UW Emergency Management

March 23, 2018

February 10, 2018 Patriot Prayer Rally

A large rally, demonstration and counter-protests were held on Red Square on Saturday, February 10, 2018.  The UW College Republicans invited the Patriot Prayer Group to campus for a public rally and march throughout campus.  Other counter-protesters also converged on campus.  An estimated 400-600 persons clashed on Red Square with a heavy police presence.  Only…

Doug Gallucci elected as 2018 ERC Chair

Mr. Doug Gallucci, Assistant Director of the UW’s Environmental Health and Safety Department, was elected as the first Chair of the university’s Emergency Readiness Committee on March 1, 2018.  With a unanimous vote, Doug will assume the leadership role of the UW’s committee that provides guidance and leadership for the university’s disaster resilience programs and…

March 8, 2018

Build your Husky Ready Plan in a Year: Month 3

This post is part of a 2018 series breaking the process of business continuity planning for University of Washington departments into monthly tasks to help build a plan in a year. This month we start the process of identifying your unit’s critical functions. This has been split into a three month process because it makes…

February 21, 2018

How are we doing: January 2018 BARC Report

After a year of hurricanes, flooding, and earthquakes that elevated the awareness and concern about natural disasters and returning to business in the minds of the UW community, people have asked us “how are we doing?” We had a sense that there was a lot of room for improvement, but we didn’t have the hard…

February 13, 2018

February 20, 2018 (Campus Protests)

A large-scale, planned demonstration by the Patriot Prayer group in Red Square attracted an estimated 400 protesters and counter-protesters.  A heavy police presence supplemented by a week of intense planning by campus departments, ensured that this rally and demonstration was peaceful.  The UW’s EOC was activated.  5 arrests were made, various planned events were cancelled…

February 12, 2018

Earthquake Awareness and Personal Preparedness Seminars

As you may have already noted from this Whole U Staff Story, one UWEM staff member is bringing the long-standing Earthquake Awareness and Personal Preparedness seminar to the campus at large. These seminars are available to all UW Faculty, Staff and Students, and will be offered around the Seattle campus on a monthly basis February…

February 7, 2018

Build your Husky Ready Plan in a Year: Month 2

This post is part of a 2018 series breaking the process of business continuity planning for University of Washington departments into monthly tasks to help build a plan in a year.  Last month we compiled the key information on your staff, including skills, roles and emergency contact information. The work you do cannot be done without…

January 26, 2018

Happy Anniversary Cascadia Earthquake

Exactly 318 years ago today, the largest earthquake to ever hit the Pacific Northwest (in recorded history) happened and transformed the landscape forever.  On January 26, 1700, at about 9:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time a gigantic earthquake occurs 60 to 70 miles off the Pacific Northwest coast. The quake violently shakes the ground for three…

January 23, 2018

Continuity of Operations (COOP) Framework

In December 2017, the University of Washington developed the first Continuity of Operations (COOP) framework for the University. This document provides planning and program guidance for implementing the University of Washington Continuity Framework to ensure the organization is capable of conducting its essential missions and functions under all threats and conditions. While the severity and consequences…

January 22, 2018

UWEM now offering monthly EOC tours!

Have you ever wondered what the UW Emergency Operations Center (EOC) looks like, how it operates, or how it came to exist in the first place? UW Emergency Management is proud to announce that all of this information and more will be presented on the second Friday of every month, between 10 and 11am at the…

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