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Program wrap-up

Grade Submission

  • About one week before your program ends, UW Study Abroad will email you instructions on how to submit your grades using the Google Doc grade report.
  • Grades are due to UW Study Abroad by the first Monday after the end of the quarter in which the program was offered.
  • All coursework and assignments from your study abroad program must be completed within the quarter the students are enrolled. There are no exceptions to this rule.
  • Credit and grade submission affect students’ registration, financial aid status and graduation date.
  • Students must receive credits and grades for all the courses offered on the program.
  • Course numbers must be valid and approved by the sponsoring department for the quarter in which the program is offered.

For information about “incomplete” reporting options, please visit the UW Grading System website.

Do not email grades. Emailing grades is not compliant with FERPA regulations.

Grade/Course Change

To request a change in a grade or course that you have already submitted, please email and instructions will be emailed to you on how to re-access your grade report form.

Student Evaluations

Students will be given the opportunity to evaluate your program using an online survey. The survey will be emailed directly to students within the final few weeks of the program and they will have until the grade reporting deadline to complete the evaluation. UW Study Abroad will share the results of the evaluation with program directors via an online link after grades have been reported.

We encourage you to make time for your group to work on their evaluations during class as programs that do this tend to have a much higher return rate.

Program Director Report

Upon return we will ask you to complete a brief survey that covers your experience working with UW Study Abroad, the management of any incidents that occurred, and any general feedback you wish to share. We will send you the link to this survey once we have compiled your program evaluations and we are ready to send those evaluations to you. This report is an opportunity for program directors to give UW Study Abroad a constructive assessment of things that worked well versus things that could have been done differently. This report is extremely useful as a means of evaluation for departmental chairs, deans and UW Study Abroad. It is also a great opportunity for program directors to reflect on their experience abroad and help determine the direction of future programming.

Field Advance Reconciliation

When you return from your program, your field advance report must be submitted to F&A within 30 days of the end date of your program. For detailed instructions on preparing and submitting your field advance report, see the Study Abroad Field Advances web page.

Meal per Diem Advance Reconciliation

If you received a meal per diem allowance as an advance before your program began, Study Abroad F&A must submit a reconciliation of your meal per diem to Ariba. This attests that you spent all of the funds that were advanced to you. Please watch your email for an approval request from Ariba and approved it as soon as possible.

Program Expense Deadline

All program expenses must be paid by and/or submitted to Study Abroad F&A by the end of the quarter following your program. For instance, if your program ran in Autumn Quarter, the deadline for charging expenses to your program budget is the last day of Winter Quarter. This includes all reimbursement requests and post-program project expenses.

Program Balance

Once your field advance has been reconciled and all program expenses have been posted to your budget, Study Abroad F&A will audit all costs put on your budget for your program to determine your final program balance.

Starting Summer 2021, UW Study Abroad updated the program balance policy and we now ‘zero out’ the accumulated balances in all our faculty-led program budgets (deficits as well as surpluses). Total net balances (surpluses minus deficits) go into the Study Abroad Program Assistance Fund (SAPAF) that provides increased protection against financial losses in programs. For more information, please refer to Study Abroad Program Policies.