Undergraduate Academic Affairs


December 3, 2020

Husky Stories: Sydney Janeway talks about discovering nonprofit work

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Photo of Sydney Janeway

I think students should get involved in the community because you never know what connections you’re going to make out of it, and you never know what kind of what doors it’s going to open up and where it’s going to bring you

November 23, 2020

A new name and new endowment for a longstanding program working toward educational equity

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

2nd grade Auston and Alternative Spring Break team leader Piya Banerjee

This fall, the Pipeline Project completed their thoughtful work updating their program name. They are pleased to announce their new name: Riverways Education Partnerships. This name seeks to more accurately reflect the program’s mission and honor their community collaborations. In addition, the program received an endowment from Alyson McGregor. The Endowment will allow Riverways to…

November 10, 2020

Husky Stories: Taking advantage of failure with Ryan Lowery

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Photo of Ryan Lowery

Welcome to the very first episode of Husky Stories! Ryan Lowery is majoring in math and atmospheric sciences here at the University of Washington. Other than school, Ryan is also involved with the Resilience Lab, a program within Undergraduate Academic Affairs. Here, he shares his stories of dealing with failure and resiliency. (Note: This interview…

October 29, 2020

New guidebook helps faculty and instructors support student well-being

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Cover of Well-Being for Life and Learning guidebook

This week, the University of Washington’s Resilience Lab released the Well-Being for Life and Learning Guidebook, a new resource for instructors to aid them in designing learning environments that promote well-being. Combining research, best practices and personal testimony, the guidebook gives faculty and other instructors concrete ideas and direct input from the campus community around…

October 22, 2020

Ryan Burt named director of Academic Support Programs

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Photo of Ryan Burt

Congratulations to Ryan Burt, who was appointed the new director of Academic Support Programs in September, 2020.  Academic Support Programs runs the Center for Learning and Undergraduate Enrichment (CLUE) — a free, late night, peer-to-peer, drop-in tutoring program and academic support coaches, a peer-to-peer coaching program. Academic Support Programs sits within Student Academic Services along…

October 21, 2020

Dear Students: Voting is a habit that holds our democracy together

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Vote graphic

The University of Washington has one of the highest voter participation rates of any college or university in the nation. This legacy of civic participation — that #HuskiesVote — is something we can all be proud of. And it’s something we can continue. If you are eligible to vote make sure that your voter registration…

October 15, 2020

Studying in progress signs now available

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Class in progress - do not disturb sign

Download and print a copy so everyone around you knows when you are busy with classes, studying and meetings. Download a PDF of the do not disturb signs: Purple do not disturb signs Black do not disturb signs Dark gold do not disturb signs Gold do not disturb signs   Class in progress signs Click…

April 22, 2020

Field report: Honors course explores whether national parks are in progress or peril

Jenelle Birnbaum

Photo of the class with Mt. Rainier in the background.

This course will take students on an exciting two week field study to the three “wilderness jewels” of Washington state’s national parks, Mount Rainier, Olympic and North Cascades, and follow with class time in autumn quarter. Students should be comfortable hiking moderately strenuous trails almost every day of the trip, camping in remote locations, and…

March 6, 2020

UW Honors students use art to disrupt the narrative on homelessness 

Jenelle Birnbaum

Portrait of Addis Michael Jr.

Students in the Interdisciplinary Honors class “Citizen Acts to Challenge Poverty” collaborated with Real Change to bring the exhibit Portraits for Change to the UW campus. The gallery features portraits and biographies of Real Change newspaper vendors, originally commissioned and curated by Real Change art director, Jon Williams. The idea of hosting this exhibit grew…

January 31, 2020

MLK Week 2020 video

Sovechea Sophanna

Photo of student working to remove invasive ivy

The University of Washington’s MLK Week was organized to remind us of the history and the fight that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many other lives have put up for freedom and equality. Watch the video here.

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