Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
TNPRFT 231 Introduction to Nonprofit Sector (5) SSc
Examines issues specific to the nonprofit sector, including community organizations, service learning, nonprofit management, and community development. Cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been earned for TNPRFT 431.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 231
TNPRFT 432 Organizational Development (5) SSc
Explores theory and research regarding developmental stages in the life of organizations, the role of structure from bureaucracy through modern down-sized, entrepreneurial forms, the relationship of management style and practices to growth in organizations, and the role of the human relations and organizational development practitioner.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 432
TNPRFT 448 Cultural Administration and Policy (5) SSc
Analyzes the social, cultural, economic and creative foundations of cultural management and policy. Emphasizes critical and creative thinking in evaluating the role and function of non-profit arts institutions within the complex fabric of contemporary society. Examines municipal, state, and federal spheres of influence on public policy.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 448
TNPRFT 449 Museum Studies (5) SSc
Introduces the history, philosophy, organization, administration, and practice of museums. Covers the changing emphases on the role of museums in cultural, socioeconomic and political contexts; collection management, exhibition and program planning, education, cultural tourism, community outreach, and marketing.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 449
TNPRFT 450 Methods of Museum Interpretation (5) A&H
Explores theories, practices, and evaluation of museum interpretation in its greatest sense - from programs and exhibits to educational product development. Addresses the presentation history, art, literature, and science through a cross-disciplinary approach.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 450
TNPRFT 451 Essentials of Grant Writing (5) SSc
Prepares students to be grant writers in the nonprofit sector. Provides an overview of the best practices, systems, and management principles underlying successful grant writing programs including developing a case statement, and subsequently, writing and submitting a grant application.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 451
TNPRFT 453 Nonprofit Financial Literacy (5) SSc
Covers financial reporting; budgeting and control; and financial development (fundraising) for the nonprofit sector. Focuses on financial management in the nonprofit sector; differences from reporting in the profit sector; safeguarding financial resources, revenue and expense budges, and tax and payroll requirements; and fundraising. Prerequisite: TNPRFT 231.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 453
TNPRFT 455 Philanthropy and Social Change (5)
Examines philanthropic giving through foundations (family, institutional, community, public, and corporate) and individual giving. Includes history, context, and the impact of philanthropy on social change.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 455
TNPRFT 457 Nonprofit Capstone (5) SSc
Builds on a project or interest developed by students during the nonprofit management minor internship in a nonprofit organization. Includes work on some professional nonprofit management area. Produces a demonstrable example of expertise and interest, such as a personnel manual, strategic plan, or annual fund development plan.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 457
TNPRFT 490 Nonprofit Internship/Capstone (5) SSc
Merges theory and practice preparing students for a career in nonprofit organization including 120 hours of internship, bi-weekly seminars, and writing a scholarly paper. Prerequisite: either TNPRFT 231, TNPRFT 432, TNPRFT 451, or TNPRFT 453.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 490
TNPRFT 531 Community Organizations and the Nonprofit Sector (5)
Prepares students for a career in nonprofit organizations. Examines management and leadership; the role of board and executive leadership in providing governance and strategic direction; organization development; human resource management; organizational performance and effectiveness; and legal, ethical, and financial oversight. Cannot be taken if credit received for TNPRFT 431.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 531
TNPRFT 532 Organizational Development (5)
Explores theory and research focused on nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations regarding the relationship of management and leadership style and practices to growth and sustainability in nonprofits, as well as review and apply relevant current organizational assessment practices, and identify possible collaborative strategies to maximize collective resources to benefit the larger community.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 532
TNPRFT 551 Essentials of Grant Writing (5)
Prepares students to be grant writers in the nonprofit sector. Provides an overview of the best practices, systems, and management principles underlying successful grant writing programs including developing a case statement, and subsequently, writing and submitting a grant application.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 551
TNPRFT 553 Nonprofit Financial Literacy (5)
Covers financial reporting; budgeting and control; and financial development (fundraising) for the nonprofit sector. Focuses on financial management in the nonprofit sector; differences from reporting in the profit sector; safeguarding financial resources, revenue and expense budges, and tax and payroll requirements; and fundraising. Prerequisite: TNPRFT 531.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 553
TNPRFT 555 Philanthropy and Social Change (5)
Examines philanthropic giving through foundations (family, institutional, community, public, and corporate) and individual giving. Includes history, context, and the impact of philanthropy on social change.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 555
TNPRFT 590 Nonprofit Internship/Capstone (5)
Merges theory and practice preparing students for a career in nonprofit organizations including 120 hours of internship, bi-weekly seminars, final presentation and writing a scholarly paper. Prerequisite: TNPRFT 531; TNPRFT 532; either TNPRFT 551 or TNPRFT 553.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 590
TNPRFT 601 Internship (1-10, max. 15)
Emphasizes integration of theory and practice for internship in nonprofit sector. Conducted under supervision of a faculty member in collaboration with agency sponsor.
View course details in MyPlan: TNPRFT 601