Teaching with Technology
October 31, 2014
Six tips for video success in the classroom

Butch de Castro, Associate Professor, Nursing and Health Studies at UW Bothell, shares six tips he used to help students succeed in a group video assignment, which focused on understanding the views and concerns of South Seattle neighborhoods. Salem Lévesque of the UW Bothell Learning Technologies team provided support for his class. 1. Consider class size…
Personalizing online courses

“Teaching online allows me to talk to each student personally every week,” says Christine Stevens, Associate Professor, Nursing & Healthcare Leadership at UW Tacoma. “I don’t get that in a big in-person class of 45 students. Some students are too shy to talk to me in person.” Stevens teaches multiple online and hybrid classes that…
April 1, 2013
Designing the learning experience

Scaffolding instruction and guiding deliberate practice Research shows that students will reveal more of their thinking and advance further in their learning when questions and tasks are scaffolded. Scaffolding can take a variety of forms, but generally means breaking a complex assignment into smaller steps, or giving students other structures or resources that help them…
Making thinking visible

Evidence-based teaching involves making students’ thinking visible to the instructor and to the students themselves, uncovering students’ prior knowledge and assumptions in order to build on them. It also involves making the instructor’s thought process visible to students, modeling how an expert in the discipline thinks through issues and solves problems. Helping students understand and…
Motivating students to learn

Engaging students Students are more invested in the learning process when they have some sense of control, and when they see ways they can directly apply what they learn to their daily lives or career goals. According to the authors of a literature review in the journal Computers & Education, research demonstrates the “need to…
Campus resources The Center for Teaching and Learning helps with the pedagogy of incorporating low-tech and high-tech approaches to teaching. CTL offers workshops, symposia, individual consultations, and learning communities and provides a variety of web resources. UW-IT’s Learning Technologies group can help identify and implement various tools that support teaching and learning. They offer numerous…
Putting it all together
Learning together Some instructional approaches, when implemented effectively, can incorporate several learning principles simultaneously to foster student learning. For example, activities that include a structured discussion can make thinking visible by eliciting ideas, give students practice in expert problem-solving by having them reason and respond to ideas in a group, and engage them in creating…
1. Evrim Baran, Ana-Paula Correia, and Ann Thompson, “Transforming Online Teaching Practice: Critical Analysis of the Literature on the Roles and Competencies of Online Teachers,” Distance Education 32, no. 3 (2011): 421–439, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/01587919.2011.610293. 2. Susan A. Ambrose, Michael W. Bridges, Michele DiPietro, Marsha C. Lovett, and Marie K. Norman, How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for…
March 1, 2013
Riki Thompson: Ditching the red pen for personalized video “veedback” on student writing
Dr. Thompson is an assistant professor of Rhetoric and Composition in the Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences department at UW Tacoma. In her writing courses, she has often used technology tools such as Camtasia to grade student essays using a form of video feedback that has been dubbed ‘veedback’. Dr. Thompson and a colleague recently published…
Belinda Louie: Bringing training to busy working teachers
Dr. Louie, a professor in the Education department at UW Tacoma, was a 2012 UW Tacoma Tech Fellow and developed “Methods and Curricula in Literacy Instruction for English Language Learners” (TEDUC 564) into an online course. It is one of five required courses for teachers who would like to be certified in English as a…
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