Trends and Issues in Higher Ed

March 1, 2013

Linda Martin-Morris: Flipping lecture content enlivens large classes

Linda Martin-Morris

“Every day I walk into a very lively and exciting classroom that challenges me but challenges students at least as much. That’s exciting.”

Linda Martin-Morris
Principal Lecturer, Biology, UW Seattle

Dr. Martin-Morris, a principal lecturer in the Department of Biology at UW Seattle, has flipped her classroom for her large Biology courses. She uses the Tegrity lecture capture tool to create online materials and uses class time to assist student groups in synthesizing information.

Student reactions: “My students report enormous gains in confidence and understanding, but also that they feel they had to spend way too much time getting there.”

Her learning curve: “Quarter 1: scared and ineffective. Quarter 2: much better but still received a very challenging collegial evaluation. Quarter 3: I’ve got this down. I’m in quarter 4: still learning how to improve, which is fun.”

Assessment: “I am excited to assess more effectively, including longitudinally; how do these students perform in subsequent classes?”

Classroom dynamic: “Every day I walk into a very lively and exciting classroom that challenges me but challenges students at least as much. That’s exciting. Most days I have to remind students when class is over; that never happened when lecturing.”

Advice for others interested in flipping: “Do not over-lecture. Be ready for a little blowback. This type of learning is challenging for students and you have to be ready to sell it every single day.”

Learn More

Read the full Provost report on how UW faculty are enhancing teaching with technology.