prepare for finals, including extended hours for finals week at the Odegaard Library. Find out how to ask librarians for help in person or online, reserve a study space, find a study playlist and more.


New UW accessibility website

In celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, the UW launched a new centralized accessibility website. Explore resources on accessible technology, wayfinding, events and disability inclusion.

Get ready for graduation – cap and gown pickup and picsDubs in a graduation cap and purple UW bandanna.

Graduates, remember to pick up your cap and gown today through June 3 at the University Book Store. Dubs will be there for pictures 1-2 p.m. June 2 (arrive early; spots with Dubs are limited).

Fun After FinalsFun After Finals Monday to Friday of Finals Week.

Stop by the HUB Games area for a study break or relax after your finals. UW students, staff and faculty receive 30% off all gaming activities June 5 and June 7-9, including bowling, pool, console gaming, table tennis and PC gaming.

Mental Health Moment

10 Self-Care Tips Finals Edition with an illustration of a woman writing on a paper.

Finals can be an intense time of the quarter with lots of extended study sessions and working late into the night. It’s important to replenish yourself during this stressful week by taking short mental health breaks in between your studying. Check out 10 Self Care Tips, Finals Edition. UW Counseling Center is also collaborating with several libraries around campus to provide relaxation stations with short quiet activities you can engage in to take a mental health break. You can find these relaxation stations in Odegaard, Suzzallo, Research Commons in Allen, Music library, Art library and Drama library during finals week.

Career and Internships

UW Seattle 2023 In-Person Summer Job & Internship Fair HUB Ballroom 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 27 with illustration of purple plants.

In-Person Summer Job & Internship Fair June 27

Spend a day this summer expanding your professional network and making strides to grow your internship and career experience! This fair is open to all majors and years of study.

When: 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. on June 27
Where: Husky Union Building

Navigating UW

Class of 2023 Grad-B-Q is June 6Harry the Husky in a Kiss the Cook purple chef's apron.

Celebrate all your hard work along with fellow members of the Class of 2023 at this casual BBQ at Sylvan Grove. As a UWAA member, you can pick up a stemless champagne flute or a pint glass to remember your UW years! This is a free event, but requires advance registration. Register to attend the Class of 2023 Grad-B-Q.

Learn how to prepare for a natural disasterFirst aid kit, two water bottles, bandages, batteries, a radio, flashlight and emergency preparedness checklist.

Washington is high-risk for a lot of natural disasters, and planning ahead can help you reduce anxiety, be more resilient and recover quicker. UW Bothell’s Campus Safety Department is teaming up with the Washington Emergency Management Division to offer personal preparedness training online 9:15-10:15 a.m. June 5. The training will cover the essential steps for preparedness, including identifying hazards, having a plan and how to build an emergency kit. To attend, sign up for personal preparedness training.

Grads: Keep your access to UW LibrariesGet your UW Libraries alumni benefits! Stay connected to the pack, Dawgs with a picture of a husky in a purple graduation cap inside the library.

Graduating students retain off-campus access to online library collections and databases using Husky OnNet or the off-campus proxy until the second consecutive quarter in which you are not enrolled (excluding Summer). You can get a free one-year digital membership to the UW Alumni Association that includes (among other benefits) UW Libraries borrowing privileges, plus access to EBSCO online journals. Learn more about continuing your access to UW libraries.

Spring Resources & Opportunities (Volume 4) Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life

Hi Huskies,

After an eventful academic year, national Mental Health Awareness month gives us an opportunity to refocus on caring for yourself, the importance of mental health and mental health care resources available at the UW for you, including:

We are here to help you get the care you need.


Husky Experience

Undergraduate Research Symposium with a collage of photos of students conducting research and participating in art projects.

UW Undergraduate Research Symposium is May 19

Join us in person on May 19 for the 26th Undergraduate Research Symposium. More than 1,000 students will share their research spanning population health, racial equity, politics, history, engineering, computer science, biology, education, dance, design and more. Undergraduate creativity and scholarship is boundless. Registration is recommended. Learn more about the Undergraduate Research Symposium and register to attend.

2023 class gift supports undergraduate research
This year, the graduating UW Seattle class of 2023 is supporting the Undergraduate Research Program Gift Fund to support students and mentors who want to engage in undergraduate research and creative scholarship across all disciplines. To donate $20.23 or more, visit the Together UW class gift donation webpage.


Today: UW Spring Makers FairStudents gather around a jewelry table at the Maker's Fair.

The two-day Spring Makers Fair ends today (May 17), so don’t miss out. The fair is 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the HUB and features uniquely made products created by 250 vendors from our UW community. Attendees can enter to win amazing giveaways from some of our students, faculty, staff and alumni makers and artists.

Sustainability Careers Alumni PanelGreen globe with a plant and recycling arrows on a green background.

Come for an online conversation with UW alumni working in sustainability roles in a variety of fields 4-5 p.m. on May 24. This is a great way to hear from alumni who have walked the path before you. Register to attend the Careers in Sustainability Alumni Panel.

Student discount: 5th Avenue TheaterActors perform Les Miserables.

UW students get a 20% discount on 5th Avenue Theater shows, including the upcoming performance of Les Misérables May 24-June 17. To get the discount, buy tickets directly through the or use promo code DAWGS.

Mental Health Moment

Marimba with mallets.

Strengthen your mind-body connection with Mindfulness Through Connecting with the Arts workshops hosted by UW’s Counseling Center, including:

  • May 24, 3-6 p.m.: Marimba Music Workshop, HUB Ballroom. YAAMBA Marimba Band will lead an exploration of play, music and rhythm. Percussion instruments are provided with instruction on how to play them.

RSVP to the art workshop to receive a reminder to attend. Drop-ins also welcome.

Career and Internships

Professional Headshots New! Iris Booth with illustrations of snapshots of dogs.

Free Self-Service Professional Headshot Booth

Looking for a new professional headshot to refresh your LinkedIn, Handshake or Husky Landing profile? Stop by the UW Career & Internship Center 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday in Mary Gates Hall Room 134 to use the Iris Air Booth for your next professional photo! No appointment necessary.

During your session, the machine will take three photos of you. Then your photos will be delivered to you instantly via email. You can edit, share and upload your photos as desired. Find out more about getting a new headshot.

Navigating UW


Register for graduation by May 21Group of UW graduates at commencement.

It’s time to join the graduation celebration! If you’re planning to participate in UW’s 2023 commencement, register by May 21. You can also order cap and gown, tickets and parking for the Husky Stadium commencement ceremony.

Visit the UW Food Pantry Hunger is the Pits. Pre-order or shop in person at the UW Food Pantry with an illustration of an avocado on a purple background.

Visitors to the UW Food Pantry are welcome to shop in-person or order online for pick up once a week and get three to four days worth of food. The Pantry provides shelf-stable products, UW Farm organic produce, ready-to-eat items from campus dining locations and hygiene products at no cost to visitors.

Get a massage!Woman getting her shoulders massaged.

Relax and unwind with a massage at UW Recreation with a licensed massage therapist. For a single session, the student price is $30. Learn more about massage and make an appointment.

Spring Resources & Opportunities (Volume 3) – Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life

Hi Huskies,

Spring quarter isn’t even halfway over, and I’m already thinking about June. I’m looking forward to in-person Commencement June 10 at Husky Stadium. It’s one of my favorite events of the year – student and celebrating their accomplishments with their loved ones, faculty and staff.

If you’re planning to graduate, it’s time to register for commencement. Complete the Commencement Registration/Order Form by May 21 so you can join us. I look forward to congratulating you in person!


Husky Experience

Two UW football players in purple jerseys discuss the Be the Match bone marrow registry with two women in Red Square.

Get in the Game and Support Be the Match May 9

UW Athletics and the Whole U is teaming up with the bone marrow registry Be The Match to provide a lifesaving cure for blood diseases and cancers.

Consider joining the hundreds of UW students and athletes currently on the Be The Match registry by learning more 3:30- 5p.m. on Tuesday, May 9 in Red Square.

Come to ask questions, learn how health disparities impact this lifesaving cure and join the registry. Everyone who stops by will receive a free T-shirt and a photo opportunity with Dubs!


Learn about your brain May 5

A white illustration of a brain on a green background.Gray Matters, a a neuroscience outreach organization founded by UW students, is celebrating the beauty of the brain at An Evening with Neuroscience 6-9 p.m. May 5 in Kane Hall 130. The free event includes a neuroscience art gallery, interactive neurotechnology displays, a human brain demonstration and a panel of diverse neuroscientists and clinicians to share their knowledge and answer your questions.

Create a balanced course load with DawgPathGet the perfect schedule with DawgPath and a Husky puppy on a mint green background.

Manage your course load, discover interesting courses and majors and connect with your adviser with DawgPath. If you’re searching for your major, DawgPath helps you determine how competitive you are for a major with limited capacity and helps you better navigate your path to a degree.

Spring Makers Fair is May 16 and 17Spring Makers Fair

Join us for the two-day Spring Makers Fair 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on May 16 and 17 at the Husky Union Building as we showcase uniquely made products created by 250 vendors from our UW community. Attendees can enter to win amazing giveaways from some of our students, faculty, staff and alumni makers and artists.

Mental Health Moment

UW Counseling Center Beyond Isolation to Inclusion Building Resilience and Community After Covid.

Join UW’s Counseling Center for Beyond Isolation to Inclusion, a three-part workshop series to help build resilience and community after COVID-19.

  • Beyond Zoom: 3:30-5 p.m. May 10. Navigating loneliness and isolation after COVID, the friendship recession and taking calculated social risks.
  • Together Again: 3:30-5 p.m. May 18. What are social skills? Introversion and extroversion, bell curve of interaction, relational or conversational interest and conversation starters.
  • Rediscovering Connection: 3:30-5 p.m. May 24. Explore social opportunities.

All sessions are in the UW Counseling Center Large Group Room at 401 Schmitz Hall. Sign up to attend a single workshop or the entire Beyond Isolation to Inclusion series.

Career and Internships

An assortment of black business illustrations on a white background.

Workshops to kickoff or supercharge your job search

Navigating UW

Report a barrier to university accessIllustration of a clipboard with a pencil.

Report a physical barrier preventing access to a University building or area, such as a non-functioning door opener or damaged curb cut. Or you can submit a report if you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access UW websites, videos, online forms or other IT. Learn how to report a barrier.

Congrats to survey raffle winnersCongrats to our raffle winners with a photo of the ASUW Shell House on the water.

Thank you to the more than 1,400 students who completed the survey about UW’s ASUW Shell House. The UW is restoring the Shell House, and the survey will help shape the future of this historic building. Congratulations to the winners of the AirPod Pros, an Instax Mini Polaroid Camera, IMA Rec Class and CRAGS Passes.

LGBTQ+ Day HikeA group of students hike on a dirt trail in between two groves of trees.

Build a community by hiking! This day hike is for those who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ and non-binary communities. Join like minded individuals and explore the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Register today for this event happening May 7 from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Spring 2023 Resources & Opportunities (Volume 2) – Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life

Hi Huskies,

If you haven’t had a chance to vote for the next ASUW Board of Directors yet, you still have time. Tomorrow (April 20) is the last day of the election for next year’s student leaders. Learn more about the candidates and vote online by noon tomorrow. Results will be available tomorrow night.

Thank you to our outstanding student leaders for their service to our campus. If you’re interested in student government, there are many ways you can participate through the Associated Students of the University of Washington and Graduate and Professional Student Senate.

Getting involved in politics is one way to enhance your Husky Experience, but there are many more, from Registered Student organizations to rock climbing at the Crags Climbing Center. I encourage you to continue exploring and try something new this spring!


Husky Experience

Students walk across the Quad past blooming cherry blossom trees.

Take the spring Husky Check-In Survey

Student input is vital to ensuring quality instruction at the UW. That is why we want to better understand your experience, specifically with student course evaluations, through this spring’s Husky Check-in survey. Husky Check-ins are administered by the Office of Educational Assessment (OEA) two to three times a year and are supported by student leaders at UW. This one should take no more than 5 minutes to complete and can be completed through Wednesday, April 26. Read results from prior check-ins on the OEA website.


Get your human sexuality questions answered on April 20Sex, Lovers, & Friends

LiveWell’s Sex, Lovers and Friends series continues this week with several events, including a drop-in human sexuality Q&A with Nicole K. McNichols, Ph.D, at 2-3 p.m. on April 20 at the Intellectual House. Her course, “The Diversity of Human Sexuality,” is one of the largest and most popular undergraduate courses at UW.

Mindfulness Through the Arts workshop is April 19Art supplies, including paint and paintbrushes.

Connect with community and mindfully engage your senses through the creative process of collage art at UW Counseling Center’s Mindfulness Through Connecting to the Arts: Collage Workshop 3:15-5:15 p.m. on April 19. Supplies provided. RSVP to attend the art workshop.

Comedian Zainab Johnson performs April 20 at KaneA 4/20 comedy night with Zainab Johnson with a picture of Zaninab.

Zaniab Johnson will share comedy shaped by her experience growing up in Harlem as one of 13 siblings in a black Muslim family at 8 p.m. on April 20 at Kane Hall. Sponsored by ASUW Arts + Entertainment and Graduate & Professional Student Senate. Tickets are $8 with UW ID and $15 for the general public.

Mental Health Moment

Illustration of raindrops with the text Drop into Let's Talk.

Let’s Talk connects UW students both virtually and in-person with free, confidential support from experienced mental health counselors from the Counseling Center without an appointment. Counselors hold drop-in hours to provide insight, solutions and information about other resources.

Career and Internships

Spring Job & Internship Fair with an illustration of tulips.

UW-Seattle Virtual Spring Job & Internship Fair April 26

Connect with recruiters at the UW-Seattle virtual Spring Job & Internship Fair.
When: Wednesday, April 26, 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Virtual via Handshake
Who: Open to all majors. See the list of employers attending the fair.
How: Learn more, activate your Handshake account, register for the fair and sign up for one-to-one or group sessions with specific employers.

Navigating UW

Turn your research project into moneyPile of $100 bills.

The University Libraries recognizes the excellence and creativity of students through the annual Library Research Award for Undergraduates. Awards are $500-$1,000. All types of projects are eligible. If you don’t think your student work counts, check the criteria. Apply by May 1.

Join the Arts and Sciences Advisory Council for StudentsArts building framed with cherry blossoms.

Apply by May 7 to join the student advisor board for the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences for the 2023-24 academic year. The board includes eight undergraduate and four graduate students who share their perspectives and provide recommendations on a range of issues.

UW Recreation now offers acupunctureWooden bowl with acupuncture needles next to green leaves.

Acupuncture treatments can improve anxiety, insomnia, headaches, low back pain, TMJ, digestive issues, gynecological issues and neck and shoulder pain. Learn more about the UW Recreation acupuncture clinic offered at the IMA.

Spring 2023 Resources & Opportunities (Volume 1) – Husky Pawket Guide

Husky Pawket Guide From the Desk of Dr. Denzil Suite, UW Division of Student Life

Hi Huskies,

Hope your spring quarter is off to a good start! As we head into the last few months of the academic year, I encourage you to take time to explore our beautiful campus. Visit the cherry blossoms in the Quad, stop by the UW Botanic Gardens, rent a canoe at the Waterfront Activities Center or enjoy some of UW’s other hidden gems.

Enjoy the sunshine,

Husky Experience

Today We Build a Better Tomorrow. Husky Giving Day with a group of smiling students.

Husky Giving Day is April 6!
Be part of something BIG. This Thursday, April 6, join us in Red Square to celebrate Husky Giving Day!

9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.: KEXP DJ Kennady Quille + activities
Grab a photo with Airy the gigantic inflatable Husky at the Alumni Association table and snack on a doughnut from Mighty-O while learning about Husky Giving Day.
12:30-1:30 p.m.: Dubs meet and greet photo op at the Husky Giving Day tent.
2:40-3 p.m.: Husky Marching Band


LiveWell hosts Sex, Lovers & Friends series in AprilIllustration of four people walking in different directions.

LiveWell’s Peer Health Educators have a full month of educational and fun activities, workshops and games throughout the month of April. This week, join us for Talking with Strangers, an interactive workshop about striking up conversations with new people, at 3 p.m. April 6 in the Husky Union Building South Ballroom 221B.

Apply by April 16 for Huskies @WorkSmiling UW students and alumni.

The spring session of Huskies@Work is now accepting applications. Get connected 1-on-1 with alumni who can give you the inside info you need, whether you’re curious about a new career field or already have a dream job in mind. Apply by April 16; meet ups happen in May.

Waterfront Activities Center canoe rentals

A student in a blue WAC lifejacket in a canoe on the water.

Recreation’s Waterfront Activities Center on the shore of Lake Union will begin offering canoe rentals on April 6. UW Seattle students receive a 25% rental discount (Husky Card required).


Mental Health Moment

Group therapy. Let's get chatty. Illustration of two people talking. #HealthyHuskies

If you’re in need of mental health support, consider joining the Counseling Center for group therapy. Options offered this quarter include Understanding Self and Others, Getting Through Grief, Procrastination and Perfectionism and many others.

Career and Internships

Spring Job & Internship Fair with illustration of cherry blossoms.

In-Person Spring Job & Internship Fair April 11

100 employers will be recruiting for internships, part-time jobs and post-graduation jobs!

When: April 11, 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
Where: HUB Ballrooms
Who: Open to all majors and class levels
Get Ready: Watch How to Prepare for an In-Person Career Fair

Learn more about the Job & Internship Fair and register to attend.

Navigating UW

Apply to be a 2023 UWAA Homecoming Scholar

A female UW student who earned a UWAA scholarship, purple and gold topped cupcake, I heart W sign, and hands surrounding artwork. The UW Alumni Association is looking for extraordinary Huskies who represent the impact of a UW education. If you think that sounds like you, apply to be a UWAA Homecoming Scholar! Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply for one of six $4,000 scholarships. Applications close April 30. Learn more about the UWAA Homecoming Scholarship.

Digital Storytelling with UW Libraries – Apply by April 12

Join fellow Huskies for a series of free workshops that will take youVideo storytelling 4 week workshop. UW Libraries Storytelling Fellows with an illustration of a woman editing a video. through everything you need to know to create compelling digital stories — from idea generation, media collection, recording, editing and more. Learn more about the Video Digital Storytelling workshop.

Easier issue tracking when you need Help Desk support

Hands typing on a laptop.

UW IT’s Service Center is making it easier to track your Help Desk request. Now, when you contact or 206-221-5000, you’ll get one easy-to-use Reference Number per issue. And if you didn’t know, My Requests on IT Connect shows you the basic info on any help records you might have.