Undergraduate Academic Affairs
May 11, 2012
The Robinson Center’s UW Academy Program turns 10!
The Robinson Center’s UW Academy Program celebrated its 10th birthday with a reception and keynote address from Professor Paul LePore. Below are a few photos from the celebration. Happy birthday, UW Academy!
All photos taken by Kenneth Low of the Early Entrance Program and UW Academy student Igor Tolkov.
- Alumni signed their names and wrote special messages on a UW Academy 10 Year Poster displayed at the event.
- Robinson Center founder Nancy Robinson, Provost Ana Mari Cauce, Professor Paul LePore and Robinson Center Director Nancy Hertzog at the celebration. Provost Cauce and Professor LePore were integral to the success of the UW Academy Program.
- Guests enjoyed the chocolate fountain again this year; this year featuring dark chocolate!
- The audience settles in for the formal program celebrating the 10th birthday of the Robinson Center’s UW Academy. The UW Academy is the way high-achieving 10th graders enter the University if Washington.
- Julie Lancour, director of the UW Academy and Early Entrance Program shows the audience the 10th anniversary UW Academy t-shirts, designed by current student Renata Lumanau.
- Current Academy student Dashni Amin presents Professors Paul LePore and Bob McNamara with anniversary t-shirts.
- Alumni Grace Kim (1.0) and Christina Chan (1.0) share their vision of a Robinson Center Alumni Group and a call to give back with an alumni scholarship.
- Alumnus Nathan Cermak (4.0) shares his reflections and experiences since graduating from the Academy Program.
- Current Academy student Dashni Amin (10.0) tells the group about her experience in the Academy Program.
- Keynote speaker Professor Paul LePore presents “Reflections on the Student Experience through the Lens of UW’s Academy.”
- Provost Cauce, Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs Ed Taylor, Sarah Childers and Julie Lancour listen to the keynote address.
- Professors Paul LePore and Bob McNamara co-taught the UW Academy’s bridge class for several years.
- Former assistant director for the Academy Program Robert “Bob” Vaughan, alumni Christina Chan and Bryan Chow chat after the program.
- Alumni catch up after the program.
- Sarah Childers, assistant director for the Academy Program, and Robinson Center alumni Nathan Weizenbaum and Liz Cady visit after the program.
- Current students, their families and alumni enjoy the post-program reception.
- Current students provided the music during the reception.
- More socializing around the chocolate fountain at the reception.
- John Sahr, former Robinson Center director and current associate dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, and Robinson Center founder Nancy Robinson share a laugh.
- The birthday celebration for the UW Academy Program was a great chance for all to reconnect.