Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Academic resources

November 1, 2011

Robinson Center deepens work with the help of a new advisory board

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

The Robinson Center is a national leader for developing programs that serve highly capable young pre-college and college students. In 2011, the Robinson Center created an advisory board to support the mission of and promote the Center, suggest and discuss program development, and reach out to the campus, gifted, and broader communities. Meet the board members!

Tim Harris: Academic pride in Motor City

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Alumni e-News Table of Contents Back to intro > UAA alumni educate and inspire Tim Harris (’10), an Honors alumnus and former student employee of First Year Programs, is currently a volunteer with Teach For America in Detroit at the Marvin L. Winans Academy of Performing Arts. After receiving encouragement from friends and family to…

October 26, 2011

Honors Program writer-in-residence awarded state and national book awards

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Frances McCue, Honors Program writer-in-residence and instructor, was recently awarded a 2011 Washington State Book Award for poetry and national Grub Street Book Prize for her most recent book of poems, _The Bled_, published by Factory Hollow Press.

June 8, 2011

Computer models to fly you to the moon*

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Each year, thousands of UW undergraduates participate in research with faculty. As these undergraduate researchers graduate, they bring the critical thinking and problem solving skills they learned to graduate school or right into the workforce. For Undergraduate Academic Affairs and aeronautics and astronautics alum Peter Norgaard, ’04, research was an integral component of his undergraduate years.

Robinson Center alumni and friends connect over chocolate

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Last February, the Robinson Center for Young Scholars hosted an open house for Robinson Center students, parents, alumni, and parents of alumni. Conversation was bright, friendships were formed and renewed, and chocolate flowed freely from the chocolate fountain. Enjoy a few alumni, parent, and student reminiscences on their favorite memories of the Robinson Center.

February 24, 2011

Honors freshmen perform interpretations of poems in the UW Common Book

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

At the end of autumn quarter, students from the Honors Program Peer Instructor Seminars gathered together to perform poems from the Common Book. Each group of students choose a poem from the Common Book and performed their interpretation of it. These ranged from creative readings and photographs to skits and musical pieces.

February 15, 2011

China Earthquake Relief on UW360

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Learn about Honors student Geoffrey Morgan and Honors alum Steve Margitan whose international research projects took a different course when the 2008 Sichuan earthquake hit.

October 28, 2010

Expanded Role for Honors Program Director

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

James J. Clauss, director of the Honors Program, has accepted an expanded his role in Undergraduate Academic Affairs and is now associate dean. For Jim, the new role is “structurally logical” but is also recognition of the importance of Honors as an integral part of the University.

October 12, 2010

The Rhodes to Yale Law School

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Return to “Where in the World are UW International Scholars?” When Allyssa Lamb, ’04, earned her bachelor’s degrees in classics and Biblical and near east studies, she had her future pretty well mapped out: earn a master’s in Egyptology from Oxford University on her Rhodes Scholarship, then on to a Ph.D. for a career in…

October 1, 2010

In Memoriam: Ran Hennes, University Honors Program

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Ran Hennes, our dear colleague and former associate director, passed away Monday evening, September 13. Ran had been dealing with lymphoma for several years. He was still teaching part-time and enjoying his retirement. During the last six months he had some setbacks and toward the end he choose to go on his own terms.

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