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Provost's Task Force on the Academic Progress of Undergraduates

Meeting Notes

March 29, 2004

Meeting Agenda
  • Summary of Report submitted to HEC Board
  • Guiding Principles
  • Issues regarding academic probation and warning
  • Plan for remainder of termStudents proposal and bill passed by ASUW Senate
Summary of Report Submitted to HEC Board
  • Reviewed HEC Board preliminary report on Student Academic Progress
  • HEC Board recommends the development of broad measures of efficiency with the institutions allowed to manage to meet their goals.
Student's Proposal and Bill Passed by ASUW Senate
  • Credits - dual enrollment credits and their application. Running Start, College-in-the-High-School may or may not be counted.
  • Bank Account (Brown University) concept for AP/IB credits where students use the credits if they wish
  • Declaration of Majors
  • Need for improved communication, coordination between advisers and students. Students perceive that they are getting mixed messages.
Guiding Principles
  • A broader vision statement to frame the principles and that stress the type of educational experiences we want UW students to have.
  • "Access" principle
  • "Developmental" approach to advising may lead to greater consideration of issues beyond the academic concerns of students
  • Markers in the progress of students academic life course. "Points of Impact"

Issues Regarding Academic Probation and Warning

  • Some students are not using Instructional Center and/or other university services
  • Courses are not necessarily taken in proper order
  • Need "early warning" system for students achieving at 2.5
  • Study Personal Supplemental Score/Academic scholarship problems
  • Revise Existing Programs, e.g. Special FIGS, to address the needs of these students.
  • Requiring a complementary orientation.
  • Lack of financial aid/high unmet need may not perform as well as others
  • Other personal demands
  • Report forthcoming from OMA

Plan for Remainder of Term


  • Revised guidelines for advisers (Adviser Information File)
  • Vision statement for Principles; access vs. extraction of best experiences from UW
  • Costs for Running Start
  • Correlations between personal supplemental scores and academic progress
  • Identify Impact Points/Markers in Life Course & re-organize principles around them
  • List of Proposals for departments
  • April 14th Advisers meeting
  • Access Emphasis