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C138 Padelford Hall
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Mathematics is both a science and an art. Like any great art, mathematics has an intrinsic beauty and coherence that has attracted practitioners for centuries. Yet, unlike other arts, mathematics is a surprisingly effective tool for describing the natural world. Indeed, mathematics has come to serve as the foundation of modern science, through its language and results. Some mathematical results were initially developed in order to solve internally generated mathematical problems and only later found application in other disciplines; other mathematical results were inspired by the needs of these other disciplines. The two facets of mathematics - tool of science and subject of inquiry for its own sake - have come to be interwoven into a complex fabric.

 Undergraduate Programs


C36 Padelford Hall

 Program of Study: Major: Mathematics

Program Overview

The Department of Mathematics offers four credentials designed to meet the needs of students interested in the foundations of mathematics. Credentials promote competence in abstract thinking, logical rigor, analysis, expository clarity, and critical writing. Mathematics is both a science and an art. Like any great art, mathematics has an intrinsic beauty and coherence that has attracted practitioners for centuries. Yet, unlike other arts, math is a surprisingly effective tool for describing the natural world. Math has come to serve as the foundation of modern science, through its language and results. Some mathematical results were initially developed in order to solve internally generated mathematical problems and only later found application in other disciplines; other mathematical results were inspired by the needs of these other disciplines. The two facets of mathematics - tool of science and subject of inquiry for its own sake - have come to be interwoven into a complex fabric.

This program of study leads to the following credentials:
  • Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Mathematics
  • Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Mathematics: Philosophy
  • Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Mathematics: Teacher Preparation
  • Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Mathematics
Admission Requirements

Admission to all programs is capacity constrained. Completion of minimum requirements described below does not guarantee admission. All applicants have the right to petition and appeal the department's admission decision. The application and additional information are available at the department website.

Applicants are considered in two groups - Currently Enrolled UW Students and Entering Transfers.

  1. Currently Enrolled UW Students: A portion of each year's class is admitted after matriculating to UW.

    Admission Criteria

    1. Minimum Course Requirements: MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126, MATH 300 (or MATH 134, MATH 135, MATH 136), with a minimum 2.0 grade in each of these courses and an overall minimum 2.50 GPA in all mathematics courses.
    2. Determining Factors: Factors considered include performance in all mathematics courses as measured by GPA, difficulty of all mathematics courses completed, frequency of incompletes or withdrawal grades, number of repeated courses, amount and type of college-level credit, relevant work and life experience, and record of honors.
    3. When to Apply: Applications are accepted twice each year. Deadline is the end of the day on January 15 for spring quarter and September 15 for winter quarter.
  2. Entering Transfers. A portion of each year's class is admitted from students transferring from another college or university.

    Transfer student admission is capacity constrained.

    Transfer applicants must submit a departmental application for the same quarter they submit an application to the University. Applicants must meet the following requirements:

    1. Minimum 30 graded college credits completed by the University transfer application deadline.

    2. Minimum course requirements: MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126, MATH 300 with a minimum 2.0 grade in each of these courses and an overall minimum 2.50 GPA in all mathematics courses.

    3. When to apply: Application deadlines: April 5 for autumn quarter admission; October 5 for winter quarter admission.

    Factors considered include performance in all mathematics courses as measured by GPA, difficulty of all mathematics courses completed, frequency of incompletes or withdrawal grades, number of repeated courses, amount and type of college-level credit, relevant work and life experience, and record of honors.

Continuation Policy

All students must make satisfactory academic progress in the major. Failure to do so results in probation, which can lead to dismissal from the major. For the complete continuation policy, contact the departmental adviser or refer to the department website.

 Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Mathematics

Credential Overview

The Standard option is intended for students who are interested in a versatile degree in Mathematics. Although the requirements for the degree are more liberal than those of the other options, we recommend choosing electives with the idea of gaining more knowledge in a specific area of mathematics, possibly in conjunction with a minor in a related area. Students can choose coursework in algebra, geometry, topology, combinatorics, analysis, number theory, optimization and probability.

Completion Requirements

51-55 credits

  1. Core (27-31 credits)
    1. Complete one of the following:
      1. MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126, MATH 207, MATH 208
      2. MATH 134, MATH 135, MATH 136*
    2. MATH 224, MATH 300
  2. Electives (24 credits): Eight mathematics courses numbered 301 or higher, including three at the 400-level, excluding MATH 398, MATH 399, MATH 497, MATH 498, MATH 499. No more than two courses numbered MATH 380 or MATH 480. MATH 420 cannot be applied toward the three required 400-level classes.
  3. Minimum 2.0 grade in all courses presented to satisfy major requirements. Minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA in all mathematics courses at the University, including course repeats
  4. Minimum 18 credits of graded mathematics courses numbered 300 or higher taken in residence through UW, Seattle.

*May receive advanced placement (AP) credit for MATH 124 (after completing MATH 134) and MATH 125 (after completing MATH 135).

 Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Mathematics: Philosophy

Credential Overview

The Philosophy option allows students to combine mathematics and philosophy. The math courses introduce the student to mathematical reasoning; the philosophy courses complement this method of reasoning with methods that have arisen within the historical tradition of philosophy. Students are encouraged to take coursework specifically in the areas of the Philosophy of Science or Mathematics.

Completion Requirements

65-69 credits

  1. Core (30-34 credits)
    1. Complete one of the following:
      1. MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126, MATH 207, MATH 208
      2. MATH 134, MATH 135, MATH 136*
    2. MATH 300, MATH 327, MATH 424
  2. Advanced Math (15 credits): Five additional mathematics courses at the 300- or 400-level, including at least one two-quarter sequence at the 400-level other than MATH 407, MATH 408, or MATH 409.
  3. Philosophy (20 credits): PHIL 120 or an upper-level course in logic; PHIL 100, PHIL 160, or PHIL 240; one philosophy course at the 300-level; one philosophy course at the 400-level
  4. Minimum 2.0 grade in all courses presented to satisfy mathematics major requirements. Minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA in all mathematics courses at the University, including course repeats.
  5. Minimum 18 credits of graded mathematics courses numbered 300 or higher taken in residence through the UW.

*May receive advanced placement (AP) credit for MATH 124 (after completing MATH 134) and MATH 125 (after completing MATH 135).

 Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Mathematics: Teacher Preparation

Credential Overview

The Teacher Preparation option prepares students for teaching careers in secondary or middle schools. The majority of these majors go on to finish a Master's in Teaching. This degree requires students to complete specific coursework designed to give them an in-depth experience in Mathematics. Beyond learning the content of Mathematics, the coursework will teach students how to communicate Mathematics (and their love for the subject) to others.

Completion Requirements

58-63 credits

  1. Core (24-28 credits):
    1. Complete one of the following:
      1. MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126, MATH 207, MATH 208
      2. MATH 134, MATH 135, MATH 136*
    2. MATH 300
  2. Upper-division (34-35 credits):
    1. MATH 394, MATH 411, MATH 412, MATH 444, MATH 445
    2. one of STAT 311, STAT 390, or Q SCI 381
    3. 15 credits of approved electives at the 300- or 400-level in MATH, AMATH, or STAT courses (minimum 6 credits of electives from the Mathematics Department); or PHYS 407, PHYS 408, and PHYS 409.
  3. Minimum 2.0 grade in all courses presented to satisfy the program requirements. Minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA in all mathematics courses at the University, including course repeats
  4. Minimum 18 credits of graded mathematics courses numbered 300 or higher taken in residence through the UW

*May receive advanced placement (AP) credit for MATH 124 (after completing MATH 134) and MATH 125 (after completing MATH 135).

 Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Mathematics

Credential Overview

For students wanting both a strong foundation and the freedom to shape their program in Mathematics. The B.S. Mathematics- Standard Option gives students coursework in a range of Mathematics courses and is especially suited for students interested in the mathematical sciences.

Completion Requirements

69-76 credits

  1. Core (33-40 credits):
    1. Complete one of the following:
      1. MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126, MATH 207, MATH 208
      2. MATH 134, MATH 135, MATH 136*
    2. Complete one of the following:
      1. MATH 224, MATH 300, MATH 327, MATH 424
      2. MATH 334, MATH 335, MATH 336**
  2. Advanced Mathematics (15-18 credits): At least six courses from the following, or five if using item b., either in two three-quarter sequences or three two-quarter sequences, with at least one sequence from items a. through d.
      1. Modern Algebra: MATH 402, MATH 403, MATH 404
      2. Concepts of Analysis: MATH 425, MATH 426. MATH 424 counts as the first course in the sequence.
      3. Complex Analysis: MATH 427, MATH 428
      4. Topology & Geometry: MATH 441, MATH 442, MATH 443
      5. Optimization: MATH 407, MATH 408, MATH 409
      6. Combinatorics: MATH 461, MATH 462
      7. Numerical Analysis: MATH 464, MATH 465
      8. Probability: MATH 491, MATH 492

    Proficiency in items a. and b. is generally expected for graduate study in mathematics. In addition, items c. and d. are recommended for PhD programs in pure mathematics. Alternative combinations may be preferred for graduate study in other areas of the mathematical sciences and for industry careers. Consult Mathematics Student Services for more information.

  3. Electives (18-21 credits): Six or seven additional mathematics courses at the 300- or 400-level from a list maintained by the Department. Courses from the Advanced Mathematics core sequences not used to fulfill that requirement may be used to fulfill the elective requirement.
  4. A total of 12 courses (36 credits) taken from Advanced Mathematics and Electives.
  5. Minimum 2.0 grade in all courses presented to satisfy mathematics major requirements. Minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA in all mathematics courses at the University, including course repeats.
  6. Minimum 18 credits of graded mathematics courses numbered 300 or higher taken in residence through the UW Seattle campus.

*May receive advanced placement (AP) credit for MATH 124 (after completing MATH 134) and MATH 125 (after completing MATH 135).

**MATH 335 may also be used as one upper-division elective and MATH 336 may also be used either as MATH 427 or one upper-division elective.

 Program of Study: Minor: Mathematics

Program Overview

Mathematics is both a science and an art. Like any great art, mathematics has an intrinsic beauty and coherence that has attracted practitioners for centuries. Yet, unlike other arts, mathematics is a surprisingly effective tool for describing the natural world. Indeed, mathematics has come to serve as the foundation of modern science, through its language and results. Some mathematical results were initially developed in order to solve internally generated mathematical problems and only later found application in other disciplines; other mathematical results were inspired by the needs of these other disciplines. The two facets of mathematics - tool of science and subject of inquiry for its own sake - have come to be interwoven into a complex fabric.

This program of study leads to the following credential:
  • Minor in Mathematics

 Minor in Mathematics

Credential Overview

A minor in Mathematics is intended to strengthen a student's mathematical skills while complementing their degree program. Students complete a set of core course requirements then can select coursework from a variety of Mathematical topics of interest to them.

Completion Requirements

Minimum 30 credits

  1. Core (18-20 credits): MATH 124 or MATH 134, MATH 125 or MATH 135, MATH 126 or MATH 136, MATH 300 or MATH 334.
  2. Electives (10-12 credits): mathematics courses numbered 301 or higher.
  3. At least 9 credits of courses numbered 301 or higher taken in residence through the UW. Minimum 2.0 grade required for each course offered as part of the minor.
Additional Information

Student Outcomes and Opportunities

  • Learning Objectives and Expected Outcomes: The study of mathematics emphasizes exposure to the core foundational areas of analysis, modern algebra, and geometry. A mathematician's skill set includes the technical tools specific to each area as well as the development of critical thinking skills necessary for logical reasoning. Graduates have pursued careers in teaching, finance, science, engineering, and professional fields such as law and medicine.
  • Instructional and Research Facilities: Mathematical Research Library, Mathematics Study Center
  • Honors Options Available: With College Honors (Completion of Honors core curriculum and Departmental Honors); With Honors (Completion of Departmental Honors requirements in the major). See adviser for requirements.
  • Research, Internships, and Service Learning: Washington Experimental Mathematics Lab. When available, internship opportunities are passed on to students.
  • Department Scholarships: None offered.
  • Student Organizations/Associations: MAA Student Chapter, AWM Student Chapter, Actuarial Club, Math Club.

 Graduate Programs



 Program of Study: Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics)

This program of study leads to the following credentials:
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics: Advanced Data Science)
Admission Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics)

Completion Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics: Advanced Data Science)

Completion Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Program of Study: Master of Arts (Mathematics)

This program of study leads to the following credential:
  • Master of Arts (Mathematics)
Admission Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Master of Arts (Mathematics)

Completion Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Program of Study: Master of Science (Mathematics)

This program of study leads to the following credentials:
  • Master of Science (Mathematics)
  • Master of Science (Mathematics: Optimization)
Admission Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Master of Science (Mathematics)

Completion Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Master of Science (Mathematics: Optimization)

Completion Requirements

Contact department for requirements.