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Easel Requests

Easel Reservation Policy

Center for Experiential Learning and Diversity now supports the easel reservation process. Our easel reservation system is available for UW events that spotlight undergraduate students presenting their research or scholarships that aligns with our programs.

Please read below for more information and to learn about our Easel Reservation Policy to determine whether your request can be accommodated. If you have any questions regarding the requirements, please reach out:



Reservations are required at least two weeks in advance of intended pick up date. Due to limited staffing, requests made within 2 weeks of intended pick up WILL NOT be fulfilled. Easel reservations that meet one or both of the following criteria will be honored:

  • The event will showcase undergraduate research (undergraduate students presenting, and/or their research will be displayed)
  • Program organizing the event is part of Undergraduate Academic Affairs

By completing the reservation form, you accept the terms below: 

  • Rental Fee: Easel reservations incur the following rental fees: $40 per box of easels (10 easels in each box).
  • Damage/Unreturned Easel Fees: You are asked to provide a budget number in the event of missing/damaged easels. You agree to accept financial responsibility for any damaged, lost, stolen, or unreturned easels by the agreed date. The replacement cost is $48 per full-size easel and $17 per tabletop easel.
  • Safe Transportation of Easels: Easels are provided in boxes. Please plan to bring a cart to help transport easels. We are unable to provide carts or delivery.

Right to Refuse Request

We reserve the right to refuse a request if we get multiple requests for the same date, prior misuse of easels, or prior refusal to pay for damages.