UW Emergency Management

December 18, 2018

Build Your Plan in a Year: Month 12

This post is part of a 2018 series breaking the process of business continuity planning for University of Washington departments into monthly tasks to help build a plan in a year. At this point your plant has been drafted and reviewed by UWEM. Maybe you’ve even already made changes to address gaps. What more could we…

November 29, 2018

Build Your Plan in a Year: Month 11

This post is part of a 2018 series breaking the process of business continuity planning for University of Washington departments into monthly tasks to help build a plan in a year. Congratulations–you have written your first version of your continuity plan! At this point you have drafted, reviewed and revised your plan–what more could there be?…

October 26, 2018

Build Your Plan in a Year: Month 10

This post is part of a 2018 series breaking the process of business continuity planning for University of Washington departments into monthly tasks to help build a plan in a year. At last you’re ready to make the finishing touches on your draft plan. You have identified your critical functions, prepared your staff at home, and…

The UW and the ‘Big One’ Will you and your building be ready for the next earthquake?

Check out a recent feature story from the UW’s student newspaper, The Daily, that highlights the recent successes and challenges facing the University of Washington in preparing our institution for the “BIG ONE”…. the major earthquake that is guaranteed to hit Western Washington.  It could happen tomorrow, next year or in 100 years.  We don’t…

October 8, 2018

Join us for a Personal Preparedness Presentation

Whether you’re ready to build a kit for your family, are worried about the big one, or are trying to better prepare your team to respond to campus after an emergency, personal preparedness is essential to taking care of yourself in any disaster. UW Emergency Management is now offering personal preparedness presentations at the UW…

September 26, 2018

Build your plan in a year: Month 9

This post is part of a 2018 series breaking the process of business continuity planning for University of Washington departments into monthly tasks to help build a plan in a year.  At UW, Administrative Policy Statement 13.2 sets the requirements for department continuity planning. There are four required elements: Prioritized critical functions, staff preparedness, an alternative…

September 20, 2018

Eli King elected IAEM Region 10 Vice President

Eli King, CEM, UWEM’s plans, training and exercise manager, was recently elected by her peers to the position of Vice President for Region 10 of the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM).  Region X includes the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska.  In this role, Ms. King will have help shape and influence local,…

September 13, 2018

Exercise Public Announcement from UW Emergency Management

UW Emergency Management is conducting a Full-Scale Exercise that will take place Friday, September 14, 2018, in and around UW Medical Center and UW Health Sciences (Pacific Tower, the I and K wings) in the south campus area. The full-scale exercise will start at 8 a.m. and will last approximately 6 hours (concluded approximately around…

September 11, 2018

No EOC Tour September 14

UWEM will not be hosting the usual monthly EOC tour on Friday, September 14.  The Emergency Operations Center will be in use for a campus exercise. Please mark your calendars to join us on October 12 at 10 am instead! Starting in October, the subject matter of the EOC tour will shift from campus emergency…

August 24, 2018

Build your plan in a year: Month 8

This post is part of a 2018 series breaking the process of business continuity planning for University of Washington departments into monthly tasks to help build a plan in a year.  As we shift from developing our initial plan to testing and review, it is a good time to step back and thinking about plan implementation….

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