Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
JSIS A 121 Introduction to Human Rights in Latin America (5) SSc, DIV
Overview of human rights issues and how they have evolved in recent Latin American history, from the military dictatorships of the authoritarian period to contemporary challenges faced in the region's democracies. Course overlaps with: LSJ 322/JSIS A 324.
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JSIS A 130 Introduction to Slavic Culture and Civilization (5) A&H
Examines the culture of the Slavs, an ethno-linguistic group of peoples living primarily in Central/Eastern Europe. Among nations investigated: the Czech Republic, Russia, Poland, and Ukraine. Students gain a fundamental grasp of major issues and historical events of this region, expressed through culture. Offered: jointly with SLAVIC 130.
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JSIS A 154 Estonian Literary and Cultural History (5) A&H
Surveys Estonian literary and cultural history from the prehistoric period to the present. Authors, musicians, artists, and filmmakers include Kaplinski, Koidula, Kreutzwald, Vilde, Part, Tormis, Meri, Parn, Pollu, and others. Offered: jointly with SCAND 154; AWSpS.
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JSIS A 202 Introduction to South Asian History, 1500 - present (5) SSc
The Islamic impact, British conquest, and contemporary India. Emphasis on the rise of nationalism, social organization, and contemporary life and history. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 202.
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JSIS A 205 Filipino Histories (5) SSc, DIV
Introduction to histories, cultures and politics of Filipinos and the Philippines. Examines pre-colonial societies, Spanish colonial rule, nationalism and Revolution, Filipino-American war, U.S colonial rule, Japanese occupation, postcolonial period to Martial Law, continuing rebellions, and the Filipino diaspora. Offered: jointly with HSTCMP 205.
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JSIS A 206 Contemporary India and Pakistan (5) SSc
Interdisciplinary introduction to the field of South Asian Studies. Overview of the topographic, social, and linguistic geography and history of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Examines politics, economy, social structure, religion, cultural production and the arts, popular culture, and transnationalism.
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JSIS A 207 Asian Civilizations: Traditions (5) A&H/SSc
Interdisciplinary introduction to the civilizations of Asia, particularly those of India, China, Japan, and Korea. Explores the religion, philosophy, literature, art, and social and political thought of these civilizations from ancient times to the seventeenth century.
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JSIS A 210 Introduction to Islamic Cultures and Thought (5) A&H/SSc
Covers major developments in the formative, classical, and modern periods of Islamic cultures and thought from seventh century Arabia to the contemporary Muslim world. Looks at the development of Islamic religious thought and legal practice as well as the Muslim polities, cultures, and intellectual traditions of Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. Offered: jointly with MELC 229.
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JSIS A 211 Fashion Systems: Europe-Asia (5) SSc/A&H
Introduces the historical development of fashion systems in early modern and modern Europe and Asia. Explores topics including: Fashioning the Body; Gender and Fashion; Fashion as Conspicuous Consumption; Fashion as Urban Spectacle; the Politics of Fashion. Offered: jointly with ART H 211.
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JSIS A 212 History of Korean Civilization (5) SSc
From earliest times to the present. Development of Korean society and culture in terms of government organization, social and economic change, literature, and art. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 212.
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JSIS A 213 The Korean Peninsula and World Politics (5) SSc
Introduces Korean politics, economics, society, and international relations. Overviews the development in politics, economy, and society since the late nineteenth century. Addresses the evolution of Korea in the international society by comparing Korea experience with that of China and Japan. Offered: jointly with POL S 213.
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JSIS A 215 Introduction to the Modern Middle East (5) SSc
Major social and political trends in the Middle East during the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Basic principles of Islam and its diversity, changing balance of power during the early modern period; European colonialism and withdrawal; pan-Arabism, nationalism, feminism and religious resurgence. Offered: jointly with MELC 232.
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JSIS A 220 Introduction to East European Studies (5) SSc
Introduction to the history of post-1945 Eastern Europe focusing on political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic issues. Countries surveyed include Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Offered: jointly with HSTEU 220.
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JSIS A 221 History of Southeast Asia (5) SSc, DIV
Surveys Southeast Asian civilizations at the outset of Western colonial rule; the colonial impact on the traditional societies of Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines; nineteenth- and twentieth-century nationalist and revolutionary movements; emergence of Southeast Asia as a region in the modern world. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 221.
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JSIS A 224 Histories and Futures of the Book, Texts and Reading (5) A&H/SSc
From medieval manuscripts to commercially printed books to today's rapidly recycled digital content, explores how changing forms have shaped the ways texts have been read and understood, how the spread of printing technology impacted the modern world, how the book-form became dominant, and how a new media revolution (the mass digitization of texts) is again reshaping access to and understanding of the past. Offered: jointly with FRENCH 224/TXTDS 224.
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JSIS A 235 History of Modern Taiwan (5) SSc
Social, cultural, political, and economic history of modern Taiwan from approximately 1600 to the present. Places Taiwan within global historical changes and explores Taiwan-centric issues in depth. Covers migration, colonialism, race and identity, urban and rural development, the Cold War, capitalism and industrialization, science, religion, labor, and gender. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 235.
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JSIS A 236 Development and Challenge in Greater China (5) SSc
Studies the geography of development processes, patterns, and problems in "Greater China": mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Covers physical geography, history, and economic and political systems, with major focus on geographical issues in China's development: agriculture, population, industry and trade, and relations with Hong Kong and Taiwan. Offered: jointly with GEOG 236.
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JSIS A 239 Greece: From Ancient to Modern (5) SSc/A&H
How are Ancient and Modern Greece connected to each other? Learn about great moments in Ancient Greek culture (tyranny and democracy, tragedy and comedy, athletics and art) and the complex ways Modern Greece has drawn on this heritage by exploring ancient and modern texts and images. Offered: jointly with CLAS 239.
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JSIS A 240 Greece Today: The Mediterranean, Europe, and the World (5) SSc
Introduction to current political, social, economic and cultural issues in Greece, including Greece's relations with the European Union and its Mediterranean neighbors.
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JSIS A 241 Japanese Civilization (5) SSc
Japan's civilization, including its origins, government, literature, economic institutions, material culture, social organization, and religions, in relation to the development of Japan as a society and nation. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 241.
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JSIS A 242 Introduction to Contemporary Japan (5) SSc
Interdisciplinary social science introduction to various aspects of contemporary Japan, such as its politics, economics, and society. Designed to be taken either as a first course on Japan for majors or as a single-course introduction to Japan., suitable for non-majors. No prior background on Japan is necessary.
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JSIS A 244 Imperialism and Anti-Colonialism in Asia (5) SSc, DIV
Introduction to Western imperialism expansion, conquest, and colonial rule in Asia; the anti-colonial, nationalist resistances they engendered; and the resultant cultural, political, economic, and intellectual transformations in Asian societies. Covers post-1800 violence, racial hierarchies, human rights abuses, post-colonial memories, persistent strategies of domination, and structural inequities. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 244.
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JSIS A 245 Human Rights in Asia (5) SSc, DIV
Introduction to recent and ongoing human rights issues in South, Southeast, and East Asia. Focuses on how human rights politics have played out in domestic political arenas. Provides exposure to views/insights into the historical context in which human rights claims, abuses, and debates arise. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 245.
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JSIS A 251 Events That Shook Modern Europe: From the French Revolution to the EU (5) SSc
Examines major events that shaped Europe, from French Revolution in 1789 to the foundation of the European Union in 1993. Wars, revolutions, social transformations, toxic ideologies, and liberation movements as milestones in the course of developments in Europe over the past two centuries. Lectures and analysis of documents from these time periods. Offered: jointly with HSTEU 251; Sp.
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JSIS A 252 The Bloodlands: East Central Europe under Hitler and Stalin (5) SSc
From 1933-1945, 14 million people were killed, in cold blood, by Nazi Germany and Soviet Union regimes between central Poland and western Russia, including those starved in the Soviet Ukraine famine, victims of Stalin's Great Terror and Hitler's Holocaust, Soviet citizens starved by Nazis during World War II & Poles murdered under joint Nazi-Soviet occupation. Course investigates these fateful events through study of history, literature & film. Offered: jointly with HSTEU 252.
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JSIS A 254 Modern China: Three Revolutions (5) SSc
Surveys Chinese history from the late nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. Examines how "modern China" took shape by focusing on the transformations and changes in the political system, economic structure, social organization, and intellectual trends. In particular, examines the three revolutions of modern China -- the Republican, Nationalist, and Communist revolutions. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 254.
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JSIS A 260 Fashion, Nation, and Culture (5) SSc/A&H
Introduction to Italian culture focusing on fashion and manners from the late Middle Ages to today. Explores common assumptions about nation, gender, clothes, make-up, and manners, through literary and visual analysis. In English. Offered: jointly with ART H 260/ITAL 260; W.
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JSIS A 261 Turkic Peoples of Central Asia (3) SSc
History of the Turkic peoples, AD 552 to present. Emphasis on current status of Turkic peoples in Central Asia. Geographical distribution, demographic data, reactions and adaptations to changes resulting from the 1917 revolution. Turkic viewpoint on past and present developments. Offered: jointly with MELC 261.
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JSIS A 265 The Viet Nam Wars (5) SSc
Recent Vietnamese history and struggles for independence and national unification vis-a-vis French colonialism, Japanese occupation, American intervention, and internal divisions. Covers historical roots and contemporary contexts of revolution and war, objectives and motivations of participants, and the enormous human costs. Emphasizes socio-cultural changes and wars' legacies. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 265.
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JSIS A 268 Silk Road and Globalization (5) SSc, DIV
Introduces the Silk Road as a site of cultural exchange between peoples, and of political, economic, and intellectual exchange between regions and continents. Topics include empires, migration, language, and religion. Considers the Silk Road as a symbol of globalization in the exploration of an underrepresented and culturally dynamic region, encouraging reflection on historic inequities as well as present-day inequalities and marginalities. Offered: jointly with MELC 268.
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JSIS A 270 Native Peoples of the Northwest Coast (5) SSc, DIV
Examines indigenous societies on the Pacific Northwest's western slope, from southeast Alaska to California, including social structures and relations, subsistence strategies, belief systems, and changes over time, both before and after non-Natives' arrival. Offered: jointly with AIS 270.
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JSIS A 280 Global Indigenous Politics: Culture, Representation, Decolonization (5) SSc, DIV
Explores the contemporary cultural and political transformations advanced by Indigenous peoples and their advocates around the world. Examines the concept of indigeneity, the cultural politics of Indigenous mobilization, and the effects of international development policies on Indigenous communities. Offered: jointly with CHID 280.
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JSIS A 301 Conflict and Cooperation in Contemporary Europe (5) SSc
A multi-disciplinary approach to contemporary Europe focusing on social, political, cultural, and economic change, with special reference to developments in the countries of the European Union, Scandinavia, and those in Eastern Europe in the post-Soviet era. Offered: jointly with POL S 389.
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JSIS A 302 The Politics and Cultures of Europe (5) SSc
Builds upon themes and topics introduced in JSIS A 301. Provides rigorous and specialized investigation of European political institutions, societies, and cultures in the modern era.
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JSIS A 303 Environmental History of South Asia: Divided Lands/Divided Lives (5) SSc, DIV
Focuses on the mobilization of South Asian tribal, peasant, and ethnic communities around ecological issues to secure social equity in the colonial and post-colonial period. Examines how the complex interactions of states and peoples have changed the ways in which nature itself is conceptualized. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 303.
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JSIS A 304 Contemporary European Migration (5) SSc
Provides a theoretical and empirical understanding of contemporary migration processes and patterns in Europe. Introduces the different migration regimes and integration practices of selected European states. Analyzes the impact of globalization, the ever-changing role of the European Union, and the importance of international, national, and urban policy on immigrant lives. Offered: jointly with GEOG 303; W.
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JSIS A 305 Changing Generations in Japan and East Asia (5) SSc
Investigates the relation between economic changes and social changes by focusing on the conditions confronting young people in East Asia. Focuses on the issue of generational change regionally and globally through an anthropological lens, using ethnographic methods centering on japan and other East Asian countries.
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JSIS A 314 History of Modern Israel/Palestine (5) SSc, DIV
Cultural, social, and political histories of Palestine, the Land of Israel, and the State of Israel; Zionist and Palestinian nationalist movements, in their larger regional, transnational, and global contexts. Offered: jointly with HSTAFM 314.
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JSIS A 315 Southeast Asian Civilization: Buddhist and Vietnamese (5) SSc, DIV
Civilizations of Theravada Buddhist societies in Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos and in Vietnamese societies of Southeast Asia. Culture of tribal peoples who live on peripheries of these societies. Cultural transformations consequent upon the war in Indochina and resettlement of Indochinese refugees in United States. Offered: jointly with ANTH 315.
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JSIS A 316 Modern South Asia (5) SSc
Twentieth-century history and society of Indian subcontinent. Topics include nationalism, rural and urban life, popular culture, gender, and environmental politics. Offered: jointly with ANTH 316.
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JSIS A 317 History by Bollywood: Colonial India through Film (5) SSc, DIV
Through popular cinema, specifically Hindi-language films produced by Bombay-based film industry for mass market, explores colonial history of South Asia beginning with British takeover of Indian subcontinent in late eighteenth century to emergence of independence and partition in 1947. Focuses specifically on Bollywood films that have shaped popular (mis)understandings of key episodes and developments in history of modern India. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 317.
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JSIS A 320 Greek History: 7000 BC to Present (5) SSc
History of Greece from its Neolithic village origins to the present. Examines the different forms of one of the most resilient cultures in the human story. Offered: jointly with HSTCMP 320.
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JSIS A 321 Government and Politics of Canada (5) SSc
Critical analysis of parliamentary institutions, political parties, and the federal system in Canada. Offered: jointly with POL S 341.
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JSIS A 322 International Political Economy of Latin America (5) SSc
Exploration of politics underlying Latin America's economic development. Topics covered include import-substituting industrialization, mercantilism, the debt crisis, neoliberalism, market integration, and poverty. Review of major theoretical perspectives such as modernization theory, dependency, and the new political economy. Offered: jointly with POL S 322.
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JSIS A 323 Inter-American Relations (5) SSc, DIV
Explores the Americas' evolving political, economic, and social relationships since the 1900s. Focuses on state policies of genocide, extraction, and colonial occupation, as well as social practices of migration and transnational movements of resistance and solidarity. Examines how race, gender, labor, and class have shaped inter-American dynamics, moving beyond U.S.-focused perspectives to highlight Latin America's role in reshaping the region. Offered: jointly with HSTLAC 323.
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JSIS A 324 Human Rights in Latin America (5) SSc, DIV
Overview of human rights issues and their recent evolution in Latin American history; military dictatorships; contemporary challenges in the region's democracies. Human rights concerns in relation to broader sociopolitical context. Course overlaps with: JSIS A 121. Offered: jointly with LSJ 322.
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JSIS A 325 Modern Mexico: Culture, Politics and Society (5) SSc
Provides an historical survey of Mexican politics, culture, and society. Explores debates about the role of violence and foreign intervention in Mexico's political development. Topics include revolution, U.S.-Mexico relations, race and gender politics, student movements, cultural production, neoliberalism, and the war on drugs. Offered: jointly with HSTLAC 325.
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JSIS A 327 China and the West in Historical Perspective, 1500-1976 (5) SSc
Examines relations between China and the West in historical perspective. Covers the period from 1500 to 1976, including political interactions as well as intellectual, religious, and cultural contact. Investigates how and why these relations changed over time, and how this historical legacy is relevant today. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 327.
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JSIS A 328 Gender and Sexuality in China (5) SSc, DIV
Explores gender and sexuality in China's process of modernization, from the late Qing dynasty through the building of the Republic, Communist revolution, and post-Mao economic reform. Examines, through historical, anthropological, and cultural studies scholarship, the centrality of these social constructs in terms of family, state, labor, body, and ethnicity. Offered: jointly with ANTH 328/GWSS 328.
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JSIS A 330 Historical Lives Between the United States and China (5) SSc
Examines the lives and writings of important figures in political and cultural relations between the United States and China between 1784 and 1980. Considers how the experiences and outlooks of these historical actors offer a better understanding of particular eras in United States-China relations and interactions. Offered: jointly with HSTAA 330.
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JSIS A 339 Social Movements in Contemporary India (5) SSc, DIV
Covers issues of social change, economic development, and identity politics in contemporary India studied through environmental and women's movements. Includes critiques of development and conflicts over forests, dams, women's rights, religious community, ethnicity, and citizenship. Offered: jointly with ANTH 339/GWSS 339.
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JSIS A 340 Politics of India, Pakistan, and South Asia (5) SSc
Course promotes a deeper understanding of politics in South Asia. Topics include political regimes, civil conflict, religion and politics, and economic development. Students also sharpen skills in reading social science articles, including picking out arguments, evidence, and logics of presentation. Offered: jointly with POL S 340.
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JSIS A 341 Political Violence and the Post-Colonial State in South Asia (5) SSc, DIV
Examines theoretical approaches to the analysis of collective, state, and anti-state violence in post-colonial South Asia through the study of specific cases of political violence in modern India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Offered: jointly with ANTH 341.
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JSIS A 342 Government and Politics of Latin America (5) SSc
Analyzes the political dynamics of change in Latin America, comparing various national approaches to the political problems of modernization, economic development, and social change. Offered: jointly with POL S 342.
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JSIS A 343 Politics and Change in Southeast Asia (5) SSc
Analysis of government and political systems in Southeast Asian countries, with a focus on the social and economic factors that influence them. Offered: jointly with POL S 343.
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JSIS A 344 The Baltic States and Scandinavia (5) SSc
Survey of the cultures and history of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania from the Viking Age to the present, with particular attention to Baltic-Scandinavian contacts. Offered: jointly with SCAND 344.
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JSIS A 345 Baltic Cultures (5) SSc/A&H
Cultures and peoples of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Baltic literature, music, art, and film in social and historical context. Traditional contacts with Scandinavia and Central and East Europe. Offered: jointly with SCAND 345.
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JSIS A 346 Alternative Routes to Modernity (5) SSc
Routes to modernity followed by non-Western societies between 1600 and 1900. Historical experiences of non-Western societies seen in the context of European history and of development theory. Emphasizes primary sources and techniques for posing theoretical questions of historical data. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 348.
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JSIS A 348 European Union as Global Actor (5) SSc
Surveys the European Union's evolution as a global actor and emergence as a potential superpower with increasingly unified foreign and defense policies. Covers institutions and interests that have driven this process; specific examples of European Union global engagement; and the potential implications for U.S. foreign policy. Offered: jointly with POL S 348.
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JSIS A 349 Migration and Multiculturalism in the Mediterranean (5) SSc
Examines multiculturalism and migration in the Mediterranean. Focuses on immigrant communities of Greek diaspora in multicultural cities of Smyrna in nineteenth century Ottoman Empire, and of Alexandria in twentieth century Egypt. Considers how immigration to contemporary Greece transformed an ethnically homogeneous, mono-cultural Greek society into an increasingly multicultural one. Course overlaps with: T HIST 376.
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JSIS A 350 United States - Europe Relations (5) SSc
Examines history of the United States-Europe relationship from the eighteenth century to the present, focusing on political, economic, and cultural connections, as well as the foreign policies that have undergirded this relationship from its inception. Offered: Sp.
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JSIS A 351 Scandinavia, the European Union, and Global Climate Change (5) SSc
Reviews the history of climate change, the role of Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius in defining greenhouse effects, Scandinavian policy response, and the role of the European Union in global climate change. Offered: jointly with SCAND 351; WSp.
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JSIS A 354 Narcoculture: Propaganda and Publicity in the War on Drugs (5) SSc
Representation of so-called narcos in inter-American media and culture since the 1970s. Students critically analyze U.S. films, Colombian soap operas, Mexican ballads, and state propaganda dedicated to portraying traffickers' exploits. Centering on the ethical question of how to portray drug-related violence, introduces students to debates about censorship, propaganda, the public sphere, and spectacle.
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JSIS A 355 Social Change in Latin America (5) SSc
Explores cultures, identities, political economy, and popular mobilization in Latin America. Examines relations of power and production between social classes and ethnic groups, as well as ideologies and intellectual movements. Offered: jointly with SOC 355.
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JSIS A 356 Canadian Society (5) SSc
Origins to the present in its North American setting; political development, cultural evolution, and emergence of multinationalism; economic base; arts and literature; problems of the environment; Canadian foreign relations.
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JSIS A 357 Cultures of Central Eurasia (5) SSc, DIV
Introduces Central Eurasia with a focus on the cultural diversity and societies of the Central Asian republics and Inner Asia (Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Tibet) as well as the adjacent areas of Afghanistan and Iran. Addresses intercultural dynamics, historic inequities, centers of power vs. margins, impact of colonialism on traditional cultures, contemporary inequalities, marginalities and their sociological and political ramifications. Offered: jointly with ANTH 357/MELC 357.
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JSIS A 360 Contemporary Spain (5) A&H/SSc
Offers an interdisciplinary exploration of the history and diversity of Spain. Presents historical, political, social, and cultural works to reflect on the major transformations in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, from the Spanish Civil War to today. Examines the main events that have shaped Spain's identity on both a national and global scale. Offered: jointly with SPAN 360; S.
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JSIS A 362 The Political Economy of Africa (5) SSc, DIV
Focuses on the political economy of governance, development, and conflict in sub-Saharan African countries since independence. Explores the political and economic choices made by Africa's colonial and post-colonial regimes and connects them to current events in sub-Saharan Africa.
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JSIS A 364 Modern Greece: 1821 to the Present (5) SSc
Politics and society of Greece from War of Independence to the present. Emergence and development of the Greek state; Greece in the world wars; civil war and post-war politics; military dictatorship; transition to democracy; recent developments. No prior study of Greece assumed. Offered: jointly with HSTEU 364.
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JSIS A 365 Brazilian, Portuguese and African Cultures (5-12, max. 15) A&H/SSc
Explores cultures of Brazil, Portugal, and Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa within the framework of cultural studies theory. Follows an interdisciplinary approach, drawing from readings, films, history, literature, arts, and anthropology, among others. Focuses on selected cultural aspects and countries. Taught in English. Offered: jointly with PORT 365; S.
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JSIS A 367 Southeast Asian Activism and Social Engagement (5) SSc
Investigates how Southeast Asian activism is tied to the histories of political struggle within Southeast Asia and to questions of diasporic Asian American identity. Engages in group research projects exploring the meaning of social activism within local communities. Offered: jointly with HSTCMP 367.
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JSIS A 370 Han Chinese Society and Culture (5) SSc
Themes in the society and culture of the Han Chinese people. Concepts of self; personal interaction; family, gender, and marriage; communities and the state; religion and ritual; class, social categories, and social mobility; culturalism, nationalism, and patriotism. Offered: jointly with ANTH 370.
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JSIS A 371 China's Ocean Governance (5) SSc
Explores China's approach to ocean governance and how it differs from global and U.S. norms. Examines the impacts on international security, global development, the environment, and the future of international rule-making. Covers the worldwide impact of China's ocean governance, given their great power and ocean resources.
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JSIS A 375 History of Canada (5) SSc
General survey and analysis of political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of Canadian history from the foundation of New France to present; Canadian-American relations, the rise of Quebec nationalism, and the development of the Canadian West. Offered: jointly with HSTAA 377.
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JSIS A 401 Asia and the World (5) SSc
Overview of major issues and developments in the interactions of Northeast and Southeast Asia and he world. Topics include economic development and integration, sources of instability, and historical patterns of relations. Particular focus on major current issues related to the region. Prerequisite: JSIS 201, JSIS 202.
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JSIS A 402 The Middle East in the Modern World (5) SSc
Economic, political, and cultural ties between the Middle East and the modern world between the eighteenth century and the present. Particular attention to the transformation of societies, formation of modern states, the relationship between Islam and democracy, and gender and society in the Middle East.
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JSIS A 403 Politics of Representation in Modern China (5) SSc, DIV
Focuses on issues of representation and power in twentieth century China. Combines substantive information on modern Chinese society and culture with recent debates in social theory and the politics of representation. Major themes include Chinese nationalism, body politics, popular culture, and everyday practice. Offered: jointly with ANTH 444.
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JSIS A 404 Religion in China (5) SSc
Covers major doctrinal and practical themes and patterns and their historical developments in Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, and popular religion; their mutual interactions and influences as well as the relationship between the state and religion.
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JSIS A 405 Social Transformation of Modern East Asia (5) SSc
Comparative study of social change in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam since 1945. Concentration on small-scale social units in rural and urban areas under both communist and capitalist political systems. Offered: jointly with ANTH 449.
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JSIS A 406 China's Environment (5) SSc
Analysis of contemporary environmental problems in China, including population, food, water supply, pollution, biodiversity, and environmental activism. Combines natural science and social science perspectives. Prerequisite: either ANTH 210, ENVIR 201, JSIS 200, JSIS 201, or JSIS 202. Offered: jointly with ANTH 406.
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JSIS A 407 Global Futures in East Asia (5) SSc
Explores interlinked modernity projects in China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan and how the education of youth figures in projects of national development and international economic competition. Offered: jointly with ANTH 407; AWSpS.
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JSIS A 408 Government and Politics of China (5) SSc
Post-1949 government and politics, with emphasis on problems of political change in modern China. Offered: jointly with POL S 442.
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JSIS A 409 History of Twentieth-Century India (5) SSc
Analysis of the problems in the fields of social life, international and domestic politics, education, economics, and other areas that confront India today. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 404; A.
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JSIS A 410 Technology and Politics in Taiwan (5) SSc
How technology, especially digital technology, is applied in politics, specifically using Taiwan as the focal case. Topics include how politicians use digital technologies for campaigns in Taiwan, information attacks that try to influence Taiwanese politics, and how social media mobilizes Taiwanese citizens in social movements. Offered: jointly with COM 479.
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JSIS A 412 South Asian Social Structure (5) SSc, DIV
Examines caste, class, and community in modern India. Transitions from colonial typology to analysis of social change, diversity, stability, and caste hierarchy in rural society. Current debates on class and community in Indian society, rural and urban, explored through themes of identity, structure, and mobility. Prerequisite: one 200-level ANTH course. Offered: jointly with ANTH 412.
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JSIS A 413 African Studies Seminar (5, max. 15) SSc
Interdisciplinary seminar focusing upon one particular aspect of the African continent. Emphasis may be humanistic, social scientific, or historical. African Studies faculty and visiting scholars lecture on areas of their own expertise.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 413
JSIS A 414 Arts and Culture of Contemporary Taiwan: Made in Taiwan (5) SSc
Arts and culture of contemporary Taiwan through curated audio/visual works embodying multi-faceted narratives of "Made in Taiwan." Surveys contested issues (re)framing the complex identities of Taiwan. Includes guest-speaker series and collaborative research projects.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 414
JSIS A 415 National Security of Japan (5) SSc
Changing landscape of Japan's national security concerns: actors, institutions, and circumstances that have brought issues of defense and rivalry to the center stage of Japanese politics. Topics include nationalism, militarization, pacifism, United States-Japan security alliance, Sino-Japanese competition, constitutional revision, collective defense, and spy satellites. Offered: jointly with POL S 423.
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JSIS A 416 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (5) SSc
Explores the history of NATO since 1949. Case studies include German unification; evolving security relationship between NATO, the USSR, and its successor states; process of NATO enlargement; emergence of human rights as a priority in NATO"s security interactions with non-member states; and NATO's role in ethno-nationalist-religious conflicts in the Balkans.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 416
JSIS A 417 Political Economy of India (5) SSc
Analysis of relationships among processes of economic change, political institutions, and structures of political power in contemporary India. Includes contrasting approaches to Indian economic development, land reform, radical and agrarian political movements, and role of foreign aid. Offered: jointly with POL S 417.
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JSIS A 418 Eastern Europe: the Political Economy of the Region (5) SSc
Focus on the classical command-type economy and the most recent economic and political transition in Eastern Europe. Analysis of current institutional reform, privatization, and trade relations.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 418
JSIS A 419 Southeast Asian Knowledge and the Politics of Information (5) SSc
Overview of information resources in and about Southeast Asia, including evaluation of those sources within various theoretical articulations (scholastic, cultural, and political). Pedagogical implications of the life cycle of information; critique of these implications from various theoretical and cultural viewpoints.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 419
JSIS A 420 Post-Soviet Security (5) SSc
Examines security issues in Eurasia, emphasizing human over international security. Focuses on problems stemming from the collapse of the Soviet Union, covering topics such as weak states, civil wars, nationalism, corruption, and authoritarianism. Includes Russia's relations with former Soviet republics and U.S.-Russian relations.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 420
JSIS A 422 First Nations Filmmaking in Canada (5) A&H
Examines First Nations video production in Canada; how film is utilized as a medium for addressing issues significant to First Nations. First Nations filmmakers "decolonize" the screen by providing real and positive images of First Nations people that correspond to their cultural and social experiences. Offered: jointly with AIS 465.
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JSIS A 423 Origins of Modern Japan (5) SSc
Course surveys Japan's early modern age, from the end of the warring-states period in the late 1500s through the Meiji revolution and creation of a modern state in the late 1800s. Japan's history since the early 20th century is continued in a second class, JSIS A 424/HSTAS 424. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 423.
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JSIS A 424 Japan Since the Early 20th Century (5) SSc
The making of modern Japan; World War II and surrender; American occupation; postoccupation rebuilding; emergence as an industrial power. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 424.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 424
JSIS A 426 First Nations Government and Politics in Canada (5) SSc, DIV
Focuses on First Nations government and politics in Canada. Examines development of First Nations political governing structures with an introduction to the values, perspectives, concepts, and principles in Native political cultures. Explores federal Indian policy in context of First Nations strategies to become self-governing. Offered: jointly with AIS 461.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 426
JSIS A 427 Anthropology of the Post-Soviet States (5) SSc
Analysis of Soviet and post-Soviet culture and identity. Historical transformations in Soviet approaches to ethnicity and nationality; contemporary processes of nation building and interethnic conflict. Examination of culture through the intersection of social ritual, government policies, language, economic practices, and daily life. Regional focus varies. Offered: jointly with ANTH 425.
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JSIS A 428 Chinese History from 1276-1895 (5) SSc
Political, social, economic, and intellectual history from the time of the Mongol conquest of China to the Sino-Japanese war. Focus on the evolution of the late imperial Chinese state and the "early modern" era in China. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 453.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 428
JSIS A 429 Eco-Capitalism (5) SSc
Explores the idea of environmentalism and sustainability across societies. Compares and contrasts how prominent authors in the field assess the risks and opportunities of human effects on climate and ecology. Questions explored include: will ecological solutions be critical to the revival of the global economy? Why do place such as Europe adapt more readily to environmental challenges? Offered: jointly with SCAND 479.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 429
JSIS A 430 The Soviet Empire: Creation, Consolidation, and Collapse (5) SSc
Surveys history of Soviet military and Soviet empire from 1917 to 1985, breakup of the USSR during 1985 to 1991, and the emergence of new security issues among those Eurasian states that formally constituted the national components of the USSR and its communist military allies.
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JSIS A 431 Demographic Issues in Asia (3-5) SSc
Contemporary Asian countries face a number of issues with demographic components, including environmental and resource issues, ethnic rivalries, international migration, and public health. Addresses a set of these issues by focusing on the demography of one or more countries in Asia. Offered: jointly with SOC 434.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 431
JSIS A 432 History of the Japanese Empire (5) SSc
The age of "new imperialism" during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as it profoundly shaped the historical trajectory of East Asia. Primary and secondary sources examine Japan's rise as one of the only non-Western empires in the modern era, and its enduring impact on the East Asian region. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 432.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 432
JSIS A 433 Paris: Architecture and Urbanism (3/5) A&H/SSc
Spans the architectural history of Paris, from its Gallic, pre-Roman origins in the second century BCE through the work of twenty-first century architects. Focuses on changing patterns of the physical fabric of the city and its buildings, as seen within the context of the broader political, social, economic, and cultural history. Offered: jointly with ARCH 458/ART H 494.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 433
JSIS A 434 International Relations of South Asia (5) SSc
Interrelationships of domestic, interstate, and extraregional forces and their effects upon the resolution or expansion of interstate conflicts in South Asia. Offered: jointly with POL S 434.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 434
JSIS A 435 Japanese Government and Politics (5) SSc
Government and politics of Japan with emphasis on the period since 1945. Offered: jointly with POL S 435.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 435
JSIS A 436 Political Parties in Japan and East Asia (5) SSc
Focus on political parties in Japan. Combines theoretical readings on political parties with intensive study of Japanese political parties. Offered: jointly with POL S 429.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 436
JSIS A 437 International Relations of Japan (5) SSc
Comprehensive examination of Japan's international relations. Covers issues such as trade, security, environment, aid, and human rights. Investigates Japan's participation in international organizations, including the UN, World Bank, IMF, and WTO. Examines Japan's relations with the United States, the European Union, Asia, Latin America, Africa, and other regions. Offered: jointly with POL S 424.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 437
JSIS A 438 Social and Political Geographies of South Asia (5) SSc
Introduces the social and political geographies of South Asia through reference to agrarian change in India. Outlines key concepts related to the reproduction of inequality in the region, particularly theories of caste, class, gender, and religious communalism, and examines the mechanisms through which these inequalities are reproduced in South Asia. Offered: jointly with GEOG 436.
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JSIS A 439 Politics of Divided Korea (5) SSc
Governments, politics, and economy of South and North Korea, the inter-Korea relations, and the two Koreas' relationship with the major powers - especially the United States - with emphasis on the post-cold war period. Offered: jointly with POL S 439.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 439
JSIS A 440 Japanese History in Ecological Perspective (5) SSc
Survey of Japanese history in ecological perspective, from early times to the present. Topics include ancient Japanese lifeways; climate and history; agriculture, population, and resources; Buddhist and animist views of outer and inner nature; urbanization from ancient capitals to megacity Tokyo; industrialization and energy; and future visions. Readings include influential scholarly works and Japanese sources in English translation. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 440; W.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 440
JSIS A 441 Quebecois Literature (5) A&H, DIV
Quebecois novels, short stories, and poetry from both indigenous and non-indigenous authors. Emphasis on francophone First Nations writers in context of their history and cultures. Attention to authors' representation of the land and how it shapes their characters' identities. Includes Quebecois films. In French. Prerequisite: FRENCH 303. Offered: jointly with FRENCH 441.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 441
JSIS A 442 War and Occupation in Northern Europe: History, Fiction, and Memoir (5) SSc/A&H, DIV
The study of literary representations (fiction, memoirs, and personal narratives) dealing with World War II and the occupation of the Nordic and Baltic countries. Offered: jointly with SCAND 445.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 442
JSIS A 443 Medieval Russia: 850-1700 (5) SSc
Development of Russia from earliest times to the reign of Peter the Great. Offered: jointly with HSTAM 443.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 443
JSIS A 444 Imperial Russia: 1700-1900 (5) SSc
Development of Russia from Peter the Great to Nicholas II. Offered: jointly with HSTEU 444.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 444
JSIS A 445 The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union (5) SSc
Russia and the USSR from Nicholas II to the present. Offered: jointly with HSTEU 445.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 445
JSIS A 446 Modern Korean History (5) SSc
Traces complex social, cultural, and political developments that transformed Korea during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Topics include late Choson reforms, changing gender norms, national identity, colonial state and society, territorial division, and democratization. Attention to diversity of Korean experiences, as well as the interplay of local dynamics and global forces in the peninsula. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 482.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 446
JSIS A 447 Literature and Society in Southeast Asia (5, max. 10) SSc/A&H
Focus on either Vietnam or Thailand. Provides students with opportunity to explore how those living in Southeast Asia have reflected on the radical social changes their societies have undergone through novels, short stories, and poetry. Prerequisite: either one 200-level ANTH course or LING 203. Offered: jointly with ANTH 445.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 447
JSIS A 448 Modern Korean Society (5) SSc
Social organization and values of twentieth-century Korea. Changes in family and kinship, gender relations, rural society, urban life, education, and industrial organization since 1900. Differences between North and South Korea since 1945. Offered: jointly with ANTH 448.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 448
JSIS A 449 Anthropology of Modern Japan (5) SSc
Examines the problem of modernity in Japan since the late nineteenth century, with emphasis on contemporary Japan. Critically addresses previous anthropological work concerning patterns of Japanese "culture." Particular focus on the influence of modern forms of power, media, and exchange in the construction of present-day Japan. Offered: jointly with ANTH 443.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 449
JSIS A 451 Youth in Modern China (5) SSc
Emergence of youth in Modern China as a social category; a distinctive stage of life; from most dominated group in society to driving force of history. Explores how young people experienced history of modern China as individuals, members of family, and society. Youth as shaped in post-socialist consumer culture, new nationalism, cosmopolitanism. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 458.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 451
JSIS A 452 Global Asia (5) SSc, DIV
Explores how Asia has been constructed through transnational interactions such as imperialism, anti-colonialism, tourism, diaspora, and global capitalism. Topics include the cultural construction of similarity and difference, politics of representation, and political economy of global circulations of people and things. Prerequisite: one 200-level ANTH course. Offered: jointly with ANTH 442/GWSS 446; W.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 452
JSIS A 454 History of Modern China (5) SSc
Offered: jointly with HSTAS 454.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 454
JSIS A 455 Baltic Politics and Society Today (5) SSc
Intensive interdisciplinary survey of current social, political, and economic developments in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Offered: jointly with SCAND 455; AWSp.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 455
JSIS A 456 Topics in Chinese Social History (5) SSc
Surveys major issues and approaches to the study of the role of the Chinese people in China's historical development. Historical focus of course varies with instructor. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 456.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 456
JSIS A 457 Current Issues in the Arab Media (5, max. 15) A&H/SSc
Critical discussions on the dominant issues confronting the Arab world today. Examines Arab societies as they face the challenges of contemporary globalism. Emphasizes language proficiency and cultural competence. Taught in Arabic. Offered: AWSp.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 457
JSIS A 458 Israel: Politics and Society (5) SSc, DIV
Examines how parts of the mosaic of Israel's ethnic groups and religions have interacted over time to create today's society. Focus on politics, especially interaction of the state with the mosaic society. The religious divide; the Jewish ethnic divide; Palestinians in Israel; war and its effect on Israel; the long road to peace.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 458
JSIS A 459 United States-China Relations (5) SSc
Surveys the history of United States-China relations and examines the evolution of bilateral relations, particularly since 1949. Focus on the period since 1972 and the major issues as they have evolved since that time, including trade, human rights, security, and Taiwan. Offered: jointly with POL S 419.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 459
JSIS A 460 Cities in China: Past and Present (5) SSc
Economic, political, social, and cultural functions of the city in modern Chinese history. Changes in China's urban system. The city as cultural center and focus of literary and cinematic representation. Attention to architecture, commerce, urbanization, the role of capital cities in the power of the state. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 460.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 460
JSIS A 461 Ramayana in Comparative Perspective (5) A&H, DIV
Examines and compares different versions (mainly South Asian) of the Ramayana, including the widely popular television version. Focuses on some famous and controversial passages, with special attention to gender issues. Incorporates background readings from the most recent research. Offered: jointly with ASIAN 494.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 461
JSIS A 462 Islam, Mysticism, Politics and Performance in Indonesian Culture (5) A&H/SSc
Examines how Indonesia, the world's fourth most-populous country, with the largest Islamic population, weaves together local practices and influences from India and Persia. Offers ways of understanding modern Indonesian performing arts, religion, and polities. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 466.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 462
JSIS A 463 Topics in Southeast Asian History and Society (5) SSc
Introduces major issues within the history and culture of one country of Southeast Asia. Content varies. Topics may include religion, economics, colonialism, perspectives on gender, labor history, literatures, popular culture, and performing arts. Focuses on a different Southeast Asian country each time offered.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 463
JSIS A 464 Contemporary Society in the People's Republic of China (5) SSc
Separate development of rural and urban social institutions in the People's Republic of China since 1949 from a sociological perspective. Family and marriage, social control, educational institutions. Dilemmas of contemporary China and reasons for institutional change. Offered: jointly with SOC 464.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 464
JSIS A 465 International Humanitarian Law (5) SSc
Investigates International Humanitarian Law (sometimes called the Law of Armed Conflict), the field concerned with rules developed by civilized nations to protect the victims of armed conflict, including the Geneva Conventions. Case studies include the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, as well as developments in Afghanistan and Iraq. Course equivalent to: T LAW 422.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 465
JSIS A 466 Comparative Politics and Korea Studies (5) SSc
Approaches Korean politics, political economy, and society from a comparative perspective. Examples of major comparative questions based on Korean case include democratization, strong state dynamics, civil society, and impact of globalization. Offered: jointly with POL S 480.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 466
JSIS A 467 China's Rise and Its Global Implications (5) SSc
Examines the consequences of China's dramatic rise - three decades of very high rates of economic growth - on China and on the World. Fundamental concerns are how China's rise is changing the institutions and practices of the world order, and whether China is increasingly socialized into global norms. Prerequisite: JSIS 202.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 467
JSIS A 468 Russia in the International Security System (5) SSc
Introduces the history of the Russian Federation's policy toward Europe, East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and the United States. Covers nuclear weapons, energy issues, and regional integration. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 468
JSIS A 469 North Korean Society (5) SSc
Description of the institutions and culture of North Korea with attention to the daily life of ordinary people. Uses North Korean media materials in addition to primary and secondary sources. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 469
JSIS A 470 Minority Peoples of China (5) SSc
Interaction between China and the peoples of its periphery, including inner Asia, Tibet, northern mainland Southeast Asia, and aboriginal peoples of Taiwan. Emphasis on ethnicity, ethnic group consciousness, and role of the Chinese state. Prerequisite: one 200-level ANTH course; LING 203; either ANTH 370/JSIS A 370 or HSTAS 454. Offered: jointly with ANTH 470.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 470
JSIS A 471 New Orders in East Asia (5) SSc
Rise and fall of successive international systems in East Asia over the past 150 years: Sino-centric, imperialist, Washington Treaty system, Japan's East Asian order, Yalta system, cold-war system. Post-cold-war search for a new order. Special attention to triangular relations among the United States, China, and Japan.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 471
JSIS A 472 Science, Technology, and Innovation in East Asia: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China (5) SSc
Role of state and technological change in economic development. Analyzes state and corporate policies historically. Technology concepts, institutions, and policies in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China. Examines sources of Asia's rise in world of technology and explores conditions for its successful continuation. Offered: jointly with I BUS 461.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 472
JSIS A 473 Political Economy of Postwar Japan (5) SSc
Political and economic problems of Japan since 1945. Utility of competing theoretical approaches to analysis of government and economy of Japan. Policy-making processes and effects of policies adopted. Some knowledge of postwar Japan desirable.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 473
JSIS A 474 Civil Society in Japan and East Asia (5) SSc
Examines a wide range of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) nonprofits, and voluntary groups under the unifying rubric of civil society. Theoretical introduction to civil society and ideas of social capital. Investigates general aspects of civil society, focusing on its specific characteristics in Japan and other parts of Asia.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 474
JSIS A 475 Japanese Society (5) SSc
Discusses rapidly changing Japanese society and history of its unique aspects. Readings and lectures in sociology, anthropology, economics, and politics; emphasis on Japanese search for cultural identity and prevalent interpretations of Japanese society and behavior.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 475
JSIS A 476 Energy Security in East Asia (5)
Explores the current state of energy security in East Asia, defined in terms of demand, suppy, resources, and geopolitics, and how it impacts global energy-related issues, including climate change.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 476
JSIS A 477 Readings on Political Economy of Japan and Northeast Asia (5)
Analyzes major Political Economy issues in Japan, Korea, and China, such as the state's role in industrial development, trade and investment in Asia, trade and security relations with the United States, and Asian models of capitalism.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 477
JSIS A 478 Japanese Business and Technology (5) SSc
Examination of Japan's postwar enterprise system in its historical context. Topics include corporate and financial structure, production and distribution, trade and investment policies, government-business relations, system of innovation, technological developments, prospects for the future. Offered: jointly with I BUS 462.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 478
JSIS A 479 Contemporary Central Asian Politics (5) SSc
Examines the politics of contemporary post-Soviet Central Asia. Analyzes issues relevant to the region in comparative perspective, including democratization, religion, terrorism, civil society, economic reform, ethnic identity, and international influences. Uses theory to shed light on current policy debates. Offered: jointly with POL S 479.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 479
JSIS A 481 August Strindberg and European Cultural History (5) SSc/A&H
Examines the work of Swedish dramatist, novelist, and painter August Strindberg, in the context of European literary movements and history of ideas from 1880 to 1912, and Strindberg's influence on twentieth-century drama and film. Offered: jointly with SCAND 481.
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JSIS A 482 Knut Hamsun and Early European Modernism (5) A&H
Reading and discussion of significant novels by Knut Hamsun, whose oeuvre is considered in the context of works by other European modernist writers. Offered: jointly with SCAND 482.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 482
JSIS A 483 Technology and Culture in the Making of Contemporary Empires (5) SSc
Explores struggles shaping organization of US empire in the early twentieth century, focusing on sites where empire's material, cultural, and ideological boundaries were drawn and contested. Includes race, gender and class as colonial formation; technologies of imperial governance such as public health, citizenship, and territory. Offered: jointly with HSTCMP 483.
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JSIS A 484 Korea in the Japanese Empire (5) SSc, DIV
Korean colonial history in the context of Japanese imperial expansion from the 1870s to 1945. Analyzes the Korean quest for modernization and nation-building, colonial industrialization and colonial modernity, assimilation and resistance, wartime mobilization and collaboration, Manchurian experiences, social movements, and cultural developments. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 484.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 484
JSIS A 485 Culture, Politics, and Violence in Latin America (5) SSc, DIV
Examines notions of "otherness" and the power to label as central to understanding inequality, human rights, and social struggle. Uses academic texts, films, documentaries, historical fiction, plays, and testimonials to interrogate the complexities of violence and social justice in Latin America, one of the most unequal regions in the world. Offered: jointly with CHID 487.
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JSIS A 486 Photography and Cultural Studies in Latin America (5) SSc/A&H
Interdisciplinary exploration of the connections between visual anthropology (ethnography through photography and film), documentary and art photography, and colonial and post-colonial discourse in Latin America during the twentieth century. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 322. Offered: jointly with SPAN 486.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 486
JSIS A 487 Japanese Trade Politics (5) SSc
Survey of Japan's foreign trade diplomacy. Examines evolution of Japan's trade patterns in exports and foreign direct investment with key partners. Covers institutional and legal frameworks of Japan's trade relations, such as bilateral fora, regional options including free trade agreements, and multilateral venues such as the WTO. Offered: jointly with POL S 418.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 487
JSIS A 489 The Mexico-U.S. Border in Literature and Film (5) A&H/SSc, DIV
Analysis of the Mexico-U.S. Border region in literature and film of the 1990s and early 2000s. Includes migration, tourism, NGOs, globalization, transnational commerce, multiculturalism, and politics of gender, sexuality, and race. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321. Offered: jointly with SPAN 489.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 489
JSIS A 490 Politics and Society in Eastern Europe (5) SSc
Political and social issues in lands east of the Elbe, treating some historical problems but focusing particularly on developments since 1945. Includes all communist states of Eastern Europe and their successors. Offered: jointly with POL S 445.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 490
JSIS A 491 Methodologies in Middle Eastern Studies (5)
Investigates prevalent approaches through a survey of scholarship on Near and Middle Eastern cultures and thought across time periods, cultures, and communities. Examines discourses developed on polytheistic and monotheistic religions, imperial and nationalist social systems, and ideological frameworks, such as Orientalism. Offered: jointly with MELC 486.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 491
JSIS A 492 Latin American Studies Seminar (5, max. 15) SSc
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 492
JSIS A 493 Water and Security in the Middle East (5) SSc
As the available fresh water in the world decreases in quality and quantity, protection of this critical resource becomes a matter of international security. By studying three major river basins in the Middle East, students explore the historic, geographic, political, environmental and legal factors that lead to conflict or cooperation in the region. Offered: A.
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JSIS A 494 Senior Seminar (5) SSc
Introduction to research into European topics and to the analysis of problems.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 494
JSIS A 495 European Studies Senior Thesis (5) SSc
Independent study under faculty supervision to complete senior Thesis in the European Studies major
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 495
JSIS A 496 Development and Democracy in South Korea (5) SSc
Examines the nation-building history of South Korea in the larger geopolitical context of the era, focusing in particular on the period under Park Chung Hee's rule (1961-1979) and the relationship between development and democracy.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 496
JSIS A 498 Seminar: Canadian Topics (5) SSc
Major issues pertaining to Canadian society, government, and economic development.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 498
JSIS A 504 Survey of Eurasia (5)
Provides a basic intellectual foundation for interdisciplinary graduate-level study of Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia, taught by rotating faculty from the major scholarly disciplines. Students read important texts and are introduced to major debates on the history, politics, and culture of the region.
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JSIS A 506 Study of Southeast Asia (5)
Focuses on questioning what it means to create knowledge about the region.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 506
JSIS A 508 Interdisciplinary Study of South Asia I (5)
Examines key themes and debates about the development of South Asian cultural and political formations. Examines how different scholarly disciplines, particularly those in the humanities, have approved and analyzed the past in South Asia.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 508
JSIS A 509 Interdisciplinary Study of South Asia II (5)
Examination of key themes and debates about the development of South Asian cultural and political formations. Examines how different scholarly disciplines, particularly those in the social sciences, analyze political transitions, social change, and cultural transformations in South Asia through the twentieth century. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 509
JSIS A 510 South Asian Studies Research Design Seminar (5)
Interdisciplinary seminar for graduate students in which research and writing on individual research topics are critically developed. Designed to provide each student with an opportunity to synthesize his or her studies on South Asia. Prerequisite: JSIS A 508; JSIS A 509 or permission of graduate program coordinator.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 510
JSIS A 511 Technology and Politics in Taiwan (5)
How technology, especially digital technology, is applied in politics, specifically using Taiwan as the focal case. Topics include how politicians use digital technologies for campaigns in Taiwan, information attacks that try to influence Taiwanese politics, and how social media mobilizes Taiwanese citizens in social movements.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 511
JSIS A 512 Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies Certificate Capstone (1)
Includes the preparation and presentation of the student portfolio required for the Russian, Eastern European, and Central Asian Studies certificate. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 512
JSIS A 513 Capstone Portfolio (1)
Includes the preparation and presentation of the student portfolio required for the South Asia Certificate.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 513
JSIS A 514 Thesis Seminar I (2)
Review of research techniques: preparation for drafting master's thesis. Required of all first-year MAIS students. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 514
JSIS A 515 Thesis Seminar II (2)
Seminar to complete draft of master's thesis. Some use of relevant language required. Required of all second-year MAIS students. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 515
JSIS A 516 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (5)
Explores the history of NATO since 1949. Case studies include German unification; evolving security relationship between NATO, the USSR, and its successor states; process of NATO enlargement; emergence of human rights as a priority in NATO's security interactions with non-member states; and NATO's role in ethno-nationalist-religious conflicts in the Balkans.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 516
JSIS A 519 Southeast Asian Knowledge and the Politics of Information (5) SSc/A&H
Reviews information resources in and about Southeast Asia, including evaluating those sources within various theoretical articulations (scholastic, cultural, and political). Covers the pedagogical implications of the life cycle of information; and critique of these implications from various theoretical and cultural viewpoints.
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JSIS A 520 Post-Soviet Security (5)
Examines security issues in Eurasia, emphasizing human over international security. Focuses on problems stemming from the collapse of the Soviet Union, covering topics such as weak states, civil wars, nationalism, corruption, and authoritarianism. Includes Russia's relations with former Soviet republics and U.S.-Russian relations.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 520
JSIS A 521 Seminar: Introduction to the Interdisciplinary Study of China (5-)
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 521
JSIS A 522 Seminar: Introduction to the Interdisciplinary Study of China (-5)
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 522
JSIS A 525 Japanese Government and Politics (5)
Government and politics of Japan with emphasis on the period since 1945.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 525
JSIS A 526 The Security of China (5)
Examines how the Chinese state conceptualizes its national security interests and how it pursues strategies designed to achieve those interests. Topics include use of force, military modernization, civil-military relations, and defense industrialization. Offered: jointly with POL S 526.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 526
JSIS A 528 Gender and Sexuality in China (5)
Explores gender and sexuality in China's process of modernization, from the late Qing dynasty through the building of the Republic, Communist revolution, and post-Mao economic reform. Examines, through historical, anthropological, and cultural studies scholarship, the centrality of these social constructs in terms of family, state, labor, body, and ethnicity. Offered: jointly with ANTH 528/GWSS 528.
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JSIS A 529 Eco-Capitalism (5)
Explores the idea of environmentalism and sustainability across societies. Compares and contrasts how prominent authors in the field assess the risks and opportunities of human effects on climate and ecology. Questions explored include: will ecological solutions be critical to the revival of the global economy? Why do place such as Europe adapt more readily to environmental challenges? Offered: jointly with SCAND 579.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 529
JSIS A 531 Social Movements in Contemporary India (5)
Covers issues of social change, economic development, and identity politics in contemporary India studied through environmental and women's movements. Includes critiques of development and conflicts over forests, dams, women's rights, religious community, ethnicity, and citizenship. Offered: jointly with ANTH 539/GWSS 539.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 531
JSIS A 532 The Chinese Political System (5)
Examination of key approaches, interpretations, and secondary literature in the study of contemporary Chinese politics. Offered: jointly with POL S 532.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 532
JSIS A 534 Indonesian Histories, Oral Traditions, and Archives (5)
Explores the inscription of Indonesian histories and stories. Focuses on oral traditions, oral testimonies, and archives. Investigates how oral and written testimonies enter historical archives. Explores theoretical work on literary and performance traditions as they relate to nationalism and Islam in Indonesia. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 534.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 534
JSIS A 535 International Relations of Modern China (5)
Foreign policy of the People's Republic of China: historical antecedents; domestic and international systemic determinants; and Chinese policies toward major states, regions, and issues. Prerequisite: a course on contemporary Chinese politics or history, or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with POL S 535.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 535
JSIS A 536 Political Parties in Japan and East Asia (5)
Focus on political parties in Japan. Combines theoretical readings on political parties with intensive study of Japanese political parties.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 536
JSIS A 537 International Relations in Japan (5)
Comprehensive examination of Japan's international relations. Covers issues such as trade, security, environment, aid, and human rights. Investigates Japan's participation in international organizations, including the UN, World Bank, IMF, and WTO. Examines Japan's relations with the United States, the European Union, Asia, Latin America, Africa, and other regions. Not open to students who have taken JSIS A 437.
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JSIS A 539 Japanese History in Ecological Perspective (5)
Survey of Japanese history in ecological perspective, from early times to the present. Topics include ancient Japanese lifeways; climate and history; agriculture, population, and resources; Buddhist and animist views of outer and inner nature; urbanization from ancient capitals to megacity Tokyo; industrialization and energy; and future visions. Readings include influential scholarly works and Japanese sources in English translation. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 540; W.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 539
JSIS A 540 Japanese Law (3-4)
Basic institutions and processes of the Japanese legal system. Historical development and traditional role of law, reception of Western law, and cultural and structural factors that influence the function of law and legal institutions. Offered: jointly with LAW B 540.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 540
JSIS A 541 Chinese Law (4)
Introduction to the institutions and processes of the Chinese legal system. Focuses on the contemporary system and its role in relation to political, economic, and social developments. Examines legal aspects governing foreign trade and investment in China. Offered: jointly with LAW B 541.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 541
JSIS A 543 Japan, the United States, and New Orders in Asia (5)
Seeks historical understanding of establishment of new order in contemporary East Asia. Analyzes the imperialist, Washington conference, and cold war systems and explores the present post-cold war search for a new order. Prerequisite: one course in modern Japanese history, political economy, or political science.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 543
JSIS A 544 Reading Seminar on Middle East Studies (2)
Middle Eastern historiography, Islamic law, Islamic theology, relations between the Middle East and the world economy, political structures, social movements in the Middle East. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 544
JSIS A 545 Reading Seminar on Middle East Studies (2)
Middle Eastern historiography, Islamic law, Islamic theology, relations between the Middle East and the world economy, political structures, social movements in the Middle East. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 545
JSIS A 546 Reading Seminar on Middle East Studies (2)
Middle Eastern historiography, Islamic law, Islamic theology, relations between the Middle East and the world economy, political structures, social movements in the Middle East. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 546
JSIS A 548 National Security of Japan (5)
Focuses on the changing landscape of Japan's national security concerns-the actors, institutions, and circumstances that have brought issues of defense and rivalry to the center stage of Japanese politics. Topics include nationalism, militarization, pacifism, United States-Japan security alliance, Sino-Japanese competition, constitutional revision, collective defense, and spy satellites.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 548
JSIS A 551 International Relations of Northeast Asia (5)
Comprehensive survey of contemporary international relations of Northeast Asia with emphasis on Russia, Japan, China, and the United States. Multidisciplinary approach placing contemporary problems in historical context, drawing on modern social science theories. Connections between defense and economics are examined. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with POL S 539.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 551
JSIS A 552 Industrialization and International Relations (5)
Examines internal-external linkage with a focus on industrialization and international relations. Comparative perspective on the question of how industrialization shapes distinctive international perspectives in terms of perception, strategies, and foreign policy behaviors. Countries covered: South Korea, Japan, Prussia, the Soviet Union, and China. Offered: jointly with POL S 560.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 552
JSIS A 553 Asian Financial Systems (5)
Examines the transformation of Asian economies that has occurred in the past half century, with particular emphasis on the three-way relationship between key business groups, banks, and financial markets. Emphasizes differences as well as similarities among a group of Asian economies, including China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 553
JSIS A 555 Introduction to Japanese Studies (3-6, max. 6)
Interdisciplinary introduction to the study of Japan, with emphasis on historical development. Required seminar for first-year graduate students.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 555
JSIS A 560 Seminar in Turkish Studies (2, max. 12)
Recent research and writings focused on the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey. Credit /no credit only. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 560
JSIS A 563 Approaches to East European Politics (3-5)
Selected concepts and methodologies useful for the analysis of politics and social structure in the socialist countries of east-central and southeastern Europe. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with POL S 537.
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JSIS A 566 Comparative Politics and Korea Studies (5)
Approaches Korean politics, political economy, and society from a comparative perspective. Examples of major comparative questions based on Korean case include democratization, strong state dynamics, civil society, and impact of globalization. Offered: jointly with POL S 580.
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JSIS A 568 Russia in the International Security System (5)
Introduces the history of the Russian Federation's policy toward Europe, East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and the United States. Covers nuclear weapons, energy issues, and regional integration. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 568
JSIS A 569 North Korean Society (5)
Description of the institutions and culture of North Korea with attention to the daily life of ordinary people. Uses North Korean media materials in addition to primary and secondary sources. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 569
JSIS A 570 Readings in Israel/Palestine Studies (5)
Survey of significant scholarly texts on Israel and Palestine during the 19th-21st centuries. Topics may include: Jewish and Middle East context; medical and environmental history; economic history; intellectual history of Zionism and Palestinian nationalism; cultural history. Offered: jointly with HSTAFM 570.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 570
JSIS A 573 Political Economy of Post War Japan (5)
Political and economic problems of Japan since 1945. Utility of competing theoretical approaches to analysis of government and economy of Japan. Policy-making processes and effects of policies adopted.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 573
JSIS A 574 Civil Society in Japan and East Asia (5)
Examines a wide range of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), nonprofits, and voluntary groups under the unifying rubric of civil society. Theoretical introduction to civil society and ideas of social capital. Investigates general aspects of civil society, focusing on its specific characteristics in Japan and other parts of Asia. Not open to students who have taken JSIS A 474.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 574
JSIS A 575 Seminar on Japanese Society (5)
Interdisciplinary seminar with class-led discussions on readings from anthropology, history, sociology, and nondiscipline-specific articles on Japanese society. Prerequisite: background on Japan. Not open to students who have taken JSIS A 475.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 575
JSIS A 576 Modern Chinese History (5)
Introduction to the major English-language literature on modern Chinese history and to the major historiographical issues of the period. Prerequisite: HSTAS 454 or equivalent, and permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 579.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 576
JSIS A 577 Readings on Political Economy of Japan and Northeast Asia (5)
Analysis of major issues in Japan and also in Korea and China, such as the state's role in industrial development, trade and investment in Asia, trade and security relations with the U.S., and Asian models of capitalism.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 577
JSIS A 578 Japanese Business and Technology (5)
Examination of Japan's postwar enterprise system in its historical context. Topics include corporate and financial structure, production and distribution, trade and investment policies, government-business relations, system of innovation, technological developments, prospects for the future. Offered: jointly with I BUS 562.
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JSIS A 579 Contemporary Central Asian Politics (5)
Examines the politics of contemporary post-Soviet Central Asia. Analyzes issues relevant to the region in comparative perspective, including democratization, religion, terrorism, civil society, economic reform, ethnic identity, and international influences. Uses theory to shed light on current policy debates. Offered: jointly with POL S 579.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 579
JSIS A 580 Field Course in Southeast Asian History (5)
Introduces major English-language works on Southeast Asian history and to the major historiographical issues of the era. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 530.
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JSIS A 581 Science, Technology, and Innovation in East Asia: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China (5)
Role of state and technological change in economic development. Analyzes state and corporate policies historically. Technology concepts, institutions, and policies in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China. Examines sources of Asia's rise in world of technology and explores conditions for its successful continuation. Offered: jointly with I BUS 561.
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JSIS A 582 Seminar in Southeast Asian History (5)
Selected topics in Southeast Asian history and historiography. Includes preparation for theses and doctoral dissertations on Southeast Asian History. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 532.
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JSIS A 583 Modern Korean History (5)
Traces complex social, cultural, and political developments that transformed Korea during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Topics include late Choson reforms, changing gender norms, national identity, colonial state and society, territorial division, and democratization. Attention to diversity of Korean experiences, as well as the interplay of local dynamics and global forces in the peninsula. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 581.
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JSIS A 584 Survey of Korean Society (5)
Introduction to the social and political institutions of North and South Korea with an opportunity to master the most important literature on modern Korea. Focuses on the twentieth century with the major emphasis on the post-1945 period. Offered: A.
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JSIS A 585 Research Seminar: Modern Korea (6)
Advanced instruction in problems and methods of research in Korean history. Foreign language not required. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 585
JSIS A 586 Islam, Mysticism, Politics, and Performance in Indonesia (5)
Examines how Indonesia, the world's fourth most-populous country, with the largest Islamic population, weaves together local practices and influence from India and Persia. Offers ways of understanding modern Indonesian performing arts, religion, and politics. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 566.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 586
JSIS A 587 Japanese Trade Politics (5)
Survey of Japan's foreign trade diplomacy. Examines evolution of Japan's trade patterns in exports and foreign direct investment with key partners. Covers institutional and legal frameworks of Japan's trade relations, such as bilateral fora, regional options including free trade agreements, and multilateral venues such as the WTO. Not open to students who have taken JSIS A 487.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 587
JSIS A 588 Making Modern Taiwan (5)
Explores modern Taiwanese history and contemporary Taiwanese society. Contextualizes Taiwan within larger historical trends and covers key issues of politics, society, and culture, identity, democracy, Taiwan's colonial legacy, geography, and cross-Strait relations with the People's Republic of China.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 588
JSIS A 590 Politics and Society in Eastern Europe (5)
Political and social issues in lands east of the Elbe, treating some historical problems but focusing particularly on developments since 1945. includes all communist states of Eastern Europe and their successors.
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JSIS A 593 Water and Security in the Middle East (5)
As the available fresh water in the world decreases in quality and quantity, protection of this critical resource becomes a matter of international security. By studying three major river basins in the Middle East, students explore the historic, geographic, political, environmental and legal factors that lead to conflict or cooperation in the region.
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JSIS A 596 Development and Democracy in South Korea (5)
Examines the nation-building history of South Korea in the larger geopolitical context of the era, focusing in particular on the period under Park Chung Hee's rule (1961-1979) and the relationship between development and democracy.
View course details in MyPlan: JSIS A 596