Licensee requirements
The University of Washington (UW) is committed to conducting our business affairs in a socially responsible and ethical manner consistent with our educational, research and service missions, and to protect and preserve the global environment. In our partnership with those producing and marketing items bearing the names, trademarks and/or images of the University of Washington, we expect the exact same high level commitment.

The University of Washington’s Code of Conduct is monitored and enforced at factories around the world. UW licensees are required to adopt and uphold a compliant code of conduct in their manufacturing facilities.

Mutual trust and demonstrated high integrity are requirements of UW licensees. These are exhibited through publicly sharing a code of conduct commitment, disclosing all production facilities, and providing factory access when requested.

Actively engaging with the University of Washington and their social responsibility partners, licensees utilize tools for self-assessment and participate in training for continual improvement in sourcing and factory engagement.