Enrl Sect Crs Restr SLN ID Cred Meeting Times Bldg/Rm Instructor Status Enrl/Lim Grades Fee Other ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
12987 A 4 MW 1130-100 PAA A102 Al-Binni,Usama A Open 0/ 90 Th 1240-140 PAA A118 Full-term |
PHYS 115 HEAT FLUIDS E&M | (NSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
12988 A 4 MW 1130-100 PAA A118 Stephanik,Brian Michael Open 0/ 80 F 1130-1220 PAA A110 Full-term |
PHYS 116 WAVE OPTICS ATOMS | (NSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
12989 A 4 TTh 1130-100 PAA A102 Stephanik,Brian Michael Open 0/ 80 W 940-1040 PAA A118 Full-term |
PHYS 117 GEN PHYS LAB MECHNCS | (NSc) | Prerequisites |
12990 A 1 M 150-400 PAB B108 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 28 CR/NC $50 Full-term |
12991 B 1 M 150-400 PAB B110 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 28 CR/NC $50 Full-term |
>12992 C 1 W 150-400 PAB B108 Smith,David Patrick 0/ 1 CR/NC $50 Full-term |
>12993 D 1 W 150-400 PAB B110 Smith,David Patrick 0/ 1 CR/NC $50 Full-term |
PHYS 118 HEAT & ELCTROMAG LAB | (NSc) | Prerequisites |
>12994 A 1 M 150-400 PAB B176 Smith,David Patrick 0/ 1 CR/NC $50 Full-term |
>12995 B 1 M 150-400 PAB B180 Smith,David Patrick 0/ 1 CR/NC $50 Full-term |
12996 C 1 W 150-400 PAB B176 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 28 CR/NC $50 Full-term |
12997 D 1 W 150-400 PAB B180 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 28 CR/NC $50 Full-term |
PHYS 119 GEN LAB MODERN PHYS | (NSc) | Prerequisites |
12998 A 1 T 220-430 PAB B123 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 28 CR/NC $50 Full-term |
12999 B 1 T 220-430 PAB B125 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 28 CR/NC $50 Full-term |
>13000 C 1 Th 220-430 PAB B123 Smith,David Patrick 0/ 1 CR/NC $50 Full-term |
>13001 D 1 Th 220-430 PAB B125 Smith,David Patrick 0/ 1 CR/NC $50 Full-term |
PHYS 121 MECHANICS | (NSc,RSN) | Prerequisites |
>13002 A 5 MW 910-1040 PAA A102 0/ 1 $50 Full-term |
>13003 AA QZ M 150-250 PAB B164 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13004 AB QZ M 300-400 PAB B164 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13005 AC QZ W 150-250 PAB B164 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13006 AD QZ W 300-400 PAB B164 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13007 AM LB M 1130-140 PAB B108 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13008 AN LB M 1130-140 PAB B110 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13009 AO LB W 1130-140 PAB B108 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13010 AP LB W 1130-140 PAB B110 0/ 1 Full-term |
PHYS 122 ELECTROMAGNETISM | (NSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
13011 A 5 TTh 910-1040 PAA A102 Al-Binni,Usama A Open 0/ 96 $50 Full-term |
13012 AA QZ T 220-320 PAB B156 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 24 Full-term |
13013 AB QZ T 330-430 PAB B156 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 24 Full-term |
>13014 AC QZ Th 220-320 PAB B156 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13015 AD QZ Th 330-430 PAB B156 0/ 1 Full-term |
13016 AM LB T 1130-140 PAB B176 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 24 Full-term |
13017 AN LB T 1130-140 PAB B180 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 24 Full-term |
>13018 AO LB Th 1130-140 PAB B176 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13019 AP LB Th 1130-140 PAB B180 0/ 1 Full-term |
PHYS 123 WAVES, LIGHT, & HEAT | (NSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
13020 A 5 TTh 910-1040 PAA A118 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 96 $50 Full-term |
13021 AA QZ T 220-320 PAB B164 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 24 Full-term |
13022 AB QZ T 330-430 PAB B164 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 24 Full-term |
>13023 AC QZ Th 220-320 PAB B164 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13024 AD QZ Th 330-430 PAB B164 0/ 1 Full-term |
13025 AM LB T 1130-140 PAB B123 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 24 Full-term |
13026 AN LB T 1130-140 PAB B125 Smith,David Patrick Open 0/ 24 Full-term |
>13027 AO LB Th 1130-140 PAB B123 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13028 AP LB Th 1130-140 PAB B125 0/ 1 Full-term |
PHYS 225 INTR QUANTUM MECHNCS | (NSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 13029 A 3 TTh 1050-1230 PAA A110 Depies,Matthew R Open 0/ 80 Full-term |
PHYS 322 ELECTROMAGNETISM II | (NSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 13030 A 4 MW 910-1040 PAA A110 Depies,Matthew R Open 0/ 66 Full-term |
Restr 13031 AA QZ M 1130-1230 PAB B156 Depies,Matthew R Open 0/ 22 Full-term |
Restr 13032 AB QZ W 1130-1230 PAB B156 Depies,Matthew R Open 0/ 22 Full-term |
>13033 AC QZ M 1240-140 PAB B156 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13034 AD QZ W 1240-140 PAB B156 0/ 1 Full-term |
PHYS 324 QUANTUM MECHANICS I | (NSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
>13035 A 4 MW 1050-1230 PAA A110 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13036 AA QZ M 150-250 PAB B156 0/ 1 Full-term |
>13037 AB QZ W 150-250 PAB B156 0/ 1 Full-term |
PHYS 407 PHYS BY INQUIRY I | (NSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
>13038 A 5 MTWThF 910-250 PAT C211 Messina,Donna L 0/ 1 Full-term |
PHYS 431 ADV LAB COND MATTER | (NSc) | Prerequisites |
>13039 A 3 TTh 110-430 PAB B248 Ramachandran,Subramanian 0/ 15 $50 Full-term |
IS >13040 A 1-6 to be arranged 0/ 50 CR/NC Full-term |
IS >13041 A 1-10 to be arranged 0/ 70E CR/NC Full-term |
IS >13043 A 1-10 to be arranged 0/ 40E CR/NC Full-term |