December 18, 2009
Message from Vice Provost and Dean Ed Taylor, Dec 2009
Dear UAA Colleagues,
As a public university, our call to service has deep roots that extend throughout our community and includes alumni and donors.
Recently, one of UAA’s good friends, Alyson McGregor, made a multi-year pledge to the Pipeline Project’s Alternative Spring Break. With it, we plan to engage more students in deeper ways in collaboration with Washington state rural and tribal communities. Connections will begin in Early Fall Start and continue through the year, expanding the traditional Alternative Spring Break efforts. These communities have important histories and traditions from which we can learn by doing work that is important to the heritage of this state and University. Having students engaged in rural and tribal communities goes to the soul of who we are in the Pacific Northwest.
This January marks the 9th annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. Since January 2001, the University of Washington community of students, staff, faculty, and alumni have come together in ever increasing numbers to remember, honor, and further King’s legacy by volunteering. For some, it may be a one-day event to commemorate a man whose life and work changed our nation. For others it may mark the beginning of their commitment to serving an organization, a cause. And for others still it may be a moment in what to them is a lifelong commitment to volunteerism and service.
It is profound to think of King, who has been deceased now longer than he actually lived, and consider the impact he continues to have. His call to service was for more than one day and indeed the work lasts beyond the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. But, we as a community can begin to answer that call on this one day, so let’s put on the garden gloves, pick up the paint brushes, and serve our community.
I hope you enjoy the holidays. I look forward to continuing our good work in the New Year.
Happy New Year,
Ed Taylor