Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
CEE 220 Introduction to Mechanics of Materials (4) NSc
Introduction to the concepts of stress, deformation, and strain in solid materials. Development of basic relationships among loads, stresses, and deflections of structural and machine elements such as rods, shafts, and beams. Load-carrying capacity of these elements under tension, compression, torsion, bending, and shear forces. Course overlaps with: B ME 222 and TME 222. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in A A 210. Offered: AWSp.
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CEE 250 Environmental Processes and flows (3) NSc
Introduces the concepts of environmental materials and energy balance within the context of Pacific Northwest case studies, in particular nutrient loading, eutrophication, hypoxia/fish kills, water treatment, and global climate change and its regional impacts on water resources and hydrologic cycles. Prerequisite: either MATH 120, or MATH 124. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 291 Introduction to Computer-Aided Design for Civil Engineers (2) NSc
Introduces the use of computer-aided design (CAD) to develop engineering plan sets. Covers a methodology for using CAD through drafting standards and structure to create and modify basic drawings. Provides an introduction to reading and interpreting plan sets, and to creating portions of plan sets applied to civil and environmental engineering fields. Course overlaps with: TCE 305. Prerequisite: MATH 112 or MATH 124. Offered: AWSp.
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CEE 297 Foreign Study (3-5, max. 15)
For participants in approved foreign-study programs. May not be used to satisfy upper-division major requirements.
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CEE 298 Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering (1-5, max. 10)
Explores special topics in civil and environmental engineering.
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CEE 299 Independent Project (1-5, max. 10)
Research on special topics under supervision of a faculty member. May not be used to satisfy upper-division major requirements. Offered: AWSpS.
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CEE 307 Construction Engineering (5)
Introduces construction engineering including construction methods, engineering economics, contracts, project delivery methods, plan and specifications, scheduling, estimating, productivity, environmental regulations, safety and green construction. Uses scheduling and estimating software tools and emphasizes communication engineering information. Course equivalent to: TCE 307. Offered: AW.
View course details in MyPlan: CEE 307
CEE 317 GeoSurveying (5)
Measurement and digital mapping techniques; integration of surveying methods and techniques, monitoring of structures; spatial data collection and integration with surveying data; adjustment of measurements, concepts of error; surveying control; coordinate systems, transformation; highway vertical curves; Earthwork, leveling and datum consideration, photogrammetry, GPS, GIS, remote sensing, cadastral and construction surveys, digital mapping. Prerequisite: either MATH 126, MATH 134, MATH 135, or MATH 136. Offered: A.
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CEE 327 Transportation Engineering (5)
Studies vehicular transportation fundamentals including vehicle dynamics, geometric design, pavement design, traffic flow concepts, level of service analysis, intelligent transportation systems, travel demand prediction methods, freight logistics, and management of transportation systems. Includes a review of relevant vehicle operating characteristics. Course equivalent to: TCE 327. Prerequisite: PHYS 121 or PHYS 141; and either MATH 126, MATH 134, MATH 135, or MATH 136. Offered: WSp.
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CEE 337 Construction Materials (5)
General treatment of physical and mechanical properties and engineering behavior of metallic and nonmetallic materials. Steel, aluminum, aggregates, portland cement concrete, bituminous materials, asphalt concrete, wood. Laboratory testing, instrumentation, and investigation into macro-behavior. Sustainability issues including recycling, energy requirements, and greenhouse gas production associated with the materials. Course equivalent to: TCE 337. Course overlaps with: CM 313 and CM 323. Prerequisite: CEE 220. Offered: ASp.
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CEE 347 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (5)
Introduces the mechanics of incompressible fluids and their applications. Hydrostatic pressure forces. Kinematics, potential flows, and the Bernoulli equation. Conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. Laminar and turbulent flows. Flow in pipes, pipe networks, and open channel flows. Course overlaps with: TCE 347 and TME 332. Prerequisite: CEE 220; and PHYS 122 or PHYS 142. Offered: AW.
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CEE 348 Hydrology and Environmental Fluid Mechanics (4)
Introduces physical processes that govern transport and mixing in the environment. Uses fluid mechanical principles to help students understand flow in the atmosphere, river basins, groundwater, lakes, and estuaries, with implications for the movement of water, contaminants, and other tracers through the environment. Prerequisite: CEE 347; and either PHYS 122 or PHYS 142. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 349 Case Studies in Environmental Engineering (3)
Case studies are used to introduce fundamental environmental engineering concepts with a focus on engineering approaches that consider the interconnectedness of human and environmental systems. Prerequisite: either CHEM 153, CHEM 162, or CHEM 165.
Offered: A.
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CEE 350 Mass and Energy Balances in Environmental Engineering (4)
Introduces concepts of mass balance, energy balance, and mass transport, and movement of water, chemicals, and energy through natural and engineered environmental systems, with application to water treatment, global elemental cycles, the earth's energy balance. Course overlaps with: CHEM E 310. Prerequisite: either CHEM 153, CHEM 162, or CHEM 165; PHYS 122 or PHYS 142; and either AMATH 351 or MATH 207.
View course details in MyPlan: CEE 350
CEE 352 Introduction to Microbial Principles in Environmental Engineering (5)
Introduction to microbiological processes occurring within natural and engineered systems. Fundamentals of microbial classifications/processes and their impacts on ecological and human health, and roles in engineered applications and global cycling of such elements as carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. Prerequisite: BIOL 180
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CEE 354 Introduction to Chemical Principles in Environmental Engineering (5)
Introduction to chemical processes occurring within soil, water, and air in natural and engineered environmental systems. Includes identification of inorganic and organic chemicals; fundamental thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical processes; examination of chemical processes in environmental and engineered systems; and impacts of chemicals and chemical processes on ecological and human health. Prerequisite: either CHEM 153, CHEM 162, or CHEM 165.
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CEE 356 Quantitative and Conceptual Tools for Sustainability (4)
Conceptual and quantitative tools are introduced that incorporate sustainability principles into environmental engineering. It uses a systems analysis perspective to address critical issues in environmental engineering. Topics include life cycle analysis and long-term system mass balances that facilitate decision making and process optimization at generational time scales. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 357 Environmental Engineering (5)
Describes water and air resources, parameters that characterize their quality, and how their use alters their properties. Elements of hydrology. Mass and energy balances as applied to environmental systems. Global environmental change. Basics of aquatic chemistry and microbiology applied to municipal water and wastewater treatment operation. Groundwater contamination and treatment. Course equivalent to: TCE 357. Prerequisite: CHEM 142, CHEM 143, or CHEM 145 Offered: WSp.
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CEE 367 Geotechnical Engineering (5)
Fundamental engineering properties of soil and rock; depositional processes and physical characteristics, hydro-conductive properties and advective flow; volume change characteristics including short- and long- term deformation; shear strength properties; and applications of basic concepts to practical problems such as foundation design and slope stability. Course equivalent to: TCE 367. Prerequisite: CEE 347. Offered: WSp.
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CEE 377 Introduction to Structural Design (5)
Introduces the concepts, approaches, procedures, and codes for the structural design. Characterization of structural loads. Structural systems and system behavior. Analysis of statically determinate structures and introduction to analysis of statically indeterminate structures including approximate methods. Introduction to the behavior and design of fundamental structural member. Prerequisite CEE 220. Course equivalent to: TCE 377. Offered: AW.
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CEE 378 Structural Analysis (5)
Fundamental analysis and modeling of civil structural systems. Equilibrium, kinematics, and constitutive relations; formal solution procedures emphasizing element-based stiffness methods; computer-based and manual techniques; verification and interpretation of results; case studies involving real structures; introduction to finite element analysis of 2D continua. Prerequisite: CEE 377. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 401 Pavement Design for Roads (1)
Pavement design and construction to include both low and high-volume roads; both gravel and bituminous-surfaced pavements. Pavements as a critical element for infrastructure projects. Aids student ability to participate in a variety of road projects, including design and construction. Offered: AWSp.
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CEE 402 Energy Infrastructure (1)
Energy infrastructure, focusing largely on balance of plant topics. Includes elements of site selection, design, and construction. Electrical production facilities and transmission. Emphasis on renewable energy facilities. Aids student ability to participate in a variety of projects involving energy infrastructure. Offered: AWSp.
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CEE 403 Sustainable and Recyclable Materials (1)
Presents current methods used by industry leaders to recycle and reuse civil infrastructure materials, and to minimize materials entering landfills. Focuses on development of sustainable cements, recycling and reuse of traditional construction materials, and new and emerging techniques to recycle plastics and depleted rechargeable batteries as used for power storage and electric vehicles. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.
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CEE 408 Sustainable Roadway Design and Construction (3)
The holistic concept of sustainability and how it applies to roadway infrastructure. Provides context and methods for applying sustainability ideas to roads and quantifying them in a meaningful way. Includes (1) introduction to sustainability, (2) roadway sustainability best practices, (3) current industry practice, and (4) sustainability assessment using the Greenroads Rating System and related tools. Prerequisite: CEE 307 and CEE 327.
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CEE 409 Engineering Rome: Study Abroad (5)
Covers Roman civil engineering over 3,000 years from Ancient Rome to the present day. Introduces civil engineering topics reinforced by practical engineering calculations, local experts, and site visits. Provides international and historical perspective on engineering and the contributions of engineers to infrastructure and society.
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CEE 410 Traffic Engineering Fundamentals (3)
General review of the fundamentals of traffic engineering, including their relationship to transportation operations management and planning, with emphasis on calculations and procedures in the Highway Capacity Manual; field surveys and data analysis. Course overlaps with: TCE 411. Prerequisite: CEE 327. Offered: W.
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CEE 412 Transportation Data Management and Visualization (3)
Modern concepts, theories, and tools for management, visualization, and analysis of transportation data. Applications of software tools to large data sets, such as highway sensor data, real-time traffic and mobility service data, spatial data, probe vehicle and mobile device data. Addresses information retrieval, storage, knowledge discovery, data exchange, online sharing, visualization, communication, system optimization, and decision support. Prerequisite: CEE 327. Offered: W.
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CEE 415 Machine Learning for Civil Engineers (4) RSN
Provides students with an overview of machine learning basic concepts and common tools; introduces machine learning for civil engineering applications; exposes students to basic technical elements of machine learning; and equips students with basic capabilities for common machine learning tasks (including regression, supervised and unsupervised learning, decision trees) and their applications in civil engineering. Course overlaps with: CSE 416/STAT 416 and STAT 435. Prerequisite: either MATH 126 and MATH 208, or MATH 136; and either IND E 315 or STAT 390; recommended: prior programming experience. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 416 Planning for People and Freight (3)
Brief review of major issues in urban transportation planning. Discusses planning process and introduces transportation models. Uses a systems framework, including goals and objectives, evaluation, implementation, and monitoring. A design term project, individual or small groups, utilizes material presented on a contemporary problem. Course overlaps with: TCE 416. Prerequisite: CEE 327. Offered: A.
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CEE 419 Transit Systems Planning (3)
Planning and operations methods for urban public transit. Technical and operating characteristics of transit vehicles and systems; bus and rail capacity analysis; transit stop/station design, access, and capacity considerations; service planning including network and route design, stop spacing, frequency determination, and scheduling; ridership forecasting; fare policy and payment technologies; traveler communication and information provision. Prerequisite: CEE 327. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 422 Transportation Energy and Sustainability (3)
Addresses technical and policy options for making transportation more sustainable, considering economic, environmental, and equity impacts. Topics include transportation demand management; vehicle technologies; alternative fuels; dynamics of technology change; and roles of state, federal, and international policy. Prepares students to think broadly, analyze systematically, and communicate effectively in this area. Prerequisite: CEE 327. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 424 GIS for Civil Engineers (3)
GIS in civil engineering applications. Geographic and spatial data types and acquiring considerations. Data models and structures. Projections and transformations. Attribute-based operation, spatial operations. Surfaces and near neighbors. Training on Arc GIS software. Course overlaps with: TCE 309. Offered: AS.
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CEE 432 Advanced Remote Sensing and Earth Observation (4) NSc, RSN
Covers the theory and application of satellite remote sensing as a tool for environmental science and engineering. Topics include the fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation, reflection, absorption, black body radiation, use of the Plank Function, satellite time series analysis, land use mapping, change analyses, and atmospheric properties. Includes labs. Recommended: coursework in geographic information systems (GIS); statistics; and basic physics. Offered: jointly with ESRM 432; W.
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CEE 433 Temporary Structures (3)
Focuses on the design and analysis of temporary structure systems used on heavy civil projects. Covers design, analysis, and construction means and methods for scaffolding, formwork, shoring, and falsework systems. Prerequisite: CEE 307; CEE 337; and CEE 377; recommended: CEE 291.
Offered: AS.
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CEE 434 Project Estimating (3)
Presents the basic principles of estimating the time and cost of construction projects. Focuses on the thought process that is required for construction engineers to analyze job conditions and assess the required labor, equipment, and methods of construction necessary to perform the work. Prerequisite: CEE 307 and CEE 337. Offered: WS.
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CEE 435 Project Scheduling (3)
Presents the basic and advanced principles of planning and scheduling infrastructure construction projects. Focuses on the thought process that is required for construction engineers to develop organized work breakdown structures to create and maintain construction schedules. Prerequisite: CEE 307. Offered: AS.
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CEE 436 Foundation Design (3)
Design considerations for foundations and retaining structures. Subsurface investigations and determination of soil properties for design. Design of shallow and deep foundations and retaining structures. Foundations and soil considerations for waterfront structures. Course overlaps with: TCE 436. Prerequisite: CEE 367. Offered: AW.
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CEE 437 Advanced Surveying and Geomatics (5)
Covers modern surveying techniques that can be used for a range of engineering and scientific applications, with focus on precision mapping and 3D model generation using survey-grade GPS receivers, drone-based Structure from Motion (SfM), and laser scanning (lidar). Weekly labs involve hands-on survey design, data collection, and data processing. Student groups propose and perform surveys as a final project. Recommended: either introductory GIS course, CEE 424, or equivalent experience; and CEE 317 or equivalent experience.
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CEE 440 Professional Practice Studio (2)
Fundamentals of integrated civil engineering design, professional services marketing, project management, team dynamics, total quality management, value engineering, professional liability, and applied ethics in engineering practice. Emphasis on written and oral communications and on ethical, social, and economic factors. Offered: W.
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CEE 441 Transportation and Construction Capstone Design Project (5)
Comprehensive design project focusing on planning, design, and construction of a transportation project such as highways, transit, and airports. Prerequisite: CEE 307; CEE 327; and CEE 337. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 442 Structural Geotechnical Capstone Design Project (5)
Comprehensive team design project focusing on structural and geotechnical engineering. Requires design drawings, written reports, and oral presentations interfacing with related fields such as aesthetics and architecture, mechanical systems, traffic, environmental planning. Prerequisite: CEE 367 and CEE 377; either CEE 451 or CEE 452; and one additional course from CEE 436, CEE 451, CEE 452, CEE 453, CEE 454, CEE 456, or CEE 457. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 444 Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering Capstone Design Project (5)
Opportunity to effect design solutions for projects or major project components in such representative areas as reservoirs and associated systems for flood control, water supply, irrigation, and hydroelectric power, surface water control systems, fisheries related projects, small harbors, and coastal engineering problems. Prerequisite: either CEE 345 or CEE 347; and either CEE 475, CEE 476, CEE 482, CEE 483, or CEE 484. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 445 Environmental Engineering Capstone Design Project (5)
Individual and group design studies addressing environmental engineering problems such as stormwater management, water and wastewater treatment facilities, and residual processing. Prepare proposals, engineering reports, and alternative evaluations; process equipment design, present reports on selected design problems. Prerequisite: either CEE 345 or CEE 347; and either CEE 473, CEE 475, CEE 476, CEE 481, CEE 482, CEE 483, or CEE 484. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 450 Behavioral Science for Engineering Designers (3) DIV
Introduces concepts, approaches, and procedures for integrating behavioral science insights from economics, psychology, and organizational behavior into engineering design. Focuses on sociocultural diversity, implicit bias, perspective-taking, equity-driven teamwork, and choice architecture. Recommended: minimum three CEE courses. Offered: W.
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CEE 451 Design of Metal Structures (3)
Introduction to the design and behavior of metal structures using LRFD concepts. Application of design methods and codes to columns, beams, frames, connections, and tension members. Course overlaps with: TCE 451. Prerequisite: CEE 377. Offered: A.
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CEE 452 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures (3)
Fundamentals of design of buildings in reinforced concrete in accordance with current codes and practices. Course overlaps with: TCE 452. Prerequisite: CEE 377. Offered: AS.
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CEE 453 Prestressed Concrete Design (3)
Analysis, design, and construction of prestressed concrete structures. Prerequisite: CEE 452. Offered: W.
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CEE 454 Design of Timber Structures (3)
Includes the design and construction of timber structures, using elements made of sawn wood, glued-laminated wood, and manufactured wood products. Prerequisite: CEE 377. Offered: W.
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CEE 455 Structural Unit Masonry (3)
Structural behavior and design of reinforced brick, tile, and unit concrete masonry structures. Prerequisite: CEE 377. Offered: jointly with ARCH 426.
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CEE 457 Advanced Structures I (3)
Introduction to the finite element method for modeling civil structures. Formulation of line and continuum elements using virtual work and the principal of minimum potential energy. MATLAB programming of the finite element method. Use of commercial software to model real structures. Prerequisite: CEE 378. Offered: W.
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CEE 459 Stormwater Management and Treatment (3)
Covers current and innovative approaches to stormwater runoff infrastructure and flow management, as well as sources and treatments for contaminants in runoff. Prerequisite: CEE 350 or CEE 357. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 462 Applied Limnology and Pollutant Effects on Freshwater (3) NSc
Principles of aquatic ecology that relate to causes and effects of water quality problems in lakes and streams. Population growth kinetics, nutrient cycling, eutrophication; acidification, oxygen/temperature requirements, and effects of various wastes on aquatic animals. Course overlaps with: BES 330. Offered: W.
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CEE 463 Limnology Laboratory (2) NSc
Examination of biota of fresh waters, survey of limnological methods, analysis of data, and writing of scientific papers. Course overlaps with: BES 330. Prerequisite: BIOL 473/FISH 473/CEE 462, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: jointly with BIOL 474/FISH 474; A.
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CEE 465 Data Analysis in Water Sciences (4)
Covers fundamental topics related to data analysis, including statistical inference testing and error estimation, linear and quantile-based regression models, Monte Carlo simulation, time series analysis, Bayes theorem, and data visualization using modern computer techniques. Applications to water sciences, but techniques are applicable to any area. Prerequisite: IND E 315; either AMATH 301 or CSE 142; recommended: Basic stats and computer programming (or matlab) Offered: A.
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CEE 467 Geospatial Data Analysis (5)
Explores geospatial data processing, analysis, interpretation, and visualization techniques using Python and open-source tools/libraries. Covers fundamental concepts, real-world data engineering problems, and data science applications using a variety of geospatial and remote sensing datasets. Recommended: introductory programming or scientific computing course (or equivalent experience); introductory GIS course (or equivalent experience); and basic working knowledge of Python.
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CEE 473 Coastal Engineering I (3)
Linear theory of water waves, wave transformations near shore, sediment motion, and elementary tidal theory; shoreline protection methods; and applications illustrated by selected case histories. Prerequisite: CEE 347, OCEAN 285, or M E 333.
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CEE 474 Hydraulics of Sediment Transport (3)
Introduction to sediment transport in steady flows with emphasis on physical principles governing the motion of sediment particles. Topics include sediment characteristics, initiation of particle motion, particle suspension, bedforms, streambed roughness analysis, sediment discharge formulae, and modeling of scour and deposition in rivers and channels. Prerequisite: CEE 347. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 475 Analysis Techniques for Groundwater Flow (3)
Presents the fundamentals of subsurface flow and transport, emphasizing the role of groundwater in hydrologic cycle, the relation of groundwater flow to geologic structure, and the management of contaminated groundwater. Concepts are applied to well-known hydrogeologic sites. Prerequisite: CEE 347. Offered: W.
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CEE 476 Physical Hydrology (3)
Global water picture, data sources and data homogeneity, precipitation and streamflow hydrography analysis; calculation of surface runoff, evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge. Hydrologic data frequency analysis and probability theory. Hydrologic design: flood mitigation, drainage. Introduction to deterministic and stochastic models. Prerequisite: CEE 347. Offered: A.
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CEE 477 Open-Channel Flow (3)
Water flow in natural and engineered channels, rivers, and streams. Analysis and design of channels (lined, vegetated), flow controls (weirs, spillways), and structures affecting fish passage (culverts). Prediction of water surface profiles. Introduction to river mechanics. Design-oriented problems. Prerequisite: CEE 347. Offered: W.
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CEE 478 Water Systems Management and Operations (3)
Overview of past and future water management and policy issues related to current water resources projects. Through readings, writing, guest speakers, and class discussion, considers both technical and social aspects of water resource system management and operations. Topics include federal water policy, regional water planning, expansion of existing water supplies, stream flow forecasting, planning with climate change, and more. Offered: Sp.
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CEE 480 Air-Quality Modeling (4) NSc
Evaluation of air-quality models relating air pollution emissions to environmental concentrations. Emphasis on models used for air pollution permits. Emphasizes current problems. Prerequisite: MATH 125. Offered: jointly with ATM S 480; W.
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CEE 481 Hydraulic Design for Environmental Engineering (3)
Introduction to the theory and the practice of planning and design of urban water supply distribution, pump stations, sewage and storm-water collection systems, and green stormwater infrastructure. Engineering methods and computer programs are applied for designing basic system elements. Prerequisite: CEE 347; and either CEE 350 or CEE 357. Offered: W.
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CEE 482 Wastewater Reuse and Resource Recovery (4)
Designed to provide students with fundamentals of wastewater and biosolids treatment. Focuses on technologies utilized to recover resources from waste products. Covers experience with real-world applications both in the United States and abroad. Topics include: bioplastic and biogas production, recovery of water, fertilizer, sulfur, and metals. Prerequisite: CEE 350 or CEE 357. Offered: W.
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CEE 483 Drinking Water Treatment (3)
Studies scientific, engineering, and regulatory principles underlying drinking water treatment; development of conceptual models for how and why treatment processes work and mathematical models describing their performance under various design and operating scenarios; field trips to water treatment systems. Prerequisite: CEE 350 or CEE 357. Offered: A.
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CEE 490 Air-Pollution Control (3)
Fundamental concepts of air pollution control including emission sources, atmospheric dispersion, ambient concentrations, and emission standards, with emphasis on processes and equipment for controlling emissions. Offered: jointly with ENV H 461; ASp.
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CEE 496 Fate and Transport of Chemicals in the Environment (3)
Presents a general introduction to the fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes governing the movement and fate of chemicals in surface water and groundwater. Provides basic literacy in environment transport and fate processes, creating a solid foundation for accessing and synthesizing material on these topics. Offered: A.
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CEE 497 Engineering Jordan: Water in an Arid Land Study Abroad (5) DIV
Examines impacts of a hot dry climate on water engineering systems by studying the engineered water cycle in Jordan including: water cycles and sources in Jordan; drinking water treatment and desalination; wastewater treatment and reuse; decentralized and on-site treatment; and ancient water engineering. Offered: S, even years.
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CEE 498 Special Topics (1-5, max. 12)
Special topics in civil engineering offered as course with lecture or laboratory.
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CEE 499 Independent Study/Research (1-5, max. 12)
Individual undergraduate research project.
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CEE 500 Civil and Environmental Engineering Seminars (1, max. 3)
Prerequisite: graduate standing in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Credit/no-credit only.
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CEE 599 Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering (1-5, max. 20)
Special topics in civil and environmental engineering offered occasionally by permanent or visiting faculty members.
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CEE 600 Independent Study or Research ([1-5]-)
Topics covered depend on faculty and student interest. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
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CEE 601 Internship (2, max. 6)
Internship in an established program between industry, government, and the University. Prerequisite: permission of Graduate Program Coordinator and committee chair.
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CEE 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of adviser.
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CEE 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of adviser.
View course details in MyPlan: CEE 800