Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awards
Attending conferences and publicly sharing your research, innovations, and ideas are important parts of engaging in academic research. These awards aim to support undergraduates as they disseminate their unique contributions to the UW community and beyond.
Conference Travel Awards are provided by the Office of Undergraduate Research and its partners to fuel undergraduate research dissemination. These awards may go toward the presentation of research findings at national and international conferences.
- We encourage UW Bothell undergraduates to consider seeking conference travel support through the UW Bothell Student Academic Enhancement Fund (SAEF).
- We encourage UW Tacoma undergraduates to consider seeking conference travel support through the UW Tacoma Center for Student Involvement fund.
All UW students are eligible to apply for the Conference Travel Award.
Quick Access
If you want your application to be reviewed in a given month, you must complete the application (including mentor letter) within the first seven days of that month. For example, if you are hoping to get your application reviewed in March, your application should be complete in the system by March 7. We encourage students to submit their application as soon as they find out that they have been accepted to present at a conference. Students will receive their award in the form of reimbursement after they have returned and submitted their travel receipts. We encourage students to let us know if they are unable to pay for travel costs upfront so that we can present other options. Here are a couple example scenarios of the application process:
If you’re unsure about if you are eligible, please feel free to reach out!
Eligibility & Requirements
To be eligible to apply for and/or receive a Conference Travel Award:
- Applicants must be a current UW undergraduate student with a faculty mentor at the time of applying.
- Applicants must have been accepted to present at the conference they are applying for.
- Applicants must play a unique, contributing, role to the presentation at the conference.
- Co-presenters for group presentations must submit individually and each play a unique, contributing, role in the presentation at the conference.
- Applications must be submitted before the first day of the conference. Applications received after a conference or during will not be considered.
- The mentor must provide a statement/acknowledgment supporting your presentation at this conference and must be of faculty rank (graduate and postdocs are not eligible to provide this statement/acknowledgement).
- Applicants may submit and receive funding once during their time as an undergraduate student.
- Exception: WRF and Levinson students are eligible to receive up to $1,500 for conference travel. We have made exceptions in the past for WRF and Levinson students to use their total $1,500 to attend two conferences, if expenses from the two conferences adds up to $1,500 or less.
- Applicants and award recipients are expected to present at the following year’s Undergraduate Research Symposium.
- Applicants, applications, and award recipients must follow the Office of Undergraduate Research and applicable UW department policies as outlined below.
Washington Research Foundation Fellows & Levinson Emerging Scholars
Only students participating in the Washington Research Foundation (WRF) or Levinson Emerging Scholars (LEV) programs can receive WRF/LEV funding for travel awards. We occasionally make exceptions for students to use travel award funds to attend conferences up to three months post-graduation. However, students still need to apply while enrolled as undergraduates (i.e. WRF and LEV students cannot apply for travel award funds after they have graduated).
Mary Gates Endowment
Only students who received a Mary Gates Endowment Research Scholarship are eligible to receive Mary Gates Endowment funds. Applicants must indicate in the application that they have received a Mary Gates Endowment Research Scholarship.
Population Health Initiative
To be eligible for/to receive Population Health Initiative funds, applicants must reply to the Population Health Initiative statement question in the application.
Requirements of the Award
When receiving a Conference Travel Award, the following is required:
- You must accept the award by email response within 14 days of receiving your award letter. After 14 days have passed, the award is no longer available.
- You will have 30 days from the end of the conference to submit all required forms and receipts. Once 30 days have passed, the award is no longer available.
- Reimbursement to Departments: We understand that Primary Investigators/Labs/Departments may cover expenses up-front for awardees. However, departments will only have 30 days from the last day of the conference to submit all requested forms for department cost transfers. Once 30 days have passed, the award is no longer available.
- All awards will come in the form of request for reimbursement unless otherwise indicated. Please email us at UndergradResearch@uw.edu if you are financially unable to pay for these expenses up front.
- Receipts and invoices submitted must have the name of the student who is receiving the award on it in order to be reimbursed. This includes items like lodging/hotel invoices, abstract submission fee email receipts, etc.
In addition, all award recipients will be asked to fill out a brief reflection on their travel experience and will be encouraged to present at the following year’s Undergraduate Research Symposium.
- Venmo/Cash App/PayPal: As of November 2023, no payment made using Venmo, Cash App, or PayPal will be reimbursed.
- Allowable Expenses: Expenses that can be submitted for consideration may include airfare or train-fare, lodging/hotel, conference registration, some ground transit, and other expenses as considered.
- Airfare: The student must have flight itinerary/receipt showing economy class and payment using a credit/debit card.The award cannot go toward seat selection or other amenities.
- Lodging: Please review the UW Travel Policies on Lodging, which covers night-before stays, discounted hotels, and more.
- The UW has its own AirBnB booking page to use.
- Mileage: The UW Travel Policies on Mileage, which cover auto insurance, car rental, and more. Note: Mileage is only acceptable when it is more economical than airfare. Please visit Alternatives to Flying under UW Policies.
- Meals: Conference Travel Awards cannot be used toward the purchase/expense of or reimbursement for food or beverage, including per diem.
- Seattle Lodging: Conference Travel Awards cannot be used toward the purchase/expense of or reimbursement for City of Seattle lodging, as indicated in the UW Travel Policies under “Eligibility”.
International Travel
There are special considerations for international travel, including registering with the UW Office of Global Affairs, ensuring use of UW Student Abroad Insurance, etc. Please visit this website to ensure you are complying with international travel policies.
Access the application through the button below. Please login using your Husky netID and password.
Reminder: Applications are reviewed and awarded at the end of the month. Given this, applicants should submit their award at the start of the month to ensure they are considered for the month’s review. Applications received later will be reviewed for the next given month.
Funding for this program is generously provided by the UW’s Office of Research, the Mary Gates Endowment for Students, Population Health Initiative, and the Office of Undergraduate Research.
This page was last updated 7 August 2024, and are effective for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 application.