Below are some summer research programs affiliated with UW. Information about each program, as well as how to apply, can be found on the individual program webpages listed below. If you would like us to add your research opportunity to the list, please email
^ = Indicates programs that are open to international students studying at U.S. institutions pursuing an undergraduate degree. Please check program sites for specific eligibility criteria and information. International students should also use the Advanced Search feature of the Pathways to Science database to limit their search to opportunities open to non-US citizens.
* = Indicates programs co-hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Research
Please email us at with any questions.
Programs By Field of Interest
Program Description:
The SIAH is a research opportunity for undergraduates to engage in scholarly research with accomplished scholars and peers while earning full-time academic credit. Participants will be named Mary Gates scholars and receive a $6,000 scholarship. Students will give a formal presentation of their work to their colleagues and the larger community at a closing symposium.
- Must be current University of Washington (Seattle, Bothell, Tacoma) undergraduate student.
- Must be in good academic standing.
- Have interest in an intensive experience in scholarly research in the arts and humanities.
- Application is open to all UW students, regardless of citizenship status.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The Summer Institute in Indigenous Humanities provides training and support to undergraduate students and community partners undertaking humanities research in American Indian and Indigenous Studies. This program introduces students to Indigenous research methodologies through workshops on archives, ethnographic research, and other field-based research. Students will work with the teaching team to develop an independent research project in Indigenous Humanities.
- Enrolled UW students who have completed their first year
- Incoming UW transfer students
- Community partners with research interests in Indigenous Humanities
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The Apex Summer Camp program at the University of Washington Autism Center offers a 7-week clinical internship to graduate and undergraduate students focusing on medicine, psychology, education, speech language pathology, occupational therapy, nursing, and related fields.
- Must complete the 2 weeks (out of 7) of training.
For more information:
Website –
(Opportunity available during academic year)
Program Description:
Supporting Undergraduate Research Experiences in Environmental Health (SURE-EH) provides underrepresented students at the UW with a meaningful opportunity to work with experienced faculty on a research project addressing the relationship between environmental exposures and human health.
Administered by the UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS), SURE-EH trainees work as paid student researchers for up to 2 years: up to 40 hours per week during summer and part-time (up to 15 hours per week) during the academic year. SURE-EH trainees will also be given the opportunity to present their research every spring at the UW Undergraduate Research Symposium.
- Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
- Be currently enrolled as an undergraduate at the University of Washington, or be a transfer applicant. Transfer students can apply to SURE-EH while their general application to UW is under review.
- Has at least 1 full year of undergraduate studies left before graduation.
- Meet at least one of the following requirements:
- Be a low-income student (come from a family with an annual income below established low income thresholds). Students are required to provide documentation of taxable income.
- Be a first-generation college student (neither parent or legal guardian has a Bachelor’s degree).
- Be a member of a group that is underrepresented in graduate education (African American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Hispanic/Latino or Native Hawaiian, Native Pacific Islander).
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) is a 9-week internship that provides undergraduates entering their final year, semester or quarter of study with research experience and mentorship. With the helps of faculty mentors, students will present their project and scientific findings during a poster session.
- U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
- Entering the summer BEFORE the final year (or semester/quarter) of undergraduate studies.
- Strong background in the sciences or a related area of interest.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
HIPRC’s Summer Research Program (INSIGHT) is an intensive, eight-week internship for undergraduate students, graduate students and first-year medical students. INSIGHT provides paid research experience and mentorship for students who are interested in injury and violence prevention research.
- U.S citizen or permanent resident and eligible to work in the U.S or hold a valid student visa or have DACA status.
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required (must be ≥ 3.0).
- The INSIGHT Summer Research Program accepts students as follows:
- Current undergraduates are eligible. Preference is given to students who will graduate in Spring, or who will be juniors and seniors in Autumn.
- Must be able to commit to all eight weeks of the program on a full-time schedule.
- U.S citizen or permanent resident and eligible to work in the U.S or hold a valid student visa or have DACA status.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
ISCRM Undergraduate Summer Fellows program intends to enhance the educational experiences of undergraduate students at the University of Washington while they are engaged in research guided by UW ISCRM faculty. Students receive fellowships to pursue research in multiple disciplines pertaining to regenerative medicine.
- Applicants must be matriculated UW undergraduate students registered full time, pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the UW Bothell, Seattle or Tacoma campus. This fellowship is open to U.S. citizens, international students, and undocumented students.
- Applicants do not need to be already engaged in research with faculty to be eligible to apply. Students in the planning stages of their research who effectively articulate the plan and the direction of their project will be strong candidates.
- Once awarded, recipients must be actively engaged in their research and remain full-time undergraduate students after the award period.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The UW ISCRM 10-week summer research experience for undergraduates provides students with opportunities to work on research projects with leading scientists. The program also offers workshop training sessions in communications, scientific presentation skills, and ethics, in partnership with the UW’s Center for Neurotechnology.
- Must participate in the full 10-week REU program.
- Must be at least 18 years old and have not graduated by the first day of the REU program.
- Must devote 40 hours per week to the program.
- must not enroll in classes or hold other jobs during the day. Participants will be paid a stipend and will not receive academic credit for the research experience.
- Must attend required weekly communications classes, lectures, seminars, focus groups, and workshops.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The UW STAR program is a summer research experience designed to encourage and support the research training of underrepresented minority and disadvantaged undergraduate and graduate students in the health, biomedical, and behavioral sciences. Students are provided first-hand, quality experiences in laboratories of established researchers, gain the confidence and academic exposure which will allow them to successfully enter PhD level and professional programs of study, and become part of a network which includes a long-term “mentored” relationship with University of Washington advisors, researchers, professors, staff, and support programs for students of color.
- US Citizen or Permanent Resident.
- For students with junior class standing and above, prior biomedical laboratory experience is important in being considered for the program. Placement will be based on individual background, area of interest, and participating mentors.
- Program Participants must be from groups considered underrepresented in the biomedical sciences.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The NSSSP provides undergraduates with an 8-week neuroscience lab experience, weekly neurological surgery grand round lectures, weekly neuroscience faculty lecture, and operation room (OR) observation. The program inspires students by exposing them to the passion and excitement of biomedical science and medical care through direct practical engagement with translational neuroscience.
- You must be 18 years of age or older by the first day of the program.
- You must be either a US citizen or have permanent residency status. Visa holders are not eligible.
- University undergraduate students may apply if they are 18 years of age and older and are U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Graduate students are not eligible.
- High School students may apply if they will be 18 years of age or older by the first day of the program and are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
- You must have current immunizations and TB test results through the program end date.
- Out of area students will have housing stipends available but are responsible for their own meals and transportation.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
UW-BioSTEP is a summer research program focused on engaging Washington state undergraduate students from Pacific Northwest Tribal Nations and other historically marginalized communities in biomedical research at the University of Washington. Successful applicants will spend 10 weeks in a laboratory setting working on important biomedical questions, will be exposed to different potential career options in biomedical research, and will present their findings at the UW Undergraduate Symposium at the end of the summer program.
UW-BioSTEP participants benefit from hands-on research experience and close mentorship. They also receive a generous stipend, food allowance, paid housing accommodations, and a transportation allowance for travel to & from UW Seattle.
We especially encourage applicants from the Pacific Northwest Tribal Nations and other systemically marginalized communities in the state of Washington.
- Currently enrolled in an undergraduate program within Washington state
- Interest in a research career in biomedical sciences
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The Population Health Applied Research Fellowship Program supports multidisciplinary teams of students to work on real-world population health challenges. Projects are sourced from external clients who play an important role in structuring project deliverables. The team will consist of three graduate students and two undergraduates, with supervision by a faculty expert. The project team receives training in research skills and data collection, analysis and presentation to deliver a work product that meets the external client’s needs.
- Graduate students at the master’s and doctoral levels and professional students from all UW schools and colleges are eligible to apply.
- Applicants must be enrolled in a degree-granting program at any UW campus (Seattle, Tacoma and Bothell) and not graduating in June.
- All undergraduate students with junior- or senior-level status who are enrolled in a UW degree-granting program at any UW campus and will not be graduating in June are eligible to apply.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
SHPEP is a free in-person 6-week summer enrichment program focused on improving access to information and resources for college students interested in the health professions. SHPEP’s goal is to strengthen the academic proficiency and career development of students underrepresented in the health professions and prepare them for a successful application and matriculation to health professions schools.
SHPEP is implemented at 12 program sites across the nation. Each site provides scholars with academic enrichment in the basic sciences and math, career development activities, learning and study skills seminars, financial planning; wellness and virtual hands-on activities. SHPEP at the University of Washington is a collaboration of the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry and Public Health.
- College first year or sophomore at the time of application.
- Have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5.
- U.S. citizen, a permanent resident, or an individual granted deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) status by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
- Not have previously participated in the program.
Website –
Program Description
The Summer Scholars Program (SSSP) is a 9-week internship that provides undergraduates the opportunity to engage in basic, clinical, community-based or translational research projects under the mentorship of experienced researchers and principal investigators. With the help of faculty mentors, students will present their project and scientific findings during a poster session.
- U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
- Entering the summer BEFORE the final year (or semester/quarter) of undergraduate studies.
- Strong background in the sciences or a related area of interest.
Website – Summer Scholars Program (SSSP)
Program Description:
The CNT at the University of Washington sponsors a 10-week Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) on the Seattle campus. This program provides undergraduate students with opportunities to work on research projects with scientists and to take part in workshop training sessions in ethics, communications, and scientific presentation skills designed to provide the undergraduate scientist with a solid foundation for graduate study.
- Be a student at a college or university in the United States; students who have graduated from college before the start of the REU program are not eligible.
- Be 18 years old by the first day of the REU program.
- Be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident of the U.S. (or its territories).
- Devote 40 hours per week to the program.
- Not enroll in classes or hold other jobs during the day. Participants will be paid a stipend and will not receive academic credit for the research experience.
- Attend required weekly communications classes, lectures, seminars, focus groups, and workshops.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
Interns are matched with a research project within one of CICOES nine research themes and work with a CICOES, NOAA, or University of Washington scientist at either the UW campus or the NOAA Northwest Regional Center in Seattle. Depending on the project, the summer may involve hands-on experience in the field or laboratory, or both. At the end of the summer interns will design a research poster displaying the results of their work. They will also create a three-minute video summarizing their experience over the summer.
- Must be a current undergraduate student.
- Must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
- Participants must be returning to an undergraduate program after their summer with CICOES (students graduating in the spring are not eligible for this program).
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The REU-Blinks Summer Internship Program links undergraduate students with scientist-mentors as collaborators in marine science research projects. The program takes advantage of the pristine environment, remarkable biodiversity, and the scientific and technical resources at UW Friday Harbor Laboratories, a marine science research facility in the San Juan Islands.
- U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
- The Blinks Endowment supports students who bring diversity to the FHL student body in any phase of their undergraduate or graduate career.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The Department of Genome Sciences, in partnership with the National Science Foundation, provides summer research opportunities for undergraduate students. Program is looking for students who aspire to enroll in either PhD or MD / PhD programs after their undergraduate studies. In addition to your lab research, you will have a variety of supplemental academic activities. Last year, there were computational, writing and presentation workshops, faculty research talks, and poster sessions.
- US citizens or permanent residents.
- Members of a group that is underrepresented nationally in the biomedical sciences: African-American, Hispanic, Native American, or Pacific Islander.
- Currently enrolled in and returning to college following the summer research program to continue their undergraduate studies. Expect that competitive applicants will have had some college-level science coursework. Applicants who would like to work in a computational lab should have had college-level calculus and basic programming skills.
- Willing to inform them of your career direction after completing your undergraduate degree, whether you opt for graduate school, medical school, or another career path.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The UW Bothell Physics REU Program hosts undergraduate research students for 10 weeks during the summer to participate in research projects, professional development activities, and an introduction to research-oriented careers in physics and astronomy. Participants are matched with a faculty member based on their interest.
- You must be an undergraduate student in any academic year (freshman through senior) at the time of the summer program.
- You don’t need to have a declared major, but you must have already completed the introductory physics sequence at your school.
- Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents in order to be supported by NSF funding. Other funding opportunities are also available for this program. Students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents may be eligible for other funding.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
This program provides a 10-week research experience for undergraduates interested in subfields of physics. All of the major groups in the department are participating: astrophysics and cosmology, atomic physics, condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, physics education, biological physics, and computational physics. Students meet weekly to discuss their research progress with the program directors and to attend a lecture series on research opportunities in physics.
- Student selection is competitive and preference is given to students who will have completed physics studies through the junior year by the time our program begins. However, in some cases, seniors and highly qualified sophomores have been accepted.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
CEBR REU is a summer program run by the University of Washington (UW) Clean Energy Institute (CEI) and Office of Undergraduate Research, and funded by the National Science Foundation (NFS). It supports a select group of undergraduates, community college students, and tribal college students to participate in authentic research in solar, energy storage, and grid technologies under the mentorship of UW’s world-class faculty and grad students. Participants embark on a nine-week immersive research project in a single UW clean energy research lab, and produce an abstract and poster summarizing their work. All students that are accepted into the program are supported financially with competitive stipends. Housing, food allowance, and up to $500 in travel allowances are provided.
- U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
- Program prioritizes non-UW students who have completed one or two years of college, community college, or tribal college.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The program supports a select group of undergraduate, community college, and tribal college students to participate in authentic research in chemical synthesis of quantum photonic materials and integration printable electronic applications under the mentorship of world-class faculty and graduate students. Participants embark on a nine- to ten-week immersive research project in a single IMOD research lab, and produce an abstract and poster summarizing their work. Students may be placed at a number of different participating IMOD labs and will participate in shared virtual seminars and symposia, and will become members of the IMOD community.
- The program is open to U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
- This program prioritizes students from non-IMOD partnering locations who have completed one or two years of college, community college or tribal college.
- Students must be 18 years old by the beginning of the REU sessions to work in the lab.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
Undergraduates interested in protein design are highly encouraged to apply. Students have the opportunity to work with others in the IPD to conduct research during the summer. Participants present their work during the undergraduate research symposium. In addition, students prepare a 15 minute PowerPoint presentation to share their research with the IPD members.
- Current full-time undergraduate students at UW or elsewhere
- Undergraduates must be finishing their Sophomore or Junior year (no post-bac, no grad students)
- Interest in exploring either basic science or applied research in protein design
- Applicants must be at least 18 years of age at the start of the program
For more information:
Website –
Rosetta Commons Summer Internships
Program Description:
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta Commons software suite includes algorithms for computational modeling and analysis of protein structures. It has enabled notable scientific advances in computational biology, including de novo protein design, enzyme design, ligand docking, and structure prediction of biological macromolecules and macromolecular complexes.
- U.S. citizens, permanent residents, U.S. nationals, AND international students are eligible
- College Sophomores or Juniors preferred
- Major in computer science, engineering, mathematics, chemistry, biology, and/or biophysics
- Available for at least 10 weeks during the summer
- Interest in graduate school
- While not required, we seek candidates with some combination of experiences in scientific or academic research, C++/Python/*nix/databases, software engineering, object-oriented programming, and/or collaborative development (git)
- **Students graduating before the start of the program are not eligible for the REU and are encouraged to apply to our RaMP Program.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The UW Bothell Mathematics REU Site is focused on increasing the participation underrepresented students in mathematical research and graduate training. Participants have the opportunity to engage in a 8 weeks summer research experience with a faculty member. Four of the faculty mentors are first-generation college students, including a female American Indian and a Latina. Further, all faculty mentors had a rewarding undergraduate research experience that shaped their lives and careers, so they understand the impact of a positive research experience.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The REU Program Quantum@UW is a 10-week NSF-funded research program at the University of Washington in Seattle. It is designed to offer undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct research on a variety of topics in Quantum Information Science and Engineering ranging from theory and applications (quantum algorithms, cryptography, and complexity theory) to experiments (quantum hardware technologies and architectures).
Program Eligibility:
- Applicants must be U.S. Citizens, U.S Nationals, or permanent residents currently enrolled as undergraduates at any college/university.
- Applicants should be at least 18 years old by the start date of the program.
- Prerequisites: Good grades in courses relevant to your area of interest. At least one undergraduate course in quantum information or quantum mechanics (or expecting to have completed one by the time the program starts), or equivalent background.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The University of Washington Molecular Engineering Materials Center (UW MEM·C) summer REU program is focused on exposing underrepresented students and veterans to a viable and relevant career pathway focused on materials and energy research. Participants have the opportunity to engage in a 9 weeks research project in one of the MEM·C labs. Students participate in a weekly Materials Science special interest group in which they read scientific journals or tour other labs.
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) offers students work under the guidance of a faculty member, postdoctoral scholar or research scientist at the University of Washington. SURP students will display their posters at the annual Space Grant poster session and will apply for acceptance to the campus-wide Undergraduate Research Symposium the following spring.
- UW undergraduate students in good academic standing who are interested in research in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM fields).
- Applicants must be U.S. citizens (but do not need to be Washington state residents).
For more information:
Website –
Program Description:
The CoMotion Mary Gates Innovation Scholars program funds full-time summer internships in faculty-led start-up initiatives. Selected scholars will contribute to the development of these applications, gaining experience in and exposure to various aspects of building a new product/business. The participating research groups have projects at different stages of development; interns may be doing more basic research in some, or more marketing or business development in others.
- UW undergraduate students from any of the three UW campuses (see individual project descriptions for specific internship eligibility on the website).
For more information:
Website –