It is important to be aware of the cultural, legal and social issues regarding sexual orientation and gender identity abroad and how they could affect interactions with people in your host country.
In order to have a rewarding and safe experience, you will benefit from researching the LGBTQ+ climate of the country you will be visiting. Educate yourself about specific laws pertaining to sexual behavior, orientation and/or gender expression. When doing your research, try to find out about:
- The age of consent in the country and laws related to sexual behavior
- Restrictions on freedom of association or expression for LGBTQ+ people
Resources, guides and personal stories
- University of Washington Q Center – Q Center staff are available to meet one-on-one with UW students to answer questions related to navigating LGBTQ identities when studying abroad.
- NAFSA’s Rainbow Special Interest Group – Information and resources for gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer and transgender study abroad students run by a professional association for international educators.
- IES Abroad – LGBTQ+ & Ally Resources – includes student blogs, videos and articles related to navigating LGBTQ+ identities when traveling abroad.
- Unpacked: A Study Abroad Guide for Students Like Me – Online resource containing stories written by students about LGBTQ+ study abroad.
- Tips for LGBTQ Students Abroad – From Michigan State University
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Travelers – A collection of Brown University student perspectives about diversity and gender abroad
- Queer Study Abroad: a resource on identity and travel – A collaborative magazine project, The Q-SAR explores the connections between LGBTQ movements, identities and politics in the United States and Mexico.
Laws and U.S. State Department information
General international organizations
- ILGA – The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association has information on over 110 countries and offers a country-by-country survey of the legal position of GLBTQ individuals.
- IGLHRC – The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission is an NGO dedicated to human rights advocacy group.
Scholarships for LGBTQ students
- The Pride Foundation – A foundation that inspires a culture of generosity, connecting Northwest organizations, leaders, and students who are creating LGBTQ equality. They facilitate post-secondary educational scholarships.
- Human Rights Campaign – The HRC advocates on behalf of LGBTQ Americans, mobilizes grassroots actions in diverse communities, invests strategically to elect fair-minded individuals to office and educates the public about LGBTQ issues. They also have student scholarships.
- Rainbow Scholarship – The Rainbow Scholarship awards deserving lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) students who aim to participate in high-quality, rigorous education abroad programs.
Travel businesses directory
- IGLTA – The International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association provides references to find LGBTQ travel businesses.
- – A worldwide gay business directory.