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Provost's Task Force on the Academic Progress of Undergraduates

Meeting Notes

April 28, 2004


  • Costs for AP / IB / CHS / Running Start
  • Review Proposals from Advising meeting
AP / IB / College in HS
  • For an AP course, student pays $83 for AP Exam
  • For IB Diploma, student pays $569 for exam fees
  • UWEO charges $245 per CHS course that we offer. Math is $299, Spanish 201 $289
  • Running Start - 15 Credits. School district pays community college $1307 per quarter
  • All include K-12 funding
  • Exempt: AP / IB & CHS , credits would not count against AP policy limits, Running start credits would. They would count toward placement, registration priority etc.
Proposals from Advisor's Meeting
  • Additional / Multiple Majors
    - Any student who wishes to apply for 2nd major or degree must demonstrate that they apply toward graduation & 2nd degree aligns with professional or academic goals. Consider GPA, support by dept. Need to have some flexibility.
    - Should also apply to students who wish to change majors after 135 credits
    - If advisors will make decisions, need to have agreement between different advising groups

  • Electronic Student Plan Audit
    - Electronically check student progress against major requirements. Those not on course would be referred to an advisor.
    - After 1 or 2 (?) quarters, have students select 1 or more intended major

  • Required general courses in broad areas such as social sciences, arts, humanities, etc,
    - Attach a 1 credit course to large courses taught by the professor or Grad. Student (preferences or affinity groups). This would only be open to Freshman & Sophomores.
    - Advisors to FIGs?
    - Session during orientation re: advising resources on campus.
Proposals from Advisor's Meeting
  • Low Scholarship: Students on Academic Warning / Probation or Excessive Withdrawals
    - Mandatory advising, i.e. hold on registration until they meet with an advisor or cancel registration for the next quarter until they meet with an advisor.
    - Consider extending probation by 1 quarter if student meets with an advisor
Final Report
  • Draft Committee - small group of 3 - 5 to prepare draft & circulate to larger group for feedback.
  • Ask committee for volunteers.
  • Timeline
    - Draft by end of quarter
    - Put up as PDF file for selected groups for review