Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Academic resources

December 10, 2018

What my “yikes” moments taught me about leadership

Gigi Gaultier

Gigi looks at her students' final projects.

I gripped the edges of my letter from the University of Washington. Waitlisted. I knew I was in over my head expecting myself to get into UW.

December 3, 2018

UW’s Havana McElvaine selected as prestigious Marshall scholar

Jackson Holtz

Image of Havana McElvaine playing soccer and city-based portrait

University of Washington alumna Havana McElvaine, Class of 2017, has been selected as a Marshall scholar, one of the highest honors available to college graduates in the U.S.

November 8, 2018

Celebrating National First-Generation College Student Day

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Image for national first-gen college celebration

In honor of National First-Generation College Student Day, we asked a few UAA staff members who were the first in their families to attend and graduate from college how the experience changed their life.

August 3, 2018

Resilience Lab announces 2018 seed grant recipients

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Grass seedlings image

The University of Washington Resilience Lab recently awarded 16 grants to UW projects designed to cultivate kindness, compassion and gratitude; to engage hardships, setbacks and failures with compassion and vulnerability; to foster connectedness, belonging and community; and to embrace both common humanity and diversity within the human experience. Students, staff and faculty from all three…

March 14, 2016

2014-15 President’s Medalists contribute to a world of good, as undergraduates

Bryan Nakata

Portrait of Junior medalist Calvin Le

Each year, undergraduate students of the highest caliber are selected for the prestigious President’s medal. For 2014-15, the President’s Medalists are active within and beyond the four walls of a classroom. Whether it’s through research, teaching dance or volunteering in hospitals, these students aren’t waiting until they graduate to contribute to a world of good. They’re busy making the world a better place right now.

April 15, 2015

UW alum selected for prestigious Rangel Fellowship

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

UW alumna Anne Mwendar, ’14, was recently selected for the competitive Rangel Fellowship that will prepare her for a career as a diplomat in the U.S. Foreign Service.

December 29, 2014

6 high notes for Danny Shelton in 2014

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Husky football player Danny Shelton

Husky senior nose tackle Danny Shelton had a busy year in 2014. Both on and off the field, dedication to his academic studies and leadership on the football field reflect this Husky’s passion and drive.

January 23, 2014

Goalkeeper, photographer and skateboarder awarded president’s medals

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Portrait of Megan Kufeld

University of Washington president’s medalists were recently selected for their high scholastic standing and difficulty of coursework. They represent undergraduate scholarship of the highest caliber. The students’ academic pursuits show interdisciplinary interests and their co-curricular and extracurricular activities demonstrate their classroom energy and commitment to a host of other interests. They are truly interesting individuals.

December 27, 2013

Innovative Robinson Center alumni inspire students

Deanna Duff

Picture of Christina Chan, Jason Tan, Allen Chen, and Lukas Svec

Students crowded together for the third-annual Robinson Center Alumni Speaker Series. The event’s topic—Startups & Entrepreneurs—energized students to appreciate that today’s studying can blossom into tomorrow’s business opportunity.

October 10, 2013

UW football team has 2nd highest graduation rate in Pac-12: article

Deanna Duff

UAA News Thumbnail

On October 10, 2013, the Seattle Times reported that the UW football team has the 2nd highest graduation rate in the PAC-12. Citing UW athletic officials, the Times reported that the “football team has a combined grade-point average of 2.78 and 74 percent of Husky football players graduate from college within six years.” Stanford has…

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