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ESRM 100 Introduction to Environmental Science (5) SSc/NSc
Covers the importance of the environment in society with particular emphasis on worldwide distribution and uses of resources, the role of natural and man-made environments, and causes of environmental degradation. Introduces ethics of conservation and recycling. Offered: S.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 100

ESRM 101 Forests and Society (5) SSc/NSc
Survey course covering forest ecosystems of the world, history of forestry and forest conservation, how forest ecosystems function, wildlife in forests, environmental issues in forestry, forest management, economics and products, and new approaches to forest management. Open to majors and non-majors. Offered: AWSp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 101

ESRM 150 Wildlife in the Modern World (5) NSc/SSc
Covers major wildlife conservation issues in North America. Some global issues are also treated. Examples of topics include the conservation of large predators, effects of toxic chemicals on wildlife, old-growth wildlife, conservation of marine wildlife, recovery of the bald eagle, and gray wolf. Offered: AWSp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 150

ESRM 190 Special Topics (1-5, max. 10) NSc
Introduces current topics or courses under development to address the latest issues in environmental science and resource management.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 190

ESRM 200 Society and Sustainable Environments (5) SSc/NSc
Introduces the application of social concepts and theories to understanding and managing urban, urbanizing, and wildland landscapes in a sustainable manner. Of particular interest are factors that shape patterns on the landscape and resulting social and economic benefits. Explores landscapes across the urban to wildland gradient. Offered: WSp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 200

ESRM 201 Sustaining Pacific Northwest Ecosystems (5) NSc/SSc
Introduces the principles of ecology across an urban to wildland gradient and discusses how these landscapes can be sustainably managed. Explores basic ecological theories, plant communities, soil, climate, pollution, hydrology, and wildlife in classroom, labs, and field trips. Offered: ASp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 201

ESRM 210 Introductory Soils (5) NSc
Physical, chemical, and biological properties that affect distribution and use patterns of this important ecosystem component. Includes soil morphology and genesis, plant nutrition and nutrient cycling, soil water, microbiology, and application of soil properties to environmental concerns. One Saturday field trip. Offered: ASp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 210

ESRM 235 Introduction to Environmental Economics (5) SSc/NSc
Introduces environmental and natural resource economics. Discusses fundamental economic concepts, including markets and private property. Includes basic tools used in the economic assessment of environmental problems and applies these methods to key environmental issues. Offered: jointly with ECON 235/ENVIR 235; SpS.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 235

ESRM 250 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems in Forest Resources (5) NSc, RSN
Applications of GIS technology to forest science and management. Fundamentals of GIS systems: data sources, preprocessing, map analysis, output; remote sensing as a source of GIS data, image analysis, and classification. Emphasis on GIS as a source of management and technical information requests. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 250

ESRM 300 Principles of Sustainability (2) SSc/NSc
Overview of principles of sustainability, including discussion of current literature, presentation, and discussion with practitioners, and methods for balancing social, economic, and ecological consequences of proposed policies and actions. Students develop a plan to further their studies in natural resources and environmental sustainability. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 300

ESRM 304 Environmental and Resource Assessment (5) NSc, RSN
The processes of measuring, monitoring, and assessment; illustrated in diverse environmental and resource case studies. Explores the scientific method, hypothesis testing, sampling, and experimental designs, the role of questionnaires and polling techniques, remote sensing techniques, and population measurements. Prerequisite: ESRM 200 or ESRM 201, either of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: ASpS.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 304

ESRM 311 Soils and Land Use (3) NSc
Intended for students concerned with environmental problems in the Puget Sound basin; also for those who intend to become professionally involved in land-planning decisions. Focus is on the significance of soils in understanding environmental problems and in promoting intelligent land-use decisions. Basic concepts of soil systems are presented, stressing those aspects important in making land-planning decisions. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 311

ESRM 315 Natural Resource Issues: Old-Growth and Forest Management (5) NSc/SSc
Biological and social elements of current conflicts, especially those associated with old-growth and its disposition. Ecology of Pacific Northwest forests and landscapes, history of forest practices, application of emerging science, proposed alternative practices and policies, including analysis of current proposal and its predecessors and successors. Open to majors and nonmajors. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 315

ESRM 320 Marketing and Management from a Sustainability Perspective (5) SSc/NSc
Introduction to business concepts relating to marketing, human resource management, small businesses and entrepreneurship, and economics in the context of environmental resource management. Offered: S.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 320

ESRM 321 Finance and Accounting from a Sustainability Perspective (5) NSc/SSc
Introduction to business concepts relating to finance, accounting, and international business in the context of environmental resource management. Offered: S.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 321

ESRM 323 Silviculture (5) NSc
Silviculture techniques, including nursery practices, clear-cutting, seed trees, shelterwood, selection cutting, site preparation, regeneration methods, thinning, fertilization, chemicals, and regional silviculture in the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Rocky Mountains, California, Pacific Northwest, and Alaska. Multiple-use field trips. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 323

ESRM 325 Environmental Applications of Plants: Bioenergy and Bioremediation (3) NSc
Explores current topics in forest bioresources with an emphasis on bioenergy, remediation of pollutants, and carbon sequestration. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 325

ESRM 328 Forestry-Fisheries Interactions (4) NSc
Offered: jointly with FISH 328.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 328

ESRM 331 Landscape Plant Recognition (3) NSc
Field recognition of important groups of woody landscape plants, emphasizing diversity at the genus and family levels. Cultivated plant nomenclature. Plant descriptive characters evident in the field with eye and hand lens. Hardiness and landscape applications. Offered: jointly with BIOL 331; Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 331

ESRM 350 Wildlife Biology and Conservation (5) NSc
Wildlife ecology and population biology, and interrelationships between wild animals and humans, including encouragement of wildlife population growth and productivity, control of pest populations, and preservation of endangered species with emphasis on forest environments and forest faunas. Prerequisite: either BIOL 162, BIOL 180, BIOL 220, or ESRM 162, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 350

ESRM 351 Wildlife Research Techniques (5) NSc
Scientific approaches to the field study of wildlife populations including study design, species identification, data collection, and report writing. Emphasis on direct experience with current field techniques used in the study of vertebrate populations. Prerequisite: either BIOL 162, BIOL 180, ESRM 162, or ESRM 350. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 351

ESRM 362 Introduction to Restoration Ecology (5) NSc/SSc
An introduction to ecological restoration of damaged ecosystems. Examines the philosophical base of restoration as well as the social, biological, and political forces that impact the success of any restoration project. Includes lectures, readings, case studies, and field trips. Offered: jointly with ENVIR 362; A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 362

ESRM 368 Natural Resource Measurements (4) NSc
Introduction to principles of measurement, basic field measurement skills, measurement of vegetation, including stand examination, timber cruising, size, weight, volume and biomass of trees, and stream flow. Laboratories include field exercises on sampling techniques for trees and lesser vegetation and linear regression modeling to predict quantities from basic measurements. Prerequisite: either IND E 315, Q SCI 381, STAT 220, or STAT 311. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 368

ESRM 371 Environmental Sociology (5) NSc/SSc
Focuses on interrelations between the natural environment, social systems, and human behavior. Covers foundational and contemporary sociological and social-psychological theories and approaches used to examine the social construction of nature; environmental risk, hazards, and disasters; the climate crisis; environmental inequality and racism; consumption and corporate environmental responsibility; and Indigenous environmental justice. Prerequisite: ESRM 200 or ENVIR 100. Offered: jointly with ENVIR 379/SOC 379; W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 371

ESRM 381 Management of Outdoor Recreation and Amenities (4) NSc
Introduction and overview of outdoor recreation and amenities management. Explores agency history and objectives along with integration of recreation with other land uses. Topics of current and local interest include histories of preservation and conservation in the US, outdoor nature recreation and health, addressing issues of exclusion on public lands, and fostering and developing inclusionary practices for diverse populations of visitors. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 381

ESRM 399 Internship Experience and Learning (1-5, max. 15)
Supervised internship or teaching experience in an environmentally related organization, company, agency, or with a School of Environmental and Forest Science faculty member. Structured reflection on the learning happening in the internship, such as knowledge acquisition and application, organizational culture, personal values, and professional future. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 399

ESRM 400 Natural Resource Conflict Management (3) NSc/SSc
Introduction to the causes, dynamics, and consequences of natural resource conflicts as well as the range of procedural interventions used to manage conflict. Specific cases of environmental conflict and alternative dispute resolution procedures are examined. Emphasis on developing skills to effectively analyze, manage, and resolve natural resource conflicts. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 400

ESRM 401 Forest Ecology (5) NSc
Forest ecology through a lens of community ecology, using examples from the Pacific Northwest and around the world. Builds on foundational knowledge to develop a deep understanding of current research and application from a diversity of perspectives and topics (fire, insect outbreaks, windstorms, succession, ecophysiology, ecosystem processes, wildlife habitat, climate change, and forest management). Includes field trips in Pacific Northwest. Prerequisite: ESRM 201. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 401

ESRM 403 Forest and Economic Development in the Developing World (4) NSc
Examines the relationship between forests and economic development in tropical countries. Topics include the role of population growth, poverty, land tenure, and international trade on forest use as well as theories of economic development. Case examples of forest-based economic development in different countries and regions.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 403

ESRM 404 Plant Microbiology Laboratory (5) NSc
Focuses on measuring impacts of beneficial microorganisms on plants. Assays include colonization of plants, N stress alleviation, photosynthesis, and growth enhancement. Microorganisms are characterized by phytohormone production, provision of nutrients, and growth, Microbial strains are identified using standard molecular analysis methods (PCR, cloning, sequencing). Includes short lectures. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: BIOL 180; either CHEM 120 or CHEM 142; recommended ESRM 201.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 404

ESRM 409 Soil Ecology (5) NSc
Soil organisms in forest and other ecosystems, decomposition, nutrient cycling. Nitrogen transformation, mycorrhizae, effects of forest management.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 409

ESRM 410 Forest Soils and Site Productivity (5) NSc
Considers unique properties and processes occurring in forest soils throughout the world with emphasis on soils of Pacific Northwest and aspects of forest soils that affect productivity. Two all-day Saturday field trips and one Saturday-Sunday field trip required. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 410

ESRM 411 Plant Propagation: Principles and Practice (3) NSc
Science and practice of plant propagation including sexual (seed) and asexual (cutting, layering, grafting) propagation. Includes discussion of physiological effects, methodology and laboratory exercises. Wide variety of plants covered. Intended for majors in urban horticulture and urban forestry and others interested in reproducing landscape plants. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 411

ESRM 412 Native Plant Production (3) NSc
Advanced plant propagation techniques, emphasizing native plants, propagation for restoration projects, and unique problems associated with providing appropriate plant material for restoration or conservation purposes. Emphasizes greenhouse and fieldwork, and includes lectures, field trips, and a class project. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 412

ESRM 413 Soil Genesis and Classification (5) NSc
Soil formation, morphology, classification, and relationship to the environment. Labs and weekend field trips illustrate properties and processes of forest and grassland soils in Washington.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 413

ESRM 414 Forest Soil Fertility and Chemistry (3) NSc
Tree growth depends, in part, on the interaction between chemical and biological activities within a given soil: the biological and chemical parameters that influence the growth; soil solution chemistry and surface reactions; reactions and processes that control essential plant nutrient levels and forms in soil solutions. Offered: Sp, odd years.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 414

ESRM 415 Terrestrial Invasion Ecology (5) NSc
Covers major principles of invasion biology and ecology as they apply to terrestrial ecosystems, from invasion pathways and the arrival stage, factors that affect non-native species establishment and spread, impacts to ecosystem function and diversity, and stage-specific management strategies. Prerequisite: either BIOL 162, BIOL 220, BIOL 333, BIOL 471, BIOL 472, ESRM 201, ESRM 401, ESRM 472, or ESRM 473. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 415

ESRM 420 Wildland Fire Management (5) NSc
Principles of wildland fire behavior, ecology, and management. Weather, fuels, and topography effects on fire behavior. Forest structure influence on historical and current fire ecology. Principles of firesafe forests. Management issues of fire control and use in wilderness, multiple-use forest, and the wildland-urban interface. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 420

ESRM 421 Role of Culture and Place in Natural Resource Stewardship: Yakama Nation Experience (3) NSc/SSc, DIV
"Anyone who has not lived in "Indian country" cannot understand just how extensively the United States government and its laws affect Native Americans and their natural resource management." Learn how history, self-determination, and sovereignty have shaped natural resource stewardship on the reservation and on the ceded lands of the Yakama Nation. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 421

ESRM 422 Plant Microbiology Seminar (2, max. 4)
Microbes, often essential for plant growth, provide nutrients, pathogen resistance, and increased tolerance to stress. Other microbes may cause plant diseases. Covers plant microbe interactions. Requires literature review of a plant microbiology topic. Prerequisite: BIOL 162 or BIOL 220; recommended: biology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 422

ESRM 423 International Trade, Marketing, and the Environment (3) SSc/NSc
Introduction to international trade, marketing, and environmental business. Concepts include plan writing, exporting and importing, carbon credits, green marketing, and how global exchange rates affect environmental assets such as forests. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 423

ESRM 425 Ecosystem Management (5) NSc
Scientific and social basis for ecological forestry. Forest practices to achieve integrated environmental and economic goals based upon material models of disturbance and stand development including alternative harvesting methods; adaptive management and monitoring; certification and global issues.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 425

ESRM 426 Wildland Hydrology (4) NSc
Introduction to the hydrologic cycle and basic hydrologic methods as applied to wildlands. Effects of forest management activities on hydrologic processes. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 426

ESRM 428 Principles of Silviculture and Their Application (5) NSc
Focuses on the biology of major tree species in the PNW and their use in silviculture, stand development in plantation forest systems and its relationship to forest yield, the advantages and limitations of plantation silviculture relating to specific biotic, abiotic, and economic conditions, and management for objectives other than time yield. Prerequisite: ESRM 323. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 428

ESRM 429 Environmental Science and Resource Management Seminar (1, max. 6) NSc
Weekly presentations covering environmental topics by scientists on and off campus Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 429

ESRM 430 Remote Sensing of the Environment (5) NSc
Focuses on hyperspatial remote sensing fundamentals, interpretation and manipulation of aerial photography, satellite imagery, and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). Uses traditional and 'state of the art' image processing techniques. Students learn to evaluate available hyperspatial remote sensing data sources and design simple projects related to environmental applications. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 430

ESRM 431 Ecopsychology (5) SSc
Explores psychology of the human relationship with nature. Critically examines how ecopsychology can impact urban sustainability, human health, environmental education, and the design of new technologies. Specific topics include evolutionary psychology; human-animal interaction; biophillia; children and nature; indigenous cultures; and ecotherapy. Offered: jointly with ENVIR 431/PSYCH 431; W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 431

ESRM 432 Advanced Remote Sensing and Earth Observation (4) NSc, RSN
Covers the theory and application of satellite remote sensing as a tool for environmental science and engineering. Topics include the fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation, reflection, absorption, black body radiation, use of the Plank Function, satellite time series analysis, land use mapping, change analyses, and atmospheric properties. Includes labs. Recommended: coursework in geographic information systems (GIS); statistics; and basic physics. Offered: jointly with CEE 432; W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 432

ESRM 433 Lidar Remote Sensing (5)
Focuses on the applications of lidar data, its interpretation, and processing. Students apply information learned from lectures and laboratory projects to a final project that analyzes vegetation structure, geomorphology, or hydrology. Prerequisite: either ESRM 250, ESRM 430, SEFS 520, OCEAN 452/FISH 452, OCEAN 502/FISH 502, FISH 552, ESS 420, or GEOG 360. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 433

ESRM 435 Insect Ecology (3) NSc
Covers major principles of ecology as they apply to insects, and follows a level of organization from the individual to populations to communities. Applications of insect ecology are extended to insect ecosystem services, conservation, and pest management. Prerequisite: BIOL 161, BIOL 180, BIOL 200, BIOL 220, or ESRM 161. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 435

ESRM 436 Laboratory in Insect Ecology (2) NSc
Supplements the lecture course (ESRM 435) by providing hands-on lab and field experience on ecological principles as they pertain to insects. Prerequisite: ESRM 435, which may be taken concurrently.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 436

ESRM 440 Economics of Sustainable Food Systems (5) SSc, RSN
Analyzes the choices of food consumers, retailers, wholesalers and traders, producers, and suppliers, and how they lead to individual and societal wealth, health, and environmental outcomes. Applies economic models of consumer preferences, competitive markets, and trade to explain market power, climate change, agricultural pollution, overfishing, and groundwater shortages. Prerequisite: either ECON 200, FISH 230/ECON 230, or ESRM 235/ECON 235/ENVIR 235. Offered: jointly with FISH 440/NUTR 440; A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 440

ESRM 441 Landscape Ecology (5) NSc
Basic landscape ecology concepts, including patches, corridors, networks, spatial dynamics; island biogeographic principles; landscape analysis methods; landscape models. Applications of landscape ecology in resources management (e.g., cumulative effects, cutting, patterns, anadromous fisheries, management of wildlife populations, and open-space planning). Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 441

ESRM 447 Watershed Ecology and Management (5) NSc
Investigation of stream and river ecosystems from a watershed perspective. Emphasis on fundamental processes affecting the structure and function of flowing aquatic ecosystems and their catchments. Topics include river/stream hydrology, geomorphology, nutrient spiraling, food webs, and global change. Case studies explore human interactions with rivers and approaches to river management. Prerequisite: either BIOL 180, ESRM 201, or FISH 200. Offered: jointly with FISH 447; Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 447

ESRM 448 Watershed Ecology and Management Lab (2)
Hands-on examination of river and stream ecosystems with emphasis on physical and biological processes, field methods, analysis of data, and writing scientific papers, includes field trips. Prerequisite: ESRM 447 or FISH 447 which may be taken concurrently. Offered: jointly with FISH 448; Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 448

ESRM 450 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (5) NSc
Covers principles of wildlife ecology such as habitat use and selection, population and metapopulation dynamics, and predator-prey interactions, and illustrates how they apply to wildlife conservation problems with terrestrial, aquatic, and marine wildlife. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ESRM 350. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 450

ESRM 451 Analytical Methods in Wildlife Science (3) NSc
This course provides a foundation of techniques commonly used by wildlife biologists in data collection and analysis. Predominantly focused on parameter estimation of demographic rates of animal populations. This course will explore, and discuss in detail, quantitative methods needed to address conservation and management problems in the real world. Prerequisite: ESRM 351 and Q SCI 482. Offered: jointly with Q SCI 451; W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 451

ESRM 452 Field Ornithology (3) NSc
Students learn field identification skills and are introduced to field methodologies through required indoor labs, field trips, and field exercises. Exercises include study of survey techniques, feeding ecology, and behavior. Students are required to share field trip costs. Prerequisite: ESRM 350 or ESRM 456 which may be taken concurrently; either BIOL 162, BIOL 180, or BIOL 220, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 452

ESRM 453 Biology and Ecology of Mammals (3) NSc
Diversity and life history of mammals, with a focus on their ecology, evolutionary relationships, and conservation. Prerequisite: BIOL 162 or BIOL 180; recommended: English composition course. Offered: Sp, odd years.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 453

ESRM 455 Wildlife Seminar (1, max. 8) NSc
Discussion of current research and application in wildlife biology and conservation. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 455

ESRM 456 Biology and Conservation of Birds (3) NSc
Major principles of natural history, avian reproductive biology, population ecology, and national and international conservation strategies for both hunted and unhunted birds. Emphasis on western United States. Prerequisite: either BIOL 162, BIOL 180, or BIOL 220, ESRM 162, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 456

ESRM 457 Fish and Wildlife Toxicology (3/5) NSc
Overview of fish/wildlife toxicology: history of the field; regulations; methods used to assess risks contaminants pose to fish/wildlife; classes of contaminants and their direct, sublethal and indirect effects; and contemporary threats of contaminants to fish/wildlife, their habitats and prey. Includes laboratory. Course overlaps with: T BIOL 455. Offered: jointly with FISH 455; W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 457

ESRM 458 Management of Endangered, Threatened, and Sensitive Species (5) NSc
Biological underpinnings and political realities of endangered species management, including: legal issues, recovery teams, citizen rights, extinction, rarity, proactive management, captive propagation, reintroduction, species endangered in the Pacific Northwest. Students revise endangered species recovery plans. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 458

ESRM 459 Wildlife Conservation in Northwest Ecosystems (3) NSc
Extended field course offers wildlife science students personal interactions with wildlife managers and wildlife populations in strategic public and private lands in the northwestern United States and southern Canada. Students share costs of trip. Offered when there is sufficient student demand. Prerequisite: ESRM 350; may not be repeated. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 459

ESRM 460 Power, Privilege, and Preservation (5) SSc, DIV
Critically examines strategies of resource managers to integrate local communities and cultures in protected areas management. Explores issues of power, privilege, and injustice and their impacts on individuals, society, and resource management decisions. Examines the potential for more socially just and ecologically sustainable approaches to protected areas management. Offered: jointly with ENVIR 460; ASpS.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 460

ESRM 461 Forest Management and Economics (5) NSc/SSc
Presents important contemporary decision tools, especially how they are used by forest managers to interpret, critique, and develop their basic applications in forestry. Topics include optimization techniques, including linear and nonlinear programming, concepts in interest and time evaluation of alternatives, marginal cost analysis, and computer spreadsheet assisted analysis. Prerequisite: Q SCI 381 or STAT 311; Q SCI 291 or MATH 124. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 461

ESRM 462 Restoration Ecology Capstone I: Introduction (2-) NSc
First of a three-course capstone sequence in restoration ecology. Students review and assess project plans and installations. Class meets with members of previous capstone classes to review their projects. Offered: jointly with T BIOL 462; A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 462

ESRM 463 Restoration Ecology Capstone II: Proposal and Plan (-3-) NSc
Student teams prepare proposals in response to requests for proposals (RFPs) from actual clients. Clients may be governments, non-profit organizations, and others. Upon acceptance of the proposal, teams prepare restoration plans. Prerequisite: ESRM 462/T BIOL 462. Offered: jointly with T BIOL 463; W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 463

ESRM 464 Restoration Ecology Capstone III: Field Site Restoration (-5) NSc
Teams take a restoration plan developed in ESRM 463/T BIOL 464 and complete the installation. Team participation may include supervision of volunteers. Teams prepare management guidelines for the client and conduct a training class for their use. Prerequisite: ESRM 463/T BIOL 463. Offered: jointly with T BIOL 464; Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 464

ESRM 465 Economics of Conservation (3) SSc/NSc
Economic principles and their use in the analysis of contemporary conservation problems. Particular emphasis directed toward the conservation of forest resources in the Pacific Northwest and related policy issues. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 465

ESRM 466 Climate Justice (4) SSc, DIV
Covers human dimensions of climate change and variability, focusing on analyzing relationships between physical climate risks and systemic marginalization. Examines how climate impacts are unevenly distributed and experienced, critical appraisal of dominant climate action movements, and learning from underrepresented scholars, communities, and activists advancing transformative social and political reorganization for (climate) justice. Offered: jointly with ENVIR 466.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 466

ESRM 468 Forest Operations (5)
Examines forest land surveying, low volume road access planning, and timber harvesting concepts. Low volume road design principles and practical application of field road location. Overview of road drainage design, construction techniques and maintenance. Reviews basic harvest systems and setting design processes, including cost, production control, environmental and safety considerations. Prerequisite: ESRM 250; ESRM 368; ESRM 323 which may be taken concurrently.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 468

ESRM 470 Natural Resource Policy and Planning (5) NSc/SSc
Introduction to and analysis of environmental policy-making processes, with a focus on forest and land policy and law. Use of policy models to examine the interaction of agencies, interest groups, Congress, and the courts in the legislative process. Policy implementation, evaluation, and change are also addressed. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 470

ESRM 473 Restoration in North America (5) NSc
Investigates the vegetation and climate of North American ecosystems. Includes an ecosystem by ecosystem review of how restoration is done in each system, including some tropical ecosystems. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 473

ESRM 474 Restoration Problem Solving: Ecological Engineering (5)
Exposes students to real-life problem solving that involves the design and manipulation of natural systems to perform ecological function. Focuses on the analysis, design, and implementation of discrete projects. Includes projects dealing with plants, hydrology, earthwork, waste and pollution management, as well as other resources and problems. Offered: W, odd years.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 474

ESRM 475 Life Cycle Assessment: Fundamentals and Bio-Based Applications (5)
Overview of life cycle thinking, the fundamental theory of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) framework, and practical applications in supporting real-world decision-making. Presents state-of-the-art LCA tools, industrial case studies, and advanced LCA methodologies using the framework of bio-based materials and bioenergy solutions. Emphasizes systems thinking. Offered: jointly with BSE 475; W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 475

ESRM 478 Plant Ecophysiology (5) NSc
Explores physiological mechanisms that underlie ecological observations, including how above- and below-ground microclimates develop and affect plant physiological processes. Discusses acclimation to environmental change along with species differences in physiological processes and plant's occupation of heterogeneous environments. Laboratories emphasize field measurement techniques. Prerequisite: either BIOL 180, B BIO 180, TESC 120, T BIOL 120, ESRM 201, ESRM 162, or FISH 162. Offered: jointly with BIOL 424; W.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 478

ESRM 479 Restoration Design (5) SSc/NSc
Covers the design process in ecosystem restoration by presenting a series of weekly design problems that students solve as teams. Categorizes problems by disturbance type, including restoration necessitated by agriculture, urbanization, salt-marsh filling or diking, construction of transport corridors, etc. Includes a team design portfolio. Offered: W, even years.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 479

ESRM 485 Environmental Planning and Permitting in Practice (5) SSc
Advanced survey of environmental planning and permitting as encountered by environmental and natural resource professionals in Washington State and beyond. Focuses on Washington State acts (SEPA, SMA, GMA) and Federal systems (NEPA, CWA ESA) that shape environmental land use planning and federal planning and permitting systems Offered: jointly with ENVIR 485.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 485

ESRM 489 Foreign Study (1-5, max. 15)
Individual foreign study of topics for which there is not sufficient demand to warrant the organization of regular classes. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 489

ESRM 490 Special Topics (1-5, max. 15)
Individual tutorial study of topics or courses under development to address the latest scientific developments in forest resources. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 490

ESRM 491 Field Studies (1-5, max. 10)
Independent field study or one time organized field courses with emphasis outside the traditional classroom. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 491

ESRM 494 Senior Capstone Proposal (5-)
Selection of a capstone topic and type, either thesis or project. Students select a faculty adviser to assist them in the proposal writing process. Regular or Honors credit. Prerequisite: ESRM 200; ESRM 201; ESRM 300; ESRM 304. Offered: AWSpS.
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ESRM 495 Senior Project (-5)
Individual study of an environmental science and resource management problem under direction of a faculty member. Requires a written project report. Generally taken in last year of residence. Prerequisite: ESRM 494, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: AWSpS.
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ESRM 496 Senior Thesis (-5)
Statistical analysis and presentation of research results and discussion of results in a thesis paper. Students work with faculty advisers to complete field or laboratory research and then prepare the senior thesis. Prerequisite: ESRM 494, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 496

ESRM 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 15)
Individual research supervised by a faculty member. For advanced students desiring to extend their educational experience. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: ESRM 499