Enrl Sect Crs Restr SLN ID Cred Meeting Times Bldg/Rm Instructor Status Enrl/Lim Grades Fee Other ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
21039 A 5 M 340-540 WG 210 Luman,April L Closed 40/ 40 B MODALITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE |
21040 B 5 T 1010-1210 DOU 280 McManus,Marc Closed 40/ 40 B THIS IS HYBRID COURSE WITH |
21041 C 5 to be arranged Rendon,Liza Closed 40/ 40 A THIS IS AN ONLINE COURSE |
TPSYCH 202 HUMAN SEXUALITY | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
21042 A 5 T 1010-1210 BB 104 Sesko,Amanda Open 35/ 40 B THIS IS A HYBRID COURSE WITH |
TPSYCH 209 PSYCH RESEARCH I | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
21044 B 5 T 800-1000 GWP 212 Sesko,Amanda Open 38/ 45 WRB THIS IS A HYBRID COURSE WITH |
TPSYCH 210 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
21045 A 5 MW 1100-1220 BHS 107 Tyler,Professor Kelsey Open 35/ 40 B THIS IS A HYBRID COURSE WITH |
TPSYCH 220 LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
21046 A 5 MW 130-330 BHS 107 Tyler,Professor Kelsey Closed 40/ 40 |
TPSYCH 240 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
21047 A 5 MW 930-1050 DOU 270 Xiao,Yi Jenny Open 21/ 40 B THIS IS A HYBRID COURSE WITH |
TPSYCH 260 BIOPSYCHOLOGY | (SSc/NSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
21048 A 5 TTh 800-1000 DOU 280 McManus,Marc Open 31/ 40 |
TPSYCH 306 COMM RES &ACTION PSY | (SSc) | Prerequisites |
Restr 21049 A 5 TTh 130-330 BB 104 Dancis,Julia Closed 32/ 32 SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, AND SENIORS |
TPSYCH 309 PSYCH RESEARCH II | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
21050 A 5 MW 800-920 DOU 101 Lee,Hyoung Suk Open 21/ 30 WRB THIS IS A HYBRID COURSE WITH |
Restr 21051 B 5 T 340-540 DOU 101 Bermudez,Amanda Closed 30/ 30 WRB SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, AND SENIORS |
TPSYCH 310 CONTROV CLINIC PSY | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 21052 A 5 MW 130-330 DOU 280 O'Donnell,Maeve B Closed 32/ 32 SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, AND SENIORS |
TPSYCH 311 PERSONALITY THEORY | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 21053 A 5 MW 340-540 BHS 107 Tyler,Professor Kelsey Closed 32/ 32 SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, AND SENIORS |
TPSYCH 319 COM ENGAG CHILD DEV | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 21054 A 5 TTh 1010-1210 GWP 101 Dancis,Julia Closed 32/ 32 SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, AND SENIORS |
TPSYCH 321 ADOLESCENT PSYCH | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 21055 A 5 MW 1100-1220 PNK 104 Luman,April L Open 31/ 32 B MODALITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE |
TPSYCH 322 ADULT DEVELOPMENT | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 21056 A 5 M 550-750P * * Perone,Luke Closed 32/ 32 O SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, AND SENIORS |
TPSYCH 351 PERCEPTION | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 21057 A 5 Th 130-330 * * McManus,Marc Closed 32/ 32 O THIS IS A HYBRID COURSE WITH |
TPSYCH 361 PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY | (SSc/NSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 21058 A 5 MW 130-330 TLB 109 Chaffee,Leighann Renee Closed 32/ 32 PREREQUISITE: EITHER TPSYCH 101, |
TPSYCH 404 PSYCH FOOD & CULTURE | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 21059 A 5 T 130-330 BHS 103 Bermudez,Amanda Closed 32/ 32 B JUNIORS AND SENIORS ONLY. |
TPSYCH 409 GROUP COUNSELING | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 21060 A 5 MW 340-540 DOU 280 O'Donnell,Maeve B Closed 32/ 32 JUNIORS AND SENIORS ONLY. |
TPSYCH 421 PSYCH LAW & POLICY | (SSc) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 21061 A 5 T 340-540 GWP 216 Bernhard,Paula Open 22/ 32 B THIS IS A HYBRID COURSE WITH |
TPSYCH 455 IMMIGRANT YOUTH | (SSc,DIV) | Prerequisites |
Restr 21062 A 5 MW 130-330 JOY 114 Hershberg,Rachel Open 25/ 32 R JUNIORS AND SENIORS ONLY. |
TPSYCH 461 ASIAN AM PSYCHOLOGY | (SSc,DIV) | Prerequisites (cancellation in effect) |
Restr 21063 A 5 MW 1100-1220 DOU 270 Xiao,Yi Jenny Closed 32/ 32 %B THIS IS A HYBRID COURSE WITH |
IS >21064 A 1-5 to be arranged 1/ 25 CR/NC C/NC ONLY. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON |
IS >21065 A 1-5 to be arranged 1/ 25 GRADED ONLY. SEE WEBSITE AT: |
IS >21066 B 1-5 to be arranged 0/ 25 CR/NC C/NC ONLY. SEE WEBSITE AT: |
IS >21067 A 1-5 to be arranged 6/ 25 R GRADED ONLY. SEE WEBSITE AT: |
IS >21068 B 1-5 to be arranged 1/ 25 CR/NC R C/NC ONLY.SEE WEBSITE AT: |