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College of the Environment

Atmospheric Sciences

408 Atmospheric Sciences
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Atmospheric sciences is a wide-ranging discipline that includes topics as diverse as weather forecasting, global warming, air quality, Pacific Northwest weather and climate, mountain weather, marine weather, El Nino, the ozone hole, ice ages, and the weather of Mars. It considers problems that are both scientifically challenging and critical for the welfare of modern society.

 Undergraduate Programs

Atmospheric Sciences

416 Atmospheric Sciences

 Program of Study: Major: Atmospheric Sciences

Program Overview

Atmospheric sciences is a wide-ranging discipline that includes topics as diverse as weather forecasting, global warming, air quality, Pacific Northwest weather and climate, mountain weather, marine weather, El Nino, the ozone hole, ice ages, and the weather of Mars. It considers problems that are both scientifically challenging and critical for the welfare of modern society. These problems are addressed with theory, measurements, and computer simulations

This program of study leads to the following credentials:
  • Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Atmospheric Sciences: Chemistry
  • Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Atmospheric Sciences: Climate
  • Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Atmospheric Sciences: Data Science
  • Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Atmospheric Sciences: Meteorology
Recommended Preparation

Suggested First- and Second-Year Courses: English composition; ATM S 220; MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126; PHYS 121, PHYS 122, PHYS 123. The first upper-division core course is ATM S 301, which is offered autumn quarter only. Any lower-division atmospheric sciences courses except ATM S 220 count as electives and not as part of the major.

Admission Requirements
  1. Minimum course requirements: English composition; MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126; PHYS 121, PHYS 122, PHYS 123
  2. Grade requirements: Minimum 2.0 grade for each course required for admission; minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA in courses required for admission

 Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Atmospheric Sciences: Chemistry

Credential Overview

The Chemistry option provides students with a strong background in environmental issues such as evolving atmospheric composition and air quality through coursework that focuses on chemistry and the environment.

Completion Requirements

Minimum 85-98 credits, depending on credential/option

  1. Foundation requirements (30 credits): MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126; PHYS 121, PHYS 122, PHYS 123
  2. Core requirements (27-28 credits): STAT 390 (or Q SCI 381 for options in meteorology, climate, chemistry); ATM S 220 (1 credit), ATM S 301, ATM S 321, ATM S 340, ATM S 341, ATM S 370, ATM S 431.
  3. Additional requirements specified below
  4. Minimum 2.0 grade in courses applied to the major

Pre-graduate Program for Physical Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Majors

  • The following elective course sequence is suitable preparation for students interested in pursuing graduate study in atmospheric sciences: ATM S 301, ATM S 340, ATM S 441.
Additional Completion Requirements

Option specific credits (31-36 credits)

  1. Requirements (25-26 credits): ATM S 458/CHEM 458; CEE 480/ATM S 480; CHEM 142, CHEM 152, CHEM 162; ATM S 310 or CSE 160
  2. Electives (6-10 credits): minimum two courses from an approved list. See adviser for approved list of electives.

 Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Atmospheric Sciences: Climate

Credential Overview

The Climate Option provides students with a strong interdisciplinary ground in environmental change through the lens of atmospheric, ocean and earth sciences.

Completion Requirements

Minimum 85-98 credits, depending on credential/option

  1. Foundation requirements (30 credits): MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126; PHYS 121, PHYS 122, PHYS 123
  2. Core requirements (27-28 credits): STAT 390 (or Q SCI 381 for options in meteorology, climate, chemistry); ATM S 220 (1 credit), ATM S 301, ATM S 321, ATM S 340, ATM S 341, ATM S 370, ATM S 431.
  3. Additional requirements specified below
  4. Minimum 2.0 grade in courses applied to the major

Pre-graduate Program for Physical Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Majors

  • The following elective course sequence is suitable preparation for students interested in pursuing graduate study in atmospheric sciences: ATM S 301, ATM S 340, ATM S 441.
Additional Completion Requirements

Option specific credits (31-40 credits)

  1. Requirements (22-25 credits): ATM S 350; ATM S 358, ATM S 380, ATM S 487; ATM S 310 or CSE 160; ESS 431 or ESS 433; OCEAN 423 or OCEAN 450
  2. Electives (9-15 credits): minimum three courses from an approved list. See adviser for approved list of electives.

 Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Atmospheric Sciences: Data Science

Credential Overview

The Data Science Option provides students with a strong foundation in data science skills with specific applications to meteorology-, climate-, and air pollution-related careers.

Completion Requirements

Minimum 85-98 credits, depending on credential/option

  1. Foundation requirements (30 credits): MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126; PHYS 121, PHYS 122, PHYS 123
  2. Core requirements (27-28 credits): STAT 390 (or Q SCI 381 for options in meteorology, climate, chemistry); ATM S 220 (1 credit), ATM S 301, ATM S 321, ATM S 340, ATM S 341, ATM S 370, ATM S 431.
  3. Additional requirements specified below
  4. Minimum 2.0 grade in courses applied to the major

Pre-graduate Program for Physical Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Majors

  • The following elective course sequence is suitable preparation for students interested in pursuing graduate study in atmospheric sciences: ATM S 301, ATM S 340, ATM S 441.
Additional Completion Requirements

Option specific credits (28-36 credits)

  1. Requirements (28-36 credits):
    1. one of CSE 123, CSE 143, or CSE 163
    2. one of CSE 416/STAT 416, STAT 435, INFO 371, or ESS 469
    3. SOC 225 (3 credits)
    4. one of ATM S 310, ATM S 350, ATM S 358, ATM S 380, or ATM S 458/CHEM 458
    5. one of the following options: (1) MATH 207, MATH 208, MATH 209; (2) AMATH 351 and AMATH 353
    6. CSE 414 or INFO 430
    7. one of CSE 412, HCDE 411, INFO 474, or STAT 451

Note: Prerequisites for option specific courses could add up to 0-29 credits. See adviser for list of prerequisites.

 Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Atmospheric Sciences: Meteorology

Credential Overview

The meteorology option provides students with a strong background in atmospheric dynamics, synoptic meteorology and weather forecasting.

Completion Requirements

Minimum 85-98 credits, depending on credential/option

  1. Foundation requirements (30 credits): MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126; PHYS 121, PHYS 122, PHYS 123
  2. Core requirements (27-28 credits): STAT 390 (or Q SCI 381 for options in meteorology, climate, chemistry); ATM S 220 (1 credit), ATM S 301, ATM S 321, ATM S 340, ATM S 341, ATM S 370, ATM S 431.
  3. Additional requirements specified below
  4. Minimum 2.0 grade in courses applied to the major

Pre-graduate Program for Physical Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Majors

  • The following elective course sequence is suitable preparation for students interested in pursuing graduate study in atmospheric sciences: ATM S 301, ATM S 340, ATM S 441.
Additional Completion Requirements

Option specific credits (32-36 credits)

  1. Requirements (23-24 credits): ATM S 358, ATM S 441, ATM S 442, ATM S 451, ATM S 452; ATM S 310 or CSE 160
  2. Advanced Mathematics (9-12 credits): MATH 224; either AMATH 351 and AMATH 353, or MATH 207, MATH 208, and MATH 209

 Program of Study: Minor: Atmospheric Sciences

Program Overview

Atmospheric sciences is a wide-ranging discipline that includes topics as diverse as weather forecasting, global warming, air quality, Pacific Northwest weather and climate, mountain weather, marine weather, El Nino, the ozone hole, ice ages, and the weather of Mars. It considers problems that are both scientifically challenging and critical for the welfare of modern society. These problems are addressed with theory, measurements, and computer simulations.

This program of study leads to the following credential:
  • Minor in Atmospheric Science

 Minor in Atmospheric Science

Completion Requirements

Minimum of 25 credits

  1. ATM S 301
  2. Electives (minimum of 20 credits): Refer to department website for list of approved courses. Minimum of 15 credits of upper-division ATM S courses. Maximum 15 credits of independent study.
  3. Minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA in courses applied toward the minor

MATH 126 and PHYS 123 are prerequisite courses for ATM S 301. It is recommended students take these courses before beginning the minor program.

Additional Information

Student Outcomes and Opportunities

  • Learning Objectives and Expected Outcomes: The degree program qualifies students for professional employment in weather forecasting, air-quality control and monitoring, and other areas of atmospheric sciences and related fields. The baccalaureate degree also is appropriate preparation for graduate study in atmospheric sciences.
  • Instructional and Research Facilities: Extensive computer resources are available in the departmental computer laboratory. The department also maintains an extensive collection of weather data in graphical and numerical electronic format. A study area is provided for undergraduates. An instrument laboratory is maintained with a wide range of observing and data collection systems. Students also have access to a machine shop and an electronics laboratory.
  • Honors Options Available: With College Honors (Completion of Honors Core Curriculum and Departmental Honors); With Honors (Completion of Departmental Honors requirements in the major). See adviser for requirements.
  • Research, Internships, and Service Learning: Internships are available either within the department or with outside organizations, providing a valuable opportunity to test a student's interests in various meteorological career paths and to extend the student's knowledge. A limited number of departmental scholarships are available each year, based on academic excellence or financial need. Employment opportunities are often available in one of the many departmental research groups, and some internships are paid.

    Students majoring in atmospheric sciences may take advantage of a variety of opportunities to enhance their education. Undergraduate students are welcome at the department's many seminars and colloquia and are encouraged to join in the annual forecast contest. They may work on independent research projects under the guidance of a faculty member, or be an active participant in a field program.

  • Department Scholarships: The Mindlin-Reed-Caldwell Memorial is awarded annually, based on both academic excellence and financial need.
  • Student Organizations/Associations: Student Chapter of American Meteorological Society, Puget Sound American Meteorological Society Chapter, Weekly Weather Discussion for all majors.

 Graduate Programs

Atmospheric Sciences

 Program of Study: Doctor Of Philosophy (Atmospheric Sciences)

This program of study leads to the following credentials:
  • Doctor Of Philosophy (Atmospheric Sciences)
  • Doctor Of Philosophy (Atmospheric Sciences: Advanced Data Science)
  • Doctor Of Philosophy (Atmospheric Sciences: Atmospheric Sciences And Astrobiology)
  • Doctor Of Philosophy (Atmospheric Sciences: Data Science)
Admission Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Doctor Of Philosophy (Atmospheric Sciences)

Completion Requirements

90 credits

  1. Atmospheric Sciences Core (25-28 credits)
    1. ATM S 501, ATM S 502
    2. ATM S 505, ATM S 509, ATM S 542; OR ATM S 503 and ATM S 504
    3. ATM S 532, ATM S 558
    4. ATM S 535
  2. Approved Applied Math Courses (3 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program
  3. Electives (varies by option, see additional requirements)
  4. ATM S Graduate Seminar (varies by option, see additional requirements)
  5. Dissertation (27 credits): ATM S 800
Additional Completion Requirements

Option-specific requirements

  1. ATM S Electives (8-11 credits)
  2. Non-ATM S Electives (3 credits)
  3. ATM S Graduate Seminar classes (to reach required total credits)

 Doctor Of Philosophy (Atmospheric Sciences: Advanced Data Science)

Completion Requirements

90 credits

  1. Atmospheric Sciences Core (25-28 credits)
    1. ATM S 501, ATM S 502
    2. ATM S 505, ATM S 509, ATM S 542; OR ATM S 503 and ATM S 504
    3. ATM S 532, ATM S 558
    4. ATM S 535
  2. Approved Applied Math Courses (3 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program
  3. Electives (varies by option, see additional requirements)
  4. ATM S Graduate Seminar (varies by option, see additional requirements)
  5. Dissertation (27 credits): ATM S 800
Additional Completion Requirements

Option-specific requirements

  1. ATM S Electives (2-5 credits)
  2. Advanced Data Science Option (11-13 credits):
    1. CSE 544
    2. CSE 546 OR STAT 535
    3. CSE 512
    4. STAT 509 OR STAT 512-513
  3. Graduate Seminar classes:
    1. eScience Community Seminar (4 credits): CHEM E 599F
    2. ATM S Graduate Seminar classes (to meet required total)

 Doctor Of Philosophy (Atmospheric Sciences: Atmospheric Sciences And Astrobiology)

Completion Requirements

90 credits

  1. Atmospheric Sciences Core (25-28 credits)
    1. ATM S 501, ATM S 502
    2. ATM S 505, ATM S 509, ATM S 542; OR ATM S 503 and ATM S 504
    3. ATM S 532, ATM S 558
    4. ATM S 535
  2. Approved Applied Math Courses (3 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program
  3. Electives (varies by option, see additional requirements)
  4. ATM S Graduate Seminar (varies by option, see additional requirements)
  5. Dissertation (27 credits): ATM S 800

 Doctor Of Philosophy (Atmospheric Sciences: Data Science)

Completion Requirements

90 credits

  1. Atmospheric Sciences Core (25-28 credits)
    1. ATM S 501, ATM S 502
    2. ATM S 505, ATM S 509, ATM S 542; OR ATM S 503 and ATM S 504
    3. ATM S 532, ATM S 558
    4. ATM S 535
  2. Approved Applied Math Courses (3 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program
  3. Electives (varies by option, see additional requirements)
  4. ATM S Graduate Seminar (varies by option, see additional requirements)
  5. Dissertation (27 credits): ATM S 800
Additional Completion Requirements

Option-specific requirements

  1. ATM S Electives (5-8 credits)
  2. Data Science Option (9-15 credits): One course from three of the four areas below, lists maintained by the program:
    1. Software Development
    2. Statistics and Machine Learning
    3. Data Visualization & Data Management
    4. Methods in Atmospheric Sciences
  3. Graduate Seminar:
    1. eScience Community Seminar (2 credits): CHEM E 599F
    2. ATM S graduate seminars to meet required total

 Program of Study: Master Of Science (Atmospheric Sciences)

This program of study leads to the following credential:
  • Master Of Science (Atmospheric Sciences)
Admission Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Master Of Science (Atmospheric Sciences)

Completion Requirements

38 credits

  1. Core classes (25-28 credits): ATM S 501, ATM S 502, ATM S 532, ATM S 535, ATM S 558
    1. Dynamics sequence: ATM S 503 and ATM S 504 OR ATM S 505, ATM S 509, ATM S 542
  2. Seminars: Students must register for 2 credits of seminar each quarter.
  3. Approved Applied Math Courses (3 credits): Course list maintained internally by the department.
  4. Master's Thesis (10 credits): ATM S 700
  5. Minimum 27 credits from graded courses numbered 500 or above; including at least 3 credits in approved applied mathematics courses and 24 in core atmospheric sciences courses.