UW Emergency Management

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July 17, 2017

Large-scale special events – Your Input is key to our success!!

Large-scale special events can have a big impact on campus operations. We are reaching out to our UW community. UW Emergency Management is tasked with planning for and overseeing these kinds of events, in partnership with UW Police Department. In reviewing events over the last year, such as Inauguration Day, May Day and Commencement, we found…

April 4, 2017

We’re Hiring!

UWEM is currently recruiting for a new Business, Academic & Research Continuity (BARC) Manager.  This key position for the university will guide the individual departments and units in drafting, testing and updating their continuity plans that are required to protect and restore their core/critical services after a major crisis or disaster.  Applications for this full-time,…

February 23, 2017

EOC Activation Level Changes in 2017 CEMP Update

With the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) in the final stages of the most current update, we wanted to provide some insight on one of the bigger changes in the plan. The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activation levels. The previous version had the lowest level of activation as a one (only UWEM staff) and the…

January 20, 2017

Jan. 20, 2017 (Inauguration Day Protests Impact Seattle Campus)

Large-scale protests and counter-demonstrations took place on Red Square in the evening as a result of a controversial speaker in Kane Hall on the night of President Trump’s inauguration.  Estimates of over 1,000 people congregating on central campus with minimal property damage. One person was injured on campus as a result of a gunshot wound. …

December 29, 2016

CEMP public comment period now OPEN!

Members of the UW community as well as members of the general public are formally invited to review the UW’s 2016 draft all-hazards Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) and submit their questions, comments and recommendations to UWEM.  Updated every-other year, the CEMP is an important planning document that forms the foundation for the university’s entire…

December 7, 2016

How Does the UW Stack up Against our Peers in Disaster Preparedness?

Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere and universities are often impacted. When a crisis or disaster occurs, it threatens public safety, the environment, property, the economy and university mission, critical infrastructure, and the health of individuals. In 2015, the National Center for Campus Public Safety, in partnership with the Disaster Resilient Universities® Network and the IAEM-Universities…

December 6, 2016

Prepare in a year: Shelter-in-Place

Sometimes the best way to stay safe in an emergency is to get inside and stay put inside a building or a vehicle. Get Inside, Stay Inside Get inside – Bring your loved ones, your emergency supplies, and your pets. Find a safe spot – The exact spot will depend on the type of emergency….

November 12, 2016

Saying goodbye to an old friend

Effective November 12, 2016, the UWEM department and our 24/7 Duty Officer program, will no longer be using our old analog pager as a means of contacting staff during off-hours  As have many other pager (or “beeper”) customers over the past few years, we found that this alternative communication mode is used very infrequently.  With…

November 10, 2016

Great UW ShakeOut: Results

The numbers are in! Our records indicate that 68 departments, for a total of almost 14,000 students, faculty, and staff participated in the 2016 Great UW ShakeOut! This is out of the over 1.1 million participants statewide, and almost 55 million worldwide. How cool is that?! From all of us here at UW Emergency Management,…

October 28, 2016

Prepare in a year: October

|| Fire Safety || When it comes to fire – be smart! If the fire is too big for you to put out on your own, get OUT immediately, without stopping to gather valuables. Having a plan in place can help indefinitely. At home: Discuss with your family two ways to exit your home, and…

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