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Provost's Task Force on the Academic Progress of Undergraduates

Meeting Notes

August 19, 2003

Meeting Agenda
  • Overview
  • Summary of Peer Survey
  • Review of Barriers Survey
  • Discussion of Data on Progress and Academic Performance
  • Discussion of Data on Course Demand
  • September Meeting Plan
Summary of Peer Survey
  • Strategies used by peers to address progress issues
    - Term Limits
    - Contracts
    - Minimum Credit Policies
    - Major Declaration Policies
    - Advising Policies
    - Degree Completion Plans
  • Implementation of Policies
  • Contact UCLA, Berkeley, Irvine, Minnesota, WSU, WWU, Virginia
  • What motivates universities to move in the direction of firmer, less flexible policies
  • Questions regarding implementation, multiple degrees, individual colleges, competitive majors?, freshmen admitted into majors?, capacity in major
Barriers Survey of Departments/programs
  • Draft Letter from Provost
  • Draft Questions for Departments - revisions suggested about bottleneck courses, admissions requirements, criteria,
Data on Progress and Academic Performance
  • Academic Performance of 210+ credits group.
  • Failed or repeated courses contributes significantly to taking more credits (and average of 15 credits more than others) for students with lower GPAs.
  • What does this suggest about repeating courses? Should we enable students to unilaterally repeat courses?
  • What is the number of students that repeat courses? Do students do better?
  • Faculty need to inform students about progress early enough to allow them to drop.
Course Demand
  • Bottleneck courses and enrollment demand.
  • Access initiative courses
  • Data to task force as pdf file on these courses.