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Halloween 2020 Safety Tips

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Halloween will look much different this year.

There are many things to consider to ensure the safety of yourself and our UW community. Many traditional Halloween activities can be high-risk for spreading viruses, and COVID aside, Halloween is a good time to be vigilant about your personal safety.

Staying healthy

The CDC has compiled a list of low-to-high-risk Halloween activities to help you plan safely from a virus standpoint. Examples include:

Lower risk activities:

  • Carving or decorating pumpkins outside, at a safe distance, with friends.
  • Having a Halloween movie night with people you live with.
  • See the full list.

Medium risk activities:

  • Attending a costume party held outdoors where protective masks are used and people can remain more than 6 feet apart.
  • Having an outdoor Halloween movie night with friends with people spaced at least 6 feet apart.
  • See the full list.

Higher risk activities (avoid these):

  • Attending crowded costume parties held indoors.
  • Going to an indoor haunted house where people may be crowded together and screaming.
  • See the full list.

Staying safe

The UW Police Department has shared the following tips on staying safe on Halloween:

  • If walking in a group, keep it small (2 – 4 persons) and keep at least 6 feet of distance between each other.
  • If you walk alone be alert of your surroundings at all times. Call Nightwalk at 685-WALK for a campus escort!
  • Whether walking alone or in a group, try to avoid dark or poorly-lit areas whenever possible.
  • Avoid parties and other large gatherings where the risk for the spread of COVID-19 is high.
  • If you wear a costume, make sure it includes a face covering that fits snugly over your nose and mouth.
  • Remember to wash your hands often or carry hand sanitizer with you.
  • Avoid playing pranks (particularly on strangers) that can be perceived as threatening.
  • Trust your instincts – if something doesn’t feel right, get yourself out of the situation as soon as possible.
  • Carry your cell phone with you at all times and don’t hesitate to call 911 to report suspicious or criminal activity.
  • Please be safe!

Autumn Resources & Opportunities (Vol.2) – Husky Pawket Guide

Hi Huskies,

I hope you’re settling into autumn quarter as best you can. I want to thank all of you for your resilience and your patience with your instructors and with each other as we all adapt to these strangest of times.

I also want to thank the many of you who are doing your part to help keep our UW community safe amidst COVID by being smart about wearing a mask, getting tested, and practicing responsible distancing.

It will continue to take all of us, starting with you, to maintain norms of safe and responsible behavior. I again thank the majority of you who are already doing this, and I ask you to reinforce this behavior among your friends and communities.


  1. COVID health and safety
  2. Connecting with community
  3. Your role in Election 2020
  4. Mental health moment
  5. Career and internships
  6. Helpful resources

1. COVID health and safety

We’ve seen some localized COVID outbreaks among students.

  • As a reminder, please limit gatherings to outdoors and a maximum of FIVE masked, physically distanced people per week, even if you live in the same residence.

Testing will help you stay vigilant about your own health, and will establish a better understanding of COVID levels across UW.

Navigating social situations is tricky in the COVID era. 

  • People have different comfort levels with meeting in person, and some are ignoring public health guidance.

UW students with UW LiveWell built the COVID Convos toolkit to help you practice and promote responsible hang time.


Healthy Huskies vending machines

Vending machines with masks, hand sanitizer, gloves, and more are now on campus (Magnuson Health Sciences Center, the HUB, the IMA, South Campus Center, Local Point, and Center Table). All accept credit cards and Husky Card.

Learn More


If you are currently experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home and  follow the instructions for what to do if you feel sick.

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2. Connecting with community

UW offers a range of activities that are not only fun, they’re a great way to strengthen bonds and form new ones.

UW Recreation is offering a variety of in-person and virtual opportunities to stay healthy, have fun with friends, and meet new people.

The UW Rec Class Pass gives access to 40 fitness, mindfulness, and UWild classes.

  • It’s free for UW students.
  • Many classes are both in-person and online.

The Great Husky Race from UW LiveWell is a great way to get out and get moving with Huskies you know and friends-to-be.

  • Join with friends or make new ones — try signing up solo to be assigned to a team!

The Race is already on — sign up ASAP.


The HUB’s Student Events & Activities page highlights opportunities to connect with other Huskies.

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3. Your role in Election 2020

Coming up quick: Election Day is November 3. Be sure your voice is counted as we determine the next U.S. president and many other elected officials.

3-week-out checklist (do these today):

Register to vote (or check to confirm you’re registered) — you won’t be able to vote until you register (2 minutes).


That’s 3 weeks from today.

Check out Huskies Vote to get started and learn more.

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4. Mental health moment

Now is a good time to be proactive about your mental health. Explore UW’s range of resources and support services available to students:


If you feel overwhelmed, concerned about a friend, or you’re not sure what you need but you’d like to talk, take a few minutes to connect with us: call 206-543-1240, or explore mental health and counseling support at UW.

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5. Career and internships

There are still jobs and internships out there, and it’s as important as ever to build your skills, experience, and network. Here are a few things you may want to check out:

Job/internship postings (undergrad):

Job/internship postings (graduate):

LinkedIn Learning courses available to you now:


Good with kids?

UW Child Care Connections connects UW students interested in providing child care or learning support to UW employees and graduate students who need caregiving support.

Learn More




The Career & Internship Center is here to support you with guidance and resources, including Handshake, UW’s online job and internship database.

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6. Helpful resources

Help with accessing laptops and WiFi is available to UW students.

Academic Success Coaching helps UW students with effective study strategies, time management, setting/achieving goals, motivation, and finding campus resources.

A sleep guide for Huskies: Goodnight Huskies is a booklet from UW LiveWell that you can use to help increase your chances of getting a good night’s sleep.

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Autumn Resources & Opportunities (Vol. 1) – Husky Pawket Guide

Hi Huskies,

We couldn’t be more excited to welcome you to a new academic year. For those of you who are new to campus, I’m Denzil Suite, your Vice President for Student Life.

This is a year unlike any other, and yet, I know that we can and will overcome the challenges we face thoughtfully, compassionately, and together. You’ve been getting lots of very long emails from UW leadership – my goal in the coming weeks is to equip you with need-to-know info and tips through messages that are bite-sized and easily digestible.

Now, without further ado (or further food analogies), let’s get started…


    1. COVID health and safety
    2. Connecting with community
    3. Your role in Election 2020
    4. Mental health moment
    5. Career and internships
    6. Helpful resources

1. COVID health and safety

The health of our students and our community is our highest priority. Young adults are just as likely to catch—and spread—COVID-19 as older people.

This is going to take all of us.  

Testing is a key part of keeping yourself and our community safe.

At UW, you must wear a face covering indoors wherever other people are present and outside whenever it may not be possible to stay 6 feet from others.




If you are currently experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home and  follow the instructions for what to do if you feel sick.

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2. Connecting with community

Students who participate in clubs, organizations, and engagement opportunities graduate at higher rates, are more satisfied with the college experience, have better grades, and are less likely to drop out. 

  • Plus, one of the strongest protective factors for emotional health is being involved with and connected to community.
  • And, you’ll have a more fun and enriching Husky Experience that way!

Registered student organizations (RSOs) are a great way to connect with students who have similar interests and are looking to meet people.



The HUB’s Student Events & Activities page highlights opportunities to connect with other Huskies.

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3. Your role in Election 2020

On November 3, we will elect the next U.S. president. There’s too much at stake in this election to sit this one out.

  • We live in extraordinary times. This is your chance to turn your beliefs into impact.
  • However you plan to vote, what matters is that you vote.
  • Get started now.

College students have been dismissed as apathetic voters and “all talk” due to low participation rates in years past.

  • Let’s shatter that stereotype.

Do these things right now:



That’s less than 5 weeks from now.

Check out Huskies Vote for helpful info and tools.

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4. Mental health moment

Want to practice self-care but feeling unsure about how to do it? Self-care BINGO could be a good place to start.



If you feel overwhelmed, concerned about a friend, or you’re not sure what you need but you’d like to talk, take a few minutes to connect with us: call 206-543-1240, or explore mental health and counseling support at UW.

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5. Career and internships

The economy has been a rollercoaster, but there are still jobs and internships out there. It’s as important as ever to build your skills, experience, and network. Here are a few things you may want to check out:


Job/internship postings (undergrad):

Job/internship postings (graduate):

LinkedIn Learning courses available to you now:



The Career & Internship Center is here to support you with guidance and resources, including Handshake, UW’s online job and internship database.

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6. Helpful resources

The Online Learning Tools page has resources to help you succeed with remote learning.

CLUE provides free tutoring for UW undergraduates.

The What’s Open page highlights helpful student spaces that are operational. 

SafeCampus is available any time if you ever need to anonymously discuss safety and well-being concerns for yourself or others.


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Welcome to a new year!

A message from Denzil Suite, UW Vice President for Student Life.

Hello Huskies,

Whether you are here in Seattle or engaging remotely from another state or country, I am thrilled to welcome you to the 2020-21 academic year. It goes without saying, this will be a year unlike any other. In fact, each of you is making history right now.

While it is sometimes hard to imagine looking back on this past year without just focusing on the negative, when we do reflect on this moment in history, as individuals and as a society, what will really stand out is what we chose to do with this time; how we chose to navigate these uncertain waters and extraordinary circumstances and come together as a community in the face of unprecedented challenges.

Whether you are a returning student or completely new to the UW, we in the Division of Student Life are here to help guide and support you as you navigate this transformational journey of discovery.

We’re here to listen when times get tough, help you with career choices, and make sure you have a friendly and inclusive community within the larger University environment. We also offer you a wide variety of activities to enhance your personal health, which we know is important to your academic success.

This year is no exception, and regardless of what the coming months bring, we are here for you and are committed to a great Husky Experience. We have adapted our programs and services to support your success, growth, connections, and well-being, even in this remote environment.

We have created virtual spaces for you to find opportunities to connect and engage with your fellow Huskies and opportunities across UW and beyond. We have also adapted recreational activities as a way for you to explore fun and active pursuits, on your own or with other Huskies, including virtual intramurals and free virtual mindfulness and fitness classes.

We are also offering remote counseling and well-being support in a variety of formats and languages, and you can access online workshops and other content to proactively bolster your self-care and wellness.

Student Life, in conjunction with our partners in the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity, Undergraduate Academic Affairs, the Graduate School, and more, serves as the hub of many of the activities that complement your academic pursuits. And make no mistake, your academic pursuits need to remain your #1 priority.

BUT you must also get involved! I want you to know that your UW experience will be incomplete if all you do is attend class and then study all night.

We know from years of experience and research that students who participate in clubs and organizations, who get involved with their residence hall associations, who participate in engagement opportunities, or who hold office in student government —these students graduate at higher rates, they are more satisfied with the college experience, have better grades, and are less likely to drop out.

As I have said, while many things are not normal this autumn quarter, we are committed to making these same opportunities available to you. As distracting and distressing as the pandemic is, do not let these things deter you from getting involved or from making this experience an enriching one.

In fact, let these things propel you to be more proactive, more engaged, to put yourself out there, and to really make the most of your Husky Experience given the circumstances.

My message for you is that whatever your course of study, whatever your passion, just remember WHY you are here and stay focused on your goals. It is critically important for you to do well in the classroom, but also to get involved with YOUR campus on every level, even virtually, starting with the faculty but also including the wonderful staff and your fellow students.

Welcome to a new academic year. I’m excited for the things we will achieve together.


Denzil J. Suite
Vice President for Student Life


Your back-to-school checklist (Message to Seattle campus students)

A message from Denzil Suite, UW Vice President for Student Life.

Dear UW Student,

First, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. As the University of Washington prepares for autumn quarter, I write to share information and expectations for all students to protect your health and the health of our community.

The rise of cases this summer underscores how important it is for every one of us to remain personally committed to stopping the spread of COVID-19. The science is clear: Young people are just as likely to contract COVID-19, even if they are less likely to experience serious illness. Studies also show that serious illness is possible at any age and that the long-term effects of this disease are still unknown. With that in mind, I write to equip you — and those around you — with how to stay healthy as you return to your Husky Experience.

In addition to the University’s steps to reduce density, increase physical distancing, and provide testing and contact tracing, the UW’s Advisory Committee on Communicable Diseases has developed guidelines for students. Huskies have shown time and again a great capacity to care for each other in challenging situations, and I know you will respond with compassion to meet the needs of this moment.

For EVERY Husky, including if you plan to access all services and classes remotely:

  1. Familiarize yourself with resources for students to make your time as a UW student safe and successful, whether you’re learning on campus or remotely.
  2. Review and commit to the Husky PACK Pledge, which outlines the responsibilities all Huskies have to protect themselves and each other.
  3. Bookmark to quickly find physical and mental health and wellness resources when you need them.
  4. Save the information for UW Environmental Health & Safety to your personal device, and contact EH&S staff if you receive a positive or suspected COVID-19 diagnosis: / 206-616-3344.
  5. If you plan to live with other students off campus, please review our sample roommates agreement together before the quarter starts so you can develop and reach consensus on guidelines for your shared living situation.

Wherever you are this autumn, please keep practicing good hygiene and remember the 3 Ws: Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Watch your distance.

If you have questions about your courses, please contact your college, school, department or instructor. Housing & Food Services can answer questions about on-campus housing, and has an FAQ about autumn quarter.

For Huskies who will live in residence halls or Greek housing, or will be on campus for ANY reason this autumn, including in-person classes:

  1. If you have not been on campus this summer, please quarantine for 14 days before coming to the UW for the first time by staying home and away from gatherings and from people outside your household. (Right now, avoiding even small gatherings is good advice in general!)
  2. Please get a COVID-19 test before leaving your home, within 72 hours of coming to campus. If you test positive, notify the UW Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S) at immediately.
    1. If you become ill or test positive for COVID-19 within 10 days of your planned return to campus, whether or not you have COVID-19 symptoms, you MUST self-isolate before coming to the UW. Contact your advisor and instructors to make coursework arrangements.
      • If you have symptoms, self-isolate until your symptoms improve, your fever is gone for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications, AND it’s been at least 10 days since your symptoms started.
      • If you don’t have symptoms, self-isolate for 10 days after receiving your positive COVID-19 test result.
    2. If you come into close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 (by spending at least 15 minutes within 6 feet of them) within two weeks of your planned return to campus, quarantine at home for 14 days and get tested before coming to the UW. (See “I may have been exposed to COVID-19. What should I do?” for more information.)
  3. Get a flu vaccine this year. You can get a shot before coming to campus or can get vaccinated on campus, and we’ll share more information in the coming weeks. Please note: Health sciences students who participate in the Health Sciences Immunization Program are required to receive flu vaccines by the deadline noted in their CastleBranch immunization portal.
  4. If you are travelling to Seattle, take precautions by following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guide for how to stay safe while traveling.

The UW is finalizing a campus testing program for autumn quarter. We will share more information in the coming weeks.


If you are planning to return to campus, please bring these things with you:

  1. Face coverings, which are required to enter all UW buildings, including classrooms and labs. If you have a U.S. address listed as your permanent residence, the University will send you two UW masks in the mail. If your address is outside the U.S., you can receive your masks when you arrive on campus.
  2. Hand sanitizer for times when hand-washing isn’t available
  3. A thermometer for daily symptom monitoring
  4. Cleaning supplies and disinfectants for high-touch surfaces inside your living space or other places you access frequently, like door handles, light fixtures and bathrooms
  5. Contact information saved on your personal device:

This autumn quarter will be different from any we have experienced. Yet, many key elements will remain the same. We will welcome new Huskies into the fold and welcome back those of you who are continuing your journeys. We will celebrate achievements and overcome challenges. We will learn, grow and add to the vibrancy and diversity of our world. Whether you are joining us in person or online, I look forward to the unique commitment and contributions every Husky brings to our community — and to what we will accomplish together.


Denzil J. Suite
Vice President for Student Life

5 Cool Things – Spring 2020 News & Updates

This message was sent to UW Seattle students from Vice President for Student Life Denzil Suite on April 17, 2020.

Five Cool Things from Denzil’s Desk (Spring Edition)


Academic Support during a Remote Quarter
Staying Close at a Distance
Careers: Preparing for an Uncertain Economy
Self-care and Managing Stress
Staying Safe during an Extraordinary Time

A Few Cool Extras…

Dear Huskies,

So much has changed since my winter quarter newsletter to you. Before anything else, I’d like to convey my heartfelt hope that you and those dear to you are healthy and doing as well as possible during these challenging times.

I want to recognize the extraordinary circumstances into which each one of you has been thrust. I also want to recognize the ways in which so many of you have risen to the occasion with resilience, grace, courage, and, critically – empathy. While the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all, it will affect each of us at different times and in different ways. It is now more important than ever to practice intentional and unyielding compassion for one another and for ourselves.

This is new for all of us and certainly unprecedented. Nevertheless, it will pass, and it’s my sincere belief that we as a UW community will emerge more united than before. But I’ll be the first to acknowledge that this sentiment doesn’t negate the uncertainty and challenges that confront us right now, nor does it ameliorate the profound impacts this pandemic has had on academics, operations, and traditions across our UW community.

Nobody chose this, and yet, it is the difficult reality in which we find ourselves. It is also a reality that we all share. While the last month has undoubtedly been marked by anxiety, frustration, and fear, I am so impressed – though not at all surprised – by how you have collectively met this moment.

This crisis has showcased a uniquely UW trait that has stood out to me since my first week on this job, seven years ago: Huskies have an uncommon proclivity and capacity for altruism and for helping others. This is evident when I work with your amazing student leaders, and it consistently rings true for every one of you I meet.

There is no denying that we are living through a historic moment. Let’s make this a time that we remember, above all else, for how we came together as a community in kindness, patience, gratitude, and support for one another.

While so much is different this spring, we have been hard at work to ensure that as many services, resources, and engagement opportunities as possible are still available to you, including a few new ones. Below I’ve highlighted a handful of information and programming to support your success and well-being during a quarter like no other.

Please take care of yourselves and those around you.


Denzil J. Suite, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Life

Academic Support during a Remote Quarter

As we continue to adapt to UW’s first-ever full-remote quarter, many helpful resources have emerged to help you navigate studying from home and succeeding in an online learning environment.

Academic Support Programs’ Online Learning page
 houses a variety of helpful content, including:

The Race and Equity Initiative’s COVID-19 Resources page hosts valuable resources and information for all students, with a focus on helping students who face challenges and barriers to belonging based on their marginalized identities.

And let’s not forget Zoom backgrounds… Whether you’re tired of showcasing your personal space to 700 of your closest friends in a virtual lecture, or simply feel your background is lacking a certain Boundlessness, consider grabbing a Zoom Background for Huskies! Or, if you’d like to mix things up, there is plenty of other inspiration around the world wide web.

Staying Close at a Distance

These are trying times, and keeping connected and engaging with each other are more vital than ever as we remain physically apart.

Spring Events & Activities HubThe HUB has launched a new virtual engagement hub featuring opportunities across UW and around the world to connect with, learn from, and have fun with each other. Here are a few offerings, for starters:

Virtual RecreationThe IMA may be closed, but UW Recreation is hosting a number of ways to stay healthy together, even when apart, including:

  • Virtual MindfulnessJoin in for a virtual yoga or meditation class!
  • Virtual FitnessSign up for Boot Camp, Total Body, CORE Conditioning, or Zumba!
  • Virtual Spring Intramurals: A great way to have fun while feeding your competitive side (for free!), virtual intramurals include trivia nights, step count competitions, the Trick Shot Challenge, and more.

Photo by UW Student Life photographer Vivian Tran

Careers: Preparing for an Uncertain Economy

The Career & Internship Center’s robust range of virtual services and resources are here to help you navigate an uncertain economy and focus your job search, including virtual resume review, coaching appointments, webinars, and a new “Ask Me Anything” series.

Looking for an Internship or Job? Check out the Career & Internship Center’s Virtual Resume Books! You can submit your resume to any of 14 resume books, and Career & Internship Center staff can pass along your resume to employers with hiring needs. Log in to your Handshake account, navigate to “Jobs,” and enter “resume book” in the search field.

Virtual Career Coaching: Connect with career coaches via Zoom or phone through a virtual appointment or virtual drop-in.

Finding your Path: These resources help you explore career paths that could be a great fit for you:

  • Pathway U: Take an online assessment to help get clarity on potential majors and career paths.
  • Vault Guides help you explore careers, industries and more from the comfort of your couch.
  • Candid Career has 7,000 short video clips of professionals sharing the ins and outs of their industry, field, and position.
  • WOIS/The Career Information System has assessments, career descriptions, and more.
  • Interest Community pages have advice, videos, alumni stories, and resources related to seven career interest areas.

Also, see the “Career Corner” section below for a handful of current internship postings.

Photo by UW Student Life photographer Vivian Tran

Self-care and Managing Stress

UW mental health support services have adapted to our “new normal” and are here to help during these challenging times with a robust range of care as well as resources for coping with COVID-19 stress.

Mental Health Support: You can still connect with UW’s mental health professionals remotely, and most importantly, securely  – therapists are using a HIPAA-compliant version of Zoom with end-to-end encryption.

Let’s Talk connects UW students with support from experienced UW counselors without an appointment, and is being offered in an online format during spring quarter. Let’s Talk offers informal consultation – it is not a substitute for regular therapy, counseling, or psychiatric care.

Healthy Huskies is a new online wellness magazine from UW LiveWell for students, featuring weekly content from UW students, LiveWell staff, and voices across the nation on a range of wellness topics.

Accessing Health Care: Medical and mental health services from Hall Health are primarily being conducted by phone or a secure video-conferencing platform, but in-person appointments with a health care provider are still possible for urgent needs. Please call Hall Health before coming in.

Photo by UW Student Life photographer Vivian Tran

Staying Safe during an Extraordinary Time

Among the many impacts of COVID-19, the changes to our norms brought about by the pandemic can create new opportunities for potential threats to our well-being. It is as important as ever to remain vigilant in physical and digital spaces, and to be mindful of the resources available to you.

SafeCampus is still fully operational. If you ever need to anonymously discuss safety and well-being concerns for yourself or others, contact SafeCampus at 206-685-7233 any time. And remember, online harassment is still harassment.

The UW Emergency Alert Blog regularly posts updates, such as recent UWPD advice on staying safe in the U-District now that fewer people are around. If you haven’t already, sign up for UW Alert for important real-time safety alerts.

Coronavirus-related scams have been on the rise, as criminals try to capitalize on confusion and concerns on topics including government stimulus money, tests and treatments, debt relief, and more. Please be careful with regard to potential scams as well as misinformation on COVID-19.

A Few Cool Extras…

Career Corner

The Career & Internship Center is here to support you with guidance and resources, including Handshake, UW’s online job and internship database. Although overall posting numbers in Handshake are down due to the COVID-19 pandemic (locally and nationally), there are still some great opportunities out there. Here’s a look at some current postings:

Primarily for Undergrads:

Primarily for Graduate Students:

NOTE: Decisions about internships, including whether they are being transitioned to virtual, are changing daily as employers work to navigate what works best for them as an organization, and for their candidates. The Career & Internship Center is encouraging flexibility, adaptability, and patience right now, and is here to help you if you are impacted by internship changes.

Key Dates

Many events and engagement opportunities are continuing virtually – below are just a few! For a regularly-updated list of student-focused opportunities, keep an eye on the Spring Quarter Events & Activities page.

Apr. 20 – Job Search Workshop

A Couple Graduation Updates

A Note on Commencement

While the COVID-19 pandemic has required that we postpone our in-person Commencement ceremony this year, the University is dedicated to honoring the incredible achievements and sacrifices of the Class of 2020. In addition to a June 13 “Celebrating Worldwide” virtual recognition to cap off the 2020 academic year, the University is committed to a future, in-person ceremony for the Class of 2020. We are excited to work with our graduates in the coming weeks on how they would like this event to take shape, which could include a separate ceremony.

Free UWAA Membership for 2020 Grads

In honor of the Class of 2020’s perseverance and achievements, the UW Alumni Association is granting a free one-year membership to our 2020 grads. Visit for more details

Welcome to the 2019-20 Academic Year!

A welcome message from Denzil Suite, UW Vice President for Student Life.

Dear Huskies,

I couldn’t be more excited to welcome you to a new academic year. We in the Division of Student Life serve to connect both undergrads and grad students with opportunities and resources to more fully engage while at UW, and to have a well-rounded, healthy, and fulfilling Husky Experience.

We regularly collaborate with students to create transformative experiences that encompass student voices and priorities in order to meet the real needs of our community. We’ve been hard at work over the summer, and I’m excited to share with you a couple big student-fueled developments:

A New Home for the Global Husky Experience

Introducing CIRCLE

CIRCLE is UW’s new hub for international student support and cross-cultural engagement. Opening this fall, the CIRCLE office will house FIUTS and Unite UW and provide a unified “front door” for domestic and international students’ global Husky Experience.

Explore CIRCLE

A Unified Portal for your Health Services

Husky Health & Well-Being

Nothing is more important than your health and well-being. Husky Health & Well-Being is UW’s new one-stop wellness website. A student collaboration from the start, the site streamlines access to UW’s full spectrum of care and resources.

Husky Health & Well-Being

We are here to support not only your educational journey, but also your growth and well-being beyond the classroom. College is a unique and transformational experience, and our top priority is to help you make the most of your time on campus.

On behalf of myself and all Student Life staff, welcome to the 2019-20 academic year!

Go Dawgs!

Denzil J. Suite, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Life

An Important Note on Safety

If you ever need to anonymously discuss safety and well-being concerns for yourself or others, contact SafeCampus at 206-685-7233 any time. Additionally, any UW student who has experienced sexual assault, sexual harassment, partner violence, or stalking has access to advocates for confidential support, information, and assistance at no cost. To connect with an advocate, visit: