Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Academic resources

November 10, 2021

Connecting, belonging, being well: Across UAA, programs welcome back students

Jenelle Birnbaum

Photo of 15 student first-year network leaders posing with the signs identifying the network they are facilitating.

Student well-being is top of mind as programs across Undergraduate Academic Affairs are welcoming back our students. This work involves building community so students feel connected and a sense of belonging. It’s recognizing and addressing the increased stresses students may be experiencing as a result of the pandemic and the transition back to in-person learning….

October 5, 2021

Welcome to campus, we belong together

Ed Taylor

Photo of Ed Taylor

We belong together. I made that statement at this year’s New Student Convocation, an annual event filled with academic flourishes to mark the beginning of a student’s university journey. This year’s event was decidedly different and intentionally formatted for public safety. We are still trying to emerge from a pandemic, after all, so this year’s…

June 2, 2021

Q&A for UW/Seattle Colleges partnership

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Overview The University of Washington is excited to build upon the success of Seattle Promise to connect Seattle Colleges students to a baccalaureate degree at the UW. Historically, transfer students have had success at the UW, but there are still barriers. Prospective students need better information about options for majors and how to prepare for…

April 21, 2021

UW Junior Sophia Carey named Beinecke scholar 

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Junior Sophia Carey

University of Washington junior Sophia Carey was recently selected for the Beinecke scholarship! Carey, who is majoring in English and comparative history of ideas and minoring in theatre studies, was selected from 95 applicants to join this year’s class. Each year the Beinecke Scholarship offers 20 scholarships to undergraduates who intend to pursue a master’s…

March 26, 2021

UW junior awarded selective Goldwater Scholarship

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Photo of Daniel Chen

Goldwater Scholarships are granted to sophomores and juniors who show exceptional promise and plan to pursue research careers in math, engineering or the natural sciences. These scholarships award up to $7,500 a year to help cover costs associated with tuition, mandatory fees, books, room and board. Chen’s interest in challenging himself can be seen through…

February 12, 2021

Husky Stories show there are many, many ways to be a Husky

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Thumbnail for Husky Stories

Each and every Husky goes through their own journey, undergoes their own unique experiences and, most importantly, has their very own story to share. Husky Stories is a mini-series in which Huskies share their successes, failures, experiences — their stories. There is no one way to be a Husky. Indeed, the culmination of individuals’ stories shape the picture of what it means to be a Husky.

November 10, 2020

Husky Stories: Taking advantage of failure with Ryan Lowery

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Photo of Ryan Lowery

Welcome to the very first episode of Husky Stories! Ryan Lowery is majoring in math and atmospheric sciences here at the University of Washington. Other than school, Ryan is also involved with the Resilience Lab, a program within Undergraduate Academic Affairs. Here, he shares his stories of dealing with failure and resiliency. (Note: This interview…

October 29, 2020

New guidebook helps faculty and instructors support student well-being

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Cover of Well-Being for Life and Learning guidebook

This week, the University of Washington’s Resilience Lab released the Well-Being for Life and Learning Guidebook, a new resource for instructors to aid them in designing learning environments that promote well-being. Combining research, best practices and personal testimony, the guidebook gives faculty and other instructors concrete ideas and direct input from the campus community around…

October 22, 2020

Ryan Burt named director of Academic Support Programs

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Photo of Ryan Burt

Congratulations to Ryan Burt, who was appointed the new director of Academic Support Programs in September, 2020.  Academic Support Programs runs the Center for Learning and Undergraduate Enrichment (CLUE) — a free, late night, peer-to-peer, drop-in tutoring program and academic support coaches, a peer-to-peer coaching program. Academic Support Programs sits within Student Academic Services along…

October 15, 2020

Studying in progress signs now available

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Class in progress - do not disturb sign

Download and print a copy so everyone around you knows when you are busy with classes, studying and meetings. Download a PDF of the do not disturb signs: Purple do not disturb signs Black do not disturb signs Dark gold do not disturb signs Gold do not disturb signs   Class in progress signs Click…

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