Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish (5)
Methods and objectives are primarily oral-aural. Language laboratory is required. First in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between SPAN 101; SPAN 102; SPAN 103 (or equivalents); SPAN 121; SPAN 122; SPAN 123 (or equivalents); and SPAN 134. Course equivalent to: SPAN 121; B SPAN 101; and TSPAN 101. Course overlaps with: SPAN 110 and TSPAN 110. Prerequisite: score of 0-15 on SP100A placement test if Spanish is language of admission. No credit if Spanish is the language of admission.
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SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish (5)
Methods and objectives are primarily oral-aural. Second in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between SPAN 101; SPAN 102; SPAN 103 (or equivalents); SPAN 121; SPAN 122; SPAN 123 (or equivalents); and SPAN 134. Course equivalent to: SPAN 122; B SPAN 102; and TSPAN 102. Course overlaps with: SPAN 110 and TSPAN 110. Prerequisite: either SPAN 101, or score of 16-44 on SP100A placement test.
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SPAN 103 Elementary Spanish (5)
Methods and objectives are primarily oral-aural. Third in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between SPAN 101; SPAN 102; SPAN 103 (or equivalents); SPAN 121; SPAN 122; SPAN 123 (or equivalents); and SPAN 134. Course equivalent to: SPAN 123; B SPAN 103; and TSPAN 103. Prerequisite: either SPAN 102, SPAN 110 or score of 45-69 on SP100A placement test.
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SPAN 110 Accelerated Elementary Spanish (5)
Covers the equivalent of SPAN 101 and SPAN 102 to prepare for SPAN 103. May not be taken in addition to SPAN 101 or SPAN 102. Course equivalent to: TSPAN 110. Course overlaps with: SPAN 101; SPAN 102; SPAN 121; SPAN 122; B SPAN 101; B SPAN 102; TSPAN 101; and TSPAN 102. Prerequisite: score of 0-1 on SP100A placement test if Spanish is language of admission. Offered: AWSpS.
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SPAN 121 Spanish Immersion (5)
Covers the equivalent of elementary Spanish (SPAN 101). Uses an alternative "planned immersion" method with video as the central medium of presentation. First in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between SPAN 101; SPAN 102; SPAN 103 (or equivalents); SPAN 121; SPAN 122; SPAN 123 (or equivalents); and SPAN 134. Course equivalent to: SPAN 101; B SPAN 101; and TSPAN 101. Course overlaps with: SPAN 110 and TSPAN 110. Prerequisite: no previous Spanish study, or score of 0-15 on SP100A placement test if Spanish is language of admission.
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SPAN 122 Spanish Immersion (5)
Covers the equivalent of elementary Spanish (SPAN 102). Uses an alternative "planned immersion" method with video as the central medium of presentation. Second in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between SPAN 101; SPAN 102; SPAN 103 (or equivalents); SPAN 121; SPAN 122; SPAN 123 (or equivalents); and SPAN 134. Course equivalent to: SPAN 102; B SPAN 102; and TSPAN 102. Course overlaps with: SPAN 110 and TSPAN 110. Prerequisite: SPAN 121.
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SPAN 123 Spanish Immersion (5)
Covers the equivalent of elementary Spanish (SPAN 103). Uses an alternative "planned immersion" method with video as the central medium of presentation. Third in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between SPAN 101; SPAN 102; SPAN 103 (or equivalents); SPAN 121; SPAN 122; SPAN 123 (or equivalents); and SPAN 134. Course equivalent to: SPAN 123; B SPAN 103; and TSPAN 103. Prerequisite: SPAN 122.
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SPAN 134 Intensive First-Year Spanish (15)
Intensive course. Covers the equivalent of SPAN 101, SPAN 102 and SPAN 103, the three courses of the first-year Spanish Language Program. Maximum 15 credits allowed between SPAN 101; SPAN 102; SPAN 103 (or equivalents); SPAN 121; SPAN 122; SPAN 123 (or equivalents); and SPAN 134. Offered: S.
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SPAN 199 Foreign Study - Elementary (1-16, max. 16)
Elementary instruction in approved foreign study program. Students who wish to satisfy foreign language proficiency requirement must see the departmental adviser and may be required to take additional courses through SPAN 103. Course overlaps with: TSPAN 199.
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SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish (5) A&H
Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Review of Spanish grammar. Oral practice based on literary and cultural readings. First in a sequence of three. Maximum 10 credits allowed between SPAN 201; SPAN 202; and SPAN 210 (or equivalents). Course equivalent to: B SPAN 201 and TSPAN 201. Prerequisite: either SPAN 103, SPAN 123, SPAN 134, score of 70-80 on SP100A placement test, or score of 0-75 on SP200A placement test.
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SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish (5) A&H
Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Review of Spanish grammar. Oral practice based on literary and cultural readings. Second in a sequence of three. Maximum 10 credits allowed between SPAN 201; SPAN 202; and SPAN 210 (or equivalents). Course equivalent to: B SPAN 202 and TSPAN 202. Course overlaps with: SPAN 204. Prerequisite: either SPAN 201 or score of 76-145 on SP200A placement test.
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SPAN 203 Intermediate Spanish (5) A&H
Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Review of Spanish grammar. Oral practice based on literary and cultural readings. Third in a sequence of three. Course equivalent to: B SPAN 203 and TSPAN 203. Course overlaps with: SPAN 204. Prerequisite: either SPAN 202, SPAN 210, or score of 146-165 on SP200A placement test.
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SPAN 206 Oaxaca: Histories, Cultures, and Movements of Resistance (5) SSc/A&H, DIV
Introduces Oaxacan history, cultures, and Indigenous groups. Focuses on underrepresented social and political actors like Las Soldaderas, women who fought in the Mexican Revolution. Addresses Indigenous people's resistance to cultural homogenization, the role of muxes, religious syncretism, machismo, handicrafts, and the important labor of women in the rituals of death. Discusses "mestizaje" in Oaxacan cuisine and traditional and modern music. Offered: S.
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SPAN 207 Culture and Civilization in Spain (5) A&H/SSc
Multi-disciplinary course that explores and examines particular aspects of the history, literature, art, society, and geography of Spain through a series of original readings and content-based activities that are specifically designed to encourage critical thinking and enhance linguistic proficiency in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 203, may be taken simultaneously. Offered: W.
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SPAN 216 Spanish for Heritage Learners (5) A&H
First of a four-course sequence designed for Heritage Spanish Speakers. Develops competence ins students' reading and writing skills. Helps heritage speakers master grammar points, improve presentational skills, and take into account the experience and influences of bilingual and bicultural upbringing. Course overlaps with: B SPAN 216.
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SPAN 225 Spanish for Health Professionals II (3)
Understand and use more complex structures of Spanish; with precision and fluency in the healthcare field. Starts with review of conducting a simple physical exam and follow-up on tests. Includes concepts such as learning to create a medical history, and discussing hospitalization/discharge of patients. Prerequisite: SPAN 224.
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SPAN 226 Spanish for Healh Professionals III (3)
Helps students understand and use more complex structures of Spanish, with precision and fluency in the healthcare field. Includes independent research into topics of professional relevance and personal interest to students and topics of importance to Spanish-speaking populations in the United States and the Puget Sound region. Prerequisite: SPAN 225.
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SPAN 227 Intermediate Conversation (2, max. 6) A&H
Focuses on developing intermediate conversation skills - listening and speaking - and increasing vocabulary in varying situations. Discussions are based on contemporary Spanish films, current articles, fiction, and essays. Not open to students whose native language is Spanish. Prerequisite: either SPAN 103, SPAN 123, or SPAN 134.
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SPAN 237 Foreign Study - Intermediate Conversation (2-6, max. 6) A&H
For participants in approved foreign study programs. Prerequisite: either SPAN 103, SPAN 123, or SPAN 134.
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SPAN 292 Experiential Learning in Spanish - Intermediate (1-3, max. 3) SSc
An experiential learning project in an NGO or non-profit organization in the Spanish-speaking community that engages students in ways that supplement their formal in-class trainings. Prerequisite: SPAN 103.
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SPAN 294 Special Topics in Spanish Literary/Cultural Studies (5, max. 10) A&H
Focuses on a special topic related to Spanish literary or cultural studies. Taught in English.
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SPAN 298 Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish Literature (5-15, max. 15) A&H
Course awarded based on Advanced Placement (AP) score. Consult the Admissions Exams for Credit website for more information.
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SPAN 299 Foreign Study - Intermediate (1-16, max. 16) A&H
Intermediate instruction in approved foreign study program. Further study at 200 level subject to placement test score. Course overlaps with: TSPAN 299.
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SPAN 301 Advanced Spanish (5) A&H
Emphasizes oral skills while continuing to refine reading comprehension and written expression. It aims to develop the abilities to successfully deal with comprehension and production of oral texts of an academic and professional nature. Not a conversation course. Course overlaps with: SPAN 314. Prerequisite: either SPAN 203 or score of 166-175 on SP200A placement test.
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SPAN 302 Advanced Spanish (5) A&H
Develops writing techniques and strategies for the production of Spanish texts of an academic and professional nature. Course overlaps with: SPAN 315. Prerequisite: SPAN 301 or SPAN 310, either of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 303 Advanced Spanish (5) A&H
Develops writing techniques and strategies for the creation of essays on literary criticism and cultural analysis. Prepares students to deal successfully with academic writing in Hispanic literature and culture courses. Course overlaps with: SPAN 316 and SPAN 330. Prerequisite: either SPAN 302 or SPAN 310.
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SPAN 304 Survey of Spanish Literature: 1140-1498 (3) A&H
Masterpieces of Spanish literature from origins to 1498. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 305 Survey of Spanish Literature: 1498-1681 (3/5) A&H
Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 306 Survey of Spanish Literature: 1681 to the Present (3/5) A&H
Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 307 Introduction to Latin American Literature: Colonial Era through Early Independence (3/5) A&H
Study of selected works from the sixteenth through the nineteenth century, with special emphasis on their historical and cultural relevance. Development of reading and writing skills. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 308 Introduction to Latin American Literature: Independence to the Present (3/5) A&H
Study of selected works of twentieth-century Latin American literature and their sociohistorical context. Development of reading and writing skills. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 309 Salamanders and Graffiti: Julio Cortazar's Fantastic Nightmares (3/5) A&H
Explores short fiction and theoretical readings by Argentine writer Julio Cortazar (1914-1984), studied in the context of the Latin American new-narrative "boom" and fantastical literature. Key concepts include: urbanization, visibility, otherness, international modernity, and Argentine history. Additional topics of study include: classical mythology, Renaissance art, American jazz, and French "new wave" cinema. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 310 Interpreting Cultures through Reading, Film, and Writing (5) A&H
Integrates literary selections, cultural content, and film to improve oral fluency, writing techniques, and interpretation of written and visual texts. Social themes: emotions, power, life and mortality. Prerequisite: either score of 166-175 on SP200A placement test, SPAN 203, or SPAN 311, which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 311 Debating Cultures through Reading, Film, and Writing (5) A&H
Integrates literary selections, cultural content, and film to improve oral fluency, writing techniques, and interpretation of written and visual texts. Social themes: family ties, gender identities, morality. Prerequisite: either score of 166-175 on SP200A placement test, SPAN 203, or SPAN 310, which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 312 Literature and Culture: 1300-1800 (5) A&H
Offers the required abilities to analyze literary and cultural artifacts produced in the Hispanic world from the Middle Ages through the eighteenth century. Integrates a wide range of materials in order to equip the methodological tools and strategies to interpret literature and culture from this historical period. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 316, which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 313 Literature and Culture: 1800 to Present (5) A&H
Offers the required abilities to analyze literary and cultural artifacts produced in the Hispanic world from the nineteenth century to the present. Integrates a wide range of materials in order to equip the methodological tools and strategies to interpret literature and culture from this historical period. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 316, which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 314 Spanish for Bilingual/Heritage Students (5) A&H
Provides bilingual students whose formal education has primarily been in English with the skills necessary to succeed in upper-division Spanish classes. Intensive review of grammar, readings of literary and journalistic texts, Web-based exercises, writing review, and a play to enhance their verbal skills. Course overlaps with: SPAN 301. Offered: AW.
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SPAN 315 Spanish for Bilingual/Heritage Students (5) A&H
Emphasizes reading, with attention to problems particular to Spanish-heritage students. Emphasis on critical reading, vocabulary expansion, and grammar review. Course overlaps with: SPAN 302. Prerequisite: SPAN 314. Offered: WSp.
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SPAN 316 Stylistics and Composition for Heritage Students (5) A&H
Emphasis on the process of writing essays to help students develop a notion of style in Spanish, with attention to problems particular to Spanish heritage students. Course overlaps with: SPAN 303 and SPAN 330. Prerequisite: SPAN 315. Offered: ASp.
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SPAN 317 Spanish and Latin American Literature in English Translation (5, max. 10) A&H
Spanish and Latin American literature in English translation, with consideration of their background and influence.
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SPAN 318 Cervantes' Don Quixote in English (5) A&H
Cervantes' Don Quixote de la Mancha: close study of this comic masterpiece, and the life, times, and works of its author. Consideration of the work's enduring influence and vitality. Does not fulfill any major or minor requirement.
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SPAN 319 Mexican Literature (3) A&H, DIV
Analysis of selected works of Mexican literature from the second half of the twentieth century: short stories, poetry, essay, and theatre. Focus on issues such as nationalism and national identity, gender, ethnicity, dependent development, and globalization. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 320 The Origins of Race and Racism in the Spanish World (3) A&H, DIV
Cultural, social, linguistic, and ideological constructions that helped establish an idea of race and racism in the context of Spanish premodern cultures. Topics include medicine, art, religion, food, urban design, state and political structure, as well as literature and popular culture. Taught in English. Offered: W.
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SPAN 321 Introduction to Hispanic Literary Studies (5) A&H
Acquaints students with elementary techniques of literary analysis, as applied to examples of narrative, poetry, and theater, within the context of the Spanish and Latin American literary traditions. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: W.
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SPAN 322 Introduction to Hispanic Cultural Studies (5) SSc/A&H
Introduces students to elite, mass, and folk cultures of Latin America, Spain, and Latinos in the United States. Sample topics include transculturation, globalization, border culture, and relations between culture, democratization, and human rights. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301 or SPAN 314, or SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: Sp.
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SPAN 323 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (5) A&H
Synchronic and diachronic linguistic analysis of Spanish, including Spanish phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, and evolution of the language. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: Sp.
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SPAN 324 Coffee Cultures: Food, Politics, and Society (3) A&H
Coffee cultures in a multicultural Hispanic world. Examines how coffee helped create public spaces where political movements, cultural trends, and entire literary generations were shaped. Also examines growing traditions related to the coffee plant, as well as related rituals, foodways, and material culture. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: W.
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SPAN 325 Food Cultures, Race, and Identity in the Hispanic and Sephardic Worlds (3) SSc, DIV
Food cultures and practices and their intersections with the construction of racial or racialized identities in the Hispanic and Sephardic worlds. Addresses issues of diversity through examining the role of food in creating power differentials and racialized identities. Food practices in the Hispanic and Sephardic worlds in a broad geographic area and time period. Offered: jointly with GEOG 374/JEW ST 324.
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SPAN 326 Advanced Grammar and Lexicon (5) A&H
Review of all major grammar topics learned in the first and second years of Spanish instruction. Expands knowledge of advanced grammar. Uses a task-based approach. Students comprehend, manipulate, produce, and interact in Spanish with attention focused mainly on meaning instead of grammar. Prerequisite: either a score of 160-175 on SP200A placement test, SPAN 203, SPAN 310 (which may be taken concurrently), or SPAN 311 (which may be taken concurrently).
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SPAN 327 Advanced Conversation (2-6, max. 6) A&H
Focuses on developing advanced conversational skills - listening and speaking - to fluency and increasing vocabulary in varying situations. Discussions are based on contemporary Spanish films, current articles, fiction, and essays. Does not fulfill any major or minor requirement. Not open to students whose native language is Spanish. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 328 Spanish Cultural Studies (5, max. 10) SSc/A&H
Focusing on historical, social, and ideological aspects of modern Spanish culture. Lectures, readings, discussions, and written work in Spanish. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 329 Latin American Cultural Studies (5, max. 10) A&H/SSc
Focuses on historical, social, and ideological aspects of modern Latin American culture. Lectures, readings, discussions, and written work in Spanish. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 310, or SPAN 314.
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SPAN 331 Themes in Mexican-American Studies (5) A&H/SSc
Examination of significant historical and cultural themes of the Mexican-American experience. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 332 Chicano Film and Narrative (5) SSc/A&H
Provides an historical overview of the evolution of Chicano culture through film. Critically examines the portrayal and self-portrayal of Chicanos in film and selected works of narrative. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 333 Hispanic Film Studies (5) A&H/SSc
Introduction to major issues in the study of Hispanic cinema from various national contexts. The relationship of film to other types of narrative, and of film to society, specifically relations between class, gender, ethnicity, and artistic production, as well as between cinema and social change.
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SPAN 334 Latin American Film (5) A&H/SSc
Overview of the history of Latin American cinema, including the new Latin American cinema of the 1960s; the development of strong film industries in Mexico, Cuba, and Brazil; and recent developments in the context of globalization and democratization. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 335 Spanish and Latin American Film (5) SSc/A&H
Introduction to major issues in the study of Hispanic cinema from various national contexts as well as to film theory and the basics of cinematic techniques. Relationship between film and class, gender, and ethnicity. Taught in English. Course overlaps with: T FILM 377.
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SPAN 336 Creative Storytelling in Spanish (5) SSc/A&H
Introduction to the theory and practice of storytelling in Spanish. Helps prepare the Spanish language teacher for the classroom. Focuses on the improvement of presentation skills, creativity, and the integration of story in the (second) language classroom. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 337 Foreign Study Advanced Conversation (2-6, max. 6) A&H
For participants in foreign study program. Does not fulfill any major requirement. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 338 Spanish and Latin American Literary Journalism (5) A&H
Covers print and digital selections of literary journalism. Explores cultural and narrative reportage with a social purpose, and profiles of individual experiences in Spanish and Latin American societies. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314.
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SPAN 339 Women Writers (3) A&H
Critical analysis of Chicana/Latina writers in the United States; or by Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, and Spanish women writers in their specific socio-historical context. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 340 Introduction to Latin American Poetry (3) A&H
Traces the oral, musical, and written traditions of Latin American poetry. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 350 Drama (3) A&H
Generic study of Spanish drama. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 351 Poetry (3) A&H
Generic study of Spanish poetry. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 352 Fiction (3) A&H
Generic study of Spanish fiction. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 354 The Power of Spanish in Contemporary Language and Politics (3) A&H
Introduction to the relation of Spanish language with the state, including matters of policy, citizenship and nationhood, political and religious institutions, immigration and language minorities. Recommended: SPAN 301, SPAN 314, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, SPAN 330, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: Sp.
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SPAN 360 Contemporary Spain (5) A&H/SSc
Offers an interdisciplinary exploration of the history and diversity of Spain. Presents historical, political, social, and cultural works to reflect on the major transformations in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, from the Spanish Civil War to today. Examines the main events that have shaped Spain's identity on both a national and global scale. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 360; S.
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SPAN 362 Food and Community: Cultural Practices in the Hispanic World (5) SSc, DIV
Intersections of food and community in Hispanic cultures. Past and present practices. Food and material culture, urban design, foodways and gender roles, food and race, diet and hygiene, religious, and civic celebrations, and food preparation techniques. Offered: jointly with GEOG 373/JEW ST 362; S.
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SPAN 370 Afro-Dominican Artistry and Speculative Futures (5) A&H, DIV
Digital Humanities and cultural studies, focusing on race, society, and identities of the African diaspora in the Dominican Republic. Study of the marvelous real and Afrofuturism in work by writers, musicians, visual artists, and digital creators. Includes social justice perspectives; design and technical experimentation; research, analysis, and argumentation; Digital Humanities and public scholarship. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 371 Andean Women's Literature and Identities (5) A&H, DIV
Focuses on Indigenous, Afro-descendant, and other women's lived experiences and identities in twenty-first century Peru, Ecuador, and/or Colombia. Literary works by short-story writers, novelists, playwrights, and poets. Multimedia narrative by filmmakers, podcasters, musicians, and visual and performance artists. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 374 Spanish for Health Professionals (3)
Exposes students to a variety of medical terminology, providing opportunities for practicing medical-focused communication, and reading and analyzing written texts, as they would in a clinical setting. Not equivalent to any other Spanish language course. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311 or, SPAN 314, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 383 Business Communication in Spanish (5) A&H
Intermediate level course. Students develop their Spanish language skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) within the context of the Spanish-speaking business world. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 390 Supervised Study (2-6, max. 20)
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SPAN 392 Experiential Learning in Spanish (1-3, max. 3)
Experiential learning project in the local Spanish-speaking community. Engages students in ways that supplement/enhance formal in-class language training. Prerequisite: SPAN 203. Credit/no-credit only.
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SPAN 393 Foreign Study (1-10, max. 20) A&H
Study in Spanish speaking country outside the standard Spanish curriculum of the University of Washington. Course overlaps with: TSPAN 393. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 394 Special Topics in Spanish Literature (3/5, max. 10) A&H
Focuses on an individual Spanish author or a special topic in Spanish literature. May be repeated once. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301, SPAN 302, SPAN 303, SPAN 310, SPAN 314, SPAN 315, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330.
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SPAN 395 Special Topics in Latin American Literature (3/5, max. 10) A&H
Focuses on an individual Latin American author or a special topic in Latin American literature. May only be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 396 Special Topics in Spanish Cultural Studies (3/5, max. 10) A&H/SSc
Focuses on a special topic related to Spanish cultural studies. Taught in English. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314, any of which may be taken concurrently.
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SPAN 398 Special Topics in Spanish Linguistics (3-5, max. 10) A&H
Focuses on a special topics related to Spanish linguistic studies. May be repeated once. Prerequisite: either SPAN 301 or SPAN 314.
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SPAN 400 The Syntactic Structure of Spanish (5) A&H
Scientific study of the syntax of Spanish: structure of phrases, transformationally derived structures, grammatical relations, principles of interpretation. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; either SPAN 323, LING 200, or LING 400. Offered: jointly with SPLING 400.
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SPAN 401 The Morphological Structure of Spanish (5) A&H
Principles of word formation, including derivational and inflectional morphology. Relationship between inflectional morphology and other components of grammar. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; either SPAN 323, LING 200, or LING 400. Offered: jointly with SPLING 401.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 401
SPAN 402 The Phonological Structure of Spanish (5) A&H
Phonological component of the generative grammar of Spanish; representations of syllabic and segmental units, phonological rules, distinctive features and their articulatory correlates. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; either SPAN 323, LING 200, or LING 400. Offered: jointly with SPLING 402.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 402
SPAN 403 The Evolution of the Spanish Language (5) A&H
Historical survey of Spanish phonology, morphology, and syntax, from Latin origins to the modern language. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; either SPAN 323, LING 200, or LING 400. Offered: jointly with SPLING 403.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 403
SPAN 404 Dialects of World Spanish (5) A&H
Introduction to dialectical variants of Spanish. Considers standardization and the real academia; variation and change; pragmatics and politeness; Spanish in contact; sound, word formation, and grammar variation. Taught in Spanish. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; either SPAN 323, LING 200, or LING 400. Offered: jointly with SPLING 404.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 404
SPAN 405 Hispanic Sociolinguistics (5) A&H/SSc, DIV
Theoretical and methodological foundations of Hispanic Sociolinguistics, and main advances in recent years. Examines the correlations between language and social factors such as gender, age, and socioeconomic status. Addresses issues like attitudes toward language, bilingualism in the United States, Spanish as a heritage language, and Spanish in contact with other languages. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; either SPAN 323, LING 200, or LING 400. Offered: jointly with SPLING 405.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 405
SPAN 406 Advanced Spanish Grammar (5) A&H
Problems of Spanish grammar. Differences from English grammar. Techniques for the effective teaching of Spanish. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; either SPAN 323, LING 200, or LING 400. Offered: jointly with SPLING 406; A.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 406
SPAN 407 Bilinguismo: Made in USA (5) SSc/A&H, DIV
Introduces students to the study of bilingualism, focusing on Spanish/English bilingualism in the United States. Examines bilingualism as both an individual and social phenomenon, and aims to raise students' awareness of the intersection between language and the social constructs of race, ethnicity, and social class. Taught in Spanish. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; and either SPAN 323, LING 200, or LING 400. Offered: jointly with SPLING 407.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 407
SPAN 408 Spanish Translation Workshop (5) A&H
Intensive practice in translation to and from Spanish. Texts include literary prose, poetry, expository writing, newspaper and magazine articles. Problems of standard versus colloquial language, transposition of cultural references, concept of fidelity in translation. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; either SPAN 323, LING 200, or LING 400.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 408
SPAN 409 Translation For Performance (5) A&H
Focuses on the translation of a selection of one full length or several short plays from English into Spanish with special attention given both to translation methodology and to the particular challenges encountered when translating/adapting a play for performance. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; either SPAN 323, LING 200, or LING 400.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 409
SPAN 410 Creative Writing in Spanish (5) A&H
Creative writing in poetry for students undertaking fourth year advanced coursework in Spanish literature. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 410
SPAN 414 Spanish Literature: Eighteenth Century (5) A&H
Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 414
SPAN 415 Spanish Literature: Nineteenth Century (5) A&H
Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 415
SPAN 416 Spanish Literature: 1900 to the Present (5) A&H
Spanish literature of the twentieth century prior to the Civil War to the present. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 416
SPAN 420 Spanish Poetry: Origins through the Fifteenth Century (5) A&H
Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 420
SPAN 423 Spanish Poetry: The Golden Age, Sixteenth through Seventeenth Centuries (5) A&H
Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 423
SPAN 424 Hispanic Poetry: 1870 - 1936 (5) A&H
Modern lyric poetry of the Hispanic world. The period studied extends from 1870 to 1936 and deals with thirteen major poets, from Becquer to Hernandez. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 424
SPAN 433 Golden Age Prose (5) A&H
Representative, and outstanding, prose works of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spain. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 433
SPAN 436 Spanish Novel of the Nineteenth Century (5) A&H
Representative works of Galdos, Clarin, Pereda, Valera, and Blasco Ibanez. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 436
SPAN 438 Spanish Novel: 1900 - Present (5) A&H
Spanish novel from the generation of 1898 to the present. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 438
SPAN 439 Women Writers (5) SSc/A&H, DIV
Feminist analysis of selected texts by Chicana/Latina writers in the United States as well as by Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian and/or Spanish women writers in their specific socio-historical contexts. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 439
SPAN 440 Spanish Drama: 1150-1600 (5) A&H
From the beginning to Lope de Vega. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 440
SPAN 441 Spanish Drama: 1600-1635 (5) A&H
Spanish theatre of the seventeenth century, with emphasis on Lope de Vega. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 441
SPAN 442 Latin American Colonial Theatre and Performance (5) A&H
Study of formal Spanish American theatre, performance, and theatricalization of power in political, religious, and social life. Emphasizing how indigenous and European forms combined to create unique forms of spectacle in the Americas. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 442
SPAN 445 The Modern Theatre in Spain, 1700-1900 (5) A&H
Literature and historical context of Spain's theatre in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 445
SPAN 446 Modern Spanish Theatre: 1900 to Present (5) A&H
Examines works of Spain's major dramatists since 1900 and their relationship to Spain's changing social and political context. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 446
SPAN 447 Modern Latin American Theater (5) A&H
Study of the origin, development, and achievements of Latin American theater with an overview of its history prior to the twentieth century. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 447
SPAN 449 Spanish Drama and Play Production (5, max. 10) A&H
Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 449
SPAN 453 Cervantes and His Times (5) A&H
Study of Cervantes and his moment in Spanish history, with special attention to his cultural and artistic environment. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 453
SPAN 457 Food, Ethnicity, and Identity in Hispanic Culture (5) SSc/A&H
Explores food, ethnicity, and identity in the Hispanic World, including Sephardic, Muslim, Native American, Basque, and Catalan groups. Taught in English. Prerequisite: Either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 322. Offered: jointly with JSIS B 457; Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 457
SPAN 458 Sexuality and Gender in Pre-Modern Spanish Culture (5) A&H/SSc
Offer an overview of the cultural, social, linguistic, and ideological constructions of gender and sexuality in the context of Spanish pre-modernities. Prerequisite: Either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 322
Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 458
SPAN 459 Hispanic Food and Culture (5) A&H/SSc
Introduction to food culture in the Hispanic world, with an overview of different periods and regions, and an emphasis on material culture, cultural practices, gender, ethnicity, and identity. Prerequisite: SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 322.
Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 459
SPAN 460 Sephardic Culture before 1492 (5) A&H/SSc
Explores Sephardic art. Music, food, film, literature, citizenship and nationhood, identity, and the origins of ladino, among other topics. Taught in English. Offered: jointly with JEW ST 460; W.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 460
SPAN 461 Topics in Latin American Cultural Studies (5, max. 10) SSc/A&H
Examines Latin American society and its cultural production. Major movements in the development of Latin American society and intellectual life as reflected in music, the visual arts, literature, etc. Specific topics vary. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 322.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 461
SPAN 462 Topics in Spanish Cultural Studies (5, max. 10) SSc/A&H
Examines Spanish society and its cultural production. Major movements in the development of Spanish society and intellectual life as reflected in music, the visual arts, literature, etc. Specific topics vary. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 462
SPAN 463 Romani/Gypsy Culture in Spain and the Hispanic World - Fifteenth Century to the Present (5) SSc, DIV
Development of Roma people from their arrival in Spain as persecuted minority in the fifteenth century to the present in the Hispanic world. Explores creation of international stereotypes based on fictional representations. Musical, literary, cultural, and historical works; materials developed by Gypsies as response to marginalized figure conceived by non-Gypsy artists. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314; recommended: coursework in either Spanish, Spanish literature and culture, Race Studies, Romani studies, or early modern and colonial history and society. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 463
SPAN 464 Chicana Expressive Culture (5) A&H/SSc
Expressive culture of Mexican women in United States. Cultural and artistic practices in home, film, literary (print, oral), performing, and visual arts. Focuses on ways Chicana visual artists re-vision traditional iconography. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 322.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 464
SPAN 465 Contemporary Chicano Literature (5) A&H
Examines one or more problems, themes, and/or figures in the developing body of Chicano literature. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 465
SPAN 466 Chicano Literature: Fiction (5) A&H
Examines nineteenth- and early twentieth-century fiction, as well as contemporary works in attempts to trace the development of Chicano fiction in the proper historical trajectory. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 466
SPAN 467 Spanish Women (5) SSc/A&H, DIV
Women's culture in Spain, focusing on women's experience during Civil War; persecution and censorship of women activists, artists, intellectuals during Franco years; changes in women's culture brought about by reintroduction of democracy; major issues addressed by contemporary Spanish feminists. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 322.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 467
SPAN 468 Latin American Women (5) A&H/SSc, DIV
The elaboration of discourses of identity in relation to gender, ethnicity, social class, and nationality, by women writers from South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Testimonial literature, literature and resistance, women's experimental fiction. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321. Offered: jointly with GWSS 468.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 468
SPAN 469 The Probable Improbability of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Cien anos de soledad (5) A&H
Creative-Critical close reading of Garcia Marquez's novel Cien anos de soledad (1967) in the context of Latin American new-narrative "boom" and aesthetic philosophies of the marvelous real, magical realism, and Impressionism. Key concepts: myth, archive, chronology, storytelling, family, generation, invisibility, visibility, otherness/outsiders, and Colombian, Latin American, and world history Prerequisite: either SPAN 303, or SPAN 316 and SPAN 321
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 469
SPAN 470 Andean Cultures and Communities: Identities, Artists, and Innovators (5) A&H, DIV
Design-based inquiry on cultural difference, political inequity, and economic marginality in the Andean region. Analysis of material culture, literature, music, festivals, and entrepreneurial innovations reflecting sociocultural/ethnolinguistic diversity, indigenous spirituality, industrial abuses, internal migration, postwar demographic effects. Curricular through-lines: ethical, cultural, and social justice perspectives; inquiry and research. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; and SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 470
SPAN 471 Twenty-First Century Latin American Narrative and Digital Storytelling (5) A&H, DIV
Digital Humanities practicum on community identities in twenty-first century Latin America. Includes literature and multimedia narrative (e.g., film, podcasts, oral histories, music, and visual and performance art). Study of socioeconomic and religious minorities, emerging performative and gender identities, migration, health and citizenship status. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; and SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 471
SPAN 472 Colonial Prose (5) A&H
Study of major genres of prose writing in Spanish America during the sixteenth through eighteeenth centuries, including history writing, travel writing, historiography, and nascent forms of fictional writing. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 472
SPAN 473 Latin American Fiction: Nineteenth Century (5, max. 15) A&H
Study of prose fiction in Latin America in the nineteenth century. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 473
SPAN 474 Latin American Fiction: Twentieth Century (5) A&H
Study of prose fiction in Latin America in the twentieth century. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 474
SPAN 475 Latin American Poetry: Colonial through Nineteenth Century (5) A&H
Poetic movements of the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries in Spanish American, Renaissance, baroque, neoclassicism, romanticism, and modernism. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 475
SPAN 476 Contemporary Latin American Poetry (5) A&H
Evolution of Latin American poetry, from postmodernism and vanguardism to the most recent poetic expression: Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 476
SPAN 477 Latin American Essay (5) A&H
Literary expression of ideas in Latin American countries, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 477
SPAN 479 The City and Latin American Literature: Points of Departure (5) A&H/SSc
Representations of Latin American, United States, and European cities by Latin American authors, and of Latin American and Latino cities by authors from other literary traditions. The literary relation of urbanization to modernization, globalization, exile, and alienation. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 479
SPAN 480 Spanish Medieval Literature (5) A&H
Principal literary works of the Spanish Middle Ages in the context of evolving intellectual, spiritual, and artistic climates of the period. Covers the evolution of narrative and lyric prose and verse in both their traditional and learned manifestations. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 480
SPAN 481 Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Spanish Literature (5) A&H
Spanish literature of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Close study of key texts from all genres as well as their socio-historical contexts. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 481
SPAN 482 Eighteenth- through Twentieth-Century Spanish Literature (5) A&H
Survey of Spanish literature since 1700, and its historical context. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 482
SPAN 483 Latin American Literature: Origins to Independence (5) A&H
The elaboration of discourses of legitimization by the Spanish conquistadores, and of resistance and accommodation by native and mestizo peoples; the development of a New World Baroque aesthetic; literatures of independence from Spain and of nation-building. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 483
SPAN 484 Latin American Literature: Modernismo to the Present (5) A&H
Principal literary movements of Latin America, late nineteenth century to the present, with particular emphasis on poetry and narrative: modernismo, postmodernismo, the vanguard, nueva and novisima narrativa. Includes essays and autobiographical writings to help place the literary works in socio-historical perspective. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 484
SPAN 485 Desmadre patria: Latin American Myth in Film and Literature (5) A&H
Reviews films from Mexico, Cuba, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil (1960's to the 2000's), and literary, theoretical, historical, and critical readings on ongoing preoccupations in national consciousness. Topics of study include: civilization and barbarism; religion and revolution; urban migration; the idea of a shared identity as patria; and racial fetish and stereotype. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 485
SPAN 486 Photography and Cultural Studies in Latin America (5) SSc/A&H
Interdisciplinary exploration of the connections between visual anthropology (ethnography through photography and film), documentary and art photography, and colonial and post-colonial discourse in Latin America during the twentieth century. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 322. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 486.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 486
SPAN 487 Mexican Cinema (5) A&H/SSc
Analysis of representative films about post-revolutionary Mexico by directors from both the Golden Age of Mexican Cinema (1940-1960) and the Mexican New Film movement (1975-the present). Revolutionary nationalism, modernization and its discontents; construction of gender, class, and ethnicity; migration and globalization. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 487
SPAN 488 The Fantastic in Latin American Literature (5) A&H
Introduction to the Fantastic in literature, in contrast to realism, and how the concept has been adapted by Latin American authors. May focus on a particular writer: Augusto Monterroso (Guatemala) or Julio Cortazar (Argentina), or survey various authors. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 488
SPAN 489 The Mexico-U.S. Border in Literature and Film (5) A&H/SSc, DIV
Analysis of the Mexico-U.S. Border region in literature and film of the 1990s and early 2000s. Includes migration, tourism, NGOs, globalization, transnational commerce, multiculturalism, and politics of gender, sexuality, and race. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 489.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 489
SPAN 490 Honors Seminar (2-5, max. 10) A&H
Special studies in Spanish literature. Required of candidates for Honors and Distinction in Spanish.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 490
SPAN 491 Individual Authors and Special Topics in Spanish Literature (5, max. 10) A&H
Focus on an individual Spanish author or a special problem in Spanish literature. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303 or SPAN 316; SPAN 321.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 491
SPAN 492 Individual Authors and Special Topics in Latin American Literature (5, max. 10) A&H
Focuses on an individual Latin American author or a special problem in Latin American literature. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 492
SPAN 493 Foreign Study (2-10, max. 20) A&H
Advanced study in Spanish speaking country outside the standard Spanish curriculum of the University of Washington. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330; SPAN 321; SPAN 322; either SPAN 304, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 307, SPAN 308, SPAN 319, SPAN 339, SPAN 340, SPAN 350, SPAN 351, SPAN 352, SPAN 394, or SPAN 395.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 493
SPAN 495 Study in Spain (2-10, max. 20) A&H
Advanced study in Spain in approved foreign study programs. Prerequisite: either SPAN 303, SPAN 316, or SPAN 330; SPAN 321; SPAN 322; either SPAN 304, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 307, SPAN 308, SPAN 319, SPAN 339, SPAN 340, SPAN 350, SPAN 351, SPAN 352, SPAN 394, or SPAN 395.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 495
SPAN 498 Special Topics in Spanish Linguistics (5, max. 10) A&H
Focuses on a special topic related to Spanish linguistic studies. Prerequisite: either SPAN 310, SPAN 311, or SPAN 314.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 498
SPAN 499 Special Topics (1-5, max. 10)
Topics to meet special needs.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 499
SPAN 510 Methodology of Spanish Language Teaching (5)
Theoretical and practical foundations of current trends in second/foreign language teaching. Emphasis on communicative and task-based approaches to Spanish language teaching. Required for beginning Spanish teaching assistants. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 510
SPAN 521 The Renaissance in Spain (5, max. 20)
Literary creation and the cultural, social, historical context of Spanish literature from La Celestina through the sixteenth century. Extensive study of secondary materials, intensive analysis of representative literary texts.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 521
SPAN 522 The Renaissance in Spain (5, max. 20)
Literary creation and the cultural, social, historical context of Spanish literature from La Celestina through the sixteenth century. Extensive study of secondary materials, intensive analysis of representative literary texts.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 522
SPAN 541 Topics in Spanish Applied Linguistics (5, max. 20)
Selected topics in Applied Linguistics. Discusses current theoretical approaches to the study of Applied Linguistics problems, with a special focus on Spanish. Examines empirical research from these different approaches and their main contributions to the field. Introduces Applied Linguistics research methods.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 541
SPAN 542 Topics in Spanish Second Language Acquisition (5, max. 20)
Selected topics in Second language Acquisition. Discusses current theoretical approaches to the study of Second Language Acquisition problems, with special emphasis on Spanish Second Language Acquisition. Examines empirical research from these different approaches and their main contributions to the field. Introduces Second Language Acquisition research methods.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 542
SPAN 543 Heritage Language Learning and Teaching (5, max. 20)
Topics in heritage language research. Current theoretical approaches to the study of heritage languages and their speakers. Examines empirical research on heritage language learning and heritage language pedagogy. Introduces students to the methodology and design of heritage language research.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 543
SPAN 561 Spanish-American Novel From 1940 to the Present (5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 561
SPAN 562 Twentieth-Century Latin American Literature and Culture (5, max. 20)
Twentieth-century Latin American cultural production. Focus on literature, music, and visual arts. Includes such topics as inter-artistic relations, cultural responses to social and political movements, and influences of mass media technologies and popular culture. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 562
SPAN 571 The Modern Essay in Spanish America (5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 571
SPAN 572 Twentieth-Century Spanish Poetry (5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 572
SPAN 573 Twentieth-Century Spanish-American Poetry (5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 573
SPAN 575 Literary Criticism (5)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 575
SPAN 577 Contemporary Literary Theory (5)
Introduction to various structuralist and poststructuralist theories of literary analysis, including those developed by Hispanic theorists, and their application to the study of texts from the Spanish and Latin American traditions.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 577
SPAN 590 Special Seminar and Conference (1-10, max. 30)
Group seminars, or individual conferences, are scheduled under this number to meet special needs. Prerequisite: permission of the Graduate Program Coordinator.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 590
SPAN 591 Literary Problems: Middle Ages (5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 591
SPAN 592 Literary Problems: Renaissance (5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 592
SPAN 593 Literary Problems: Golden Age (5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 593
SPAN 594 Literary Problems: Eighteenth Century (5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 594
SPAN 595 Literary Problems: Nineteenth Century (5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 595
SPAN 596 Literary Problems: Twentieth Century (5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 596
SPAN 597 Literary Problems: Spanish-American Colonial Literature (5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 597
SPAN 598 Literary Problems: Latin America (5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 598
SPAN 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 600
SPAN 610 Reading Credit for Graduate Exams (1-10, max. 70)
Reading preparation for MA and PhD exams. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 610
SPAN 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 700
SPAN 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: SPAN 800