May 1, 2018
Accessing the global: New models for study abroad

“Expanding our offerings to include courses with an embedded, short-term study abroad component are an important way to increase access and equity in global learning.” — Gayle Christensen, associate vice provost for Global Affairs Thousands of UW students have had life-changing experiences all around the world with study abroad — but many students…
October 19, 2017
UW Bothell fiscal and audit services: Transforming eTravel and eReimbursement

At UW Bothell’s Fiscal and Audit Services (FAS), an innovative model for sharing services has taken time to develop but has yielded transformative results. The challenge: Too many “experts,” not enough expertise Bothell’s FAS unit used to provide etravel and ereimbursement services for the entire Bothell campus: entering all documentation, and staying on top of…
January 25, 2017
The power of personal narratives in the classroom

During a recent Sociology of Education class at UW Bothell, a reticent student pointedly told Jane Van Galen she never talked about her family or her childhood—and certainly didn’t want to share her story in a video. But Van Galen gently persuaded her and her fellow students that their personal experiences provided rich and relevant…
October 12, 2016
Human Health

Over the last 25 years, we have seen some of the greatest advances in medicine in the history of humankind. In the next 25 years, the greatest transformations will come as a result of interdisciplinary collaborations in the areas of clinical care, public health interventions, public policy, technology and more. Community engagement leads to new…
Environmental Resiliency

There is no question that our environment and its resources impact human health and well-being. The exact extent of the impact, however, is not always clear. From energy production to pollution, from natural disasters to overfishing, the Population Health Initiative encourages connections across disciplines to seek a better understanding of environmental sustainability. Connecting to nature…
October 11, 2016
Social and Economic Equity

Social and economic inequity has lasting effects on societies and the health of populations. UW scholars from a wide range of disciplines are addressing equity in innovative ways. Solutions range from addressing income inequality to education quality, poverty to criminal justice reform, and many other equity issues that directly and indirectly affect human health and…
February 26, 2016
UW Bothell’s Husky Leadership Camp

Orientation & Transition Programs at UW Bothell offers incoming students multiple ways to begin their university journey. Its award-winning Husky Leadership Camp (HLC) is one such choice that uses leadership as an organizing concept to bring together students from all backgrounds before they begin their courses in the fall. “I think the whole camp is…
November 18, 2015
UW Bothell’s Diversity Workshops: From Dialogue to Action

“I hear people say they wish they’d done these workshops earlier. People think I’m going to lecture them or tell them they have to like black people or be ‘politically correct.’ Instead, we explore what the changes in their community mean, and it becomes real.” —Terryl Ross, Ph.D. At the University of Washington Bothell, Terryl…
October 1, 2015
Classrooms without borders

In spring 2015, Ursula Valdez, a UW Bothell lecturer in Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, used readily available technology and social media tools to bring Peru and its people right into her Bothell classroom. She teamed up with a colleague in Peru to teach the same class in two countries at the same time, creating a…
January 20, 2015
Supporting success through an integrated core curriculum

First-year students at UW Bothell are immersed in a curriculum designed both to inspire creativity and to bridge the transition to the rigor of college-level academic work. When the Bothell campus added freshmen and sophomore students in 2006, the campus also created the Center for University Studies and Programs (CUSP) to house support services for…
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