Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
DESIGN 150 What is Design: Practices, Principles, and Perspectives (3) A&H
Explores design activities and perspectives that affect the relationship between people, technology, and the world. Areas of research and practice, approaches, and principles provide an overview of how Design is represented in the field.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 150
DESIGN 165 Introduction to Industrial Design (5) A&H
Provides a general introduction to industrial design. Develops students' knowledge through lectures, readings, and studio projects that focus on the history of the discipline and the processes of brainstorming, ideation, skill building, problem solving, and professional presentation used in the creation of design. Includes participation by guest designers.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 165
DESIGN 166 Design Foundations (5) A&H
Examines the rudiments of visual structure and problem solving in two and three-dimensional design. Emphasizes design methodology and design processes with emphasis on the formal principles of composition and organization.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 166
DESIGN 206 Design Methods (5) A&H
Explores fundamental methods and design process in industrial design, interaction design, and visual communication design, including contextual research, participatory design, problem finding, ideation, conceptual design, design variations, design selection, detail design, and design communication.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 206
DESIGN 207 Design Drawing (5) A&H
Concentrates on developing skills used to communicate ideas that exist in the imagination. Focuses on study of design drawing history and development of basic skills necessary for ideation, exploration, communication, explanation. Prepares students to visualize and discuss ideas rapidly and professionally. For design majors only. Prerequisite: DESIGN 166
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 207
DESIGN 208 Survey of Design History (5) A&H
Surveys the ideas, events, and individuals that determined the design of information, objects, culture, and commerce across societies. Examines the social, political, economic, and cultural contexts that shape design and the ideologies ad relationships of similar movements in art and architecture. Includes late nineteenth century through contemporary issues.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 208
DESIGN 209 Fundamentals of Typography (5) A&H
Develops understanding of and sensibility to typographic details used to create effective communication. Focus moves from understanding letter forms that make up words to the complexities of developing phrases, sentences, and short paragraphs with multiple levels of hierarchical meaning. Prerequisite: DESIGN 207.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 209
DESIGN 210 Collaboration and Improvisation (5) A&H
Introduces key factors in the theory and practice of creating and participating in collaborative projects. Focuses on creating and participating in effective teams, understanding strengths and roles within teams, working through team issues, developing techniques for interdisciplinary problem solving. Prerequisite: DESIGN 166.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 210
DESIGN 211 3-D Foundation (5) A&H
Introduction to aesthetic fundamentals of 3-dimensional form. Explores the articulation of form and space in both abstract and applied scenarios. Prepares design students for subsequent work in interaction design, design studies, industrial design, and visual communication design. Prerequisite: DESIGN 207.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 211
DESIGN 213 Prototyping for Designers (5) A&H
Teaches skills related to the use of physical prototyping for ideation, testing, and presentation of designs.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 213
DESIGN 214 Marks and Symbols (5) A&H
Investigates the formal and conceptual problems associated with mark and symbol design. Students work individually and collaboratively (in small groups) to research and develop a series of marks and symbols for specific communication goals/purposes. Prerequisite: DESIGN 209.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 214
DESIGN 215 Visual Storytelling (5) A&H
Introduces students to visual storytelling - a powerful technique used in design to engage audiences, convey meaning, and communicate design intent. Develops this skill using print publication, web design, experience prototypes, and concept videos. Prerequisite: DESIGN 209
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 215
DESIGN 250 Visualizing Ideas (3) A&H
Principles inherent in the discipline of visual communication design, including fundamentals of composition, typography, semiotics, color theory, storytelling, and image-making. Students engage in creative thinking, seeing, and making to create more professional work, including resumes, posters, and digital presentations. Offered: SpS.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 250
DESIGN 265 Topics in Design (5, max. 20) A&H
Revolving topics class that addresses the thinking, skills, and creative motivations that drive the practice of design.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 265
DESIGN 266 Design Concepts and Practice (5, max. 20) A&H
Revolving topics class that addresses foundational issues and contemporary practice in the field of design.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 266
DESIGN 300 Design and Thinking (5, max. 10) A&H
Develops an approach to conceptual problem solving while exploring their fundamental principles of visual communication. Cultivate critical, analytical, and verbal skills through liberal learning experiences and design methodologies. Offered: S.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 300
DESIGN 301 Current Issues in Design (2/5, max. 10) A&H
Current project and research in Visual Communication Design, Industrial Design, and/or Interaction Design. Thematic topics and credits vary.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 301
DESIGN 316 Introduction to Industrial Design (5) A&H
Introduces the fundamentals of 3-D design with emphasis on analytical and intuitive approaches to problem solving, technical skills, and form development. Prerequisite: DESIGN 207; DESIGN 211.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 316
DESIGN 317 Intermediate ID Studio 1 (5) A&H
Introduces theories, methods, and design development focused on design principles involving form, function, usability, and product development. Prerequisite: DESIGN 316.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 317
DESIGN 318 Intermediate ID Studio 2 (5) A&H
Includes studio experiences that expand upon and combine intellectual and manual skills for the practice of industrial design. Emphasizes the ideation process with form development. Prerequisite: DESIGN 317.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 318
DESIGN 319 Advanced Design Drawing (5) A&H
Advanced visualization and drawing using traditional and computer-aided approaches. Prerequisite: DESIGN 207.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 319
DESIGN 320 Industrial Design Special Projects (5, max. 15) A&H
Progressive industrial design methodology and criticism introduced through independent or group work on projects to expand students' visual research, drawing, model making, presentation, and literacy skills. Includes contemporary manufacturing and information technologies.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 320
DESIGN 322 Presentation for Industrial Design I (5) A&H
Introduction to presentation skills, from quick sketching of design concepts to refined representation of the finished design in a two-dimensional format. Emphasis on accuracy and development of an individual style.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 322
DESIGN 323 Presentation for Industrial Design (5) A&H
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 323
DESIGN 324 Materials and Manufacturing (3) A&H
Two primary strategic directions: First, through lecture, explores the various materials and manufacturing processes available to designers. Second, through field visits to factories, sees how these materials and processes are used in real world production.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 324
DESIGN 325 Physical Computing (5) A&H
Explores non-screen interactions (tangible interactions, or physical computing). Surveys the state of the art in the field, and teaches students techniques for devising their own physically mediated interactions. Pairs of students create working prototypes of furniture which senses and responds to human interaction.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 325
DESIGN 326 Digital Fabrication (5) A&H
Covers topics pertaining to the use of digital prototyping (3D printing, CNC) coupled with virtual modeling tools techniques like computer aided design (CAD).
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 326
DESIGN 365 Developing Solutions in Design (5, max. 20) A&H
Revolving topics class that concentrates on learning in specific areas where design can be used to resolve contemporary issues.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 365
DESIGN 366 Editorial Visualizations (5) A&H
Expands focus on design process through a broad variety of image production techniques. Emphasizes concept development and the power of the image for storytelling. Design of stand-alone compositions is expanded into the development of a series of themed works. Prerequisite: DESIGN 209; DESIGN 210.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 366
DESIGN 368 Case Studies in Corporate Identity (5) A&H
Research and analysis of visual identity systems for complex institutional and corporate entities. Focuses on issues that concern how design programs function across divers application and media and how they engage various audiences. Prerequisite: DESIGN 376.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 368
DESIGN 369 Visual Systems (5)
Investigates organizational strategies and graphic interpretations using typography, images and diverse applications of design, with the objective of creating a related network of dynamic solutions.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 369
DESIGN 370 Introduction to Motion Design (5) A&H
Introductions to the theories and fundamentals of motion design and planning. Explores narrative, storyboarding, composition, time and sound. Includes lectures, case studies, and demonstrations of the techniques and applications of motion graphics in broadcast media.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 370
DESIGN 371 Interface Design 1 (5) A&H
Introduces students to the fundamental building blocks of interface design including mental models, dynamic information displays, affordances, feedback, user flows, control systems, and interactive narratives. Students use these principles to design visual interfaces and prototypes that are both inventive and functional.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 371
DESIGN 372 Interface Design 2 (5) A&H
Introduces students to advanced topics in interface design, including complex information architectures, dynamic information design, multimodal interaction, cross-platform interface design, and tangible interface design. Takes on a hand-on approach to designing, prototyping, and evaluating interfaces across a range of devices and applications, including news services, lifestyle applications, medical devices, and games.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 372
DESIGN 374 Interactive Media Design (5) A&H
Introduces students to computer programming, with special emphasis on interactive data visualization - the art of creating responsive, visual representations that inform and engage. Students learn fundamental interactive media design principles, and gain practical experience creating interactive visualizations with Processing, a programming language developed specifically for artists and designers.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 374
DESIGN 376 Typography (5) A&H
Explores how meaning, hierarchy, and legibility are affected by typographic contrast, organization, and composition. Prepares students to create dynamic compositions with type, understand how type is used as an image/conceptual visualization, understand the nuances/techniques involved in a professional typesetting, and develop vocabulary. Prerequisite: DESIGN 209.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 376
DESIGN 377 Marks and Symbols (5) A&H
Investigates formal and conceptual problems associated with mark and symbol design. Students individually/collaboratively research and develop a series of marks and symbols for specific organizations. Helps develop the ability to recognize effective marks/symbols that identify/communicate an identity or idea, identify specific types of marks and symbols, and determine the most suitable types for a specific communication problem. Prerequisite: DESIGN 366, DESIGN 376.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 377
DESIGN 381 Design Case Studies: Interaction Design Technology and Production (5) A&H
History, theory, and practice of ways design functions in society and culture. Emphasis on developing broad understanding of design production while working collaboratively and individually on a quarter-long research project concerned with producing a comprehensive conceptual map of the design discipline. Prerequisite: DESIGN 211; DESIGN 212.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 381
DESIGN 383 Foundations of Interaction Design (5) A&H
Focus on human-to-product interaction and ways we perceive, understand, and experience the world in regard to objects, environments, or on-screen controls/information. Prerequisite: DESIGN 215.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 383
DESIGN 384 Information Visualization for Interaction Designers (5) A&H
Surveys information visualization approaches, techniques, and concepts for the design of interaction information systems, interactive instructions, and animated information graphics.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 384
DESIGN 386 Visual Storytelling (5) A&H
Investigates the form and role of visual narratives from design development in the interaction design process. Introduces planning and production of storyboards, photography, video, editing for storytelling, character development, and design concept visualization as they apply to design presentation, communication, and evaluation of interactive design sequences. Prerequisite: DESIGN 384; DESIGN 385.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 386
DESIGN 387 Physical Interaction Design (5) A&H
Surveys approaches, concepts, and techniques for the design of interaction systems that are situated in physical environments. Prerequisite: DESIGN 384; DESIGN 385.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 387
DESIGN 400 Design Entrepreneurship (5) A&H
Focuses on the design of products, services, and new business models as a simultaneous exercise. Bridges the skills of design and business planning by combining proven fundamentals of product design with a newly emerging paradigm for business planning and development.
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DESIGN 444 Prototype Project Development (5) A&H
Learn to apply traditional hand tools and digital prototyping machines to the creative process of industrial design.
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DESIGN 445 Advanced Industrial Design (5) A&H
Emphasizes solving problems through the manipulation of design theory, application of human factors, appropriate combination of materials and manufacturing techniques, and presentation of concepts. Prerequisite: DESIGN 318.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 445
DESIGN 446 Advanced Industrial Design: Professional Practice (5) A&H
Collaboration project with the professional design industry. Students learn how industrial designers brainstorm, develop, and refine initial design concepts to final product solutions. Prerequisite: DESIGN 445.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 446
DESIGN 466 Publication Design (5) A&H
Stresses the research, development, organization, design, and presentation of a complex printed document, such as a journal, annual report, or large publication. Addresses all aspects of design, content, image creation, and production through a quarter-long project. Prerequisite: DESIGN 368; DESIGN 378.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 466
DESIGN 467 Exhibition and Installation Design (5) A&H
Explores how to communicate powerful messages and stories in three-dimensional space, bringing together typography, imagery, and innovative use of materials and structures. Emphasizes sustainable processes and materials.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 467
DESIGN 477 Type Design (3-5) A&H
Exploration of contemporary type design.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 477
DESIGN 478 Information Design (5) A&H
Exploration of strategies for enhancing and visually presenting complex statistics and data. Various information subjects are selected and formed into charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, directories and maps. Identify, through personal investigations, the principles which provide the most successful means for presentation of information. Prerequisite: DESIGN 466.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 478
DESIGN 479 Interaction Design (5) A&H
Exploration of design issues unique to user-centered interaction in digital media. Explore a range of formal and conceptual issues including user interface, organization, narrative, motion, time, and sound. Prerequisite: DESIGN 478.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 479
DESIGN 481 Field Studies: Design Research Techniques (5) A&H
Students develop an understanding of significant theoretical models related to design through a series of readings, lectures, discussions, and assignments. Prerequisite: DESIGN 383.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 481
DESIGN 483 Advanced Interaction Design (5) A&H
Explores the role of visual interface design and interaction flows in technology-driven work settings. Introduces techniques for knowledge elicitation and design of interactive systems in expert domains or special use contexts to develop interface that are useful, understandable, and usable. Prerequisite: DESIGN 383.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 483
DESIGN 485 Design Capstone (5) A&H
For all senior undergraduate design majors. Offered spring of senior year, ID, VCd, and IxD majors frame and develop a project based on broad themes chosen by faculty. Projects may be individual or collaborative Cross-disciplinary projects are strongly encouraged.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 485
DESIGN 486 Design Exhibition (1-3)
Offered every spring, seniors work collaboratively to create a public exhibition, representing the culmination of their work in the program. ID, VCD and IxD seniors work in teams to develop a graphic identity, promotional materials, website, and juried exhibition. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 486
DESIGN 488 Professional Practices (3) A&H
Focuses on developing the tools to create a successful transition between academia and professional practice as a working designer. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 488
DESIGN 495 Design Internship (1-5, max. 10)
Internships for undergraduates in conjunction with design faculty and business partners in the design community. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 495
DESIGN 496 Directed Research in Interaction Design (2, max. 12) A&H
Working in teams under supervision of faculty members, students review relevant literature, pose research questions, design and conduct studies, and present the results in papers prepared either for submission to a professional journal or for presentation at a professional conference. Offered: AWSp.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 496
DESIGN 499 Individual Projects-Design (2-5, max. 15)
Independent projects in design.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 499
DESIGN 501 Graduate Student Teaching Mentorship (2-5, max. 15)
Independent study for graduate students to work under the direction of a faculty member as they prepare for and teach an undergraduate class. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 501
DESIGN 581 Graduate Seminar in Design (5, max. 30)
Addresses critical issues in design through research, writing, presentations, and discussion.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 581
DESIGN 582 Design Graduate Studio (5, max. 40)
Explores a range of ideas and influences in the context of applied design.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 582
DESIGN 590 Current Issues in Design (2/5, max. 10)
Current trends and professional issues in the field of design for graduate students Prerequisite: graduate standing in Design, or other graduate students by permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 590
DESIGN 596 Directed Research in Interaction Design (2, max. 12)
Working in teams under supervision of faculty members, students review and critically assess relevant literature; articulate research questions; design, detail, and conduct studies; and present the results in papers prepared either for submission to a professional journal or for presentation at a professional conference. Offered: AWSp.
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 596
DESIGN 600 Independent Study or Research (*)
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 600
DESIGN 700 Master's Thesis (*)
View course details in MyPlan: DESIGN 700