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Autumn Quarter 2011 Time Schedule


Enrollment and status (open/closed) were accurate when this page was created (12:07 am December 30, 2011) but may have changed since then. For current enrollment and status, check the Enrollment Summary. (UW NetID required.)
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Enrl        Sect                                                                                             Crs
Restr   SLN  ID Cred    Meeting Times     Bldg/Rm       Instructor                 Status Enrl/Lim   Grades  Fee Other
 ?       ?       ?           ?             ?               ?                         ?       ?         ?      ?    ?

TCSS   142  INTR OBJ-ORIENT PRG (NW,QSR)Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
       19909 A  5       TTh    130-335    ADMC GWP101   FOWLER,ALAN                Closed   23/  20          $42         
                        Th     415-620P   DOU  110      
                        THE LAB FOR THIS COURSE MEETS IN                                                                                                                    
                        DOUGAN 110                                                                                                                                          
      >21332 B  5       TTh    130-335P   ADMC WCG110   MAYER,JOHN                          20/  20          $42         
                        Th     415-620P   WGB  WG320    
                        THE LAB FOR THIS COURSE MEETS IN                                                                                                                    
                        WGB 320                                                                                                                                             

TCSS   143  FUND OBJ-ORIENT PRG (NW,QSR)Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
       19910 A  5       MW     415-620    DOU  280      MAYER,JOHN                 Closed   20/  20          $42         
                        W      630-835P   DOU  110      MAYER,JOHN
                        LAB MEETS IN DOUGAN 110                                                                                                                             
      >21331 B  5       MW     415-620    ADMC BHS103   BINDRA,ASHISH                       18/  20          $42         
                        W      630-835P   WGB  WG320    

TCSS   305  PROGRAMMING PRACT(NW,QSR)Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  19911 A  5       TTh    130-335    DOU  260      ZIMMERMAN,DANIEL M         Closed   30/  30          $42         
Restr  19912 B  5       TTh    630-835P   JOY  207      ZIMMERMAN,DANIEL M         Closed   34/  30          $42         

TCSS   321  DISCRETE STRUCT I(NW,QSR)Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  19913 A  5       MW     1020-1225  PNK  131      ALDEN,MATTHEW              Open     28/  30          $50         
Restr  20275 B  5       TTh    415-620    CP   106      ALDEN,MATTHEW              Closed   39/  30          $50         

TCSS   322  DISCRETE STRUCT IIPrerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  19914 A  5       TTh    415-620    JOY  207      ZIMMERMAN,DANIEL M         Open     28/  30                      

TCSS   325  ETHICS & SOCIETY(VLPA/I&S)Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  19915 A  5       MW     130-335    PNK  104      TENENBERG,JOSH             Open     21/  25                W     

TCSS   342  DATA STRUCTURES(QSR)Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  19916 A  5       MW     415-620    PNK  131      FOWLER,ALAN                Open     18/  30          $42         

TCSS   343  DES & ANALYS OF ALG (NW)Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  19917 A  5       MW     130-335    DOU  270      CHINN,DONALD D.            Open     26/  30          $42         

TCSS   360  SOFTWARE DEV & QA(NW)Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  19918 A  5       MW     800-1005   PNK  104      TENENBERG,JOSH             Open     27/  30          $42         

TCSS   371  MACHINE ORGANIZATIONPrerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  19919 A  5       TTh    1020-1225  CP   106      MOBUS,GEORGE               Open     28/  30                      

TCSS   372  COMP ARCHPrerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  19920 A  5       TTh    800-1005   CP   106      MAYER,JOHN                 Open     26/  30                      

       19921 A  2       M      630-835P   ADMC WCG118   CHINN,DONALD D.            Open     13/  20  CR/NC   $50         
                        SUPPORTS TCSS 143                                                                                                                                   
Restr  19922 B  2       TTh    1020-1225  ADMC WCG110   CHINN,DONALD D.            Open     28/  30  CR/NC   $50         
                        SUPPORTS TCSS 321B                                                                                                                                  
Restr  19923 C  2       MW     630-835P   ADMC WCG116   CHINN,DONALD D.            Open      5/  15  CR/NC   $50         
                        SUPPORTS TCSS 342                                                                                                                                   
Restr  19924 D  2       MW     630-835P   ADMC BHS103   CHINN,DONALD D.            Open      9/  15  CR/NC   $50         
                        SUPPORTS TCSS 343                                                                                                                                   
Restr  21357 E  2       MW     415-620P   ADMC BB107    CHINN,DONALD D.            Open     11/  30  CR/NC   $50         
                        SUPPORTS TCSS                                                                                                                                       

TCSS   422  COMP OP SYS(QSR)Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  21025 A  5       TTh    130-335P   PNK  131      MOBUS,GEORGE               Open     25/  30                      

TCSS   435  ART INTEL & KNOW AC Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  19925 A  5       TTh    800-1005   PNK  104      ALDEN,MATTHEW              Open     16/  30           $4         

TCSS   437  MOBILE ROBOTICSPrerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  19926 A  5       MW     1020-1225  CP   334A     FOWLER,ALAN                Open     11/  20          $50         

TCSS   440  FORMAL MODELS IN CS Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  20495 A  5       MW     715-920P   JOY  211      CHINN,DONALD D.            Open      2/   5                J     
                        PREREQUISITE: A MINIMUM GRADE OF                                                                                                                    
                        2.0 IN TCSS 343                                                                                                                                     

TCSS   445  DATABASE SYS DES(QSR)Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  19927 A  5       TTh    1020-1225  CP   324      TEREDESAI,ANKUR            Open     28/  30                      

TCSS   480  COMP PROG LANGPrerequisites (cancellation in effect)
Restr  21145 A  5       MW     130-335    ADMC BHS103   MEERDINK,KENNETH W         Open     23/  30                      

TCSS   497  INTERNSHIP IN CSSPrerequisites (cancellation in effect)
 IS   >19929 A  1/5     to be arranged                                                       5/  10                      

TCSS   498  READINGS IN CSSPrerequisites (cancellation in effect)
 IS   >19930 A  1-5     to be arranged                                                       0/  10E                     

TCSS   499  RESEARCH IN CSSPrerequisites (cancellation in effect)
 IS   >19931 A  1/5     to be arranged                                                       1/  10                      

Restr  19932 A  5       MW     715-920P   JOY  211      CHINN,DONALD D.            Open     18/  20                J     

Restr  19934 A  5       MW     500-705P   JOY  211      CHUNG,SAM                  Open     16/  20                      

Restr  19939 C  1-5     Th     500-920P   PNK  131      ALI,MOHAMED                Open     12/  15                      

Restr  19940 A  1-5     T      500-705P   PNK  131      WEAR,LARRY LEROY           Open      9/  20                      

 IS   >19941 A  1-10    to be arranged                                                       1/   5E                     

TCSS   700  MASTER'S THESIS CSS Prerequisites
 IS   >19942 A  1-10    to be arranged                                                       1/   5E                     

 IS   >19943 A  1-10    to be arranged                                                       3/   5E