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EDPSY 302 Child Development and Learning (5) SSc
Uses readings, discussions, naturalistic observations, and "virtual" children to understand the different ways children develop - physically, cognitively, social-emotionally, in language and literacy, and in approaches to learning - during early childhood, the interplay between each of these domains and the environmental context, and the theories about the developmental mechanisms underlying these changes.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 302

EDPSY 305 Applied Child Development and Learning (5) SSc
Examination of the latest research on brain development in early childhood and the application of this knowledge in the creation of learning environments that promote physical, language, cognitive, social, and emotional development. The roles of family, classroom, and community provide context to build relationships that support each child's development.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 305

EDPSY 380 Adult Learning and Development (5) SSc
Examination of current research and practice in the field of adult education, learning, and development.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 380

EDPSY 404 Adolescent Development (5)
Students use readings, discussion, and interview data to understand adolescent development. Discusses multiple domains of development, as well as the contextually situated nature of adolescence. Highlights implications for educators, policy makers, and others who serve the needs of adolescents throughout the course. Course overlaps with: B EDUC 481.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 404

EDPSY 406 Learning and Teaching in our Changing World: Insights from Experience and Research (5) SSc
Human learning in the educational setting. Cognition, development, learning, motivation, affective processes, and socialization. Emphasis on skills in influencing classroom learning and discipline.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 406

EDPSY 420 Bullying, Revenge, and Belonging: Cultural Perspectives on Social Power (4) SSc, DIV
Examines theories and research on bullying, revenge, and bystander behavior with a particular focus on cultural norms. Identifies the institutional, social, emotional, and ethical characteristics and processes that support exploitive relationships, revenge and their inclusive alternatives. Practical interventions are presented and evaluated.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 420

EDPSY 490 Basic Educational Statistics (3) NSc, RSN
Concepts include measurement scales, central tendency, variability, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, null hypothesis significance testing (z/t/chi-square), statistical power, and simple regression and correlation. Recommended: coursework in either pre-algebra or algebra.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 490

EDPSY 499 Undergraduate Research (*)
Students developing studies under this rubric should be advised that a report or a paper setting forth the results of their investigations should be regarded as a basic part of the program.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 499

EDPSY 500 Field Study I: Academic Consultation (1-3, max. 6)
Includes study and practice in methods of Tier II academic consultation within an MTSS framework. Prepares students to effectively work with other professionals to better meet the social-emotional and behavioral needs of students and improve the learning environment for students identified as behaviorally and academically 'at-risk'. Prerequisite: EDPSY 554.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 500

EDPSY 501 Human Learning and Educational Practice (3)
Systematic examination of current research about human learning in educational settings, including the study of behavioral, information processing, social construction, and the developmental perspectives on learning.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 501

EDPSY 502 Developmental Foundations of Early Learning (3)
Perceptual-motor, language, and overall cognitive development in children from birth through primary-school age. Emphasis on Piagetian and Vygotskian approaches to development with a special focus on the connections between learning and development. Field-based course projects may be required. Prerequisite: EDPSY 501.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 502

EDPSY 503 Culture Learning and Development (4)
Explores influential contemporary research and theory that view culture as foundational to learning and development. Considers these issues in a range of settings (classrooms, informal environments, families, early childhood to adult learners, etc.) and within specific domains (e.g. science, literacy, mathematics). Prerequisite: EDPSY 501. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 503

EDPSY 504 Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership:Athlete and Team Wellness (3)
Explores the responsibility of athletics coaches to develop a team culture oriented toward the welfare of student-athletes. Discusses how psychological and physiological factors affect athlete performance and overall wellness. Explores strategies for team motivation, group cohesion, and resiliency.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 504

EDPSY 505 Field Study II: Tier III Interventions (2, max. 4)
Individual study of an educational problem in the field under the direction of a faculty member. Course overlaps with: T SPSY 560. Prerequisite: EDPSY 557. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 505

EDPSY 507 Academic Assessment and Intervention (5)
Students administer and interpret tests of reading, writing, arithmetic, and related developmental skills; integrate test, observational, interview, and portfolio information in staffings and written reports; and consult with teachers regarding educational interventions. For College of Education school psychology program students. Prerequisite: EDPSY 572.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 507

EDPSY 508 Advanced Practicum in Supervision and School Mental Health (2-6, max. 20)
Advanced practicum in providing in counseling, consultation, and behavioral interventions in schools while also supervising field study students in providing basic interventions.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 508

EDPSY 510 Cognition in the Context of the School Curriculum (3)
Contemporary issues and trends in human learning, with a focus on reasoning within subject-matter areas such as mathematics, history, and science. Prerequisite: EDPSY 501 or equivalent.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 510

EDPSY 513 Survey Instrument Development (3)
Focuses on understanding tensions and issues involved in designing survey instruments for measuring latent constructs, including basic sampling procedures, best practices in item construction, and considerations about potential mode, method, question sensitivity, and order effects on validity of responses. Prerequisite: EDPSY 490.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 513

EDPSY 514 Introduction to Qualitative Inquiry (4)
Introduction to qualitative methodologies that explores the theoretical roots of qualitative inquiry, familiarizes students with different methodological traditions, prepares students to critically consume qualitative research, and prepares students to conceptualize their own qualitative study. Prerequisite: EDLPS 525 and EDLPS 526.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 514

EDPSY 515 Current Issues in Technology and Education (3)
Examines current genres of learning technology, novel approaches for integrating technology into curriculum and instruction, and recent theoretical perspectives that inform future work in educational technology.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 515

EDPSY 516 Survey of Educational Technology Research (2-, max. 4)
Critically examines active research projects in educational technology. Critiques of research practice.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 516

EDPSY 517 Applied Measurement in Educational Research (3)
Examines typical quantitative research designs in educational research with specific regard to different kinds of validity considerations, including critical quantitative methods. Project focuses on proposal for developing, adapting, refining, or re-purposing an observed measure of a latent construct. Teaches the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. Prerequisite: EDPSY 490.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 517

EDPSY 520 Psychology of Reading (3)
Reviews current empirical research on cognitive processes in reading, including word and sub-word processes, syntax and comprehension, reading and perception, word recognition, concept development, and meaning in reading, psychology of reading interests, and skills. Prerequisite: EDPSY 501 or equivalent. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 520

EDPSY 523 Foundations of Ethnographic Research (3)
Exploration of the main components of ethnographic endeavor. Students conduct ethnographic research including field entry, observing, listening, data analysis, and writing; typical issues and quandaries encountered in carrying fieldwork in a variety of settings, ethical issues, comprehension, intrusion, and access, experience and empathy, and power dynamics, and predicament.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 523

EDPSY 524 Qualitative Methods of Educational Research I (5)
Explores fundamental issues regarding conceptualizing, theoretically framing, and designing qualitative research. Students iteratively develop a qualitative research proposal, applying and reflecting on understandings of course topics. Students who pursue the year-long course sequence carry out their proposals. Prerequisite: second-year doctoral standing and permission of instructional team.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 524

EDPSY 525 Qualitative Methods of Educational Research II (5)
Mentored opportunity to carry out data generation associated with a small-scale qualitative research project. Students establish a trusting relationship with participants and carry out data generation activities, as outlined in their qualitative methods proposal. Prerequisite: EDPSY 524; second-year doctoral standing; and permission of instructional team. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 525

EDPSY 526 Qualitative Methods of Educational Research III (5)
Focuses on analyzing qualitative data, writing up research results, and sharing them with professional audiences. Prerequisite: EDPSY 524; EDPSY 525; second-year doctoral standing; and permission of instructional team.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 526

EDPSY 529 Developmental Psychopathology and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3)
Covers the basics of using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) for assessment and diagnosis in clinical practice. Includes childhood disorders across the lifespan. For College of Education school psychology program students.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 529

EDPSY 532 Adolescence and Youth (3)
Developmental processes and patterns examined with major theoretical and current research themes from behavioral sciences as applied to middle school and senior high students. Educational issues, social problems associated with adolescence in Western culture. Prerequisite: EDPSY 501.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 532

EDPSY 535 Education and the Highly Capable Learner (3)
Examination of major issues and problems in study and nurturance of highly capable children and youth in the educational setting. Emphasis placed on contributions of theory and research to educational problem solving for multiple aspects of advanced human capacity. Prerequisite: EDPSY 501.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 535

EDPSY 538 Multiple Regression (3)
Quantitative methods for students in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. Focuses on understanding, estimating, interpreting, and reporting results for univariate multiple regression models for metrical and categorical outcomes, from a frequentist perspective. Prerequisite: EDPSY 490.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 538

EDPSY 539 Classic Test Theory Reliability and Validity (3)
An examination of assumptions involved in Classic Test Theory, including measurement error, factors affecting reliability and validity, item analysis, and standards for educational and psychological measurement. Prerequisite: EDPSY 538.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 539

EDPSY 540 School Psychological Assessment (5)
Study of assessment of human intelligence with supervised training in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of individual intelligence tests. For College of Education school psychology program students. Course overlaps with: T SPSY 549. Prerequisite: EDPSY 572.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 540

EDPSY 542 Learning Sciences and Human Development Proseminar (2)
Introduction to fields of human learning, human development, and the relationship between them. Explores key readings, builds collaborative relationships, and considers possible ways to participate in Learning Sciences and Human Development professional communities. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 542

EDPSY 544 Counseling (4)
Competency-based skills training for beginning counseling and school psychology students. Covers attending, listening, focusing, and intervening behaviors for use with adults and children. Introduction to theories of helping. Course overlaps with: T SPSY 550. Prerequisite: admission to School Psychology program.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 544

EDPSY 546 Counseling Practicum (3-5, max. 20)
Supervised practice in counseling. Prerequisite: EDPSY 544.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 546

EDPSY 547 Pre-Doctoral Internship Seminar (2)
Navigates the professional psychology internship application process. Focuses on the details associated with the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) and the Council for the Directors of School Psychology Programs (CDSPP) through class activities and discussions. Explores alternative internship opportunities to align with professional training requirements and career aspirations. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 547

EDPSY 548 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology in Schools (3)
Introduces students to the study of child and adolescent psychopathology in the context of educational practice, testing, and counseling. Discusses mental health issues, theories, and diagnoses and examines their expression and treatment in school settings. Prerequisite: admission to the School Psychology program.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 548

EDPSY 552 Culturally Responsive Practices in School Psychology (3)
Students develop an understanding and appreciation for the cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnic variables that impact service delivery in school psychology. Provides students with the knowledge and skills for offering culturally responsive services in schools. Prerequisite: admission to School Psychology program. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 552

EDPSY 553 School Psychology Services with Special Populations (3)
Introduces students to research, practice, and community resources for low-incidence disabilities and underserved populations. Through inclusive practices, students learn about diverse student populations, school-based supports, Washington Administrative Code as it pertains to student access to services, considerations for assessment, working with families, and supporting intervention planning and Individualized Education Plan (IEP) development. Prerequisite: admission to School Psychology program.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 553

EDPSY 554 Introduction to Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (3)
Teaches the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support framework and provides instruction on how to conduct assessment, consultation, and evaluation intervention program effectiveness using both a direct service delivery as well as an indirect model (consultation).
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 554

EDPSY 555 Understanding Histories of Resistance to Design for More Just Learning Environments (3, max. 6) Molly Victoria Shea
Designed to contemplate the turn in the Learning Sciences toward designing for more just learning environments. Examines how people throughout history have designed for greater justice through collective organizing; how these efforts are also designs of transformative learning; and how researchers and educators can learn from activists about designing just futures.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 555

EDPSY 556 Applied Social Psychology: Implications for Education (3)
Provides students with the knowledge and understanding of how social psychology is applied within school settings and how it can be used to help design effective intervention strategies. Prerequisite: admission to School Psychology program.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 556

EDPSY 557 Tier III Interventions for School Psychologists (3)
Provides school psychology students with a milt-tier framework in working with challenging students in schools. Provides explicit instruction on functional behavioral assessment, including content and training in how to work with youth who are at-risk or have engaged in self-harming and/or suicidal behavior. Prerequisite: admission to School Psychology program.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 557

EDPSY 558 Generalizability Theory (3)
Focuses on various designs and applications used with the Generalizability theory framework to estimate the amount of score variation associated with a measurement procedure, approach the reliability and validity issues, and optimize the measurement procedure. Prerequisite: EDPSY 539; recommended: introduction to educational statistics and measurement so that students are familiar with the basic concepts and procedures that we will continue working on in this course.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 558

EDPSY 559 Validity Theory (3)
Introduces students to different perspectives and theories of test validity and to the process of accumulating validity evidence for measures used in educational field. As an advanced measurement course, we will address the argument-based validation approach proposed by Kane, and analyze important technical and philosophical aspects of test validity and validation. Prerequisite: EDPSY 539; recommended: understand the concepts of reliability and validity as well as the statistical procedures used to evaluate different types of validity claims under the classical test theory framework
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 559

EDPSY 560 Advanced Practicum in Personality Assessment (3)
Designed for doctoral-level school psychologists to learn advanced personality assessment for diagnosis of emotional and behavior disorders. Prerequisite: admission to School Psychology program; EDPSY 540; EDPSY 564. Open to doctoral students only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 560

EDPSY 561 Test Instrument Development (3)
Test instrument development techniques including construct development, test and item specifications, item writing, planning for reliability and validity studies; ethics in test administration and interpretation. Intended for doctoral or master's students to develop instruments for their own research. Prerequisite: EDPSY 539.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 561

EDPSY 564 Practicum in School Psychology (1-6, max. 20)
Covers assessment and consultation, emphasizing diagnosis of behavior and learning disabilities, and focusing on techniques acquired in previous psychology and skill assessment courses. Prerequisite: EDPSY 507 and EDPSY 540.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 564

EDPSY 565 Advanced Practicum in Clinical Practice for Children and Adolescents with Psychopathology (4, max. 24)
Designed for doctoral level school psychologists to learn advanced skills in clinical practice for working with children and adolescents with a range of childhood psychopathologies, under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. Prerequisite: EDPSY 544 and EDPSY 546.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 565

EDPSY 566 Case Study Seminar (1-6, max. 20)
Integrating theoretical concepts with practice/service issues. Cases selected for discussion represent a wide range of problems found in schools. Activities include group supervision and peer review. Prerequisite: graduate standing in school psychology.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 566

EDPSY 567 Bilingual and Biliteracy Development in Early Childhood: Equity-Driven Policies and Practices (3)
Focuses on ethnically and linguistically diverse families as experts in navigating multiple knowledges, beliefs, and pedagogies for cultivating their children's bilingual and biliteracy development. Highlights equity-driven and strengths-based interventions, instructional strategies, and policies that center the voice and lived experiences of young multilingual learners (MLL).
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 567

EDPSY 568 Seminar in Professional Issues and Ethics (3)
Provides a firm grounding in the ethics and practice standards of the school psychology profession, as well as the interface between these professional rules and guidelines, and state and federal laws and regulations. Prerequisite: graduate standing in College of Education or permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 568

EDPSY 569 Learning and the Interaction Order (3)
Covers research methods course for students using video and/or audio recordings as data in studies of learning and teaching. Students learn how to make evidence-based inferences about people's learning or teaching as captured by video/audio recordings by content logging, selecting, transcribing, and analyzing moments of interaction.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 569

EDPSY 570 Introduction to School Psychology (3, max. 21)
Current issues in professional psychology practice and research. Prerequisite: admission to School Psychology program.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 570

EDPSY 572 Social-Emotional Assessment (3)
Techniques in social-emotional assessment of school-aged children. Diagnostic systems presented in conjunction with assessment techniques. Emphasis on an integrative method for understanding social emotional assessment batteries and reliability and validity of their test score interpretation. Prerequisite: admission to School Psychology program.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 572

EDPSY 573 Psychological Assessment of Preschool Children (3)
Students learn about the role of assessment and special educational eligibility for young children, focusing on development of cognition, language, and social competence. Explores issues like opportunity gaps and equitable access. Students learn to interview and interact with parents of young children with developmental difficulties. Prerequisite: graduate standing in school psychology program and permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 573

EDPSY 575 Structural Equation Modeling I (3)
Theory and data analysis using linear structural equation models. Topics include path analysis, exploratory and confirmatory latent variable factor analysis, and structural regression models to evaluate relationships among latent variables. Prerequisite: EDPSY 538.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 575

EDPSY 576 Multilevel Modeling (3)
Theory and data analysis for modeling nested data with random factors, including linear and generalized linear hierarchical models for cross-sectional data as well as basic growth models. Prerequisite: EDPSY 538.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 576

EDPSY 577 Neuropsychology of Learning and Behavior Problems (3)
Introduces students to the field of neuropsychology and its application in clinical and educational settings. Brings together an understanding of neuropsychology and specific behavioral and learning problems to provide a foundation for practitioners to consider neuropsychological contributors to problems observed in clinical and educational settings.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 577

EDPSY 579 Advanced Practicum in Assessment and Intervention (3, max. 18)
Provides advanced clinical training in assessment and evidence-based interventions for children and adolescents. Training includes supervised administration of assessments and delivery of interventions with individuals and/or groups in clinic settings that provide services to children and adolescents. Prerequisite: graduate standing in School Psychology or permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 579

EDPSY 581 Seminar in Educational Psychology (1-5, max. 20)
Advanced seminar on selected topics in educational psychology. A critical appraisal of current research.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 581

EDPSY 582 Seminar in Development and Socialization (3, max. 15)
Advanced seminar on selected topics concerned with human development and socialization processes. Emphasis placed upon empirical research and its theoretical underpinnings in such areas as cognitive development, moral development and education, self-concept development, and related concerns. Prerequisite: graduate standing in College of Education or instructor permission.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 582

EDPSY 584 Special Topics in Quantitative Methods (3, max. 9)
Seminar for special topics in quantitative methods involving psychometrics and applied inferential statistics. Prerequisite: EDPSY 538.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 584

EDPSY 585 History, Systems, and Contemporary Issues in School Psychology (3)
Covers the history, systems, and research relating to the contemporary issues relevant to research and practice of school psychology. Meets APA and Washington state requirements for course in history and systems of psychology. Prerequisite: admission to School Psychology program. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 585

EDPSY 588 Structural Equation Modeling II (3)
Advanced topics in structural equation modeling, focused heavily on models for latent and manifest variables, as well as multilevel structural equation models. Prerequisite: EDPSY 575; recommended: EDPSY 576.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 588

EDPSY 591 Item Response Theory I (3)
Explores assumptions and applications of Item Response Theory (IRT) measurement models, testing and evaluating differential item functioning, and procedures for equating and linking. Prerequisite: EDPSY 539.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 591

EDPSY 592 Item Response Theory II (3)
Advanced topics in Item Response Theory, including multidimensional and multilevel models. Prerequisite: EDPSY 591.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 592

EDPSY 593 Cognitive Diagnostic Modeling (3)
Explores concepts and techniques for Cognitive Diagnostic Modeling (CDM). Prerequisite: EDPSY 591.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 593

EDPSY 594 Computerized Adaptive Testing (3)
Explorers concepts and models for computerized adaptive testing (CAT). Prerequisite: EDPSY 591.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 594

EDPSY 595 Monte Carlo Simulations (3)
Methods, procedures, and assumptions involved in simulating univariate and multivariate normal and non-normal data, applying models to simulated data, saving simulation results, and assessing properties of simulated results. Prerequisite: EDPSY 575.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 595

EDPSY 596 Experimental Design and Analysis (3)
Compares different experimental designs considering the research questions and constraints, such as population size, timing, treatment conditions and implementation procedures, expected effect size, potential for contamination and non-compliance, and ethics. Example designs include block-randomized, cluster-randomized, cohort-sequential, step-wedge, and sequential, multiple assignment, randomized trials. Prerequisite: EDPSY 576.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 596

EDPSY 597 Network Measurement and Analysis (3)
Covers measurement and analysis of networked data in education and related social sciences. Descriptive and inferential analysis methods explored, as well as data visualization. Prerequisite: EDPSY 576; recommended: EDPSY 513.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 597

EDPSY 598 Measurement and Statistics Pro-Seminar (1, max. 15)
Prerequisite: graduate student standing in the Measurement and Statistics program. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 598

EDPSY 599 Independent Studies in Education (*)
Independent studies or readings of specialized aspects of education.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 599

EDPSY 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 600

EDPSY 601 Internship (1-10, max. 30)
Internship opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge learned in coursework and provide real-world experiences. Requires permission of Supervisory Committee Chairperson or Graduate Program Adviser.
View course details in MyPlan: EDPSY 601