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TPSYCH 101 Introduction to Psychology (5) SSc
Surveys major areas of psychological science, including human social behavior, personality, psychological disorders and treatment, learning, memory, human development, biological influences, and research methods. Related topics may include sensation, perception, states of consciousness, thinking, intelligence, language, motivation, emotion, stress and health, cross-cultural psychology, and applied psychology. Course equivalent to: PSYCH 101 and BIS 170.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 101

TPSYCH 202 Human Sexuality (5) SSc
Surveys biological, psychological, and social determinants of human sexuality and sexual behavior. Topics include cultural diversity, sexual development (physical and psychological), sexual health, reproduction (pregnancy, contraception, abortion), development of sex, gender orientation, adult sexual bonding, sexual abuse and assault. Course overlaps with: PSYCH 210 and BIS 222. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 202

TPSYCH 209 Fundamentals of Psychological Research I (5) SSc
Explores the basics of inquiry and research in the social sciences. Topics include the hypothesis testing, experimental design, research strategies/techniques, fundamentals of scientific writing, search and evaluation of literature in psychology, and ethical issues in psychological research. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in either TMATH 110, T BGEN 200, T HLTH 305, TSOCWF 351, T URB 225, or QMETH 201.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 209

TPSYCH 210 Abnormal Psychology (5) SSc
Historical and current definitions, theory, and research concerning abnormal psychological behavior. Major categories of psychopathology, including related treatment approaches. Assignments include: illustrative case studies, written critical perspectives of course materials, and interpretative analysis of major topics in field. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 210

TPSYCH 220 Lifespan Development (5) SSc
Explores human cognitive and psychosocial development across the lifespan. Covers theories, methodologies, and research findings using a lifespan approach, which examines continuity and change from conception to death and the interaction of biological, psychological, and social aspects of development. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 220

TPSYCH 230 Educational Psychology (5) SSc
Explores individual learning and the educational process. Emphasis on theories of cognition, personal/social/moral development, learning differences, and motivation. Covers cultural/community influences on the learner and educational process. Includes overview of teacher roles, classroom management, educational assessment. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 402. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 230

TPSYCH 240 Social Psychology (5) SSc
Surveys the major areas of social psychology, the science of human behavior in social situations. Emphasizes an understanding of the important methods, terms, theories and findings in social psychology. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 240

TPSYCH 250 Human Cognition (5) SSc
Surveys cognitive psychology related to the mental processes associated with acquiring, storing, transforming, and using knowledge. Topics include perception, attention, learning, memory, metacognition, imagery, language, problem solving, and decision-making. Emphasizes identifying these concepts in everyday situations and application to educational and criminal justice fields. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 250

TPSYCH 260 Biopsychology (5) SSc/NSc
Focuses on the biological events that influence psychological processes and behaviors. Topics include the structure and function of the nervous system, and the biological bases of sensation and perception, motivation, learning, cognition and communication, emotion, and mental disorders. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 260

TPSYCH 300 History and Systems of Psychology (5) SSc
Examines historical, current, and theoretical systems in psychology, such as psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and existentialism. Offers a critical and philosophical examination of the field of psychology and its relationship to other disciplines. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
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TPSYCH 306 Community Psychology, Research, and Action (5) SSc
Introduces community psychology, a field examining the interrelationship between individual well-being and the multiple social systems with which individuals interact. Covers the principles and approaches of community psychology, including attention to diversity and equity; social change; and community-based, participatory, and action research methods. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 209.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 306

TPSYCH 308 Conscience, Nature and Technology (5) SSc
Explores the influence of the natural world and technology on the development of conscience and moral sensitivity. Emphasizes experiential methods in this exploration. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 308

TPSYCH 309 Fundamentals of Psychological Research II (5) SSc
Explores forms of inquiry form empirical laboratory research to fieldwork and phenomenological methods discussed in relationship to types of problem and research questions. Discusses quantitative and qualitative methods for gathering and reporting data as well as design, control, and the problem of interpretation and bias. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in TPSYCH 209.
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TPSYCH 310 Controversies in Clinical Psychology (5) SSc
Explores advanced abnormal psychology topics, including controversies and social issues in mental health assessment, treatment, and diagnosis. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 210 or TPSYCH 212.
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TPSYCH 311 Personality Theory (5) SSc
Covers the major theories of personality within the field of psychology. Students compare and contrast theoretical models, gain understanding of their development within the context of the theorists' lives, and apply the theories to their own life experience. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
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TPSYCH 312 Mental Illness Across Cultures (5) SSc, DIV
Explores advanced abnormal psychology topics from a global perspective such as how mental illness is understood by different cultures and in different historical periods. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 210 or TPSYCH 212.
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TPSYCH 313 Personalities Disorders (5) SSc
Examines current models and empirical research on personality disorders. Includes case studies, empirical data, and theoretical explanations of personality disorders. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 210.
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TPSYCH 314 Tests and Measurements (5)
Explores the theory, methods, and applications of psychological testing and evaluates the advantages and drawbacks of psychological testing in general, and selected tests in particular. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101; either TPSYCH 209 or TPSYCH 330.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 314

TPSYCH 315 Introduction to Counseling Psychology (5) SSc
Examines the emergence, core values, distinct foci, major theories, and research in the discipline of counseling psychology. Discusses the connections of counseling psychology to other relevant psychological disciplines. Explores the effectiveness of counseling in promoting human change, as well as research and ethics in counseling psychology. Visits the five major forces in counseling psychology. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 315

TPSYCH 319 Community Engaged Child Development (5) SSc
Examines theory and research in child development and applies it to experiences working with children in an engaged learning context. Some classes meet off-campus, transport is arranged. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 319

TPSYCH 320 Race, Class, and Gender Contexts of Child Development (5) SSc, DIV
Explores how cultural contexts that include racism, classism, and sexism, as well as other contexts, such as school, family, and neighborhood, differentially shape the experiences of children. Applies these contexts to specific topics, such as cognitive development, identity, moral development, families, peers, and media. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 320

TPSYCH 321 Adolescent Psychology (5) SSc
Explores the multiple contexts of adolescents' lives, including the interactions of biology, psychology, and sociocultural aspects of development. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 100 or PSYCH 101
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 321

TPSYCH 322 Adult Development (5) SSc
Examines adult development, beginning with the transition to adulthood through young, middle, and old adulthood. Focuses on diverse individual experiences and social/contextual factors in the U.S. and their effect on the changes, choices, opportunities, and paths through adulthood. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 100 or PSYCH 101
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 322

TPSYCH 344 Self and Society (5) SSc
Explores what the self is, how we develop this self, how our selves change over time and alter our future, and how our selves affect us in other ways. Course overlaps with: PSYCH 452. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 344

TPSYCH 345 Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination (5) SSc, DIV
Examines stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination from a social psychological perspective, including phenomena and processes associated with beliefs, attitudes, and evaluative responses toward groups, and behaviors toward members of groups based on their group status. Covers the science-based evidence and implications of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. Course overlaps with: BISPSY 350. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 240.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 345

TPSYCH 346 Skepticism and Critical Thinking (5) SSc
Investigates common errors in human judgment, including bogus claims, pseudoscience, the paranormal, and everyday reasoning. Focuses on the processes of human cognition that lead to beliefs, and emphasizes use of the scientific method to critically evaluate the social world. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in TPSYCH 209.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 346

TPSYCH 347 Attitudes and Persuasion (5) SSc
Explores attitudes and persuasion from a social psychological perspective. Discusses theories and empirical research on phenomena and processes associated with attitude formation, attitude measurement, attitude-behavior relationship, social influence and persuasion, dissonance, implicit attitude, attitude about groups, and so on. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 240.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 347

TPSYCH 349 Sexual Identities (5) SSc
Explores the lives and current issues facing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons, with particular attention to developmental, community, and political issues and their intersections. Emphasizes current areas of consensus and discord among members within, across, and outside these communities. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 349

TPSYCH 350 Human Memory (5) SSc
Covers research and theory in key areas of memory. Issues include information processing theory, the link between memory processes and their biological underpinnings, autobiographical memory, implicit memory, and the effect of emotion on memory. Course equivalent to: PSYCH 462. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 250.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 350

TPSYCH 351 Psychology of Perception (5)
Explores the psychological, biological, and cultural contributions to the perceptual processes mediating our ability to see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. Emphasis is place on understanding vision and its role in action and perception. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 351

TPSYCH 352 Judgment and Decision-Making (5) SSc
Examines current models and empirical research on human information processing in judgment and decision making. Includes both normative and descriptive theories of decision making with a focus on decision making under risk and uncertainty. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101; either TMATH 110, T HLTH 305, T URB 225, TSOCWF 351, STAT 220, or STAT 311.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 352

TPSYCH 360 Health Psychology (5) SSc
Introduces the field of health psychology, which is concerned with how biological characteristics, behavioral factors, and social conditions influence health and illness. Topics include the foundation of health psychology, health behavior and primary prevention, stress and coping, treatment setting, and chronic illness. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
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TPSYCH 361 Psychopharmacology (5) SSc/NSc
Introduces physiological and synaptic mechanisms by which psychotropic medications are used for treatment of mental health. Topics include: research methods of pharmacology, neural communication, synaptic mechanisms of drug actions, and critical analysis of social concerns of psychopharmacological agents. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101, PSYCH 100, or PSYCH 101; either TPSYCH 260, T BIOL 130, TESC 130, BIOL 200, or B BIO 200.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 361

TPSYCH 362 Psychophysiology of Stress and Stress Management (5) SSc
Examines psychological stress and the physiological mechanisms influencing mental and physical health. Evaluates coping process including relations with other psychological factors. Introduces stress management techniques used to enhance stress coping. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 260.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 362

TPSYCH 400 Psychology of Gender (5) SSc, DIV
Examines psychological theories and research on gender. Includes a focus on how social, cultural, and biological constructions of gender influence cognition, social behavior, and personality. Example topics include gender stereotypes, sexism, social roles, and sexuality. Course overlaps with: PSYCH 257/GWSS 257. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
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TPSYCH 401 Family Violence (5) SSc
Comprehensive interdisciplinary investigation of the pervasive social problem of family violence. Explores the history, theoretical explanations, causes, and consequences of family violence, including intimate partner violence, date and marital rape, elder abuse, and child physical and sexual abuse. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
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TPSYCH 402 Friends, Enemies, and Intimates (5) SSc
Uses a psychological and interdisciplinary framework to examine adult close relationships. Example topics include friendship, dating, committed relationships, enemies, and the dissolution of committed relationships. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 402

TPSYCH 403 Psychology of Black Women (5) SSc, DIV
Applies a psychological and feminist framework to the examination of black women's lives and development. Emphasizes the coping techniques used by black women throughout history. Topics include mental health, violence, male-female relationships, and cross-racial friendships. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 403

TPSYCH 404 Psychology of Food and Culture (5) SSc
Covers a global look at the social, symbolic, and political-economic roles of food and eating. Examines cultural, ethnic, and gender issues in relation to the production and consumption of food, as well as the neurobiological effects of certain foods on brain activity. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
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TPSYCH 405 Body Image and the Psychology of Appearance (5) SSc
Examines the individual and social forces that shape body image, and psychological and physical correlates of body image. Influence of physical appearance on social perception is covered, and adaptation to social/psychological appearance demands in terms of both problems, such as eating disorders, and resistance. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
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TPSYCH 406 Chemical Dependency (5) SSc
Examines the biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors involved in drug dependency. Examines prevention, intervention, treatment, and 12-step programs including those related to various ethnic and cultural groups. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 406

TPSYCH 407 The Cultural Context of Developmental Psychology (5) SSc
Extends understanding of basic child development by critiquing and placing in cultural context Western models of development and methodologies used to search for universal development. Explores importance of culture to understanding developmental processes and the political nature of developmental psychology. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 100 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 407

TPSYCH 409 Group Counseling and Dynamics (5, max. 15) SSc
Examines group work, group processes, patterns of communication, group and individual goal-setting, leadership, personal control, decision-making, self-esteem, and cultural factors. Includes role-playing and simulations and group participation. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
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TPSYCH 410 Existential Psychology (5) SSc
Examines the philosophical and literary movement of existentialism and its impact on clinical psychology. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
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TPSYCH 411 Psychology and the Arts (5) SSc/A&H
Examines the relationship between psychology as a research and clinical discipline and the arts, with a focus on the fine arts and music. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101. Offered: ASp.
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TPSYCH 416 Freud and His Critics (5) SSc
Examines the work of Sigmund Freud, its impact on clinical psychology, and historical and contemporary criticisms of this theoretical school. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 416

TPSYCH 417 Ethical and Legal Issues in Psychology (5) SSc
Provides a comprehensive understanding of ethical decision making in psychology practice and research. It will cover historical codes, moral principles, the APA Ethics Code, and provide for students a framework for reasoning through ethical and sometimes legal dilemmas that arise in clinical practice and in research. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 417

TPSYCH 418 Lifespan Imaginative Play (5) SSc
Explores theories and research on imaginative play across the lifespan and its impact on learning and development across contexts (e.g., school, community organizations, and business/work) including considerable time playing with readings and other media and student-developed playful approaches to course activities and assignments. Prerequisite TPSYCH 220.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 418

TPSYCH 420 Attachment and Interpersonal Relations (5) SSc
Takes a historical approach examining infant and adult attachment from its interdisciplinary origins, through the development of the methods used to test the theory, to its current status. May also cover topics at the boundaries between attachment and other areas, such as culture or neuroscience. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 311.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 420

TPSYCH 421 Social Psychology, Law, and Society (5) SSc
Examines the interaction of social psychology and the law and the role both play in the development of legal policy. Considers selected topics at the forefront of psych-legal inquiry, such as eyewitness testimony, confession evidence, and implicit bias. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 240, TPSYCH 250, or T CRIM 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 421

TPSYCH 422 Psychology and the Legal System (5) SSc
Focuses on the application of psychological research methods and knowledge to contemporary issues in the legal system. Topics include psychology of policing, criminal profiling, serial killers, criminal investigations, pretrial publicity, competency/insanity, scientific jury selection, juror decision making, sentencing/death penalty, and the social scientist as an expert witness. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 422

TPSYCH 424 Autism: History and Treatment (5) SSc
Provides upper-level undergraduate students a broad introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) as well as prepares individuals for the Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) exam/RBT Competency Assessment. Topics include ASD overview, etiology, developmental and social impact, evidenced based interventions, school based interventions, myths of ASD, and applied behavioral principles/techniques from the RBT Task List. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 424

TPSYCH 431 Sexual Deviance (5) SSc
Examines various psychological, sociological, and biological theories that purport to explain the causes, consequences, and cure for atypical sexual behaviors, including fetishism, exhibitionism, sexual addiction, pedophilia, and erotophonophilia (lust murder). Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 202 or TPSYCH 210.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 431

TPSYCH 432 Sex Crimes and Sexual Violence (5) SSc
Examines sexual criminality, its nature, characteristics, dimensions, and ramifications in American society and internationally. Topics include, sexual assault, sex offenders and survivors of childhood sexual abuse, and sexual predatory crimes, such as sex trafficking, prostitution, and child pornography. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 432

TPSYCH 441 Diversity and Health Psychology (5) SSc, DIV
Examines diverse personal, sociocultural, and institutional factors that have an impact on health and illness, including socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity/culture, gender, sexual orientation, aging, and disability. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH 101 or PSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 441

TPSYCH 445 Psychology of Superheroes: An Exploration of Good and Evil (5) SSc
Explores media's portrayal of heroes and villains and how the indoctrination of good and evil through these stereotypical images influences one's self-concept, esteem, and knowledge. Examines modern day heroes or villains by surveying how individuals relate to others through acts of altruism, inaction, and aggression. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 240.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 445

TPSYCH 450 Meditation, Mindfulness, and Health (5) SSc
Explores Buddhist perspectives on the nature of mind, self, and consciousness and the research on the effects of meditation and mindfulness on the mind, brain, and body. The course focuses on how meditation and mindfulness are being researched and applied in daily life. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 450

TPSYCH 455 Immigrant Youth and Families (5) SSc, DIV
Explores immigrant youth development in the U.S. in various contexts (families, schools, communities, broader society, etc.). Examines individual differences within and across groups (e.g., ethnic group, family structure), and consequences of immigration and deportation practices on well-being. Focus will be on social, political, and psychological experiences of Latinx youth. Centered around qualitative research project in the South Sound. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 101; recommended: a research methods course.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 455

TPSYCH 460 Sport Psychology (5) SSc
Examines biological, psychological, and social aspects of sport and performance. Evaluates the variables that impact human performance, including physiology, attention, motivation, development, personality, and group dynamics. Applies knowledge to modern controversies in sport and athletics. Course overlaps with: PSYCH 438. Prerequisite: TPSYCH 260 or T BIOL 302
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TPSYCH 461 Asian American Psychology (5) SSc, DIV
Explores psychological theory and research on Asian American individuals and the community. Topics will include the stereotypes of Asian Americans such as the Model Minority Myth, Asian American racial and ethnic identity, acculturation and enculturation, mental health, gender and sexuality, and so on. Course overlaps with: PSYCH 461 and BIS 368. Prerequisite: either TPSYCH101, PSYCH101, T SOC 165, T SOC 270, or SOC 110.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 461

TPSYCH 471 Applied Issues in Cognition (4-5, max. 10) SSc
Examines cognitive issues in applied settings, such as the workplace and education. Topics include such issues as attention, expertise, problem solving, decision-making, human error, automation, navigation, and individual differences. Course equivalent to: PSYCH 471. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in either TPSYCH 209 or TPSYCH 330.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 471

TPSYCH 472 Cross-Cultural Studies in Social Sciences (5) A&H/SSc
Explores topics related to social sciences and humanities within cross-cultural perspective. Subjects included in this course will be theories of cross-cultural studies, methodology and critical thinking of cross-cultural research, impacts of cultures on human behavior and social interaction, and application of cross-cultural perspective in real-life everyday problems. Recommended: coursework in social sciences (e.g., psychology, economics, history) and/or humanities (e.g., philosophy, languages and literature, the arts).
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 472

TPSYCH 496 Psychology Internship (1-5, max. 10) SSc
Allows students to complete an internship with an organization whose mission is related to psychology or other closely related field under faculty supervision.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 496

TPSYCH 498 Directed Readings in Psychology (1-5, max. 15) SSc
Allows student to engage in independent, in-depth study of any area of psychology or related interdisciplinary area under faculty supervision. Students develop a reading syllabus, discuss the reading with their advisor, and write and revise an APA-style paper analyzing the readings. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 498

TPSYCH 499 Undergraduate Psychology Research (1-5, max. 15) SSc
Allows student to conduct independent research in psychology or other closely related field under faculty supervision. Students work on 3-15 hours per week on independent research, meet with their faculty supervisor, and write a paper related to their experience.
View course details in MyPlan: TPSYCH 499