Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
ELCBUS 210 Principles of Financial Accounting (5)
Preparation and use of accounting reports with primary focus on uses of accounting for external reporting. Understand financial statements and prepare statements that accurately present to external entities corporate financial position, operating results, cash flows, and financial strength.
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ELCBUS 211 Principles of Managerial Accounting (5)
Uses accounting information for business planning and control purposes. Focuses on internal use of accounting information and topics include cost behavior, product costing, budgeting, performance management, and responsibility accounting. Develops proficiency in identifying the relevant information for making operational and strategic decisions. Prerequisite: either ELCBUS 210 or B BUS 210.
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ELCBUS 215 Introduction to Business Statistics (5) RSN
Introduces descriptive statistics, probability concepts, and statistical inference emphasizing statistical applications useful in decision making and research in the social sciences. Topics include exploratory data analysis, correlation sampling theory, estimation, hypothesis testing, and simple regression analysis. Concepts are illustrated through case problems in sociology, psychology, consumer economics, and business.
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ELCBUS 300 Organizational Behavior, Ethics, and Inclusivity (5) DIV
The course focuses on how organizations succeed through the actions of employees and innovative and evidence-based human-centered management practices. This course emphasizes diversity and inclusivity across all topics and examines managers and leaders' responsibilities in facilitating (1) individual, group, and organizational inclusive and ethical performance, (2) decision making, and (3) diversity, employee motivation, and well-being. Course equivalent to: B BUS 300. Course overlaps with: MGMT 300. Offered: AWSp.
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ELCBUS 301 Business Statistics (5) RSN
Examines statistical methods useful in modeling business problems. Topics include exploratory data analysis and the visual representation of data, probability distributions, statistical inference (sampling theory, estimation, hypothesis testing), and multiple regression models. Concepts illustrated through case problems and the intensive sue of statistical software.
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ELCBUS 305 Managerial Communication (5)
Focuses on the importance of topics such as written and oral communication for managerial success. Involves hands-on individual and group experience in preparing business documents and delivering business presentations.
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ELCBUS 310 Managerial Economics (5)
Applies economics principles and quantitative methods to improve managerial decision making. Topics include demand analysis, cost analysis, forecasting, asset valuation, information economics, and government regulation of business. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 301; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B MATH 144, STMATH 124, or MATH 112.
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ELCBUS 320 Marketing Management (5)
Focuses on designing tools, concepts, and strategies for problem solving in marketing management. Course equivalent to: B BUS 320.
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ELCBUS 330 Information Management and Analysis (5)
Examines core technologies vital to enterprise information technology management. Topics include architectural considerations in high tech enterprises, internet tools, and enterprise resource planning systems.
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ELCBUS 340 Operations and Project Management (5)
Examines service and manufacturing processes that deliver value to customers, introduces concepts and tools for critical analysis, and emphasizes operating priorities (quality, cost, delivery, flexibility, social responsibility) including the underlying factors that support them. Course equivalent to: B BUS 340. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 310.
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ELCBUS 350 Business Finance (5)
Focuses on understanding the sources, uses, costs, and control of funds in business organizations. Issues include the internal management of working capital, sources of capital, financing new ventures, capital budgeting, and financing the growth of businesses. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 310.
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ELCBUS 380 Managing Work Teams (5)
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the factors which influence team effectiveness. It also examines current theory and research regarding group and team performance and explores the application of theory to managerial practices. Course equivalent to: B BUS 402. Offered: W.
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ELCBUS 382 Business, Government, and Society (5)
Examines relationships among business, government, and civil society. Emphasizes perspectives and interests of each sector as to economic, social, and environmental goals. Addresses business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Includes intensive writing and revision, with emphasis on logical and persuasive support of recommendations and positions.
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ELCBUS 400 Business Project Management (5)
Provides in-depth coverage of skills that prepare students for rules as business project leaders and team members. Topics include project selection, risk, definition, stakeholder analysis, communication plans, scheduling, software, resource allocation, monitoring, post-project assessment. Emphasizes critical thinking and analysis. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 340.
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ELCBUS 401 Electronic Marketing (5)
Critically analyze new marketing models; study how firms can effectively leverage new technology and maximize long-term profits. Includes: web marketing strategy, e-commerce issues, channel issues, pricing models, advertising and promotion models, and business plans. Equivalent to B BUS 431. Course equivalent to: B BUS 431. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 320.
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ELCBUS 402 Leadership and Decision Making (5)
The manager is seen as a business leader and decision-maker. Covers various individual and group-level decision-making models. Course equivalent to: B BUS 473. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 300.
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ELCBUS 403 Negotiations and Conflict Management (5)
Explores creative, integrative approaches to conflict resolution. Includes bargaining games, role-plays, cases, issues in conflict management, interpersonal influence processes, ethical implications of bargaining problems, and persona negotiating styles. Equivalent to B BUS 462. Course equivalent to: B BUS 462. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in both ELCBUS 300 and ELCBUS 320.
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ELCBUS 441 Essentials of Venturing (5)
Provides an overview of the new venture creation process including business formation, growth, and innovation. Introduces forms of entrepreneurship, methods of acquiring human capital, the idea generation processes, networking, intellectual property protection, as well as types and sources of funding.
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ELCBUS 442 New Venture Ideas (5)
Focuses on the basics of new product development and marketing. Provides an understanding of the importance of the integration of design, manufacturing, and marketing processes. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 441.
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ELCBUS 443 Venture Feasibility Analysis (5)
Focuses on methods to evaluate and obtain control over opportunities that can be exploited by staring new companies. Prerequisite: ELCBUS 442, which may be taken concurrently
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ELCBUS 444 Venture Start-up, Management and Growth (5)
Focuses on the opportunity and challenge of managing and growing of start-ups. Emphasizes understanding of the processes managing growth and effectively dealing with the growing pains. Course equivalent to: B BUS 478. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 on ELCBUS 443.
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ELCBUS 451 Financial Policy and Practice (5)
Emphasizes major current theories and practices in the field of financial management. Topics include financial ratio analysis; break-even analysis; cash, marketable securities, inventory, and accounts receivable management models; dividend policy; short-term and long-term financing decisions; and international finance. Course equivalent to: B BUS 451. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 350.
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ELCBUS 453 Financial Institutions and Markets (5)
Role of banks and non-bank financial institutions in the financial system; asset choices of banks and non-bank financial institutions; problems in the management of financial institutions with emphasis on commercial banks. Course equivalent to: B BUS 453. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 350.
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ELCBUS 454 Investments (5)
Introduction to the nature, problems, and process of evaluating particular securities and portfolio construction and administration. Special attention is directed to the risk and rate of return aspects of particular securities portfolios; and total wealth. Course equivalent to: B BUS 454. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 350.
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ELCBUS 455 Financial Risk Management (5)
Introduction to the field of derivative securities, focusing in particular on futures, forwards, and options. Pays special attention to the use of derivative securities in the management of risk and the general principles underlying the pricing of derivative securities. Course equivalent to: B BUS 455. Course overlaps with: B BECN 460. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 454.
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ELCBUS 461 International Environment of Business (5)
Focuses on major changes and issues facing businesses and managers operating in an increasingly global environment. Emphasizes topics such as trade policy, technological advances, the changing nature of the work force, and societal expectations of business. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 310.
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ELCBUS 462 International Marketing (5-)
Integrated study of institutions, factors, and trends that have a bearing on global business operations and strategy. Utilizes lectures, research, case studies, guest speakers, and extensive practical application of modern marketing principles. Special emphasis on developing a marketing plan for the export of product or service. Prerequisite: ELCBUS 320.
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ELCBUS 463 International Finance and Trade (5)
Covers key topics in financial management including management of foreign exchange exposure, foreign direct investment decisions, multinational capital budgeting, balance of payments, determination of exchange rates, and the role and tools of banks in international trade. Course overlaps with: T FIN 440. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 350.
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ELCBUS 464 History and Globalization (5)
Examines the process of globalization from a historical perspective and applies a systems theory framework based on the insights of modern science to enhance understanding of the process.
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ELCBUS 470 Business Policy and Strategic Management (5)
Focuses on identification, analysis, and resolution of managerial problems; creation and implementation of management policies in business organizations; and revision of policies over time. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in each of ELCBUS 300; ELCBUS 320; ELCBUS 340; and ELCBUS 350.
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ELCBUS 482 Introduction to Supply Chain Management (5) RSN
Introduces basic supply chain management concepts, as well as strategic and design decisions faced by service and manufacturing organizations. Provides an overview of the supply chain architecture and discusses various aspects of managing inventory, sourcing relationships, revenue management, performance management, and supply chain information systems. Course equivalent to: B BUS 482. Course overlaps with: OPMGT 443. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 340; recommended: Operations Management
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ELCBUS 483 Global Strategic Sourcing (5)
Introduces foundational theories, tools, and techniques related to managing sourcing and procurement related activities in manufacturing, services, retailing, and governmental sectors. Course equivalent to: B BUS 483. Course overlaps with: OPMGT 443. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 482; recommended: operations management and supply chain management.
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ELCBUS 486 Supply Chain Resource Planning (5) RSN
Introduction to the design and control of production functions. Focuses on the principles, models, and techniques for resource planning, analysis, and design of integrated production control systems. Topics include forecasting, inventory management, production planning, scheduling, and materials requirement planning problems. Course equivalent to: B BUS 486. Course overlaps with: OPMGT 443. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 340; recommended: Operations management.
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ELCBUS 487 Managing and Improving Supply Chain Processes (Capstone) (5)
Integrates the topics covered in the foundational Supply Chain Management courses as well as engage students in topics related to managing and improving supply chains. Analyze a real-world supply chain problem and develop viable solutions. Course equivalent to: B BUS 487. Course overlaps with: OPMGT 443. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 400; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in ELCBUS 483; recommended: Operations management and supply chain management
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ELCBUS 497 Guided Internship (1-10, max. 10)
A significant research project planned and carried out by the student under the direction of one or more faculty. Course equivalent to: B BUS 497.
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ELCBUS 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 15)
Individual advanced research on topics related to business issues and conducted under the direction of one or more instructors. Course equivalent to: B BUS 499.
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