Pre-launch (before Oct. 8, 2019)
Use this period to raise awareness before the survey goes live — that will increase the likelihood that people recognize and understand Your Voice, Your UW when it launches.
Suggested pre-launch communications for campus partners:
- Review this toolkit and map a communications plan for your communities.
- Identify populations that may require additional outreach and support such as paper surveys or accessibility accommodations. Contact Jeanette James or Jason Johnson to discuss the challenges and possible solutions.
- Consider whether any of your community members will need access to a laptop or desktop computer for survey-taking (e.g., staff members who don’t have a designated desk or computer).
- Do you have an extra tablet, desktop computer or laptop and a quiet, private space that could be set up for people to come take the survey? If so, plan how you can share that information ahead of time and throughout the survey period.
- Begin accessing print-on-demand flyers and post in highly visible spots to reach your various populations.
Digital communications:
- Identify the voice(s) that resonate with your students, faculty and staff, and plan to incorporate them into your web and social media outreach.
- Schedule announcements about the upcoming survey in welcome emails, e-news and social media. You’re welcome to include survey information in emails and e-news prior to the first all-campus email on October 1, but we recommend holding off on social media posts until the survey goes live on October 8.
- Download the web assets from the climate survey website and begin planning where to feature them on your website during the survey period.
In person:
- Mention the survey in start-of-year meetings for faculty, staff and student groups.
- Ask people identified as leaders in your community to support your efforts with personal invitations and outreach when the survey launches.
- Identify existing venues, such as staff meetings, that could become survey-taking opportunities. Set aside 30 minutes during one of these meetings for people to take the survey when it’s live.
- If you’re in an academic unit, encourage faculty to remind students in class.
Survey period (Oct. 8 – Nov. 8)
Encourage your students, faculty and staff to take the survey, and emphasize the importance of achieving our goal to hear from as many people as possible.
At minimum, we ask partners to please:
- Send emails during the weeks of 10/15 and 10/29, as specified below
- Post 2–3 times on relevant social media channels
- Feature a prominent link from your website to the survey throughout the live dates
- Post flyers and posters in common areas
Suggested survey communications for campus partners
On October 8:
- Add a banner or tile to your homepage or other appropriate pages on your site.
- Begin social media communications for internal audiences, based on the timing and platforms that work best for you. Amplify social shares from the UW’s platforms on your channels, or create your own.
- Print and place flyers, posters and/or table tents in prominent areas around your workspace, in addition to those that are being placed around our campuses by University Marketing & Communications and the posters being provided to the lead communicator on each campus and in each college and school.
During the survey period:
- Use existing blog and/or e-news properties to share your leadership’s investment in the survey and encourage others to participate.
- Send targeted emails to your audiences during weeks of 10/15 and 10/29.
- We recommend that the first email come from individual unit leaders or equivalent, and the second come from the school/college dean or equivalent.
- If appropriate, consider segmenting by specific audiences.
- Set aside official survey-taking time in existing meetings and other standing opportunities.
- Encourage people to bring their devices; if possible, consider providing one or more for those who don’t have one.