UW Surveys

Completed surveys

Please contact surveys@uw.edu if you have a question about a completed survey project.

Winter 2023

Tent City 3 Survey

Survey period January 30, 2023 – February 26, 2023
Group surveyed All UW community: Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni
Time to complete 5 – 10 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose Seeking the views of UW students, faculty, and staff about Tent City 3’s stay on UW’s Seattle campus during Winter quarter 2023
UW contacts Francisca Gonzalez, MPH Student and Amy Hagopian, Faculty Adviser
Other Survey being conducted as part of the Master of Public Health, Global Health: Health Metrics and Evaluation Practicum

Parenting Student Support Survey

Survey period January 10, 2023 – January 31, 2023
Group surveyed Representative sample of 4,000 UW students and all Evans School of Public Policy & Governance students enrolled Winter Quarter 2023
Time to complete 5 – 10 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose The purpose of this survey is to establish a baseline on the diverse caregiving responsibilities of currently enrolled students, and to collect information in support of future student success endeavors for parenting and caregiving students.
UW contacts Christina Hughes, Parenting Student Resource Program
Other Survey managed by Jillian Morn of the Office of Educational Assessment

Autumn 2022

Husky Check-in

Survey period November 28 – December 11, 2022
Group surveyed All UW students
Time to complete 5 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To better understand the student experience and student engagement with various support services as the UW community transitions back to the physical campus.
UW contacts Sean Gehrke, Director of OEA

Husky Prevention & Response (Title IX) Post-Course Evaluation

Survey period September 20, 2022 – January 3, 2023
Group surveyed All UW employees who completed Husky Prevention & Response course between October 1, 2021 and June 15, 2022
Time to complete 12-15 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose The purpose of this evaluation is to highlight implementation principles critical to program success, key employee outcomes the course was designed to address, and lessons regarding course improvement and replicability for the Husky Prevention & Response Course
UW contacts Kiana Swearingen, Office of the Title IX Coordinator

Washington Basic Needs Student Experience Survey

Survey period October 17, 2022 – November 16, 2022
Group surveyed All undergraduate and graduate students across all UW campuses
Time to complete 10 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose The purpose of this instrument is to assess the prevalence of unmet basic needs among students in higher education institutions in Washington State in Fall 2022.
UW contacts Sean Gehrke, Office of Educational Assessment

Spring 2022

Husky Check-In

Survey period Check-In #4: June 1, 2022 – June 15, 2022
Group surveyed All undergraduate and graduate students across all UW campuses
Time to complete 5 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To better understand the student experience and student engagement with various support services as the UW community transitions back to the physical campus.
UW contacts Courtney Berger Levinson, Office of Educational Assessment

Winter 2022

Stemming the Spread of COVID-19: Coordinating Remote Work for Social Distancing Survey

Survey period March 8, 2022 – March 30, 2022
Group surveyed UW faculty and staff, and a random, representative sample of 4,000 UW Seattle students enrolled Winter Quarter 2022 who were employed by UW during the pandemic
Time to complete 25 – 30 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To understand the social and practical realities of remote work at UW during the pandemic.
UW contacts Charlotte Lee, Computer Supported Collaboration Lab
Other Survey managed by Jillian Morn of the Office of Educational Assessment

Husky Check-In

Survey period Check-In #3: March 8, 2022 – March 23, 2022
Group surveyed All undergraduate and graduate students across all UW campuses
Time to complete 5 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To better understand the student experience and student engagement with various support services as the UW community transitions back to the physical campus.
UW contacts Courtney Berger Levinson, Office of Educational Assessment

Autumn 2021

Husky Check-In

Survey period Check-In #1: October 11, 2021 – October 17, 2021
Check-In #2: December 1, 2021 – December 8, 2021
Group surveyed All undergraduate and graduate students across all UW campuses
Time to complete 5 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To better understand the student experience and student engagement with various support services as the UW community transitions back to the physical campus.
UW contacts Courtney Berger Levinson, Office of Educational Assessment

Tobacco-Free Generation Campus Initiative Student Survey

Survey period October 5, 2021 – October 26, 2021
Group surveyed A random, representative sample of 4,000 UW Seattle students enrolled Autumn Quarter 2021
Time to complete 10-15 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To assess students’ tobacco product use and opinions on tobacco product policies on campus
UW contacts Raymond Ruiz, Tobacco Studies Program, School of Public Health
Other Survey managed by Jillian Morn of the Office of Educational Assessment

Spring 2021

Post-COVID Student Survey

Survey period March 25, 2021 – April 6, 2021
Group surveyed All undergraduate and graduate students across all UW campuses
Time to complete 5 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To better understand what has worked well for students during the pandemic in order to better support them and their transition back to campus post-pandemic.
UW contacts Janice Fournier, UW IT (AXDD)

Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership 2021

Survey period April 26, 2021 – May 14, 2021
Group surveyed Random sample of UW Seattle undergraduate students (~15,000)
Time to complete 20-25 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose An international research program examining the influences of higher education in shaping college students’ capacities for socially responsible leadership and other leadership-related outcomes
UW contacts Sean Gehrke, Office of Educational Assessment

UW Brand Research Survey

Survey period May 7, 2021 – May 24, 2021
Group surveyed Sample of undergraduate and graduate students across all UW campuses
Time to complete 10-15 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose This survey is an important part of a comprehensive review of the University’s reputation and market position and student participation is a critical input. We will use insights from our community to refine our outreach and communications strategies and identify additional opportunities to advance our public mission.
UW contacts Courtney Coster, University Marketing and Communications

Autumn 2020

UW Undergraduate Major Experience

Survey period October 12, 2020 – October 23, 2020
Group surveyed 1,000+ undecided pre-major UW students (any campus)
Time to complete 20-25 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To uncover the needs, goals, and workflows of pre-major students who are undecided about what they want to major in
UW contacts Jackie DiLorenzo, UW IT (AXDD)

Tobacco-Free Generation Campus Initiative Student Survey

Survey period November 24, 2020 – December 15, 2020
Group surveyed A random, representative sample of 4,000 UW Seattle students enrolled Autumn Quarter 2020
Time to complete 10-15 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To assess students’ tobacco product use and opinions on tobacco product policies on campus
UW contacts Raymond Ruiz, Tobacco Studies Program, School of Public Health
Other Survey managed by Jillian Morn of the Office of Educational Assessment

ASUW & GPSS COVID Climate Survey

Survey period December 8, 2020 – December 28, 2020
Group surveyed All undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at UW Seattle
Time to complete 5-10 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To help student government better understand the impacts of COVID-19 and remote learning on the student body to best advocate to the University
UW contacts David Frantz, ASUW Communications Director and Camille Hattwig, ASUW President
Other Survey managed by Jillian Morn of the Office of Educational Assessment

Spring 2020

Healthy Minds Survey

Survey period April 13, 2020 – May 7, 2020
Group surveyed 12,000 randomly selected, currently enrolled UW Seattle students (undergraduate and graduate)
Time to complete 20-25 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To examine and understand mental health, service utilization, and related issues among UW students
UW contacts Mandy Lu, Counseling Center
Other Survey managed by Healthy Minds Network

ASUW & GPSS COVID Climate Survey

Survey period April 20, 2020 – May 4, 2020
Group surveyed All undergraduate and graduate students across all three campuses
Time to complete 5-10 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To help student government better understand the impacts of COVID-19 and remote learning on the student body to best advocate to the University
UW contacts Giuliana Conti, GPSS President and Kelty Pierce, ASUW President
Other Survey managed by Jillian Morn of the Office of Educational Assessment

Autumn 2019

University of Washington Climate Survey

Survey period October 8, 2019 – November 8, 2019
Group surveyed All students, staff, and faculty at Seattle, Bothell, and Tacoma campuses
Time to complete TBD
Survey method Online
Purpose The UW will utilize campus climate study results to benchmark, grow, and continuously improve the climate for all members of the UW community, including underrepresented members of the tri-campus community.
UW contacts Jeanette James, Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity

Jason Johnson, Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Other Survey facilitated by Rankin & Associates Consulting. For more information, please visit the UW Climate Survey page.

Spring 2019

Student Experience in the Research University (SERU)

Survey period First half of Spring quarter 2019
Group surveyed All UW Seattle undergraduates
Time to complete 20-30 minutes
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
Purpose To support improvement of academic programs and student services by increasing our understanding of students’ academic engagement, global skills and awareness, community and civic engagement, and personal development
UW contact Sean Gehrke, Office of Educational Assessment
Other Survey managed by Social & Economic Sciences Research Center (SESRC) at Washington State University. UW implementation coordinated by Office of Educational Assessment. Go to survey page. See previous results.

Winter 2019

2019 TAP Central Administration Customer Service Survey

Survey period Mid-January  to early-February 2019
Group surveyed Open to all faculty, staff, and students as UW Seattle, Bothell, and Tacoma
Time to complete 20 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To generate feedback for improvement in central administration’s core services
UW contact UW Strategic Consulting

Student Housing Demand Survey

Survey period January 8-14, 2019
Group surveyed Open to all UW Seattle students
Time to complete 20-25 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To understand UW students’ desires and preferences for on-campus housing
UW contact Rob Lubin, Director, Facilities and Capital Planning, Housing & Food Services

Autumn 2018

Academic Integrity Survey

Survey period November – December 2018
Group surveyed All undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty on all three campuses
Time to complete 15-20 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To understand occurrence of academic misconduct and perception of academic integrity on campus
UW contact Ashlei Tobin-Robertson, Assistant Director, Community Standards and Student Conduct

Winter 2018

Understanding Housing and Food Insecurity among UW Students

Survey period February 20 – March 13
Group surveyed Open to all UW Seattle, Tacoma, and Bothell students
Time to complete 15-20 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To understand housing and food insecurity among UW students
UW contact Rachel Fyall, Assistant Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance

EDUCAUSE Technology Research in the Academic Community (ETRAC) 2018

Survey period February 19 – March 16
Group surveyed 20% of UW Seattle undergraduate students
Time to complete 20-25 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To understand how UW students are using technology
UW contact Janice Fournier, Academic Experience Design & Delivery, UW-IT

iSchool Climate Survey 2018

Survey period January 17 – February 2
Group surveyed All iSchool students, staff, and faculty
Time to complete 15 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To understand how the iSchool can improve the environment for teaching and learning with regard to diversity
UW contact Cynthia del Rosario, Diversity, Equity and Access Officer, iSchool

Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership 2018

Survey period January 17 – February 7
Group surveyed 50% of UW Seattle undergraduate students, using AU17 census (N=14,687)
Time to complete 15-20 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose An international research program examining the influences of higher education in shaping college students’ capacities for socially responsible leadership and other leadership-related outcomes
UW contact Francesca Lo, Director, Husky Leadership Initiative

Autumn 2017

International & Multilingual Student Academic Survey

Survey period November 15 – December 10
Group surveyed All UW Seattle undergraduate and graduate international students
Time to complete 10-15 minutes
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
Purpose To assess international and multilingual students’ academic needs and satisfaction with support programs
UW contact Sandra Silberstein, College of Arts & Sciences

Spring 2017

Student Experience in the Research University (SERU)

Survey period March 27 – May 5 (biennial survey)
Group surveyed All UW Seattle undergraduates
Time to complete 20-30 minutes
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
Purpose To support improvement of academic programs and student services by increasing our understanding of students’ academic engagement, global skills and awareness, community and civic engagement, and personal development
UW contact Debbie McGhee, Office of Educational Assessment
Other Survey managed by University of Minnesota. UW implementation coordinated by Office of Educational Assessment. Go to survey page. See previous results.

Summer 2016

UW Alumni Survey -- SU & AU 2015 Degree Recipients

Survey period July 19-August 12
Group surveyed All UW undergraduate and advanced degree recipients awarded degrees Summer or Autumn 2015
Time to complete 10-15 minutes
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
Purpose To provide UW academic departments with employment and educational outcome information relating to their graduates for the purpose of program improvement.
UW contact Debbie McGhee, Office of Educational Assessment

Winter 2017

UW Alumni Survey -- SP 2016 Degree Recipients

Survey period January 10-February 3
Group surveyed All UW undergraduate and advanced degree recipients awarded degrees Spring 2016
Time to complete 10-15 minutes
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
Purpose To provide UW academic departments with employment and educational outcome information relating to their graduates for the purpose of program improvement.
UW contact Debbie McGhee, Office of Educational Assessment

Spring 2017

UW Alumni Survey -- SU 2016 Degree Recipients

Survey period April 4-28
Group surveyed All UW undergraduate and advanced degree recipients awarded degrees Summer 2016
Time to complete 10-15 minutes
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
Purpose To provide UW academic departments with employment and educational outcome information relating to their graduates for the purpose of program improvement.
UW contact Debbie McGhee, Office of Educational Assessment

Registered Student Organizations (RSO) Survey

Survey period May 9-20 (biennial survey)
Group surveyed All officers (N~4,000) of Registered Student Organizations
Time to complete
Survey method Online (Catalyst WebQ)
UW contact Paul Zuchowski, HUB Associate Director
Other Survey administration alternates with HUB Satisfaction Survey.

Spring 2016

Student Experience in the Research University (SERU)

Survey period April 4-May 4 (biennial survey)
Group surveyed All UW Seattle undergraduates
Time to complete 20-30 minutes
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
Purpose To support improvement of academic programs and student services by increasing our understanding of students’ academic engagement, global skills and awareness, community and civic engagement, and personal development
UW contact Debbie McGhee, Office of Educational Assessment
Other Survey managed by University of Minnesota. UW implementation coordinated by Office of Educational Assessment. Go to survey page. See previous results.

Community College Student Engagement Survey

Survey period April 22-May 3
Group surveyed All students who entered the UW Seattle as undergraduates in autumn 2014, whose last school was a 2-year institution, and who enrolled with at least 40 transfer credits
Time to complete 5-10 minutes
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
Purpose To provide recommendations to UW and Community College leadership for future program direction
UW contact Colleen Ferguson, President’s Office

UW Campus Climate Safety Survey

Survey period May 5-May 30
Group surveyed All UW Seattle, Bothell, and Tacoma undergraduates plus a random sample of graduate/professional students
Time to complete
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
Purpose To better understand the attitudes and experiences of their students with respect to sexual assault and sexual misconduct
UW contact Shannon Bailie, Health & Wellness
Other Survey sponsored by American Association of Universities (AAU). ~30 institutions participating in survey.

Triennial Library Use Survey (Graduate/Professional Students)

Survey period April 19-27 (triennial survey)
Group surveyed randomly selected UW Seattle graduate/professional students. Sampling coordinated by Office of Educational Assessment).
Time to complete
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
UW contact Steve Hiller, UW Libraries
Purpose These triennial surveys focus on library use and satisfaction as well as user needs and library priorities.
Other See previous results.

Triennial Library Use Survey (Faculty)

Survey period April 19-27 (triennial survey)
Group surveyed UW Seattle faculty members
Time to complete
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
UW contact Steve Hiller, UW Libraries
Purpose These triennial surveys focus on library use and satisfaction as well as user needs and library priorities.
Other See previous results.

HUB Satisfaction Survey

Survey period May 9-20 (biennial survey)
Group surveyed 3,500 randomly selected UW undergraduate and graduate students
Time to complete
Survey method Online (Skyfactor)
UW contact Paul Zuchowski, HUB Associate Director
Purpose To determine students’ satisfaction with HUB services
Other Survey administration alternates with Registered Student Organizations Survey

Winter 2016

Triennial Library Use Survey (Undergraduates)

Survey period February 9-March 11 (triennial survey)
Group surveyed 5,000 randomly selected UW Seattle undergraduates and all Bothell and Tacoma undergraduates. Sampling coordinated by Office of Educational Assessment).
Time to complete
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
Purpose These triennial surveys focus on library use and satisfaction as well as user needs and library priorities.
UW contact Steve Hiller, UW Libraries
Other See previous results.

ECAR Student Technology Survey (Undergraduates)

Survey period February 16-March 18
Group surveyed 6,000 randomly selected UW Seattle undergraduates. Sampling coordinated by Office of Educational Assessment)
Time to complete 20-30 minutes
Survey method Online
Purpose To assess student technology expectations and experiences.
UW contact Karin Roberts, Academic & Collaborative Applications, UW Information Technology
Other This survey is administered by the EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research. See previous results.

UW Alumni Survey -- SU 2014-SP 2015 Degree Recipients

Survey period March 24-April 12
Group surveyed All UW undergraduate and advanced degree recipients awarded degrees Summer 2014-Spring 2015
Time to complete 10-15 minutes
Survey method Online (Qualtrics)
Purpose To provide UW academic departments with employment and educational outcome information relating to their graduates for the purpose of program improvement.
UW contact Debbie McGhee, Office of Educational Assessment
Other This survey is the first administration of the revised UW alumni survey. The questionnaire content and survey timing have been modified to correspond to requirements of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). This survey has previously been administered one year post-graduation. That time interval will be reduced to 6 months going forward. See previous results of the one-year Alumni survey.