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 | Spring 2011 Time Schedule  | Legend

Spring Quarter 2011 Time Schedule


Enrollment and status (open/closed) were accurate when this page was created (12:06 am June 17, 2011) but may have changed since then. For current enrollment and status, check the Enrollment Summary. (UW NetID required.)
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Enrl        Sect                                                                                             Crs
Restr   SLN  ID Cred    Meeting Times     Bldg/Rm       Instructor                 Status Enrl/Lim   Grades  Fee Other
 ?       ?       ?           ?             ?               ?                         ?       ?         ?      ?    ?

TCES   103  INTRO ENGR IIIPrerequisites (cancellation in effect)
       18787 A  1       W      630-835P   PNK  131      WEAR,LARRY LEROY           Open      7/  15                %     

TCES   215  ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS Prerequisites (cancellation in effect)
       18788 A  5       TTh    630-835P   DOU  260      SABETI,ROYA                Open     15/  30                      
                        M      630-835P   CP   206D     SABETI,ROYA

TCES   330  DIGITAL SYS DESIGNPrerequisites (cancellation in effect)
       18789 A  5       MW     415-620    CP   108      GUTMANN,ROBERT L           Open     13/  30                      
                        W      130-335    CP   206D     GUTMANN,ROBERT L

       18790 A  2       T      415-620P   ADMC WCG103   WEAR,LARRY LEROY           Open      6/  15  CR/NC   $50   %     
                        SUPPORTS TCES 215                                                                                                                                   
       18791 B  2       M      130-335    DOU  270      WEAR,LARRY LEROY           Open      3/  15  CR/NC   $50   %     
                        SUPPORTS TCES 330                                                                                                                                   

TCES   482  SENIOR PROJECT IIPrerequisites (cancellation in effect)
       18792 A  5       MW     630-835P   CP   334A     GUTMANN,ROBERT L           Open     14/  24                %