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Provost's Task Force on the Academic Progress of Undergraduates

Meeting Notes

December 12, 2003

Meeting Agenda
  • Miniconference of Provosts/Vice Provosts
  • Report to the Legislature: Needs
  • Task Force Assignments
  • Proposal Considerations
  • Report Preparation Plan
Miniconference of Provosts/Vice Provosts
  • A wide difference in academic progress policies among Washington 4-year institutions
  • Only two have timelines and deadlines for major declaration and degrees
Report to the Legislature: Needs
  • Policies and Practices
  • Description of students whose academic progress does not comply with university policies
    - Students with excessive withdrawals
    - Grades and performance of students on low scholarship
    - Grades and performance of high scholarship students
    - Transfer credit; 2-year and 4-year
    - AP/IB
    - Running start
    - Experiential learners: study abroad, internships, research
Deacription of Institutional Barriers to Progress
  • Bottleneck courses
  • Need to address institutional barriers and not focus on the students as the issue
Report Preparation Plan
12/15/03Outline circulated to task force members
12/17/03Comments on outline due back
12/22/03Text of first draft completed and circulated to members
1/2/04Comments on first draft due back
1/9/04Begin editing draft with appendix
1/15/04Draft completed and sent to Provost
1/30/04Report due to legislature