Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
EDSPE 304 Disability and Ableism in Education (3) SSc, DIV
Covers the topics of disability and ableism specifically focused on educational contexts. Course overlaps with: B EDUC 403 and T EDSP 450.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 304
EDSPE 414 Issues and Trends in Inclusive Early Childhood Education (3) SSc
Integrates basic principles and practices of serving young children with disabilities and their families in homes, communities, and early learning programs. Through interactions with readings, videos, peers, and local experts, students examine real-world challenges related to high quality, inclusive experiences for young children and their families.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 414
EDSPE 415 Foundations in Reading and Dyslexia (3) SSc, DIV
Provides an overview of theoretical foundations of reading and the characteristics, causes, and treatments of dyslexia. Addresses information about the history of dyslexia, perspectives of people with dyslexia, educational policies and laws related to dyslexia, and educational and technological supports for success in reading and writing text. Recommended: either EDSPE 304, or familiarity with children with disabilities from an educational perspective; and either EDPSY 302, or familiarity with the different ways children develop.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 415
EDSPE 422 (dis) Ability, Education, and the Arts (5) A&H, DIV
Cultural perspectives on disability and education, as interpreted through arts-based inquiry.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 422
EDSPE 427 Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (5) SSc/NSc
Presents an introduction to the science of behavior known as applied behavior analysis. Focuses on basic behavioral principles (e.g., reinforcement), defining behaviors, measuring behaviors, effective strategies to teach new skills, and the ethics involved in behavior change programs.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 427
EDSPE 435 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders (5) SSc, DIV
Provides an overview of the characteristics, causes, treatments, and controversies about autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Addresses information about the history of the disorder, assessment strategies, and types of interventions.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 435
EDSPE 499 Undergraduate Research (*)
Students developing studies under this rubric should be advised that a report or a paper setting forth the results of their investigations should be regarded as a basic part of the program.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 499
EDSPE 500 Practicum ([1-6]-, max. 20)
Practicum in the field under the direction of a faculty member. Prerequisite: enrollment in a special education program, approved plan of study, and permission of the instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 500
EDSPE 501 Foundations of Inclusive Education (3)
Provides an overview of the history and legal mandates of special education and implications for inclusive schools. Using a disability studies in education lens, provides an overview of these foundational issues in special education, so teacher candidates understand the complexities of students, families, and schools and can facilitate inclusive, equitable learning experiences for all students.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 501
EDSPE 503 Classroom Management for Elementary School Educators ([1-3]-, max. 8)
Examines how to set up effective classrooms to facilitate learning and the development of social behaviors. Focuses on strategies for effectively managing whole group (classroom) and individual behavior of students in the context of public schools.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 503
EDSPE 504 Special Education and the Law (3)
Overview of major state and federal laws affecting the operation and management of special education programs in public schools. Emphasis upon procedural and substantive rights of children with disabling conditions. Course overlaps with: T EDSP 547. Offered: jointly with EDLPS 516.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 504
EDSPE 507 Inclusive Instructional Methods for Learners with Extensive Support Needs: Shifts in Paradigms and Practice Part II (4)
Using a disability studies in education lens, provides the knowledge and skills necessary to design, adapt, implement and evaluate instructional plans for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Emphasizes strategies for successful and meaningful participation in inclusive environments.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 507
EDSPE 510 Behavioral Measurement and Management in the Classroom (3)
Response measurement in the classroom; use of data analysis for instructional decisions and behavior management for children with disabilities.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 510
EDSPE 511 Single Case Research Design (3)
Examines single case research design within the field of applied behavior analysis. Provides a comprehensive exploration of the design, implementation, and analysis of single case studies in both academic research and practical settings.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 511
EDSPE 513 Assessment and Planning for Inclusive Education (3)
Focuses on the principles, administration, and interpretation of a variety of assessments. Includes opportunities to choose appropriate assessments; administer formal and informal assessments accurately; and interpret assessment results to inform instructional decisions.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 513
EDSPE 514 Fundamentals of Reading and Writing for Students with Disabilities (4)
Emphasis on fundamentals of reading and writing processes, assessment, and instruction for students with disabilities. Helps students apply what is learned to their work with students with disabilities in classrooms. Prerequisite: EDC&I 460.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 514
EDSPE 517 Practicum in Research Design and Analysis in Special Education (1-4, max. 24)
Critical analysis of current research in special education and related fields serves as background for designing applied research projects. Projects are examined, evaluated, and revised in seminar discussion. Prerequisite: EDPSY 490 and EDSPE 591 or equivalent and permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 517
EDSPE 519 Inclusive Instructional Methods for Learners with Extensive Support Needs: Shifts in Paradigms and Practice Part I (3)
Provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage extensive support needs for learners with moderate to severe disabilities. Emphasis on the adaptations necessary for meaningful participation across a variety of environments, as well as collaboration with support staff, related service providers, and families.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 519
EDSPE 520 Seminar in Applied Special Education (1-12, max. 20)
Designed for graduate students in special education. Focus on contemporary topics relating to the application of the theoretical constructs to special education.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 520
EDSPE 522 Coaching for Inclusive Education: Theory, Practice, and Innovation (3)
Advanced doctoral seminar on coaching in inclusive educational settings. Explores current scholarship on coaching approaches across educational disciplines. Examines assumptions underlying coaching models within and outside of special education. Develops asset-based, justice-oriented approaches to coaching research and practice in educational settings serving individuals and families from birth through adulthood.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 522
EDSPE 523 Fundamentals of Math for Children with Disabilities (3)
Provides educators with basic elementary math content and techniques for teaching elementary students with disabilities in inclusive settings.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 523
EDSPE 525 Autism and Other Social, Communication, and Developmental Disabilities (3)
Focuses on the identification, etiology, education, and outcomes of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and related social, communication, and developmental disorders. Course overlaps with: SPHSC 528.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 525
EDSPE 526 Techniques for Instructing Social Behaviors for Elementary Students with Mild Disabilities (3)
Provides prospective and practicing teachers with foundational theory and knowledge to select specific techniques to promote social competency in elementary children with mild disabilities. Discusses research related to use of these techniques and interventions. Develops schoolwide, classroom, and individual plans for teaching social skills.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 526
EDSPE 527 Application of Behavioral Principles (3)
Presents principles of applied behavior analysis. Focuses on the use of principles in classroom, home, and community settings to influence learning. Emphasis on the use of data collection and progress monitoring the use of principles and outcomes for learning.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 527
EDSPE 529 Ethics and Professionalism in Applied Behavior Analysis (5)
Examines ethical issues and responsibilities regarding service provision to people with disabilities. Prepares behavior analysts to be ethical and professional practitioners. Prerequisite: enrolled in the ABA program, or permission of the instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 529
EDSPE 530 Readings in Applied Behavior Analysis (1/2, max. 20)
Provides opportunities to read, discuss, and review core concepts from applied behavior analysis (ABA). Covers the conceptual underpinnings of ABA and discusses examples of application of the principles. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 530
EDSPE 531 Planning Comprehensive Behavioral Interventions (3)
Gives special educators the knowledge and skills they need to develop comprehensive behavior plans to address challenging behavior in children with disabilities in their classrooms.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 531
EDSPE 532 A Tiered Approach to Inclusive Education (3)
Prepares educators to work in inclusive educational environments. Explores evidence based instructional strategies, discusses ways to use behavior analytic strategies to promote inclusion, and explores strategies to collaborate with general education teachers. Students also learn how to write high-quality Individualized Education Plans.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 532
EDSPE 533 Concepts and Principles in Applied Behavior Analysis I (3)
Teaches students to act and think as behavior analysts. Explores basic principles, procedures, and terminology of applied behavior analysis. Prerequisite: students must be enrolled in the ABA program or have permission of the instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 533
EDSPE 534 Concepts and Principles in Applied Behavior Analysis II (3)
Trains students to act and think as behavior analysts. Explores basic principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis. Prerequisite: students must be enrolled in the ABA program or have permission of the instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 534
EDSPE 535 History and Philosophy of Applied Behavior Analysis (3)
Theory and philosophy of applied behavior analysis, including historical perspectives. How radical behaviorism serves as the philosophy of behavior analysis. Also, how applied behavior analysis serves as the applied science of behavior analysis. Prerequisite: either enrollment in the ABA program, or permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 535
EDSPE 536 Assessment in Applied Behavior Analysis I (3)
Addresses concepts of behavioral assessment in the classroom and applied settings. Topics include the rationale for using different types of indirect and direct assessment methods, understanding assessment application and interpretation, and current barriers and recommendations for striving toward culturally responsive assessments. Students learn to conduct behavioral assessments and analyze assessment results in order to create a treatment plan. Prerequisite: either enrollment in the ABA program, or permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 536
EDSPE 537 Assessment in Applied Behavior Analysis II (3)
Provides an overview of functional behavior assessment (FBA) of behaviors targeted for decrease using applied behavior analysis. Emphasis is placed on identifying the function(s) of behavior and the implementation of FBA procedures in applied settings. Provides graduate students with the practical skills needed to assess challenging behavior in order to support all learners in school, community, clinic and home settings. Prerequisite: either enrollment in the ABA program, or permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 537
EDSPE 538 Experimental Analysis of Behavior (3)
Introduces students to the fundamentals and techniques of the experimental analysis of behavior (EAB), the foundation for basic and applied behavioral science. Discusses variables and processes responsible for conditioning and learning.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 538
EDSPE 539 Ethics and Professionalism in Applied Behavior Analysis I (3)
Examines ethical issues and responsibilities regarding service provision to people with disabilities. Prepares behavior analysts to be ethical and professional practitioners. First in a two-quarter sequence.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 539
EDSPE 540 Fieldwork Seminar (1-2, max. 16)
Provides an opportunity for self-evaluation and reflection on practice as well as assist students with working with children with disabilities and their families in the field. Linked to a required fieldwork experience in a special education setting.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 540
EDSPE 542 Advanced Single Case Research Methodology (3)
Covers advanced topics in single-case research methods, including measurement, analysis, and synthesis. Centers around critical analysis, discussion, and synthesis of single-case research. Prerequisite: EDSPE 511 and EDPSY 490, or equivalent; recommended: EDSPE 518; EDLPS 525; and EDLPS 526.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 542
EDSPE 548 Special Topics in the Education of the Learning Disabled (3, max. 12)
In-depth analysis of empirical findings in the specialty of learning disabilities with focus on the synthesis of research findings and their application to the educational environment. A paper suitable for publication required. Prerequisite: course in learning theory, introductory course in learning disabilities, or equivalent preparation.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 548
EDSPE 549 Ethics and Professionalism in Applied Behavior Analysis II (3)
Examines ethical issues and responsibilities regarding service provision to people with disabilities. Prepares behavior analysts to be ethical and professional practitioners. Second in a two-quarter sequence. Prerequisite: enrolled in the ABA program, or permission of the instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 549
EDSPE 550 Disability Justice Seminar (2, max. 20)
Focuses on several key components of academic scholarship for doctoral students interested in Disability Justice. Develops theoretical, methodological, and disciplinary expertise grounded in Disability Justice principles. Engages in peer review. Supports students in their progress toward becoming independent scholars and academics. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 550
EDSPE 552 Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies in Applied Behavior Analysis (3)
Explores a wide variety of behavior change procedures to increase behaviors. Students will utilize behavior analytic concepts to increase behaviors for individuals with disabilities across a wide variety of settings, populations, and target behaviors. Students will also write comprehensive instructional programs across the four stages of learning and make data-based decisions to support behavior change. Prerequisite: students must be enrolled in the ABA program or have permission of the instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 552
EDSPE 553 Supervision in Applied Behavior Analysis (3)
Provide students with an overview of supervision within the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. Through readings, discussions, assignments and role plays, students will learn the critical components and importance of high quality behavior analytic supervision. In addition, students will have the opportunity create evidence based supervision plans and practice providing positive and constructive feedback.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 553
EDSPE 554 Behavior Analysts in the Schools (3)
Applied behavior analysts work in a number of settings, including public schools. There is a special set of knowledge and skills that behavior analysts must acquire to improve their ability to work collaboratively in schools. Issues around school law, policy, school culture, instruction, school based behavioral assessment and the most effective strategies to collaborate with professionals in public schools will be addressed. Recommended: prior knowledge about ABA.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 554
EDSPE 555 Research Paradigms, Topics, and Challenges in Special and Inclusive Education (3)
Introduces students to a landscape view of research paradigms, topics, and challenges in special and inclusive education. Examines how the field is informed by multiple paradigms and perspectives on disability and the implications for research, policy, and practice. Students engage with a variety of texts from diverse scholars to begin to situate and articulate their research interests in the context of the field. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 555
EDSPE 556 Writing a Literature Review (3, max. 6)
Focuses on developing research through writing a literature review. Supports understanding of the tools and approaches for conducting a literature review, provides opportunities for feedback as students explore and synthesize a topic, and enables students to identify gaps in the literature to support ongoing refinement of their topic. Designed for beginning doctoral students, but can be adapted for any stage. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 556
EDSPE 557 Research Design in Special and Inclusive Education (3)
Teaches how to design and write research proposals. Students learn how to move from literature review to beginning to develop a research question and plan a research proposal. Recommended: EDSPE 555 and EDSPE 556. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 557
EDSPE 560 Early Learning in Home, School, and Community (3)
Successful early childhood education (birth to age 8) depends upon partnerships with children's families and communities. This course delves deeply into formal and informal learning environments (e.g., home, child care, after school programs) to understand environmental influences on children's development, learning, and well-being and practices and policies that better support family and community engagement and children's positive outcomes.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 560
EDSPE 562 Curriculum and Assessment for Young Children with Disabilities (3)
Examines recommended practices and meaningful curricula for young children with disabilities. Covers theoretical models an approaches to curricula for preschoolers with disabilities. Includes discussion of definitional issues, theoretical frameworks, curriculum models, and application of recommended instructional and assessment practices within an early childhood educational framework.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 562
EDSPE 563 Collaborating with Families and Educational Teams (4)
Explores issues, theories, models, research, and recommended practices related to family-professional partnerships and collaborative teaming in education. Explores the dynamics of interactions with families and other team members including roles and responsibilities, decision-making, communication, and collaboration. Focuses on families and teaming in special education. Prerequisite: students must be enrolled in the ABA program or have permission of the instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 563
EDSPE 564 Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities and Other Special needs (3)
Examines early intervention policies, programs, and practices for infants and toddlers with disabilities and other special needs. Topics include theoretical, philosophical, and learning and research base for early intervention.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 564
EDSPE 565 Approaches to Early Childhood Education (3, max. 9)
Provides an overview of basic early childhood content in math, science, social studies, physical education, and the arts. Includes active exploration and demonstration of ways to adapt and embed these concepts into thematic units and early childhood classroom routines.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 565
EDSPE 566 Theorizing Intersectional (In)Justice: Ableism and Racism In Education (3)
Explores intersectional social processes that contribute to the construction of disability and race in education and U.S. society. Discusses how children, youth, and families at the intersections of multiple oppressions experience education, as well as how children, youth, and families resist these positionings. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 566
EDSPE 571 Measurement in Applied Behavior Analysis (3)
Addresses concepts of behavioral measurement and data-based decision making in applied settings. Students learn how to choose behaviors for measurement, write observable and measurable behavior objectives, design discontinuous and continuous measurement systems, graph practical data using an AB design, visually analyze data using proposed decision-making rules, and make data-based decisions about interventions. Prerequisite: enrolled in the ABA program or permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 571
EDSPE 590 Advanced Topics in Applied Behavior Analysis (1-3, max. 20)
Focuses on theoretical concepts that are foundational to the science of behavior analysis. Emphasizes core principles foundational to the philosophy of behavior analysis, behavior-analytic interpretations of traditional concepts in behavioral psychology, and key writings in behavior analysis. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 590
EDSPE 599 Independent Studies in Education (*)
Independent studies or readings of specialized aspects of education. Registration must be accompanied by a study prospectus endorsed by the appropriate faculty adviser for the work proposed.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 599
EDSPE 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Registration must be accompanied by a study prospectus endorsed by the appropriate faculty adviser for the work proposed.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 600
EDSPE 601 Internship (1-10, max. 20)
Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission based on prearrangement of internship placement and approval by adviser.
View course details in MyPlan: EDSPE 601